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// File: MatchOutput.h
// Description:
// Created: 08/26/08
// ***********************************************************************
#include "QRSharedPtr.h"
// Forward declarations
class RewriteInstructionsItem;
class compositeMatchingResults;
class MatchTest;
class MatchOutput;
class MatchRangePredicates;
class MatchResidualPredicates;
class MatchGroupingColumns;
class MatchJoinPreds;
class MatchOuterJoins;
class AggregateCollectorVisitor;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<RewriteInstructionsItem> RewriteInstructionsItemPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<compositeMatchingResults> compositeMatchingResultsPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MatchOutput> MatchOutputPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MatchRangePredicates> MatchRangePredicatesPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MatchResidualPredicates> MatchResidualPredicatesPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MatchGroupingColumns> MatchGroupingColumnsPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MatchJoinPreds> MatchJoinPredsPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MatchOuterJoins> MatchOuterJoinsPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<AggregateCollectorVisitor> AggregateCollectorVisitorPtr;
typedef RewriteInstructionsItem* RewriteInstructionsItemPtr;
typedef compositeMatchingResults* compositeMatchingResultsPtr;
typedef MatchOutput* MatchOutputPtr;
typedef MatchRangePredicates* MatchRangePredicatesPtr;
typedef MatchResidualPredicates* MatchResidualPredicatesPtr;
typedef MatchGroupingColumns* MatchGroupingColumnsPtr;
typedef MatchJoinPreds* MatchJoinPredsPtr;
typedef MatchOuterJoins* MatchOuterJoinsPtr;
typedef AggregateCollectorVisitor* AggregateCollectorVisitorPtr;
typedef StringPtrSet IDSet;
typedef NAPtrList<RewriteInstructionsItemPtr> RewriteInstructionsItemList;
typedef NAPtrList<QRFunctionPtr> FunctionNodesList;
typedef NAPtrList<QRColumnPtr> ColumnNodesList;
typedef NAPtrList<QRJoinPredPtr> JoinPredNodesList;
typedef SharedPtrValueHash<const NAString, RewriteInstructionsItem> OutputsHash;
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, const NAString> IDHash;
#include "QRDescriptor.h"
#include "QmsMVCandidate.h"
// Add a few intermediate result codes to QRElement::ExprResult
enum ResultCode {
RC_OUTSIDE = QRElement::Outside,
RC_PROVIDED = QRElement::Provided,
RC_NOTPROVIDED = QRElement::NotProvided,
RC_REJECT, // MV was disqualified
RC_CONTINUE, // Not found yet, continue matching.
RC_EXTRAHUB, // Used by output list
RC_BACKJOIN, // Used by output list
RC_INDIRECT, // Used by output list
RC_INPUTS_PROVIDED, // Secondary: The expression inputs are provided.
RC_EXPR_REWRITE, // Secondary: The expression should be rewritten using an alternative expression.
RC_MATCH_RANGE, // Match range preds in Pass 2.
RC_SKIP_ME, // This element has already been handled so ignore it (but don't reject it).
RC_ROLLUP, // Rollup of an aggregate function.
RC_ROLLUP_EXPR, // Rollup of an aggregate expression.
RC_AGGR_EXPR, // Complex aggregate expression.
RC_ROLLUP_ON_GROUPING, // Rollup over a grouping column.
RC_NO_INPUTS, // An expression with no input columns
enum ResultStatus {
* This class is used to store intermediate rewrite instructions, that are
* produced by the matching algorithms, for elements such as an output expression,
* a range or residual predicate. Each object contains the following:
* - The element from the query descriptor that is rewritten.
* - The element from the MV descriptor that is used for this rewrite (optional)
* - The result code (Provided, NotProvided, Outside etc.)
* - Is the rewrite for this query element final.
* - Expression rewrites may have sub-elements.
* For final rewrites, the result code must be one of the QRElement results,
* and no further matching is needed.
* For non-final rewrites, another pass of matching is required to finalize it.
class RewriteInstructionsItem : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* RewriteInstructionsItem constructor
* @param queryElement The query element to be rewritten
* @param mvElement The (optional) MV element used for the rewrite
* @param resultCode The result code
* @param status Is the rewrite final or intermediate.
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
RewriteInstructionsItem(const QRElementPtr queryElement,
const QRElementPtr mvElement,
ResultCode resultCode,
ResultStatus status,
* Copy constructor
RewriteInstructionsItem(const RewriteInstructionsItem& other,
virtual ~RewriteInstructionsItem();
NABoolean operator==(const RewriteInstructionsItem& other)
// Do a pointer comparison.
return this == &other;
* Get the query element that is rewritten
* @return
const QRElementPtr getQueryElement()
return queryElement_;
* Get the query element that is rewritten
* If its an Output element, return the output item inside it.
* @return
const QRElementPtr getActualQueryElement()
QRElementPtr queryElem = getQueryElement();
if (queryElem->getElementType()== ET_Output)
queryElem = queryElem->downCastToQROutput()->getOutputItem()->getReferencedElement();
return queryElem;
* Get the MV element that is used to rewrite the query element.
* @return
const QRElementPtr getMvElement()
return mvElement_;
* Get the result code
* @return
ResultCode getResultCode()
return resultCode_;
* Return a string corresponding to the result code.
* Used for debugging only.
* @return A pointer to the name of the result code.
static const char* getResultString(ResultCode rc);
const char* getResultString();
* Is the rewrite final?
* @return
NABoolean isFinal()
return status_ == RS_FINAL;
* Get the result status (Final ot Intermediate)
* @return
ResultStatus getResultStatus()
return status_;
* Set the result status (Final ot Intermediate)
* @param status
void setResultStatus(ResultStatus status)
status_ = status;
* Get the secondary result code
* @return
ResultCode getSecondaryResultCode()
return secondaryResultCode_;
* Get the list of rewrite instructions for sub-elements
* @return
compositeMatchingResultsPtr getSubElements()
return subElements_;
* Does this object include any rewrite instructions for sub-elements?
* @return
NABoolean hasSpecialSubElement()
return extraHubTables_.entries()>0 || backJoinTables_.entries()>0;
* Set the secondary result code
* @param rc
void setSecondaryResultCode(ResultCode rc)
secondaryResultCode_ = rc;
* Add an optional sub-element.
* @param subElement
void addSubElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr subElement);
* Add a list of rewrite instructions for sub-elements.
* @param subElements
* @param isSpecial Are these of a type that requires special consideration
* such as Back-Join or Extra-Hub?
void addSubElements(const RewriteInstructionsItemList& subElements, NABoolean isSpecial);
* Add a list of rewrite instructions for sub-elements.
* @param subElements
void addSubElements(compositeMatchingResultsPtr other);
* Set the query element of the rewrite instructions
* @param queryElement
void setQueryElement(const QRElementPtr queryElement)
queryElement_ = queryElement;
* Set the query element of the rewrite instructions
* @param queryElement
void setMvElement(const QRElementPtr mvElement)
mvElement_ = mvElement;
* Set the result code.
* @param rc
void setResultCode(ResultCode rc)
resultCode_ = rc;
* Get the final result code for use in the descriptor.
* @return
QRElement::ExprResult getDescriptorResultCode()
switch (resultCode_)
return QRElement::Provided;
return QRElement::NotProvided;
return QRElement::Outside;
// These are the only result codes allowed for final rewrite instructions.
FALSE, QRLogicException,
"Not a final result code.");
* Add a table ID to the list of extra-hub tables used
* @param tableID
void addExtraHubTable(const NAString* tableID)
* Add a table ID to the list of back-join tables used
* @param tableID
void addBackJoinTable(const NAString* tableID)
* Get the list of extra-hub tables used
* @return
IDSet& getExtraHubTables()
return extraHubTables_;
* Get the list of back-join tables used
* @return
IDSet& getBackJoinTables()
return backJoinTables_;
QRElementPtr queryElement_;
QRElementPtr mvElement_;
ResultCode resultCode_;
ResultCode secondaryResultCode_;
ResultStatus status_;
compositeMatchingResultsPtr subElements_;
IDSet extraHubTables_; // Query descriptor IDs of needed extra-hub tables.
IDSet backJoinTables_; // Query descriptor IDs of needed back-join tables.
}; // class RewriteInstructionsItem
* Intermediate results of matching a list of input columns to expressions.
class compositeMatchingResults : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
compositeMatchingResults(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
virtual ~compositeMatchingResults();
* Get the number of rewrite instructions objects contained here.
* @return
CollIndex entries()
return providedInputs_.entries() +
notProvidedInputs_.entries() +
outsideInputs_.entries() +
extrahubInputs_.entries() +
backJoinInputs_.entries() +
void clear()
* Insert a single rewrite instructions object.
* @param item
void insert(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr item);
* Insert a list of rewrite instructions objects.
* @param itemList
void insert(const RewriteInstructionsItemList& itemList);
// A blocked column is one that is not provoded by the MV, and cannot be
// accesed through a back-join, because its table is not back-joinable.
NABoolean wasBlockedColumn_;
// Lists of sub-elements by their result code.
RewriteInstructionsItemList providedInputs_;
RewriteInstructionsItemList notProvidedInputs_;
RewriteInstructionsItemList outsideInputs_;
RewriteInstructionsItemList extrahubInputs_;
RewriteInstructionsItemList backJoinInputs_;
RewriteInstructionsItemList indirectInputs_;
}; // class compositeMatchingResults
* The \c MatchTest class is an abstract superclass to all the specific matching
* tests, such as range, residual and output list.
* It provides these main functions:
* - The definition of a standard interface for calling the Pass 1 and Pass 2
* matching tests, as well as for generating the result descriptor.
* - Implementation of common methods for reusing code.
* - Storing intermediate and final rewrite instructions.
class MatchTest : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* RewriteInstructions constructor
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
MatchTest(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
virtual ~MatchTest();
* Run the Pass 1 algorithm.
* Pure virtual method to be implemented by subclasses.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean matchPass1() = 0;
* Run the Pass 2 algorithm.
* This method goes over the remaining intermediate rewrite instructions,
* and calls the pure virtual method \c matchPass2OnElement() for each.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
NABoolean matchPass2();
* Generate the relevant section of the MV candidate in the result descriptor.
* @return TRUE if result descriptor was generated, FALSE if MV was rejected.
NABoolean generateDescriptor(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc);
* Set a pointer to the MVCandidate object.
* @param candidate
void setCandidate(MVCandidatePtr candidate)
candidate_ = candidate;
* Add an item of rewrite instructions to the collection.
* @param rewrite the item to add.
virtual void addRewriteInstructions(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
* Is the matching work done for this MV candidate, for a particular match test?
* @return TRUE if done, FALSE if more matching work is needed.
NABoolean isFinal()
return (listOfPendingWork_.entries() == 0);
* Get the list of final rewrite instructions for the result descriptor.
* @return
RewriteInstructionsItemList& getListOfFinalInstructions()
return listOfFinalInstructions_;
* Get the list of output items that still need some work.
* @return
RewriteInstructionsItemList& getListOfPendingWork()
return listOfPendingWork_;
* Generate the QRMVColumn element for a provided column.
* @param rewrite
* @return
QRMVColumnPtr generateProvidedMvColumn(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
* Generate the QRColumn element for a NotProvided column.
* @param rewrite
* @return
QRColumnPtr generateNotProvidedColumn(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
* Run Pass 2 matching test for a particular element.
* Pure virtual method to be implemented by subclasses.
* @param pending The rewrite instructions prepared by the Pass 1 code.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean matchPass2OnElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending) = 0;
* Generate a Provided result descriptor element.
* Pure virtual method to be implemented by subclasses.
* @param resultDesc
* @param rewrite
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean generateProvidedElement (QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite) = 0;
* Generate a NotProvided result descriptor element.
* Pure virtual method to be implemented by subclasses.
* @param resultDesc
* @param rewrite
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean generateNotProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite) = 0;
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr matchColumn(const QRColumnPtr colElem,
NABoolean fromExpr,
NABoolean isAnEqualitySet = FALSE);
* Match a single, full (not referencing) output column (Pass 1)
* @param colElem The query column element
* @param fromExpr Is this method called from the expression matching algorithm
* @return The rewrite instructions for matching the query column,
* or NULL if it is not covered by the MV.
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr matchSingleColumn(const QRColumnPtr colElem,
NABoolean fromExpr);
* Match an Equality set (Pass 1).
* @param joinPred The join predicate element
* @return The rewrite instructions for matching the query equality set,
or NULL if it is not covered by the MV.
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr matchEqualitySet(const QRJoinPredPtr joinPred);
* Check if \c colElem is an Outside column (from a table that is not covered
* by the MV. There are three possible results:
* - FALSE, no extraHubID - The column is from an MV hub table, need to check if its provided.
* - FALSE, extraHubID set - The column is from an MV extra hub table
* - TRUE - the table is not covered by the MV at all.
* \par
* @param colElem The column to check
* @param extraHubID [OUT] When the table is detected as an extra-hub table,
* this returns its descriptor ID.
NABoolean isOutsideColumn(const QRColumnPtr colElem, const NAString*& extraHubID);
* Is this column provided by the MV?
* @param colElem The column to check
* @param mvCol [OUT] A pointer to the MV output column that provides it.
* @return TRUE if the column is Provided, FALSE otherwise.
NABoolean isProvidedColumn(const QRColumnPtr colElem, QROutputPtr& mvCol);
* Can the column be provided by using a back-join?
* @param colElem The column to check
* @return TRUE if this column is back-joinable, FALSE otherwise.
NABoolean isBackJoinableColumn(const QRColumnPtr colElem);
* This method is called only for columns that are inputs of query
* output expressions. It checks if this column is an input of an
* MV output expression, so there is a chance that the MV provides
* a sub-expression of the needed query expression.
* @param colElem The column to check
* @return The rewrite instructions for matching the query output column,
* or NULL if it is not covered by the MV.
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr isIndirectColumn(const QRColumnPtr colElem);
* Match an expression (Pass 1).
* @param expr The query expression.
* @return The rewrite instructions for matching the query expression,
* or NULL if it is not covered by the MV.
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr matchExpression(const QRExprPtr expr);
* Check if the MV provides a matching output expression, including its
* input columns.
* @param expr The expression to find
* @return The rewrite instructions for matching the query expression,
* or NULL if it is not provided directly.
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr findMatchingMvExpression(const QRExplicitExprPtr expr);
* Find MV columns that correspond to the input columns of the expression.
* @param queryColList The list of expression input columns.
* @return Rewrite instructions or NULL if no matching MV columns found.
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr findExpressionInputs(const ElementPtrList& queryColList,
const QRElementPtr queryElement);
* For a list of columns that can be either the list od exprerssion inputs,
* or an equality set list of members, match every member of the list, and
* sort it according to the result code in separate lists.
* @param queryColList The list of columns to sort out.
* @param matchingResults [OUT] The results are returned here.
* @param isAnEqualitySet Is this an equality set (TRUE) or an expression
* input list (FALSE)
void MatchInputColumnList(const ElementPtrList& queryColList,
compositeMatchingResultsPtr matchingResults,
NABoolean isAnEqualitySet);
* Match the input column lists of a query expression from a range or
* residual predicate, with a corresponding MV expression that has the same
* expression text, in order to make sure its the same predicate.
* @param queryExpr The query expression.
* @param mvExpr The MV expression.
* @return TRUE if the column lists match, FALSE otherwise.
NABoolean matchExpressionInputs(const ElementPtrList& queryInputColumns,
const ElementPtrList& mvInputColumns);
* Check if the queryColumn matches the mvColumn, not only by the column
* name, but also that its from the same instance of the same table.
* @param queryColumn Column element from the query descriptor.
* @param mvColumn Column element from the MV descriptor.
* @return TRUE if there is a match, FALSE otherwise.
NABoolean matchColumnsByNameAndID(const QRColumnPtr queryColumn,
const QRColumnPtr mvColumn);
NABoolean verifyExtraHubAndBackJoinColumns(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending);
NABoolean verifyExtraHubColumn(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending);
void addInputsToOutputList(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr findInternalAggregateFunctions(QRExplicitExprPtr treeExpr);
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr findAggregateFunction(QRFunctionPtr func);
QRExprPtr generateAggregateExpressionOutput(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
QRFunctionPtr generateRollupAggregateFunction(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
QRFunctionPtr generateRollupOverGroupingAggregateFunction(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
NABoolean isExtraGroupingColumn(QRColumnPtr col);
NABoolean areAllInputsGroupingColumns(QRFunctionPtr func, ElementPtrList& inputList);
void cleanupSubExprHash(subExpressionRewriteHash& subExprHash);
CollHeap* heap_;
MVCandidatePtr candidate_;
// List of final rewrite instructions
RewriteInstructionsItemList listOfFinalInstructions_;
// List of intermediate rewrite instructions.
RewriteInstructionsItemList listOfPendingWork_;
}; // class MatchTest
* Matching test for the output list.
class MatchOutput : public MatchTest
* MatchOutput constructor
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
MatchOutput(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
,OutputRewriteInstructionsByID_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_SMALL, TRUE, heap)
,OutputRewriteInstructionsByMvColName_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_SMALL, TRUE, heap)
,OutputsToAvoidByID_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_SMALL, TRUE, heap)
virtual ~MatchOutput()
* Run the Pass 1 algorithm of the output list test.
* Implementation of superclass pure virtual method.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean matchPass1();
* Override superclass implementation in order to filter duplicates
* @param rewrite
virtual void addRewriteInstructions(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
* Add an IDto the list of outputs to avoid.
* @param id
void addOutputToAvoid(const NAString& id);
virtual NABoolean matchPass2OnElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending);
NABoolean matchAggregateExpressions(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending);
// Implementation of virtual methods.
QROutputPtr createNewResultElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
virtual NABoolean generateProvidedElement (QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
virtual NABoolean generateNotProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
QROutputPtr generateRollupAggregateOutput(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
NABoolean isFromOutside(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
void switchRewrites(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr newRewrite,
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr firstRewrite,
const NAString& MVColName);
OutputsHash OutputRewriteInstructionsByID_;
OutputsHash OutputRewriteInstructionsByMvColName_;
IDHash OutputsToAvoidByID_;
}; // class MatchOutput
* Matching test for range predicates.
class MatchRangePredicates : public MatchTest
* Constructor
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
MatchRangePredicates(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
: MatchTest(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap)),
virtual ~MatchRangePredicates()
* Run the Pass 1 algorithm of range predicate test.
* Implementation of superclass pure virtual method.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean matchPass1();
* Used for Workload Analysis, to match a range predicate between two MVs.
* @param querySidePred the range predicate from the first MV.
* @return if the second MV has a matching predicate, return it, or NULL otherwise.
QRRangePredPtr checkPredicate(QRRangePredPtr querySidePred);
* Check if the query predicate bitmaps are a superset of the MV predicate bitmaps.
* This method checks the bitmaps for both range and residual predicates,
* because the algorithm is the same for both, and it doesn't make sense to
* repeat the entire loop for the residual predicates in the MatchResidualPredicates
* class for the sake of organized code.
* If the query range predicate bitmap is not a superset of the MV bitmap for
* all the involved tables, then the MV has predicates that are not covered by
* the query, and is very quickly disqualified.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed, and FALSE if it is disqualified.
NABoolean matchPredicateBitmaps();
* Match a range predicate on an expression
* @param queryRangePred The range predicate element.
* @return FALSE is the MVCandidate should be disqualified.
NABoolean matchPredOnExpr(const QRRangePredPtr queryRangePred);
* Match a range predicate on a column
* @param queryRangePred The range predicate element.
* @return FALSE is the MVCandidate should be disqualified.
NABoolean matchPredOnColumn(const QRRangePredPtr queryRangePred, const QRColumnPtr rangeColumn);
* Match a range predicate on an equality set.
* @param queryRangePred The range predicate element.
* @param joinPred The join predicate element.
* @return FALSE is the MVCandidate should be disqualified.
NABoolean matchPredOnEqualitySet(const QRRangePredPtr queryRangePred, const QRJoinPredPtr joinPred);
// Implementation of virtual methods.
virtual NABoolean matchPass2OnElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending);
QRRangePredPtr createNewResultElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
virtual NABoolean generateProvidedElement (QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
virtual NABoolean generateNotProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
// Used to track if all the range predicates of the MV have been matched.
RangePredPtrList mvFullPredList_;
}; // class MatchRangePredicates
* Matching test for residual predicates.
class MatchResidualPredicates : public MatchTest
* Constructor
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
MatchResidualPredicates(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
: MatchTest(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap)),
virtual ~MatchResidualPredicates()
* Run the Pass 1 algorithm of residual predicate test.
* Implementation of superclass pure virtual method.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean matchPass1();
* Used for Workload Analysis, to match a residual predicate between two MVs.
* @param querySidePred the residual predicate from the first MV.
* @return if the second MV has a matching predicate, return it, or NULL otherwise.
QRExprPtr checkPredicate(QRExprPtr querySidePred);
// Implementation of virtual methods.
virtual NABoolean matchPass2OnElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending);
QRExprPtr createNewResultElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
* Match a query residual predicate
* @param queryResidualPred The residual predicate element
* @param usedDupMvPreds List of preds that have been matched, and share the
* same text with 1 or more others.
* @return The rewrite instructions, or NULL if the MV candidate should be disqualified.
RewriteInstructionsItemPtr matchResidualPredicate(const QRExprPtr queryResidualPred,
ResidualPredPtrList& usedDupMvPreds);
virtual NABoolean generateProvidedElement (QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
virtual NABoolean generateNotProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
// Used to track if all the residual predicates of the MV have been matched.
ResidualPredPtrList mvFullPredList_;
}; // class MatchResidualPredicates
* Matching test for grouping columns.
class MatchGroupingColumns : public MatchTest
* Constructor
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
MatchGroupingColumns(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
virtual ~MatchGroupingColumns()
* Run the Pass 1 algorithm of residual predicate test.
* Implementation of superclass pure virtual method.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean matchPass1();
* Override MatchTest method, because the GroupBy element is different.
* @param resultDesc The result descriptor being generated.
* @return FALSE if the MV candidate has been disqualified.
virtual NABoolean generateDescriptor(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc);
// Implementation of virtual methods from parent class.
// No Pass 2 functionality needed.
virtual NABoolean matchPass2OnElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending)
return TRUE;
// Not used.
virtual NABoolean generateProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite)
return TRUE;
// Not used.
virtual NABoolean generateNotProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite)
return TRUE;
// Internal methods.
NABoolean VerifyGroupingColumns();
NABoolean verifyGroupingElement(const QRElementPtr groupingElem, NABoolean isRecursive = FALSE);
}; // class MatchGroupingColumns
* Matching test for Equi-Join predicates.
* This test checks all the equi-join predicates in the query hub and extrahub,
* to find any that involve both tables used by the MV, and tables outside
* the MV. For these predicates, we check if the needed columns from the MV
* tables are Provided by the MV. If not - the MV is disqualified. Otherwise
* the needed columns are added to the result descriptor Output list.
* The PASS 1 method is the last PASS 1 method being called, so it knows the
* needed extrahub tables. Any join predicates that involve needed extrahub
* tables are postponed to PASS 2, when the extrahub tables have already been
* verified.
* This test does not create any JoinPred elements in the result descriptor,
* but rather, just adds MV columns to the Output list. Therefore the
* descriptor generation methods are not used.
class MatchJoinPreds : public MatchTest
* Constructor
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
MatchJoinPreds(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
virtual ~MatchJoinPreds()
* Run the Pass 1 algorithm of equi-join predicates test.
* Implementation of superclass pure virtual method.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean matchPass1();
* Override MatchTest method, because the JoinPred element is different.
* @param resultDesc The result descriptor being generated.
* @return FALSE if the MV candidate has been disqualified.
virtual NABoolean generateDescriptor(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc);
// Implementation of virtual methods from parent class.
* Check again any predicate that involves needed extrahub tables.
* @param pending
* @return
virtual NABoolean matchPass2OnElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending);
NABoolean addBackJoinPredsForTable(const QRTablePtr table, QRCandidatePtr resultDesc);
// Not used.
virtual NABoolean generateProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite)
return TRUE;
// Not used
virtual NABoolean generateNotProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite)
return TRUE;
// Internal methods.
NABoolean analyzeJoinPredicate(const QRJoinPredPtr joinPred, NABoolean isPass1);
void analyzeEQMember(QRElementPtr elem,
Int32& mvTables,
Int32& ehTables,
Int32& outTables,
ColumnNodesList& mvColumns,
NAPtrList<QRExprPtr>& mvExprs,
NABoolean isPass1);
NABoolean analyzeProvidedExpression(const QRExprPtr expr);
}; // class MatchJoinPreds
class MatchOuterJoins : public MatchTest
* Constructor
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
MatchOuterJoins(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
virtual ~MatchOuterJoins()
* Run the Pass 1 algorithm of equi-join predicates test.
* Implementation of superclass pure virtual method.
* @return TRUE if the MV passed this test, FALSE if it was disqualified.
virtual NABoolean matchPass1();
* Override MatchTest method, because the JoinPred element is different.
* @param resultDesc The result descriptor being generated.
* @return FALSE if the MV candidate has been disqualified.
virtual NABoolean generateDescriptor(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc);
// Implementation of virtual methods from parent class.
* Check again any predicate that involves needed extrahub tables.
* @param pending
* @return
virtual NABoolean matchPass2OnElement(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr pending);
// Not used.
virtual NABoolean generateProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite)
return TRUE;
// Not used
virtual NABoolean generateNotProvidedElement(QRCandidatePtr resultDesc, RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite)
return TRUE;
// Internal methods.
NABoolean addTheNotNullPred(const QRTablePtr queryTable, const BaseTableDetailsPtr mvTableDetails);
}; // class MatchOuterJoins
class AggregateCollectorVisitor : public Visitor
AggregateCollectorVisitor(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
virtual ~AggregateCollectorVisitor()
virtual VisitResult visit(QRElementPtr caller);
FunctionNodesList& getAggregateFunctionList()
return aggregateFunctions_;
ColumnNodesList& getSimpleColumnList()
return simpleColumns_;
JoinPredNodesList& getJoinedColumnList()
return joinedColumns_;
FunctionNodesList aggregateFunctions_;
ColumnNodesList simpleColumns_;
JoinPredNodesList joinedColumns_;
}; // class AggregateCollectorVisitor