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* File: MVMemo.h
* Description: Implementation of the MVMemo data structure for matching
* a query JBB to JBBs of candidate MVs.
* Created: 12/04/07
#ifndef _MVMEMO_H_
#define _MVMEMO_H_
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "QRSharedPtr.h"
#include "QRDescriptor.h"
class MVMemo;
class MVMemoExpression;
class MVMemoLogicalExpression;
class MVMemoPhysicalExpression;
class MVMemoGroup;
class HubIterator;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVMemo> MVMemoPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVMemoLogicalExpression> MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVMemoPhysicalExpression> MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVMemoGroup> MVMemoGroupPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<HubIterator> HubIteratorPtr;
typedef MVMemo* MVMemoPtr;
typedef MVMemoLogicalExpression* MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr;
typedef MVMemoPhysicalExpression* MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr;
typedef MVMemoGroup* MVMemoGroupPtr;
typedef HubIterator* HubIteratorPtr;
// !!! These collection types do NOT inherit from NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject themselves!!!
typedef NAPtrList<MVMemoGroupPtr> MVMemoGroupList;
typedef SharedPtrValueHash<const NAString, MVMemoLogicalExpression> MVMemoExpressionHash;
typedef SharedPtrValueHashIterator<const NAString, MVMemoLogicalExpression> MVMemoExpressionHashIterator;
typedef SharedPtrValueHash<const NAString, MVMemoPhysicalExpression> GroupExpressionHash;
typedef SharedPtrValueHashIterator<const NAString, MVMemoPhysicalExpression> GroupExpressionHashIterator;
#include "QmsJoinGraph.h"
#include "QmsMVCandidate.h"
#include "QmsGroupLattice.h"
#include "QmsWorkloadAnalysis.h"
* Class MVMemoLogicalExpression
* Implements an MVMemo logical expression
* @see MVMemoPhysicalExpression
* @see MVMemoGroup
* @see MVMemo
class MVMemoLogicalExpression : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* Class constructor
* @param key The hash key for the new expression.
* @param groupNumber The group number this expression will belong to
MVMemoLogicalExpression(const NAString& key, Int32 groupNumber, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
,hashKey_(key, heap)
virtual ~MVMemoLogicalExpression() {}
NABoolean operator==(const MVMemoLogicalExpression& other)
return !hashKey_.compareTo(other.hashKey_);
* Virtual method for checking if an MVMemo expression is physical.
* @return FALSE
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() { return FALSE; }
* @return the group number
Int32 getGroupNumber() { return groupNumber_; }
* @return the hash key
const NAString& getHashKey() { return hashKey_; }
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
MVMemoLogicalExpression(const MVMemoLogicalExpression&);
MVMemoLogicalExpression& operator=(const MVMemoLogicalExpression&);
const NAString hashKey_;
const Int32 groupNumber_;
}; // class MVMemoLogicalExpression
* Class MVMemoPhysicalExpression
* Implements an MVMemo physical expression.
* Stores an MVDetails object of a matching candidate MV.
* @see MVMemoLogicalExpression
* @see MVMemoGroup
* @see MVMemo
class MVMemoPhysicalExpression : public MVMemoLogicalExpression
* Class constructor
* @param key The hash key for the new expression.
* @param groupNumber The group number this expression will belong to
* @param mv The name of the MV.
MVMemoPhysicalExpression(const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map,
Int32 groupNumber,
const MVDetailsPtr mv,
virtual ~MVMemoPhysicalExpression();
* Virtual method for checking if an MVMemo expression is physical.
* @return TRUE - override superclass implementation.
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() { return TRUE; }
* @return the details of the MV
const MVDetailsPtr getMVDetails() { return mv_; }
* @return the name of the MV
const NAString& getMVName();
* @return
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr getMvSubGraphMap()
return map_;
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
MVMemoPhysicalExpression(const MVMemoPhysicalExpression&);
MVMemoPhysicalExpression& operator=(const MVMemoPhysicalExpression&);
const MVDetailsPtr mv_;
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map_;
}; // class MVMemoPhysicalExpression
* Class MVMemoGroup
* Includes a list of logical expressions and a list of physical expressions.
* Every group has a unique group number.
* @see MVMemoLogicalExpression
* @see MVMemoPhysicalExpression
* @see MVMemo
class MVMemoGroup : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* Class constructor
* @param number The MVMemo group number
* @param heap A heap pointer for internal allocations.
MVMemoGroup(Int32 number, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(CollHeap* heap))
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
,physicalExprsHash_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_SMALL, TRUE, heap) // Pass NAString::hashKey
* Class destructor
virtual ~MVMemoGroup()
if (groupLattice_)
* @return The group number.
Int32 getGroupNumber()
return groupNumber_;
* Does this group have any physical expressions in it?
NABoolean hasPhysicalExpressions()
return (physicalExprsHash_.entries() > 0);
* Add the MVs in this group to the list of candidates so far.
void getPhysicalExpressions(MVCandidatesForJBBPtr candidateList,
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr querySubGraphMap,
QRJBBPtr jbb,
CollHeap* heap,
NABoolean isPreferredMatch,
ElementPtrList* minimizedGroupingList);
* Add a logical expression to the group's list of logical expressions.
* @param expr The logical expression to add.
MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr addLogicalExpression(const NAString& key,
* Add a physical expression to the group's list of physical expressions.
NABoolean addPhysicalExpression(const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map,
const MVDetailsPtr mv,
const QRJBBPtr jbb,
NABoolean hasGroupby,
* Remove a physical expression for an MV that has been dropped.
* @param key The hash key for the MV to remove.
void removePhysicalExpression(MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr expr);
* @param name
* @return
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr getSubGraphMapForMV(const NAString& name)
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr expr = physicalExprsHash_.getFirstValue(&name);
expr != NULL, QRLogicException,
"An MV found by GroupLattice must be in physical expression list.");
return expr->getMvSubGraphMap();
* @param name
* @return
void dropMV(const NAString& name);
* Start renaming an MV being pointed to by this Group.
* @param oldName
* @return
void startRenameMV(const NAString& oldName);
* Finish renaming an MV being pointed to by this Group.
* @return
void FinishRenameMV();
* Set the pointer to the next step of matching algorithm, to further
* reduce the number of candidate MVs.
* @param next Pointer to next matching data structure.
void setGroupLattice(QRGroupLatticePtr lattice)
groupLattice_ = lattice;
* Get the pointer to the next step of matching algorithm, to further
* reduce the number of candidate MVs.
* @return Pointer to next matching data structure.
QRGroupLatticePtr getGroupLattice()
return groupLattice_;
Int32 getNumOfMVs();
void reportStats(NAString& text);
* Collect data on query (MV) groups with shared join+GroupBy.
void collectMVGroups(WorkloadAnalysisPtr workload, Int32 minQueriesPerMV, CollHeap* heap);
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
MVMemoGroup(const MVMemoGroup&);
MVMemoGroup& operator=(const MVMemoGroup&);
const Int32 groupNumber_;
NAPtrList<MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr> logicalExprs_;
GroupExpressionHash physicalExprsHash_;
QRGroupLatticePtr groupLattice_;
MVMemoPhysicalExpressionPtr tempExpr_;
}; // class MVMemoGroup
* Main class of the MVMemo data structure.
* Implements the insert and search methods.
* @see MVMemoLogicalExpression
* @see MVMemoPhysicalExpression
* @see MVMemoGroup
* @see HubIterator
class MVMemo : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* Class constructor
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate internal objects.
* @return
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
,expressionHash_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_LARGE, TRUE, heap) // Pass NAString::hashKey
,groupsArray_(heap, 100)
* Class destructor
* \todo - Delete the lists.
virtual ~MVMemo();
void insert(QRJBBPtr jbb, MVDetailsPtr mv);
void search(QRJBBPtr jbb, MVCandidatesForJBBPtr candidateList, CollHeap* heap);
HubIteratorPtr createHubIteratorForJBB(const QRJBBPtr jbb, MVDetailsPtr mv, OperationType op, CollHeap* heap);
* Get the group with the specified number.
MVMemoGroupPtr getGroup(Int32 number)
number < nextGroup_, QRLogicException,
"Invalid MVMemo group number.");
return groupsArray_[number];
* Allocate a new MVMemo group, and insert it into the MVMemo group array.
* @return A pointer to the new group.
MVMemoGroupPtr allocateNewGroup()
MVMemoGroupPtr newGroup = new(heap_)
MVMemoGroup(nextGroup_++, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap_));
groupsArray_.insertAt(newGroup->getGroupNumber(), newGroup);
return newGroup;
* Does MVMemo already contain a group with the specified hash key?
* @param key Hash key of group.
* @return TRUE if found, FALSE otherwise.
NABoolean contains(const NAString& key)
return expressionHash_.contains(&key);
* Get the logical or physical expression with the specified hash key.
* @param key Hash key of expression
* @return Pointer to found expression.
MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr getExpression(const NAString& key)
return expressionHash_.getFirstValue(&key);
* Insert the specified expression into the expression hash table.
* @param expr
void insertExpression(MVMemoLogicalExpressionPtr expr)
expressionHash_.insert(&expr->getHashKey(), expr);
NABoolean handleInsertedSubgraph(QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map,
QRJBBPtr jbb,
MVDetailsPtr mv,
NABoolean& isDuplicate);
MVMemoGroupPtr probeForSubGraph(HubIteratorPtr hubIterator,
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map);
* Report usage statistics to the log file.
void reportStats(Int32 numOfMVs);
* Collect data on query (MV) groups with shared join+GroupBy.
void collectMVGroups(WorkloadAnalysisPtr workload, Int32 minQueriesPerMV, CollHeap* heap);
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
MVMemo(const MVMemo&);
MVMemo& operator=(const MVMemo&);
CollHeap* heap_; // Heap pointer from which to allocate internal objects.
MVMemoExpressionHash expressionHash_; // Hash table of logical and physical expressions.
NAPtrArray<MVMemoGroupPtr> groupsArray_; // Array of groups in MVMemo.
Int32 nextGroup_; // Index of the next group to be inserted.
}; // class MVMemo
* A helper class for performing the Indirect GroupBy minimization algorithm.
* The algorithm is trying to push the GroupBy node down through the join, by
* reducing tables to which the join is done on a unique key.
* Grouping columns from this table are transformed to the foreign key columns
* of the joining table.
* Reduced tables must have no aggregate functions on them.
class GroupingListMinimizer : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* Class constructor
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate internal objects.
* @return
GroupingListMinimizer(const QRJBBPtr jbb,
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map,
* Class destructor
virtual ~GroupingListMinimizer()
ElementPtrList* calcIndirectGroupingList();
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, ElementPtrList> PartitionedGroupingList;
typedef NAHashDictionaryIterator<const NAString, ElementPtrList> PartitionedGroupingListIterator;
NABoolean verifyAggregateFunctions();
void addGroupingCol(QRElementPtr groupingCol);
void partitionGroupingList();
void reduceTable(JoinGraphTablePtr table);
NABoolean verifyTablesWereReduced();
ElementPtrList* prepareResult();
NABoolean isReducedTable(const NAString& tableID);
void dumpResult(ElementPtrList* result);
const ElementPtrList& fullGroupingList_;
PartitionedGroupingList partitionedGroupingList_;
JoinGraphTableList tablesToReduce_;
QROutputListPtr outputs_;
CollHeap* heap_;
}; // class GroupingListMinimizer
#endif // _MVMEMO_H_