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// File: MVCandidate.h
// Description:
// Created: 07/17/08
// ***********************************************************************
#include "QRSharedPtr.h"
#include "QRDescriptor.h"
#include "QmsLatticeIndex.h"
// Forward references
class MVCandidate;
class MVPair;
class MVCandidatesForJBBSubset;
class MVCandidatesForJBB;
class MVCandidateCollection;
// Pointer definitions
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVCandidate> MVCandidatePtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVPair> MVPairPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVCandidatesForJBBSubset> MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVCandidatesForJBB> MVCandidatesForJBBPtr;
typedef QRIntrusiveSharedPtr<MVCandidateCollection> MVCandidateCollectionPtr;
typedef MVCandidate* MVCandidatePtr;
typedef MVPair* MVPairPtr;
typedef MVCandidatesForJBBSubset* MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr;
typedef MVCandidatesForJBB* MVCandidatesForJBBPtr;
typedef MVCandidateCollection* MVCandidateCollectionPtr;
#include "QmsMVDetails.h"
#include "QmsJoinGraph.h"
#include "QmsMatchTest.h"
typedef StringPtrSet IDSet;
typedef ElementPtrList GroupingList;
typedef NAPtrList<MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr> JbbSubsetList;
typedef NAPtrList<MVPairPtr> MVPairList;
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, const NAString> TableIDHash;
enum AggregateMatchingType {
ANT_NO_INIT, // Uninitialized.
AMT_MJV_JQ, // MJV with a join query.
AMT_MJV_AQ, // MJV with an aggregate query
AMT_MAV_AQ_MG, // MAV with an aggregate query on a matching grouping list.
AMT_MAV_AQ_DG // MAV with an aggregate query on a subset grouping list.
* Contains information about an MV rewrite candidate, including:
* - The MV details.
* - The Query details.
* - The needed matching algorithms.
* - Data for generating the rewrite instructions.
class MVCandidate : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* MVCandidate constructor
* @param mvDetails The MVDetails pointer.
* @param query The query details
* @param jbb The pointer to the query JBB descriptor
* @param jbbSubset The JBBSubset holding this MV candidate.
* @param heap The heap from which to allocate memory.
MVCandidate(const MVDetailsPtr mvDetails,
const DescriptorDetailsPtr query,
const QRJBBPtr jbb,
MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr jbbSubset,
virtual ~MVCandidate()
if (disqualifiedReason_)
delete disqualifiedReason_;
* Initialize internal data structures, such as the AggregateMatchingType.
* @param isPreferredMatch Is this a preferred match.
* @param groupingList The list of extra grouping columns needed above the MV.
void init(NABoolean isPreferredMatch, GroupingList* groupingList);
* Initialize the AggregateMatchingType.
void initAggregateMatchingType();
* @param mvMap
void setMvSubGraphMap(QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr mvMap) { mvSubGraphMap_ = mvMap; }
virtual QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr getMvSubGraphMap();
virtual QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr getQuerySubGraphMap();
* Is this a preferred match?
* @return TRUE if this is a preferred match MV.
NABoolean isPreferredMatch() {return isPreferredMatch_; }
* Get the MVDetails pointer for this candidate.
* @return MVDetails pointer for this candidate.
const MVDetailsPtr getMvDetails() { return mvDetails_; }
* Get the details of the query
* @return The details of the query
const DescriptorDetailsPtr getQueryDetails() { return queryDetails_; }
* Get the pointer to the query JBB descriptor
* @return The pointer to the query JBB descriptor
const QRJBBPtr getQueryJbb() { return queryJbb_; }
* Get the pointer to the query JBB details
* @return The pointer to the query JBB detail
JBBDetailsPtr getQueryJbbDetails();
* Get the JBBSubset holding this MV candidate
* @return The JBBSubset holding this MV candidate
MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr getJbbSubset() { return jbbSubset_; }
* Generate the Candidate element of the result descriptor including
* the needed rewrite instructions.
* @return The QRCandidate object of the result descriptor.
QRCandidatePtr generateDescriptor();
* Get the aggregate matching type.
* @return The aggregate matching type.
AggregateMatchingType getAggregateMatchingType() { return matchingType_; }
* Run Pass 1 tests.
* @return FALSE if MV was disqualified, TRUE otherwise.
NABoolean matchPass1();
* Check the extra-hub tables that were found by Pass 1.
* @return FALSE if MV was disqualified, TRUE otherwise.
NABoolean CheckExtraHubTables();
* Run Pass 2 tests.
* @return FALSE if MV was disqualified, TRUE otherwise.
NABoolean matchPass2();
* Add new entries to the list of MV extra-hub or back-join tables
* used by the query.
* @param rewrite The rewrite instructions with the table IDs.
void addExtraHubAndBackJoinTables(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite);
* Add an output column to the output list rewrite instructions.
* Used to add input columns to expressions.
* @param rewrite Rewrite instructions for the new output column.
void addOutputColumn(RewriteInstructionsItemPtr rewrite, NABoolean makeACopy = TRUE);
* Add an IDto the list of outputs to avoid.
* @param id
void addOutputToAvoid(const NAString& id)
* This MV candidate has been disqualified.
* Remove it from its JBBSubset, so that it can be deleted.
void disqualify();
* Write to the log file why the MV was disqualified.
* @param reason Why was the MV disqualified.
void logMVWasDisqualified(const char* reason);
void logMVWasDisqualified1(const char* reason, const NAString& arg1);
* When an MV is disqualified while checking for optional information,
* mark it as qualified again.
void reQualify();
* Find the table from the MV descriptor corresponding to the ID of the
* table from the query descriptor.
* @param id ID of table from the query descriptor
* @param assertOnFailure Assert if a corresponding MV table was not found.
* @return
const BaseTableDetailsPtr getMvTableForQueryID(const NAString& id,
NABoolean assertOnFailure = TRUE);
const BaseTableDetailsPtr getQueryTableForMvID(const NAString& id,
NABoolean assertOnFailure = TRUE);
* Set the JBBSubset after adding extra-hub tables.
* @param jbbSubset
void setJbbSubset(MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr jbbSubset)
jbbSubset_ = jbbSubset;
* Set the aggregate matching type.
void setAggregateMatchingType(AggregateMatchingType type)
matchingType_ = type;
NABoolean isAUsedExtraHubTable(const NAString* tableID);
void cacheTableID(const NAString* tableID,
NABoolean result,
const NAString* extraHubID);
NABoolean probeCacheForTableID(const NAString* tableID,
NABoolean& isOutside,
const NAString*& extraHubID);
IDSet& getBackJoinTables()
return backJoinTables_;
GroupingList* getExtraGroupingColumns()
return extraGroupingColumns_;
NABoolean wasDisqualified()
return wasDisqualified_;
NABoolean CheckAnExtraHubTable(const NAString* tableID,
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr mvSubGraphMap,
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr querySubGraphMap,
NABoolean& extraHubTableWasAdded);
NABoolean matchPredsFromTableToSubGraph(const QRJoinSubGraphPtr mvSubGraph,
const QRJoinSubGraphPtr querySubGraph,
const JoinGraphTablePtr mvGraphTable,
const JoinGraphTablePtr queryGraphTable);
NABoolean matchPredsFromEQSetToSubGraph(const QRJoinSubGraphPtr mvSubGraph,
const QRJoinSubGraphPtr querySubGraph,
const JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr mvEqSet,
const JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr queryEqSet,
const NAString& mvHalfPredID);
CollHeap* getHeap()
return heap_;
MatchRangePredicates& getRangeMatching()
return rangeMatching_;
MatchResidualPredicates& getResidualMatching()
return residualMatching_;
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
MVCandidate(const MVCandidate&);
MVCandidate& operator=(const MVCandidate&);
CollHeap* heap_;
const MVDetailsPtr mvDetails_;
const DescriptorDetailsPtr queryDetails_;
const QRJBBPtr queryJbb_;
JBBDetailsPtr queryJbbDetails_;
MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr jbbSubset_;
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr mvSubGraphMap_;
NABoolean isPreferredMatch_;
GroupingList* extraGroupingColumns_;
MatchOutput outputMatching_;
MatchRangePredicates rangeMatching_;
MatchResidualPredicates residualMatching_;
MatchGroupingColumns groupingMatching_;
MatchJoinPreds joinPredMatching_;
MatchOuterJoins lojMatching_;
AggregateMatchingType matchingType_;
IDSet extraHubTables_; // Query descriptor IDs of needed extra-hub tables.
IDSet backJoinTables_; // Query descriptor IDs of needed back-join tables.
NABoolean wasDisqualified_; // Avoid dupicate "disqualified" messages.
TableIDHash tableIDCache_;
NAString* disqualifiedReason_;
static const NAString trueString_;
static const NAString falseString_;
}; // class MVCandidate
* The MVPair class is used for workload analysis.
* Workload analysis needs the predicate matching methods of the MVCandidate
* class, but instead of matching 1 MV to 1 query, here we need to match
* a group of queries represented by MVDetails objects. The idea is to
* match the first query against all the other ones, and use the MVPair class
* for each such pair. In MVCandidate, the query is "asking the questions"
* and the MV is "answering" them (questions like: do you have this predicate?)
* Here we need the first MV to ask the questions and the other MV to answer,
* so the first MV is playing the query role, and the other MV is playing the
* MV role.
class MVPair : public MVCandidate
MVPair(const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr firstMV,
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr otherMV,
virtual ~MVPair()
// Find common columns with range and/or residual predicates
void intersectColumnBitmapsForTable(const NAString& queryTableID,
XMLBitmap& rangeBitmap,
XMLBitmap& residualBitmap);
// Does the MV(otherMV) have a matching range predicate?
NABoolean checkRangePredicate(QRRangePredPtr querySidePred);
// Does the MV(otherMV) have a matching residual predicate?
NABoolean checkResidualPredicate(QRExprPtr querySidePred);
// Is this table an LOJ child?
NABoolean checkForLOJ(QRTablePtr queryTable);
NAPtrList<QRRangePredPtr>& getRemainingRangePreds()
return rangePredList_;
NAPtrList<QRExprPtr>& getRemainingResidualPreds()
return residualPredList_;
virtual QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr getMvSubGraphMap()
return mvSubGraphMap_;
virtual QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr getQuerySubGraphMap()
return querySubGraphMap_;
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr mvSubGraphMap_;
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr querySubGraphMap_;
NAPtrList<QRRangePredPtr> rangePredList_;
NAPtrList<QRExprPtr> residualPredList_;
* Contains a list of MVCandidate objects, that correspond to the same JBBSubset.
* Also holds a pointer to the join subgraph, that defines this JBBSubset.
class MVCandidatesForJBBSubset : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* MVCandidatesForJBBSubset constructor.
* @param jbbCandidates Parent object: the JBB holding this JBBSubset.
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate memory.
MVCandidatesForJBBSubset(MVCandidatesForJBBPtr jbbCandidates,
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
{ }
virtual ~MVCandidatesForJBBSubset();
NABoolean operator==(const MVCandidatesForJBBSubset& other) const;
* Insert an MV candidate object into this JBBSubset.
* @param mv The MVCandidate pointer.
void insert(MVCandidatePtr mv);
* Create an MVCandidate object and insert it into the JBBSubset.
* @param mv The MV details.
* @param queryJbb The query details.
* @param isPreferredMatch Is this a preferred match.
* @param extraGroupingColumns The extra grouping columns.
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate memory.
void insert(MVDetailsPtr mv,
QRJBBPtr queryJbb,
NABoolean isPreferredMatch,
GroupingList* extraGroupingColumns,
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr mvMap,
CollHeap* heap);
void remove(MVCandidatePtr candidate)
* The subGraph is common to all the MVCandidates of this JBBSubset.
* @param subGraph The subGraph from the MVMemo join graph representing this JBBSubset.
void setSubGraphMap(QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr querySubGraphMap);
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr getQuerySubGraphMap() const
return querySubGraphMap_;
* Get the MVMemo join graph subGraph for this JBBSubset.
* @return The MVMemo join graph subGraph for this JBBSubset.
QRJoinSubGraphPtr getSubGraph() const;
const NAString* getKeyObject() const;
* The the list of MV Candidates for the JBB.
* @return
MVCandidatesForJBBPtr getJbbCandidates()
return jbbCandidates_;
* Set if this JBBSubset includes a GroupBy.
* @param groupBy TRUE if this JBBSubset includes a GroupBy.
void setGroupBy(NABoolean groupBy) { hasGroupBy_ = groupBy; }
* Generate the JBBSubset element of the result descriptor including the
* rewrite instructions and all the MV candidates inside it.
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate memory.
* @return QRJBBSubset object of the result descriptor.
QRJbbSubsetPtr generateDescriptor(CollHeap* heap);
* Get the number of MVCandidate objects contained in this JBBSubset.
* @return The number of MVCandidate objects contained in this JBBSubset.
ULng32 entries() { return candidateList_.entries(); }
* Get MVCandidate object number i from the list.
* @param i index into the MVCandidate list.
* @return MVCandidate object number i from the list.
MVCandidatePtr operator[](Int32 i) { return candidateList_[i]; }
* Remove the MVCandidate from the list, because it has been disqualified.
* @param candidate MV candidate to remove.
void disqualify(MVCandidatePtr candidate);
* Add this MVCandidate into the master list of all the MVCandiates for this query.
* @param candidate The new MVCandidate to add to the list.
void registerCandidate(MVCandidatePtr candidate);
void setMinimizedGroupingList(ElementPtrList* minimizedGroupingList)
minimizedGroupingList_ = minimizedGroupingList;
ElementPtrList* getMinimizedGroupingList()
return minimizedGroupingList_;
NABoolean isIndirectGroupBy()
return minimizedGroupingList_ != NULL;;
MVCandidatesForJBBPtr jbbCandidates_;
NAPtrList<MVCandidatePtr> candidateList_;
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr querySubGraphMap_;
NABoolean hasGroupBy_;
ElementPtrList* minimizedGroupingList_;
NABoolean isLoopingOnCandidates_;
}; // class MVCandidatesForJBBSubset
* Holds a collection of MVCandidatesForJBBSubset objects with MVCandidates
class MVCandidatesForJBB : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* MVCandidatesForJBB constructor.
* @param queryJbb The QRJBB element from the query descriptor.
* @param allCandidates The parent object - the collection of all the
* candidates for this query.
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate memory.
MVCandidatesForJBB(QRJBBPtr queryJbb,
MVCandidateCollectionPtr allCandidates,
virtual ~MVCandidatesForJBB();
* Get the list of all MV candidates for this query.
* @return The list of all MV candidates for this query.
MVCandidateCollectionPtr getAllCandidates()
return allCandidates_;
NABoolean contains(QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph) const;
* Insert a JBBSubset into this JBB.
* @param jbbSubset The JBBSubset object with MVCandidate objects in it.
void insert(MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr jbbSubset);
MVCandidatesForJBBSubsetPtr getJbbSubsetFor(QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph) const;
* Generate the result descriptor for this JBB.
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate memory.
* @return The QRJbbResult object for the result descriptor.
QRJbbResultPtr generateDescriptor(CollHeap* heap);
* Add this MVCandidate into the master list of all the MVCandiates for this query.
* @param candidate The new MVCandidate to add to the list.
void registerCandidate(MVCandidatePtr candidate);
* Add a text line for a QRInfo element in the result descriptor.
* This is used for Reasons why an MV was disqualified.
* @param info
void addMatchInfo(const NAString* info);
QRJBBPtr getQueryJbb()
return queryJbb_;
MVCandidateCollectionPtr allCandidates_;
JbbSubsetList jbbSubsets_;
QRJBBPtr queryJbb_;
NAList<const NAString *> infoList_;
}; // class MVCandidatesForJBB
* Holds a collection of MVCandidatesForJBB objects with MVCandidates
class MVCandidateCollection : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* MVCandidateCollection constructor.
* @param queryDetails The query details
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate memory.
MVCandidateCollection(DescriptorDetailsPtr queryDetails,
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
{ }
virtual ~MVCandidateCollection();
* Get the query details.
* @return the query details.
DescriptorDetailsPtr getQueryDetails()
return queryDetails_;
* Insert a new JBB into the list of JBBs.
* @param jbb The JBB object to insert.
void insert(MVCandidatesForJBBPtr jbb)
* Generate the result descriptor for this query.
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate memory.
* @return QRResultDescriptor object, ready for serialization to XML.
QRResultDescriptorPtr generateResultDescriptor(CollHeap* heap);
* Generate an empty result descriptor.
* @param heap Heap from which to allocate memory.
* @return QRResultDescriptor object, ready for serialization to XML.
static QRResultDescriptorPtr generateEmptyResultDescriptor(CollHeap* heap);
* Add this MVCandidate into the master list of all the MVCandiates for this query.
* @param candidate The new MVCandidate to add to the list.
void registerCandidate(MVCandidatePtr candidate);
void disqualifyCandidate(MVCandidatePtr candidate, Int32 index);
* Run the matching algorithms on all the MVCandidate objects.
* This is a temporary method, until the MV candidate reduction algorithm
* is implemented in a separate method.
void doMatching();
NAPtrList<MVCandidatesForJBBPtr> jbbs_;
NAPtrList<MVCandidatePtr> allCandidates_;
DescriptorDetailsPtr queryDetails_;
}; // class MVCandidateCollection