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// File: QRJoinGraph.cpp
// Description:
// Created: 12/11/07
// ***********************************************************************
#include "ComSizeDefs.h"
#include "QmsJoinGraph.h"
#include "QRLogger.h"
// NAString comparison for qsort
// Return Value
// -1 elem1 less than elem2
// 0 elem1 equivalent elem2
// 1 elem1 greater than elem2
static Int32 naStringCompare(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
const NAString* s1 = *(NAStringPtr*)elem1;
const NAString* s2 = *(NAStringPtr*)elem2;
return s1->compareTo(*s2);
// Class JoinGraphTable
* This method checks if this table is directly connected to the sub-graph.
* It checks if there is ANY direct connection to the subgraph.
NABoolean JoinGraphTable::isConnectedTo(const QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph) const
CollIndex maxEntries = predList_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet = predList_[i];
if (eqSet->isConnectedTo(subGraph))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Find an equality set from the ones this table is connected to, that match
// otherHalfPred, which is from a different join graph.
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr JoinGraphTable::getEqSetUsing(JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr otherHalfPred)
// For each equality set
CollIndex maxEntries = predList_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
// Find the halfPred back to me
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr thisEqSet = predList_[i];
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr thisHalfPred = thisEqSet->findHalfPredTo(this);
// And match it with the other one.
if (thisHalfPred->match(otherHalfPred))
return thisEqSet;
// No match found.
return NULL;
* Prepare the input text for the Dotty graphical graph viewer, for this table.
* @param[out] to Output string.
void JoinGraphTable::dumpGraph(NAString& to)
char text[256];
static char blue[] = "lightblue";
static char red[] = "coral";
char* color = isHub_ ? red : blue;
// Describe this table (using descriptor ID and name)
const NAString& id = getID();
sprintf(text, " %s [shape=box, label=\"%s=%s\",color=%s];\n",,, getName().data(), color);
to += text;
NABoolean JoinGraphTable::checkPredsOnKey(CollHeap* heap)
QRTablePtr tableElem = getTableElement();
// If the table has no primary key, skip it.
const QRKeyPtr theKey = tableElem->getKey();
if (theKey == NULL)
return FALSE;
// We need at least as many half-preds as key columns.
keyColumns_ = theKey->entries();
if (keyColumns_ == 0 || (keyColumns_ > predList_.entries()))
return FALSE;
EqualitySetList predicatesToCheck(predList_, heap);
EqualitySetList verifiedPredicates(heap);
JoinGraphTablePtr sourceTable=NULL;
// Check all the columns in the key.
for (CollIndex i=0; i<keyColumns_; i++)
QRColumnPtr keyCol = theKey->getElement(i)->getReferencedElement()->downCastToQRColumn();
NABoolean thisColumnFound = FALSE;
// Run the loop on the predicates backwards, because we will be deleting
// the current entry every iteration.
for (Int32 j=predicatesToCheck.entries()-1; j>=0; j--)
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet = predicatesToCheck[j];
const JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr halfPred = eqSet->findHalfPredTo(this);
halfPred!=NULL, QRLogicException,
"EqualitySet must have a Half-Pred to this table.");
// Is this half pred on this key column?
if (keyCol->getID() != halfPred->getID())
// No, keep looking.
// We found a matching equality set -
// Remove it from the list, so we don't check it for tother key columns.
// Add it to the verified list.
thisColumnFound = TRUE;
// OK, we found a predicate for this key column.
// Which other table is it column from?
JoinGraphTablePtr otherTable = eqSet->getOtherTable(halfPred);
if (sourceTable == NULL)
sourceTable = otherTable;
// All incoming predicates on key columns must be from the same table.
if (sourceTable != otherTable)
return FALSE;
} // for (j) on predicates.
if (!thisColumnFound)
return FALSE;
} // for (i) on key columns.
// OK, all the key columns have incoming predicates from the same table.
// Now mark it on all the equality sets.
for (CollIndex k=0; k<verifiedPredicates.entries(); k++)
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet = verifiedPredicates[k];
return TRUE;
NABoolean JoinGraphTable::isOnTheEdge()
return keyColumns_ == predList_.entries() - reducedConnections_;
void JoinGraphTable::getAndReducePredicateColumnsPointingToMe(ElementPtrList& pointingCols)
CollIndex maxEntries = predList_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet = predList_[i];
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr otherHalfPred = eqSet->getForeignKeySide();
Int32 JoinGraphTable::getDegree()
if (isSelfJoinTable_)
return 0;
Int32 degree = 0;
CollIndex maxEntries = predList_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet = predList_[i];
degree += eqSet->getDegree();
return degree;
// Class JoinGraphEqualitySet
* Is this equality set part of the current subgraph?
* @return TRUE if this subgraph has at least two half-predicates
* that are part of the subgraph, that is, have a tempNumber other
* than -1.
NABoolean JoinGraphEqualitySet::isInCurrentSubGraph()
Int32 halfPredsIncluded = 0;
// Count the number of half-preds in this subgraph for which the temp number
// is not equal to -1.
for (CollIndex i=0; i<halfPreds_.entries(); i++)
if (halfPreds_[i]->getTable()->getTempNumber() != -1)
// Are there at least two of them?
return halfPredsIncluded >= 2;
* Generate the MVMemo hash key line for this equality set:
* \par
* 1. Collect the list of half predicates on participating tables.\par
* 2. Format them as <table-temp-number>.<column-name/expression> \par
* 3. Sort them. \par
* 4. Generate a single line in the format: <tt>{1.CUSTOMER_ID,2.ORDERED_BY}</tt> \par
* The result is returned in an NAString object allocated off the heap.
* @return the formatted hash key line.
NAString* JoinGraphEqualitySet::getHashKeyLine(CollHeap* heap)
char buffer[10];
NAStringPtr* predsArray = new(heap) NAStringPtr[halfPreds_.entries()];
Int32 pos=0;
// Collect and format half preds.
for (CollIndex i=0; i<halfPreds_.entries(); i++)
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr halfPred = halfPreds_[i];
if (halfPred->getTable()->getTempNumber() != -1)
sprintf(buffer, "%d.", halfPred->getTable()->getTempNumber());
NAString* halfPredString = new(heap) NAString(buffer, heap);
*halfPredString += halfPred->getExpr();
predsArray[pos++] = halfPredString;
// Sort the half preds.
// Construct the result text line.
NAString* result = new(heap) NAString("{", heap);
for (CollIndex j=0; j<(CollIndex)pos; j++)
NAStringPtr* st = &(predsArray[j]);
*result += **st;
delete *st; // This temp string not needed anymore.
*st = NULL;
if (j != pos-1)
*result += ",";
*result += "}";
// Delete the string array (Not an NABasicObject)
NADELETEARRAY(predsArray, halfPreds_.entries(), NAStringPtr, heap);
return result;
} // JoinGraphEqualitySet::getHashKeyLine()
* This method checks if this equality set is directly connected to the sub-graph.
NABoolean JoinGraphEqualitySet::isConnectedTo(const QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph) const
CollIndex maxEntries = halfPreds_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = halfPreds_[i]->getTable();
if (subGraph->contains(table))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Find the halfPred pointing to sourceTable (must be from the same join graph).
const JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr JoinGraphEqualitySet::findHalfPredTo(const JoinGraphTablePtr sourceTable) const
CollIndex maxEntries = halfPreds_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
const JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr halfPred = halfPreds_[i];
// Pointer comparison is fine here.
if (halfPred->getTable() == sourceTable)
return halfPred;
return NULL;
// Union this and other equality sets by adding all the half preds
// from other into this, and remove them from other.
void JoinGraphEqualitySet::addHalfPredicatesFrom(JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr other)
CollIndex maxEntries = other->halfPreds_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
const JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr halfPred = other->halfPreds_[i];
JoinGraphTablePtr table = halfPred->getTable();
void JoinGraphEqualitySet::setOnKeyTo(const JoinGraphTablePtr targetTable)
isOnKey_ = TRUE;
CollIndex maxEntries = halfPreds_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
const JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr halfPred = halfPreds_[i];
if (halfPred->getTable() == targetTable)
keyDirection_ = i;
NABoolean JoinGraphEqualitySet::isOnKeyTo(const JoinGraphTablePtr targetTable)
if (isOnKey_ == FALSE)
return FALSE;
CollIndex maxEntries = halfPreds_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
const JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr halfPred = halfPreds_[i];
if (halfPred->getTable() == targetTable)
return (keyDirection_ == i);
return FALSE; // Should not get here!
JoinGraphTablePtr JoinGraphEqualitySet::getOtherTable(JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr target)
CollIndex maxEntries = halfPreds_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
const JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr halfPred = halfPreds_[i];
if (halfPred != target)
return halfPred->getTable();
FALSE, QRLogicException,
"getOtherTable() called with a bad half pred pointer.");
return NULL;
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr JoinGraphEqualitySet::getForeignKeySide()
// Assuming only two half preds.
return halfPreds_[getKeySource()];
* Prepare the input text for the Dotty graphical graph viewer for this
* equality set.
* @param[out] to Output string.
//void JoinGraphEqualitySet::dumpGraph(NAString& to)
// This is the first implementation. Its more accurate, but the result sucks.
// char text[256];
// // Describe this equality set (using the descriptor ID)
// sprintf(text, " %s [shape=ellipse, style=filled, label=\"%s\",color=red];\n",
// to += text;
// // List all the connections to the tables.
// for (CollIndex i=0; i<halfPreds_.entries(); i++)
// {
// JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr halfPred = halfPreds_[i];
// sprintf(text, " %s -> %s [label=\"%s\"];\n",
// halfPred->getTable()->getID().data(),
// halfPred->getExpr().data());
// to += text;
// }
//} // JoinGraphEqualitySet::dumpGraph()
void JoinGraphEqualitySet::dumpGraph(NAString& to)
char text[256];
// How many half-preds?
if (halfPreds_.entries() == 2)
if (isOnKey_)
// Two half-preds, on key - have the source point to the target.
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr pred0 = halfPreds_[getKeySource()];
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr pred1 = halfPreds_[keyDirection_];
sprintf(text, " %s -> %s [style=bold label=\"%s\"];\n",
pred1->getTable()->getID().data(), );
to += text;
// Two half-preds, not on key - have one point to the other.
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr pred0 = halfPreds_[0];
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr pred1 = halfPreds_[1];
sprintf(text, " %s -> %s [label=\"%s\"];\n",
pred1->getTable()->getID().data(), );
to += text;
halfPreds_.entries() > 0, QRLogicException,
"Number of halfPreds must be at least 2.");
// More than two - make a circular reference.
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr prevPred = halfPreds_[halfPreds_.entries()-1];
for (CollIndex i=0; i<halfPreds_.entries(); i++)
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr thisPred = halfPreds_[i];
sprintf(text, " %s -> %s [label=\"%s\"];\n",
thisPred->getTable()->getID().data(), );
prevPred = thisPred;
to += text;
} // JoinGraphEqualitySet::dumpGraph()
// Class QRJoinGraph
* Destructor
* @return
// Clear hash table.
// Delete the JoinGraphTablePtr objects themselves from the main array.
for ( CollIndex i = 0 ; i < (CollIndex)nextTable_ ; i++)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = tableArray_[i];
tableArray_[i] = NULL;
// Delete all the equality sets.
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet;
while (equalitySets_.entries() > 0)
CollIndex last = equalitySets_.entries()-1;
eqSet = equalitySets_[last];
eqSet = NULL;
if (sortedTables_)
delete sortedTables_;
} // QRJoinGraph::~QRJoinGraph()
* Create a JoinGraphTable object from the table element from the descriptor
* and add it to the join graph.
* This method is optimized for a sorted table list, and verifies that the
* new table name is greater than the previous one. If not, it reorders the
* array.
* @param tableElement The table element from the descriptor.
void QRJoinGraph::addTable(const QRTablePtr tableElement,
NABoolean isHub,
const BaseTableDetailsPtr baseTable)
JoinGraphTablePtr newTablePtr = new(heap_)
JoinGraphTable(nextTable_++, tableElement, isHub, baseTable, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap_));
// Make sure the new table name is greater than the last one we inserted.
// Only hub tables must be ordered.
CollIndex insertPos = newTablePtr->getOrdinalNumber();
if (nextTable_ >= 2 && newTablePtr->isHub())
const NAString& thisName = newTablePtr->getName();
const NAString& lastName = tableArray_[insertPos-1]->getName();
Int32 compareResult = thisName.compareTo(lastName);
if (compareResult < 0)
// If not - it means the table names are not sorted.
// Looks like we will have to sort them here...
"Table list is not sorted!");
// Create an empty entry in the correct place to insert the new table.
insertPos = shiftArray(thisName);
// Correct the ordinal number of the new entry.
else if (compareResult == 0)
isSelfJoin_ = TRUE;
const NAString& name = tableElement->getTableName();
const NAString& id = tableElement->getID();
// Add table to the end of the main array.
tableArray_.insertAt(insertPos, newTablePtr);
!tableHashByID_.contains(&id), QRLogicException,
"Table not found by ID.");
tableHashByID_.insert(&id, newTablePtr);
} // QRJoinGraph::addTable()
* Find the spot in the table array where to insert the new table, and shift
* the tables in the array beyond it to create an open entry for it.
* @param insertPos
* @param name
* @return
CollIndex QRJoinGraph::shiftArray(const NAString thisName)
CollIndex insertPos = nextTable_-1;
NABoolean found = FALSE;
// We have already checked the last entry in the array.
// Shift it one position, and change its ordinal number accordingly.
while (insertPos > 0)
const NAString& prevName = tableArray_[insertPos-1]->getName();
Int32 compareResult = thisName.compareTo(prevName);
if (compareResult < 0 )
// Not found yet. Shift the previous entry one position,
// and change its ordinal number accordingly.
found = TRUE;
// Did we find another instance of the same table?
if (compareResult == 0)
isSelfJoin_ = TRUE;
return insertPos;
} // QRJoinGraph::shiftArray()
* Shift the table in position insertPos-1 to position insertPos, and
* fix its ordinal number.
* @param insertPos
void QRJoinGraph::shiftTable(CollIndex insertPos)
JoinGraphTablePtr shiftedTable = tableArray_[insertPos-1];
tableArray_.insertAt(insertPos, shiftedTable);
* Create a new JoinGraphHalfPredicate object, and add it to the equality
* set. Also add the equality set to the table it point to.
* @param equalitySet The JoinGraphEqualitySet this predicate is a part of.
* @param tablePtr The JoinGraphTable the column/expr is on.
* @param expr The column\expression text
* @param id The descriptor ID of this column/expression.
void QRJoinGraph::addHalfPredicate(JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr equalitySet,
JoinGraphTablePtr tablePtr,
const QRElementPtr elementPtr,
const NAString& expr)
// Ignore NULL tables. This probably means a join predicate to a table
// from an outside JBB.
if (tablePtr == NULL)
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr newPred = new(heap_)
JoinGraphHalfPredicate(tablePtr, elementPtr, expr, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap_));
* Interpret the equality set element of the descriptor, and create a new
* JoinGraphEqualitySet object to represent it in the join graph.
* @param predElement The descriptor element representing the equality set.
void QRJoinGraph::addEqualitySet(const QRJoinPredPtr predElement)
// Create an empty equality set object.
const NAString& setId = predElement->getID();
// Do we already have this equality set from a different JBB?
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr equalitySet = FindEqualitySetByID(setId);
if (equalitySet == NULL)
equalitySet = new(heap_) JoinGraphEqualitySet(setId, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap_));
// This may be an extraHub joi pred referencing a hub join pred.
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr hubEqSet = NULL;
// Get the list of equality set internal elements (columns or expressions).
const ElementPtrList& equalitySetElement = predElement->getEqualityList();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<equalitySetElement.entries(); i++)
const QRElementPtr equalityElement = equalitySetElement[i]->getReferencedElement();
// What type of element is this?
case ET_Column:
// This is a simple column predicate
QRColumnPtr col = equalityElement->downCastToQRColumn();
const NAString& tableID = col->getTableID();
// create the "half predicate" object and add it to the equality set
// as well as update the table to point to the equality set.
addHalfPredicate(equalitySet, getTableByID(tableID), col, col->getColumnName());
case ET_Expr:
// This is an expression
QRExprPtr expr = equalityElement->downCastToQRExpr();
// Get the first input column, and find the table from it.
// All input columns are supposed to be from the same table.
const ElementPtrList& inputColList = expr->getInputColumns(heap_);
QRColumnPtr col = inputColList[0]->getReferencedElement()->downCastToQRColumn();
const NAString& tableID = col->getTableID();
// create the "half predicate" object and add it to the equality set
// as well as update the table to point to the equality set.
addHalfPredicate(equalitySet, getTableByID(tableID), expr, expr->getExprText());
case ET_JoinPred:
// This is an extra-hub join pred referencing a hub join pred.
// Just keep the pointer for now, and deal with it after preparing all the half preds.
if (equalityElement->getID() != setId)
hubEqSet = FindEqualitySetByID(equalityElement->getID());
FALSE, QRLogicException,
"Not expecting Equi-join predicate of type: %s", equalityElement->getElementName());
} // case on element type
//if (hubEqSet != NULL &&
// hubEqSet->getHalfPredicates().entries() < 2)
// // Don't bother with equality sets with less than 2 elements.
// deletePtr(hubEqSet);
// hubEqSet = NULL;
// return;
if (hubEqSet == NULL)
// This is the regular case - an independent hub join pred.
// Insert the extraHub join pred into the hub join pred.
// This also clears the half preds from equalitySet.
} // QRJoinGraph::addEqualitySet()
* Given a JBB element from the MV or query descriptor, construct
* the join graph of the JBB hub.
* Tables in the JBB are assumed to be in ascending order. If not - the
* table list is sorted.
* @param jbb JBB element from the descriptor.
* @param mv The MVDetails object. NULL for search operations.
void QRJoinGraph::initFromJBB(const QRJBBPtr jbb, MVDetailsPtr mv)
// Insert the hub tables first
JBBDetailsPtr jbbDetails = (mv==NULL ? NULL : mv->getJbbDetails());
const QRJBBCListPtr jbbcList = jbb->getHub()->getJbbcList();
const ElementPtrList& elementList = jbbcList->getList();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<elementList.entries(); i++)
QRElementPtr element = elementList[i];
if (element->getElementType() != ET_Table)
QRTablePtr table = element->downCastToQRTable();
BaseTableDetailsPtr baseTable = (jbbDetails == NULL ?
addTable(table, TRUE, baseTable);
// Now insert the hub extra-hub tables.
QRTableListPtr ExtraHubTableList = jbb->getExtraHub()->getTableList();
if (ExtraHubTableList != NULL && ExtraHubTableList->getList().entries() > 0)
const NAPtrList<QRTablePtr>& tableList = ExtraHubTableList->getList();
for (CollIndex j=0; j<tableList.entries(); j++)
QRTablePtr table = tableList[j];
BaseTableDetailsPtr baseTable = (jbbDetails==NULL ?
addTable(table, FALSE, baseTable);
// Then insert the hub equality sets.
const QRJoinPredListPtr hubPredList = jbb->getHub()->getJoinPredList();
if (hubPredList != NULL)
for (CollIndex k=0; k<hubPredList->entries(); k++)
const QRJoinPredPtr predElement = (*hubPredList)[k];
// And the extra-hub equality sets.
const QRJoinPredListPtr extraHubPredList = jbb->getExtraHub()->getJoinPredList();
if (extraHubPredList != NULL)
for (CollIndex k=0; k<extraHubPredList->entries(); k++)
const QRJoinPredPtr predElement = (*extraHubPredList)[k];
// Check for a GroupBy
QRGroupByPtr groupBy = jbb->getGroupBy();
NABoolean isEmptyGroupBy = FALSE;
if (groupBy!=NULL)
if (groupBy->isEmpty())
isEmptyGroupBy = TRUE;
// Check for joins on key columns.
// Needed only when there's a GroupBy in a query.
if (mv==NULL && hasGroupBy() && !isEmptyGroupBy)
for (CollIndex i=0; i<tableArray_.entries(); i++)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = tableArray_[i];
if (table->checkPredsOnKey(heap_))
if (tablesToReduce_.entries() > 0)
minimizedSubGraph_ = new (heap_) QRJoinSubGraph(this, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap_));
for (CollIndex j=0; j<tablesToReduce_.entries(); j++)
// Now dump the graph if priority of MvMemo category is set DEBUG.
if (QRLogger::isCategoryInDebug(CAT_MVMEMO_JOINGRAPH))
} // QRJoinGraph::initFromJBB()
* Reset the temp numbers of tables and equality sets to -1.
* This method is called before begining to generate the hash key for a subgraph.
void QRJoinGraph::resetTempNumbers()
for (CollIndex i=0; i<tableArray_.entries(); i++)
// for (CollIndex j=0; j<equalitySets_.entries(); j++)
// equalitySets_[j]->setTempNumber(-1);
* Find an equality set using its descriptor ID.
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr QRJoinGraph::FindEqualitySetByID(const NAString& id)
// Search list for the equality set with the correct ID.
// If we get here a lot, we may change the implementation to a hash table.
CollIndex maxEntries = equalitySets_.entries();
for (CollIndex j=0; j<maxEntries; j++)
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet = equalitySets_[j];
if (eqSet->getID() == id)
return eqSet;
return NULL;
* Find the table whose joinOrder is the smallest.
JoinGraphTablePtr QRJoinGraph::getFirstTable()
// Sort the tables by the joinOrder attribute
UInt32 joinSize = entries();
sortedTables_ = new(heap_) JoinGraphTableList(joinSize, heap_);
// Insert the first table first.
for (CollIndex i=1; i<joinSize; i++)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = getTableByOrdinal(i);
QRTablePtr tableElem = table->getTableElement();
Int32 joinOrder = tableElem->getJoinOrder();
Int32 degree = table->getDegree();
UInt32 pos=0;
// First sort by ascending joinOrder group.
while (pos < i && joinOrder > (*sortedTables_)[pos]->getTableElement()->getJoinOrder())
// Within the joinOrder group, sort by descending degree.
while (pos < i && joinOrder == (*sortedTables_)[pos]->getTableElement()->getJoinOrder() &&
degree < (*sortedTables_)[pos]->getDegree() )
sortedTables_->insertAt(pos, table);
if (QRLogger::isCategoryInDebug(CAT_MVMEMO_JOINGRAPH))
CollIndex maxEntries = sortedTables_->entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = (*sortedTables_)[i];
QRLogger::log(CAT_MVMEMO_JOINGRAPH, LL_DEBUG, " #%d, Join order: %3d, Degree: %3d, %s",
pos_ = 0; // Initialize the iteration on the sortedTables.
return (*sortedTables_)[0];
* Find a table that is connected to the subgraph, but not yet part of it.
* @param subGraph
* @return
JoinGraphTablePtr QRJoinGraph::getNextTable(QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = (*sortedTables_)[++pos_];
!subGraph->contains(table), QRLogicException,
"Duplicate table in join order.");
if (!table->isConnectedTo(subGraph))
// Find the next connected table.
CollIndex nextPos = pos_;
while (nextPos < sortedTables_->entries() && !(*sortedTables_)[nextPos]->isConnectedTo(subGraph))
JoinGraphTablePtr nextTable = (*sortedTables_)[nextPos];
nextTable->isConnectedTo(subGraph), QRLogicException,
"Can't find the next connected table.");
// Now move the connected table up to the current position.
QRLogger::log(CAT_MVMEMO_JOINGRAPH, LL_DEBUG, "Moving table %s from #%d to #%d", nextTable->getName().data(), nextPos, pos_);
sortedTables_->insertAt(pos_, nextTable);
table = nextTable;
return table;
* Prepare the input text for the Dotty graphical graph viewer.
* @param[out] to Output string.
void QRJoinGraph::dumpGraph(MVDetailsPtr mv)
// Now dump the graph.
NAString dotGraph(heap_);
NAString graphName("Query", heap_);
if (mv != NULL)
graphName = mv->getMVName();
// Beginning parameters.
dotGraph += "\nJoin Graph Drawing for " + graphName + ": \n";
dotGraph += "digraph G { \n";
dotGraph += " graph [labelloc=\"t\",fontname = \"Times New Roman\",fontsize=20];\n";
dotGraph += " node [style=filled,fontsize=18,fontname = \"Courier New\"];\n";
dotGraph += " edge [fontsize=16,fontname = \"Courier New\"];\n";
dotGraph += " label=\"Join Graph for " + name_ + "\";\n";
// Iterate over the tables in the main array.
for ( CollIndex i = 0 ; i < (CollIndex)nextTable_ ; i++)
// Iterate over the equality sets.
for (CollIndex j=0; j<equalitySets_.entries(); j++)
// End the graph description.
dotGraph += "}\n";
} // QRJoinGraph::dumpGraph()
// Class QRJoinSubGraph
* Add a new table to the subgraph. Check if the addition makes this
* subgraph a self-join.
* @param table
void QRJoinSubGraph::addTable(JoinGraphTablePtr table)
// We need to check if this is a self-join subgraph first.
// When the parent join graph is a self join, and we still
// didn't flag this subgraph as a self-join.
if (parentGraph_->isSelfJoin() && !isSelfJoin_)
for( reset(); hasNext(); advance() )
const NAString& name = getCurrent()->getName();
if (table->getName().compareTo(name) == 0)
isSelfJoin_ = TRUE;
// Now, add the table to the subarray.
graphHashKey_ = ""; // Invalidate hash key.
fastKey_ = ""; // Invalidate hash key.
} // QRJoinSubGraph::addTable()
* Remove a table from this join subgraph.
* @return
void QRJoinSubGraph::removeTable(JoinGraphTablePtr table)
graphHashKey_ = ""; // Invalidate hash key.
fastKey_ = ""; // Invalidate hash key.
* Calculate the join graph map and hash key for this subgraph.
* @return
const QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr QRJoinSubGraph::getSubGraphMap(OperationType op)
CollHeap* heap = parentGraph_->getHeap();
if (isSelfJoin_)
if (selfJoinHandler_)
selfJoinHandler_ = NULL;
selfJoinHandler_ = new (heap) SelfJoinHandler(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map = new (heap)
QRJoinSubGraphMap(this, (op != OP_SEARCH), getParentGraph()->getNumberOfTables(), ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
if (graphHashKey_ == "")
// Generate the MVMemo hash key. Example (from the doc):
// E2={2.STORE_ID,4.ID}
// E3={3.ID,4.STATE}
// GB
// First add and enumerate the table names
doTablesPart(graphHashKey_, map);
return map;
* First part of hash key generation: Add and enumerate the table names.
* @param hashKey
void QRJoinSubGraph::doTablesPart(NAString& hashKey, QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr map)
char buffer[10];
//if (entries() == 10)
// // For debugging.
// QRLogger::log(CAT_MVMEMO_JOINGRAPH, LL_DEBUG, "Got to size 10!");
// First add and enumerate the table names
// Iterate over the internal subarray of tables.
for( CollIndex i=0;
i++, advance() )
JoinGraphTablePtr table = getCurrent();
// Have each table remember its number in this subgraph.
if (isSelfJoin_)
// Prepare the hash key line for this table.
sprintf(buffer, "[%d=", i);
NAString st(buffer, parentGraph_->getHeap());
st += table->getName().data();
st += "]\n";
// Add line to the hash key
hashKey += st;
map->addTable(i, table);
if (isSelfJoin_)
} // QRJoinSubGraph::doTablesPart()
* Second part of hash key generation: Sort, add and enumerate equality sets.
* @param hashKey
void QRJoinSubGraph::doEqualitySetsPart(NAString& hashKey) const
CollHeap* heap = parentGraph_->getHeap();
// Collect the equality sets that have at least two of their
// half-predicates on the subgraph's tables.
EqualitySetList& eqSets = parentGraph_->getEqualitySets();
// Use system heap for array allocations
NAStringPtr* eqArray = new(heap) NAStringPtr[eqSets.entries()];
Int32 eqPos=0;
UInt32 maxLineSize = 0;
for (CollIndex j=0; j<eqSets.entries(); j++)
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet = eqSets[j];
if (eqSet->isInCurrentSubGraph())
NAString* line = eqSet->getHashKeyLine(heap);
eqArray[eqPos++] = line;
// Maintain the size of the biggest line.
if (line->length() > maxLineSize)
maxLineSize = line->length();
// Sort the equality sets.
// Add the text of the equality sets lines.
char buffer[10];
for (CollIndex k=0; k<(CollIndex)eqPos; k++)
NAStringPtr st = eqArray[k];
sprintf(buffer, "E%d=", k);
hashKey += (char*)buffer;
hashKey += *st;
hashKey += "\n";
delete st; // This temp string not needed anymore.
// Add the GroupBy flag if needed.
if (hasGroupBy_)
hashKey += "GB\n";
NADELETEARRAY(eqArray, eqSets.entries(), NAStringPtr, heap);
} // QRJoinSubGraph::doEqualitySetsPart()
* Set this subgraph to use all the join graph's hub tables.
void QRJoinSubGraph::addAllTables()
CollIndex numTables = parentGraph_->entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<numTables; i++)
if (parentGraph_->getTableByOrdinal(i)->isHub())
void QRJoinSubGraph::calcFastKey()
fastKey_ = "[";
for( CollIndex i=0;
i++, advance() )
JoinGraphTablePtr table = getCurrent();
fastKey_ += table->getID();
fastKey_ += "; ";
if (hasGroupBy())
fastKey_ += "GB";
fastKey_ += "]";
// Class QRJoinSubGraphMap
QRJoinSubGraphMap::QRJoinSubGraphMap(const QRJoinSubGraphMap& other, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DEF(CollHeap* heap))
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap))
,subGraph_(new (heap) QRJoinSubGraph(*other.subGraph_, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap)))
,hashKey_(other.hashKey_, heap)
,indexHashByID_(hashKey, INIT_HASH_SIZE_SMALL, TRUE, heap) // Pass NAString::hashKey
IndexHashIterator iter(other.indexHashByID_);
const NAString* key;
UnsignedInteger* value;
CollIndex maxEntries = iter.entries();
for (CollIndex j=0; j<maxEntries; j++)
iter.getNext(key, value);
UnsignedInteger* newValue = new(heap) UnsignedInteger(*value);
indexHashByID_.insert(key, newValue);
IndexHashIterator iter(indexHashByID_);
const NAString* key;
UnsignedInteger* value;
CollIndex maxEntries = iter.entries();
for (CollIndex j=0; j<maxEntries; j++)
iter.getNext(key, value);
delete value;
// If this object was created using the copy Ctor, then the subgraph is a
// private copy, and should now be deleted.
if (isACopy_)
void QRJoinSubGraphMap::addTable(CollIndex ix, const JoinGraphTablePtr table)
CollHeap* heap = subGraph_->getParentGraph()->getHeap();
tableMapping_.insertAt(ix, table);
const NAString& id = table->getID();
UnsignedInteger *ixInt = new (heap) UnsignedInteger(ix);
indexHashByID_.insert(&id, ixInt);
// The query side translation: find the hash key index for a particular table.
// Return -1 if the table ID is not found (This can happen in multi-JBB queries)
Int32 QRJoinSubGraphMap::getIndexForTable(const NAString& id) const
UnsignedInteger* ix = indexHashByID_.getFirstValue(&id);
if (ix == NULL)
return -1;
return ix->getInt();
// The MV side translation: find the table information for its index.
const JoinGraphTablePtr QRJoinSubGraphMap::getTableForIndex(CollIndex ix) const
isMV_, QRLogicException,
"This method should be called for MV subGraphs only.");
return tableMapping_[ix];
// Restore the temp numbers to correspond to this map.
void QRJoinSubGraphMap::restoreTempNumbers() const
CollIndex maxEntries = tableMapping_.entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
void QRJoinSubGraphMap::prepareForSelfJoinWork()
SelfJoinHandlerPtr selfJoinHandler = subGraph_->getSelfJoinHandler();
NAString text;
// Restore the temp numbers to correspond to this map.
const NAString& hashKey = getHashKey();
Int32 firstESet = hashKey.subString("\nE").start();
NAString halfHashKey = hashKey(0, firstESet);
halfHashKey += "\n";
NABoolean QRJoinSubGraphMap::hasNextEquivalentMap() const
return (subGraph_->getSelfJoinHandler()->isDone() == FALSE);
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr QRJoinSubGraphMap::nextEquivalentMap() const
SelfJoinHandlerPtr selfJoinHandler = subGraph_->getSelfJoinHandler();
UInt32 numberOfTables = tableMapping_.entries();
CollHeap* heap = subGraph_->getParentGraph()->getHeap();
QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr newMap = new(heap)
QRJoinSubGraphMap(*this, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
newMap->isACopy_ = FALSE;
Int32* shiftRow = new(heap) Int32[numberOfTables];
if (QRLogger::isCategoryInDebug(CAT_MVMEMO_JOINGRAPH))
NAString text("shiftRow is: ");
for (CollIndex i=0; i<numberOfTables; i++)
char buffer[10];
sprintf(buffer, "%2d, ", shiftRow[i]);
text += buffer;
newMap->shiftVector_ = text; // For debugging.
for (CollIndex table=0; table<numberOfTables; table++)
if (shiftRow[table])
// Determine which entry to use over this one.
UInt32 source = table + shiftRow[table];
UInt32 dest = table;
// Handle the tableMapping_ array.
JoinGraphTablePtr tablePtr = tableMapping_[source];
const NAString& id = tablePtr->getID();
newMap->tableMapping_[dest] = tablePtr;
// Handle the indexHashByID_ hash table.
UnsignedInteger* prevIndex = newMap->indexHashByID_.getFirstValue(&id);
if (prevIndex != NULL)
delete prevIndex;
UnsignedInteger *destInt = new (heap) UnsignedInteger(dest);
newMap->indexHashByID_.insert(&id, destInt);
// Now create the new MVMemo hash key.
NAString newHashKey(selfJoinHandler->getHalfHashKey());
return newMap;
// Class HubIterator
// Cannot use subGraphsVisited_.clear(TRUE); because that will attempt
// to delete both key and value for each pair. Iterate manually.
SubGraphHashIterator hashIterator(subGraphsVisited_);
const NAString* key;
QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph;
for ( CollIndex i = 0 ; i < hashIterator.entries() ; i++)
hashIterator.getNext(key, subGraph);
if (!subGraph->stillUsed())
// The other hash tables/lists hold pointers to the same subgraph objects.
} // HubIterator::~HubIterator()
// Initialize the iterator: populate the ready list with all the single-table
// subgraphs of the join graph.
void HubIterator::init()
CollHeap* heap = joinGraph_->getHeap();
if (opType_ == OP_INSERT_TOP || joinGraph_->hasGroupBy())
// Start with the full join graph.
QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph = getFullSubGraph();
if (subGraph->hasGroupBy())
usedGroupBy_ = TRUE;
if (opType_ == OP_INSERT_TOP)
// This is a query descriptor during workload analysis.
// We only need the top expression for the full join graph.
// For each table in the join graph hub
for (CollIndex i=0; i<joinGraph_->entries(); i++)
// Get the table object
JoinGraphTablePtr table = joinGraph_->getTableByOrdinal(i);
if (table->isHub() == FALSE)
// Create a new subgraph for it.
QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph = new(heap)
QRJoinSubGraph(joinGraph_, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
// Add the table to the subgraph.
// Insert the new subgraph into the ready list.
} // HubIterator::init()
// Return the next subgraph to search/insert.
const QRJoinSubGraphPtr HubIterator::nextSubGraph()
// First, get the supersets of the current subgraph, and insert
// them into the ready list. The current subgraph pointer is NULL
// when it should be skipped.
if (currentSubgraph_ != NULL)
// Insert the connected supersets of currentSubgraph_ into the ready list.
currentSubgraph_ = NULL;
QRJoinSubGraphPtr sg;
while (subGraphsReady_.entries() > 0 )
// Return the hash key of the first subgraph in the ready list.
// It is also removed from the ready list.
// If we have already tried this one, skip it.
if (subGraphsVisited_.contains(sg->getFastKey()) ||
subGraphsToAvoid_.contains(sg->getFastKey()) )
subGraphsVisited_.insert(sg->getFastKey(), sg);
currentSubgraph_ = sg;
return currentSubgraph_;
// The ready list is empty. No more subgraphs.
// If the join graph includes a GROUP BY, and we have not returned the
// corresponding subgraph yet - do it now.
if (joinGraph_->hasGroupBy() && !usedGroupBy_)
currentSubgraph_ == NULL, QRLogicException,
"Should not get here when currentSubgraph != NULL.");
usedGroupBy_ = TRUE;
currentSubgraph_ = getFullSubGraph();
subGraphsVisited_.insert(currentSubgraph_->getFastKey(), currentSubgraph_);
return currentSubgraph_;
return NULL;
} // HubIterator::nextSubGraph()
const QRJoinSubGraphPtr HubIterator::getFullSubGraph()
QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph =
new(joinGraph_->getHeap()) QRJoinSubGraph(joinGraph_, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(joinGraph_->getHeap()));
if (joinGraph_->hasGroupBy())
if (joinGraph_->isSelfJoin())
return subGraph;
// Computes the supersets of subGraph that include a single additional table
// that is conneted to it, and add them to the ready list. \par
// 1. For each table included in the subgraph, find all the connected tables
// that are not yet part of the subgraph, and add them to a set of
// unique entries. \par
// 2. For each of the tables in the resulting set, create a new subgraph from
// the current subgraph plus that table, and add it to the ready list. \par
// @param subGraph The current subgraph.
void HubIterator::getNextLevelSupersets(QRJoinSubGraphPtr subGraph)
if (subGraph->isFull())
// This should be a set whenever we have an NASet that supports shared pointers.
JoinGraphTableList tablesToAdd(joinGraph_->getHeap(), 10);
// For each table included in the subgraph
for(subGraph->reset(); subGraph->hasNext(); subGraph->advance())
JoinGraphTablePtr table = subGraph->getCurrent();
// For each equality set connected to that table
const EqualitySetList& eqSets = table->getEqualitySets();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<eqSets.entries(); i++)
JoinGraphEqualitySetPtr eqSet = eqSets[i];
// For each half-pred in the equality set, find the connected table.
HalfPredicateList& halfPreds = eqSet->getHalfPredicates();
for (CollIndex j=0; j<halfPreds.entries(); j++)
JoinGraphHalfPredicatePtr pred = halfPreds[j];
JoinGraphTablePtr table = pred->getTable();
if (table->isHub() == FALSE)
// Check if the table is already included in the subgraph
if ( (subGraph->contains(table) == FALSE) &&
(tablesToAdd.contains(table) == FALSE) )
// We found a table we can add to the subgraph.
} // for (j) on halfPreds
} // for (i) on equality sets
} // for () on subgraph tables.
// Now iterate on all the tables we found that we can add to the subgraph.
// For each of them:
for(CollIndex k=0; k<tablesToAdd.entries(); k++)
// Create a new subgraph based on the current subgraph.
QRJoinSubGraphPtr newSubGraph =
new(joinGraph_->getHeap()) QRJoinSubGraph(*subGraph, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(NULL));
// Add the table to it.
// If this subgraph should be skipped - skip it.
if (subGraphsToAvoid_.contains(newSubGraph->getFastKey()) ||
subGraphsVisited_.contains(newSubGraph->getFastKey()) )
// And insert it into the ready list.
} // HubIterator::getNextLevelSupersets()
// During a search operation, report that the current subgraph was not found
// in MVMemo, and so it and its supersets should be avoided.
void HubIterator::reportAsMissing()
// This method should only be called during MVMemo search, not during insert.
opType_ == OP_SEARCH, QRLogicException,
"This method should only be called for search operations.");
// Insert the current subgraph into the set of subgraphs to avoid.
subGraphsToAvoid_.insert(currentSubgraph_->getFastKey(), currentSubgraph_);
// Don't insert supersets of the current subgraph into the ready list.
currentSubgraph_ = NULL;
} // HubIterator::reportAsMissing()
const QRJoinSubGraphPtr HubIterator::getMinimizedSubGraph()
QRJoinSubGraphPtr mini = joinGraph_->getMinimizedSubGraph();
if (mini == NULL)
return NULL;
currentSubgraph_ = mini;
subGraphsVisited_.insert(currentSubgraph_->getFastKey(), currentSubgraph_);
return currentSubgraph_;
// Does this self-join have too many permutatations?
NABoolean HubIterator::isSelfJoinTooBig()
if (!joinGraph_->isSelfJoin())
return FALSE;
// Allocate a SelfJoinHandler object for the calculations.
CollHeap* heap = joinGraph_->getHeap();
SelfJoinHandlerPtr selfJoinHandler = new (heap)
// Initialize it with all the tables in the join graph.
CollIndex maxEntries = joinGraph_->entries();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
JoinGraphTablePtr table = joinGraph_->getTableByOrdinal(i);
// Now calculate the number of permutations in the top join graph
Int32 selfJoinPermutations = selfJoinHandler->howmanyPermutations();
if (selfJoinPermutations > MAX_SELFJOIN_PERMUTATIONS)
"JoinGraph has %d self-join permutations - Skipping self-join overhead.",
return TRUE;
"JoinGraph has %d self-join permutations - Enumerating...",
return FALSE;