blob: 0bc9a9bb40ac1e79f273916794e08c8430db88a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef SCHEMADB_H
#define SCHEMADB_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SchemaDB.h
* Description: Schema Information
* Created: 4/27/94
* Language: C++
#include "NAAssert.h" // required after including a RogueWave file!
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "charinfo.h"
#include "ColumnDesc.h"
#include "ComTransInfo.h"
#include "CmpContext.h"
#include "DomainDesc.h"
#include "NADefaults.h"
#include "NARoutineDB.h"
#include "NATable.h"
#include "NARoutine.h"
#include "TableDesc.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
// triggers -- eliezer
class TriggerDB;
class NARoutineDB;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SchemaDB;
class POSRule;
class POSInfo;
// ***********************************************************************
// Information derived from the Information Schema tables (IST's) is
// stored in SchemaDB.
// The SchemaDB contains two "databases" that span the compilation
// of multiple SQL statments. They are
// 1) The NATableDB - it contains the physical schema information
// for an SQL table or table-valued stored procedure
// corresponding to a given qualified (ANSI/NSK/UNIX) name.
// 2) The FilesetDB - it contains the description regarding each fileset
// that corresponds to a NATable in the NATableDB.
// The SchemaDB also contains three "statement tables". Each statement
// table contains information that is relevant for the compilation of
// a single SQL statement. The statement tables are reallocated on a
// per statement basis.
// Important note : The SchemaDB is designed to last across statements.
// For the fields need to be initialized/reset at each statement, they
// need to be done in
// void initPerStatement();
// void cleanupPerStatement();
// See notes below about CmpContext...!
// ***********************************************************************
class SchemaDB : public NABasicObject
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor function
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
SchemaDB() ;
// copy ctor
SchemaDB(const SchemaDB & orig) ; // not written
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor function
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NATableDB * getNATableDB() { return &tableDB_; }
ValueDescArray & getValueDescArray() { return valueDArray_; }
NADefaults & getDefaults() { return defaults_; }
NARoutineDB * getNARoutineDB() { return &routineDB_; }
NARoutineDB * getNARoutineActionDB() { return &actionRoutineDB_; }
// Flags: The ON/ENABLE bit The OFF value
enum Flags { REFRESH_CACHE = 0x1, NO_REFRESH_CACHE = 0,
const SchemaName& getDefaultSchema(UInt32 flags =
// triggers -- eliezer
TriggerDB * getTriggerDB();
RefConstraintList *getRIs(QualifiedName &subjectTable,
ComOperation operation);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The SchemaDB maintains a set of internal tables. They must be
// re-initialized explicitly per statement -- this used to be via a
// call to createStmtTables, which is no longer useful, just a noop --
// now **ONLY** CmpContext should manage the init/cleanupPerStatement
// calls, which is the current mechanism!
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void createStmtTables(); // no longer used (formerly required)
void dropStmtTables(); // no longer used
NABoolean endTransaction(); // implicitly called (idempotent)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for addimg new entries to the "statement tables".
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void insertValueDesc(ValueDesc *vdesc) { valueDArray_.insert(vdesc); }
void insertDomainDesc(DomainDesc *ddesc) { domainDList_.insert(ddesc); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods to initialize and cleanup the statement wide members.
// For the members need to be initialized/reset for each statement,
// the initialization code has to be put into the following routines.
// SchemaDB is designed to stay across statements. So the constructor
// does not get called for each statement.
// See notes above about CmpContext, which should be the **only** caller!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void initPerStatement(NABoolean lightweight = FALSE); // before stmt
void cleanupPerStatement(); // after stmt
Lng32 getCurrentDiskPool() { return currentDiskPool_; }
void setCurrentDiskPool(Lng32 diskPool)
{ currentDiskPool_ = diskPool; }
void incCurrentDiskPool() { currentDiskPool_++; }
float getHbaseBlockCacheFrac();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// A hash table that uses the qualified tablename as the hash key.
// This is a collection of NATables that persists across the
// compilation of all SQL statements. It is deallocated when the
// SQL compiler terminates processing. For now, (11/20/96) tableDB_
// needs to be cleanup up for each statement, because it is caching
// the information without checking the timestamp for reload if
// necessary.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NATableDB tableDB_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// A collection of ValueDesc (value descriptors).
// A column can have one or more ValueDescs allocated for it.
// This collection is rebuilt for each SQL statement. It is reset
// at the end of compilation for each statement.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueDescArray valueDArray_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// A collection of DomainDesc (domain descriptors).
// There is one Domain descriptor per column that is referenced in
// the query. This collection is rebuilt for each SQL statement.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
DomainDescList domainDList_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// In-memory table of defaults values.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NADefaults defaults_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The default catalog and schema might come from the NADefaults
// or be overridden via Ansi rules (the MODULE stmt, CREATE SCHEMA stmt).
// They might also be supplanted by the MPLOC, if NAMETYPE NSK is in effect
// (this is of course a Tandem extension).
// The Ansi override/defaulting occurs in BindWA, not here.
// The Tandem NAMETYPE NSK defaulting occurs in method getDefaultSchema().
// Note that defaultSchema_ always contains the ANSI schema,
// so a call to the get method will by default get the ANSI schema --
// only by passing the flag bit APPLY_NAMETYPE_RULES might you get
// the NAMETYPE NSK version of the schema (which is to say the MPLOC version).
// This is sufficiently complicated logic, that the default schema appears
// in this class, as opposed to class SqlParser_NADefaults.
// Most other of our NADefaults follow no Ansi-required standard
// and generally are fixed/global.
// Those ones can be gotten directly from NADefaults,
// or (for better performance) from the "precompiled" SqlParser_NADefaults
// globals -- see NADefaults and SqlParserGlobalsCmn.h.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SchemaName defaultSchema_; // always ANSI (not MPLOC)
// triggers -- eliezer
// created on demand
TriggerDB *triggerDB_;
// Hash lookup of (UDR) NARoutine objects
NARoutineDB routineDB_;
NARoutineDB actionRoutineDB_;
Lng32 currentDiskPool_;
float hbaseBlockCacheFrac_;
}; // class SchemaDB
void InitSchemaDB();
inline SchemaDB *ActiveSchemaDB() { return CmpCommon::context()->schemaDB_; }
inline SchemaDB *ActiveSchemaDB_Safe()
{ return CmpCommon::context() ? CmpCommon::context()->schemaDB_ : NULL; }
inline double getDefaultAsDouble(const Int32& key)
return ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsDouble(key);
inline Lng32 getDefaultAsLong(const Int32& key)
return ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsLong(key);
#endif /* SCHEMADB_H */