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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RoutineDesc.h
* Description: A routine descriptor
* Created: 6/29/09
* Language: C++
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "ItemConstr.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
#include "ColStatDesc.h"
#include "CostVector.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RoutineDesc;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BindWA;
class NARoutine;
class RoutineAnalysis;
* \brief RoutineDesc Class.
* The RoutineDesc describes an instance of a Routine similarly
* to how the TableDesc is used to represent an instance of a table.
* One RoutineDesc is allocated per innvokation of a UDF.
* One or more RoutineDescs may share a NARoutine.
* A RoutineDesc contains some attributes for the Routine that are specific
* to a particular innvocation.
* In particular it holds the RoutineParam ItemExpr representation of the
* formal parameters and outputs of the routine.
* If the Routine represented is a scalar routine the RoutineDesc is all
* we need, however, if the routine is a table type routine, we will also
* allocate a TableDesc describing a virtual table that represents the
* results from the Routine.
//! RoutineDesc Class
class RoutineDesc : public NABasicObject
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enums for paramaeter processing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum RDParamHandling
RD_UDFONLY // process parameters for UDF only
,RD_ACTIONONLY // process parameters for Action only
,RD_AUTOMATIC // process parameters based on state of isUUDF_ flag
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! RoutineDesc Constructor
// Without an Action
RoutineDesc(BindWA *bindWA, NARoutine *routine) ;
//! RoutineDesc Constructor
RoutineDesc(BindWA *bindWA, NARoutine *routine, NARoutine *action) ;
//! RoutineDesc Constructor that doesn't require a BindWA
// Without an Action
RoutineDesc(CollHeap* h, NARoutine *routine);
//! RoutineDesc Constructor that doesn't require a BindWA
RoutineDesc(CollHeap* h, NARoutine *routine, NARoutine *action) ;
//! RoutineDesc Copy Constructor
RoutineDesc (const RoutineDesc &, CollHeap *h);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! getInvocationNum accessor function
inline const Int32 &getInvocationNum() const { return invocationNum_; }
//! getActionQualifiedNameObj accessor function
inline const NAString &getActionNameAsGiven() const{ return actionNameAsGiven_; }
//! getQualifiedNameObj accessor function
inline NAString &getActionNameAsGiven() { return actionNameAsGiven_; }
//! getInvocationNum accessor function
inline const Int32 getDigits() const { return digits_; }
//! getLocale accessor function
inline const Int32 &getLocale() const { return locale_; }
//! getNARoutine accessor function
inline NARoutine *getNARoutine() const { return routine_; }
//! getNARoutineRW accessor function
inline NARoutine *getNARoutineRW() { return routine_; }
//! getActionNARoutine accessor function
inline NARoutine *getActionNARoutine() const { return action_; }
//! getActionNARoutineRW accessor function
inline NARoutine *getActionNARoutineRW() { return action_; }
//! getEffectiveNARoutine accessor function
inline NARoutine *getEffectiveNARoutine() const
{ return isUUDF_ ? action_ : routine_; }
const RoutineAnalysis *getRoutineAnalysis() const
{ return analysis_; }
//! getExternalName accessor function
const ComString &getExternalName() const ;
//! getInParamColumnList accessor function
// returns a constant reference to a list of formal input parameters
inline const ValueIdList &getInParamColumnList() const
{ return isUUDF_ ? colActionInParamList_ : colUDFInParamList_; }
//! getInParamColumnList accessor function
// returns a list of formal input parameters
inline ValueIdList &getInParamColumnList()
{ return isUUDF_ ? colActionInParamList_ : colUDFInParamList_; }
//! getOutputColumnList accessor function
// returns a constant reference to a list of formal output parameters
inline const ValueIdList &getOutputColumnList() const
{ return isUUDF_? colActionOutputList_ : colUDFOutputList_; }
//! getOutputColumnList accessor function
// returns a reference to a list of formal output parameters
inline ValueIdList &getOutputColumnList()
{ return isUUDF_ ? colActionOutputList_ : colUDFOutputList_; }
// Accessor functions that looks at the UDF formal parameters
//! getUDFInParamColumnList accessor function
// returns a constant reference to a list of formal input parameters
inline const ValueIdList &getUDFInParamColumnList() const
{ return colUDFInParamList_; }
//! getUDFInParamColumnList accessor function
// returns a list of formal input parameters
inline ValueIdList &getUDFInParamColumnList()
{ return colUDFInParamList_; }
//! getUDFInParamColumnListCount accessor function
// returns a count of formal input parameters
inline const ComUInt32 getUDFInParamColumnListCount() const
{ return colUDFInParamList_.entries(); }
//! getUDFOutputColumnList accessor function
// returns a constant reference to a list of formal output parameters
inline const ValueIdList &getUDFOutputColumnList() const
{ return colUDFOutputList_; }
//! getUDFOutputColumnList accessor function
// returns a reference to a list of formal output parameters
inline ValueIdList &getUDFOutputColumnList()
{ return colUDFOutputList_; }
//! getUDFOutputParamColumnListCount accessor function
// returns a list of formal input parameters
inline const ComUInt32 getUDFOutputColumnListCount() const
{ return colUDFOutputList_.entries(); }
// Accessor functions that looks at the Action formal parameters
//! getActionInParamColumnList accessor function
// returns a constant reference to a list of formal input parameters
inline const ValueIdList &getActionInParamColumnList() const
{ return colActionInParamList_; }
//! getActionInParamColumnList accessor function
// returns a list of formal input parameters
inline ValueIdList &getActionInParamColumnList()
{ return colActionInParamList_; }
//! getActionInParamColumnListCount accessor function
// returns a count of formal input parameters
inline const ComUInt32 getActionInParamColumnListCount() const
{ return colActionInParamList_.entries(); }
//! getActionOutputColumnList accessor function
// returns a constant reference to a list of formal output parameters
inline const ValueIdList &getActionOutputColumnList() const
{ return colActionOutputList_; }
//! getActionOutputColumnList accessor function
// returns a reference to a list of formal output parameters
inline ValueIdList &getActionOutputColumnList()
{ return colActionOutputList_; }
//! getActionOutputParamColumnListCount accessor function
// returns a list of formal input parameters
inline const ComSInt32 getActionOutputParamColumnListCount() const
{ return colActionOutputList_.entries(); }
//! isUUDFRoutine accessor function
// returns a NABoolean indicating if this Routine is a UUDF type
inline const NABoolean isUUDFRoutine() const { return isUUDF_; }
//! getUDFOutParamColStatDescList accessor function
// returns a pointer to a StatsList holding UEC values for each
// output column.
inline ColStatDescList &getUdfOutParamColStatDescList()
{ return udfOutColStatDescList_; }
//! getUDFInitialRowCostVector accessor function
inline SimpleCostVector &getUdfInitialRowCostVector()
{ return udfInitialRowCost_; }
//! getUDFNormalRowCostVector accessor function
inline SimpleCostVector &getUdfNormalRowCostVector()
{ return udfNormalRowCost_; }
//! getUDFFanOut accessor function
inline Int32 &getUdfFanOut() { return udfFanOut_; }
//! getActionOutParamColStatDescList accessor function
// returns a pointer to a StatsList holding UEC values for each
// output column.
inline ColStatDescList &getActionOutParamColStatDescList()
{ return actionOutColStatDescList_; }
//! getActionInitialRowCostVector accessor function
inline SimpleCostVector &getActionInitialRowCostVector()
{ return actionInitialRowCost_; }
//! getActionNormalRowCostVector accessor function
inline SimpleCostVector &getActionNormalRowCostVector()
{ return actionNormalRowCost_; }
//! getActionFanOut accessor function
inline Int32 &getActionFanOut() { return actionFanOut_; }
//! getEffOutParamColStatDescList accessor function
// returns a pointer to a StatsList holding UEC values for each
// output column.
inline ColStatDescList &getEffOutParamColStatDescList()
{ return isUUDF_ == FALSE ?
udfOutColStatDescList_ : actionOutColStatDescList_; }
//! getEffInitialRowCostVector accessor function
inline SimpleCostVector &getEffInitialRowCostVector()
{ return isUUDF_ == FALSE ?
udfInitialRowCost_ : actionInitialRowCost_; }
//! getEffNormalRowCostVector accessor function
inline SimpleCostVector &getEffNormalRowCostVector()
{ return isUUDF_ == FALSE ? udfNormalRowCost_ : actionNormalRowCost_; }
//! getEffFanOut accessor function
inline Int32 &getEffFanOut()
{ return isUUDF_ == FALSE ? udfFanOut_ : actionFanOut_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! setActionQualName mutator function
// sets the Routine's Qualified Name
inline void setActionNameAsGiven(const NAString &name) { actionNameAsGiven_ = name; }
//! setDigits mutator function
// sets the digits for a SAS_PUT Action
inline void setDigits(const Int32 digits) { digits_ = digits; }
//! setLocale mutator function
// sets the locale string for a SAS_PUT Action
inline void setLocale(const Int32 locale) { locale_ = locale; }
//! setInvocationNum mutator function
// sets the invocation number of the Routine
inline void setInvocationNum(const Int32 invocationNum) { invocationNum_ = invocationNum; }
//! setNARoutine mutator function
// sets the pointer to the Routine's NARoutine
// and process the Costing information
inline void setNARoutine(NARoutine * routine)
{ routine_ = routine;
//! setActionNARoutine mutator function
// sets the pointer to the Routine's Action NARoutine
// and process the Costing information
inline void setActionNARoutine(NARoutine * action)
{ isUUDF_ = TRUE;
action_ = action;
//! setRoutineAnalysis method to assing the Analysis struct
void setRoutineAnalysis(RoutineAnalysis *analysis) {analysis_ = analysis; }
//! populateRoutineDesc method create a routineDesc. The createRETDesc
// flag should be set to FALSE when this routine is used to create a
// routineDesc for UDFunction. When used to create a routineDesc for
// RelExprs in the binder, the flag should be set to TRUE!
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean populateRoutineDesc(BindWA *bindWA,
NABoolean createRETDesc=FALSE);
//! createRoutineParams mutator function
// Instantiates the Formal parameters described in the NARoutine
// Binds them and assigns them to the In or Out Params list depending on
// its type.
NABoolean createRoutineParams(BindWA *bindWA, RDParamHandling pHandling);
NABoolean createRoutineParam(BindWA *bindWA, CollIndex i, NARoutine *routine,
ValueIdList *inParamList, ValueIdList *outputList);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Needed by Collections classes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! == operator mutator function
// redefines the == operator.
NABoolean operator == (const RoutineDesc & rhs) { return (&(*this) == &rhs); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print/debug
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! print function
// used for debugging
virtual void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "RoutineDesc");
// Default constructor, copy constructor without heap, and asignment
// operator are not implemented and not allowed.
RoutineDesc(const RoutineDesc &);
RoutineDesc &operator=(RoutineDesc &rdesc);
//! processRoutineCosting mutator function
// copies the cost data from the NARoutine to the routineDesc and
// applies DEFAULTS if necessary.
void processRoutineCosting(SimpleCostVector *initial,
SimpleCostVector *normal,
Int32 *fanOut,
NARoutine *routine);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! The routine invocation number
// This number is meant to be used to differentiate multiple
// instances of the same routine in the query.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 invocationNum_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! The action name
// As found in the sql text
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAString actionNameAsGiven_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! The digits following an action name
// This number is meant to be used to drive different format outputs
// for SAS_PUT
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 digits_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! The optional locale information for an action
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 locale_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! NARoutine object representing the Routine
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NARoutine *routine_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! NARoutine object representing the Action of a UUDF Routine
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NARoutine *action_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A List of ValueIds that contains the identifers for the columns
// representing input paramaters provided by this innvocation to the
// UUDF routine NARoutine.
// The accessor functions above will access the correct list depending
// on if the UUDF flags is set.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList colUDFInParamList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A List of ValueIds that contains the identifers for the columns
// representing ouputs provided by this innvocation to the NARoutine.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList colUDFOutputList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A List of ValueIds that contains the identifers for the columns
// representing input paramaters provided by this innvocation to the
// Action routine ActionNARoutine.
// The accessor functions above will access the correct list depending
// on if the UUDF flags is set.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList colActionInParamList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A List of ValueIds that contains the identifers for the columns
// representing ouputs provided by this innvocation to the ActionNARoutine.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList colActionOutputList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A Boolean to indicate if the Routine is a UUDF. If it is, it has a
// second NARoutine describing the action.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isUUDF_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A ColStatsDesc udfOutColStatDescList_. Used to hold the UECs for
// each output of the UDF
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStatDescList udfOutColStatDescList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A SimpleCostVector to hold the initial cost per UDF instance. Needed
// a per instance one since CQD defaults needed to be checked at bind time
// for each query, not just when the NARoutine was instantiated.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SimpleCostVector udfInitialRowCost_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A SimpleCostVector to hold the normal cost per UDF instance. Needed
// a per instance one since CQD defaults needed to be checked at bind time
// for each query, not just when the NARoutine was instantiated.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SimpleCostVector udfNormalRowCost_;
RoutineAnalysis * analysis_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A Int32 to hold the fanout per routine instance. Needed
// a per instance one since CQD defaults needed to be checked at bind time
// for each query, not just when the NARoutine was instantiated.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 udfFanOut_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A ColStatsDesc actionOutColStatDescList_. Used to hold the UECs for
// each output of the Action
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStatDescList actionOutColStatDescList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A SimpleCostVector to hold the initial cost per Action instance. Needed
// a per instance one since CQD defaults needed to be checked at bind time
// for each query, not just when the NARoutine was instantiated.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SimpleCostVector actionInitialRowCost_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A SimpleCostVector to hold the normal cost per Action instance. Needed
// a per instance one since CQD defaults needed to be checked at bind time
// for each query, not just when the NARoutine was instantiated.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SimpleCostVector actionNormalRowCost_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//! A Int32 to hold the fanout per Action instance. Needed
// a per instance one since CQD defaults needed to be checked at bind time
// for each query, not just when the NARoutine was instantiated.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 actionFanOut_;
}; // class RoutineDesc
#endif /* ROUTINEDESC_H */