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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: PartKeyDist.h
* Description:
* Created: 8/5/1998
* Language: C++
**************************************************************************** */
#include "ColStatDesc.h" /* histogram classes */
#include "PartFunc.h" /* partitioning function */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following classes are defined in this file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PartitionKeyDistribution ; // used to model active partitions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class PartitionKeyDistribution :
// --------------------------------
// representation of partitioning key boundary information inside a histogram,
// in order to model the number of active partitions during a query; read-only
// wrapper for constructed ColStats object; primary work (deeply embedded
// inside ctor) is calls to Histogram::createMergeTemplate() and
// ColStats::populateTemplate()
// PartitionKeyDistribution is intended to represent a list of partition
// boundaries, repesenting how a particular table is partitioned between
// disks.
// $$$ In all methods of this class, we must be very careful to never call
// $$$
// $$$ ColStats::removeRedundantEmpties()
// $$$
// $$$ because then we might lose some partition boundary information!
// Note that another way of implementing this class would be to embed a
// ColStatDescList inside a wrapper class, and through that wrapper allow
// manipulation of the CSDL. However, this approach will not work for
// several reasons, due to the way that histogram synthesis is performed.
// Basically, whenever a predicate is applied to a histogram, we end up
// removing intervals from that histogram. But the semantics of the
// partition boundaries object says that its boundaries must never be
// modified. Similarly, whenever we call the ColStats routine
// mentioned above (removeRedundantEmpties), any intervals which are empty
// are merged together, thus destroying important information!
// It is for this reason that this class has to be used AFTER any
// necessary histogram synthesis is performed. If before-and-after
// comparison is required, then two different objects of type
// PartitionKeyDistribution must be created.
// $$$ Another trickiness:
// $$$
// $$$ All of the internal histogram code assumes, and depends, on the fact
// $$$ that all histogram interval boundaries are in ASCENDING order. If the
// $$$ partition boundaries represent a clustering key which is in DESCENDING
// $$$ order, then the PartitionKeyDistribution class needs to do some
// $$$ careful interfacing with the histogram code.
// $$$
// $$$ 1. when the internal histogram is created, the order of the boundaries
// $$$ provided to the PartitionKeyDistribution have to be inserted in
// $$$ the inverse order from what is provided;
// $$$
// $$$ 2. any PartitionKeyDistribution accessor method (e.g.,
// $$$ getRowsForPartition()) which needs to know about a specific partition
// $$$ number, needs to check the internal flag (isPartitionKeyAscending_);
// $$$ if this flag is FALSE, signifying DESCENDING order, then we need to
// $$$ return the information for the partition signified by the
// $$$ (numPartitions-i-1), not the ith partition. I.e., we need to do
// $$$ another flip-flop.
// $$$
// $$$ The function which does (1) is the PartitionKeyDistribution ctor;
// $$$
// $$$ The functions which have to do (2) are currently only:
// $$$
// $$$ . getRowsForPartition()
// $$$ . getUecForPartition()
// $$$
// $$$ However, since both of these routines use
// $$$
// $$$ . getHistIdxFromPartIdx()
// $$$
// $$$ this code change only needs to be done in a single place.
// Use of class PartitionKeyDistribution
// -------------------------------------
// Before using an object of this class after it's been constructed, it's
// necessary to consult whether the object isValid() ; if not, then the
// values contained in the class are bogus and should not (cannot) be
// used.
// This class contains only those methods which its users require; more can
// be added as needed.
// isValid() : described above -- if FALSE, this object cannot be used!
// getRowcount() : the total number of rows in all partitions
// getRowsForPartition() : the rowcount in the i'th partition
// getUecForPartition() : the uec in the i'th partition
// getNumPartitions() : the total number of partitions, empty+full
// getNumActivePartitions() : the number of partitions containing rows
// getPartitionKey() : the key column (one of 'listOfPartitionKeys') being used
// as the leading partitioning key -- the one we used to create the
// partitioned boundary list (which is one of 'listOfPartitionBounds')
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PartitionKeyDistribution
// "empty ctor" : the empty PKD, useful as a comparison with real ones, ...
PartitionKeyDistribution () ;
// "new ctor" : this is the interface we want, but it's currently unwritten, as
// it's not immediately clear how to convert from the RangePartitioningFunction
// to the LIST(EncodedValueList) & LIST(ValueId)
PartitionKeyDistribution (const RangePartitioningFunction & partFunc,
const ColStatDescList & inputHistograms);
inline CostScalar getRowcount () const { return CS().getRowcount() ; }
CollIndex getNumPartitions () const;
inline ValueId getPartitionKey () const { return partitionKeyId_ ; }
inline NABoolean isValid () const { return objectInfoIsValid_ ; }
// i=0 is the first partition and so on...
CostScalar getRowsForPartition (CollIndex i) const;
CostScalar getUecForPartition (CollIndex i) const;
// iter through the histogram, count up the number of intervals that
// have >0 rows
inline CollIndex getNumActivePartitions() const
HistogramSharedPtr hist = Hist() ;
CollIndex entries = hist->entries(), numActive = 0 ;
for ( CollIndex i = 0 ; i < entries ; i++ )
if ( (*hist)[i].getCardinality() > 0 )
// remember: each Histogram interval represents potentially many
// partition boundaries
numActive += partitionFactors_[i] ;
return numActive ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is used for the row count estimation code. It returns the partitions
// in the interval holding the most partitions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CollIndex getMaxPartitionFactor() const;
// partitionBoundaries_ is a ColStats, whose internal Histogram encodes
// information about the partitions' boundary values
ColStats partitionBoundaries_ ;
// partitionFactors_ is a LIST the same size as the internal Histogram
// inside of partitionBoundaries_; this factor is used to compensate for
// various Histogram methods' inability to handle the case where the same
// partition boundary exists for multiple consecutive partition boundaries.
// --> The rowcount/uec for each interval inside partitionBoundares_ actually
// represents the rows/uec for potenially *many* partitions.
// Maintained semantics:
// ---------------------
// 1. (partitionFactors_.entries() == Hist->entries())
// 2. for all entries, partitionFactors_[i] >= 1
// 3. The values in partitionFactor_ must not be altered after the initial setup
// inside the PartKeyDist ctor.
CollIndexList partitionFactors_ ;
// this routine does the work of converting from the "external" partition #
// to the "internal" histogram interval #
CollIndex getHistIdxFromPartIdx (CollIndex i) const ;
// partitioning key corresponding to the boundary values
ValueId partitionKeyId_ ;
// what's the order of 'partitionKeyId_' : ASC (TRUE) or DESC (FALSE)
NABoolean isPartitionKeyAscending_ ;
NABoolean objectInfoIsValid_ ; // is the current object valid?
// accessor functions to make writing this class's functions easier
inline const ColStats & CS () const { return partitionBoundaries_ ; }
inline HistogramSharedPtr Hist () const { return partitionBoundaries_.getHistogram() ; }
// do not use the following ctor or assignment!
PartitionKeyDistribution (const PartitionKeyDistribution &) ;
PartitionKeyDistribution & operator = (const PartitionKeyDistribution &) ;