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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: OptPhysRelExpr.C
* Description: Optimizer methods related to Physical Expressions
* These include methods related to costing and plan generation
* defined on physical operator classes as well as the
* base RelExpr class.
* Created: 12/10/96
* Language: C++
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Sqlcomp.h"
#include "GroupAttr.h"
#include "AllRelExpr.h"
#include "AllItemExpr.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include "PhyProp.h"
#include "Cost.h"
#include "ControlDB.h"
#include "CostMethod.h"
#include "EstLogProp.h"
#include "ScanOptimizer.h"
#include "DefaultConstants.h"
#include "PartKeyDist.h"
#include "OptimizerSimulator.h"
#include "HDFSHook.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "CmpStatement.h"
#include "UdfDllInteraction.h"
extern THREAD_P NAUnsigned SortEnforcerRuleNumber;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods on class RelExpr associated with physical exprs. These
// include methods for plan generation and costing.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// static helper function for data source synthesis from two sources
static DataSourceEnum combineDataSources(DataSourceEnum a,
DataSourceEnum b)
if (a == b)
return a;
// there is kind of an order on the data source enums, just
// take the one with the higher order
return a;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocate a workspace for plan generation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PlanWorkSpace * RelExpr::allocateWorkSpace() const
return new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PlanWorkSpace(getArity());
} // RelExpr::allocateWorkSpace()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this type.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Each physical operator class that is derived from RelExpr
// should redefine this virtual function, unless the default
// implementation is acceptable. This default implementation
// returns a CostMethod object that yields a local cost of 1.0.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
RelExpr::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodFixedCostPerRow *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap())
CostMethodFixedCostPerRow( 1.0 // constant cost for the node
, 0.0 // cost per child row
, 0.0 // cost per output row
return m;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::createPlan()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* RelExpr::createPlan(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Rule* rule,
Guidance* guidance,
Guidance* & guidanceForChild)
Context* result = NULL;
// if we already have a solution and are way over level1SafetyNet_
// then return null (ie, skip create plan)
double limit_for_CPT = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->level1SafetyNetMultiple();
if (myContext->getSolution() != NULL AND
(limit_for_CPT > 0.0 AND CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getTaskCount() >
limit_for_CPT * CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->level1SafetyNet()))
return result;
Lng32 childIndex;
// check the cost limit if the context has a cost limit,
// but don't check it if pruning has been disabled:
NABoolean checkCostLimit =
((myContext->getCostLimit() != NULL) AND
CostMethod* cm = this->costMethod();
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
if ( isParHeuristic4Feasible(myContext, rppForMe) )
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// First call to createPlan() for this operator.
// We want to recompute operatorCost depending on the plan number
// because for example Type2 and Type1 join operators would have
// quite different costs. BMO flag should be also recomputed. Although
// computeOperatorCost has a plan as an input parameter we were computing
// operatorCost only for the first plan and then reusing it with
// getOperatorCost for other plans. That caused overestimating of
// operator cost and pruning the better plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->isEmpty() OR
( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning()) AND
(pws->getPlanChildCount() == getArity() )
CascadesPlan* myPlan = myContext->getPlan();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if the operator is a big memory operator. Cache result in
// pws and in the plan.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 planNumber =
pws->getCountOfChildContexts()/(getArity()>0 ? getArity() : 1);
I was trying to reuse an operatorCost not to recompute it when
coming to reoptimize the plan that failed exceeding cost limit.
But because of some problems I commented out this reusing for
a while. Issue needs more investigation.
if ( NOT ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->OPHreuseOperatorCost()
AND myPlan->exceededCostLimit() )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Synthesize physical props of leaves right away so that they are
// available when computeOperatorCost is called.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (getArity()==0)
if (myPlan->getPhysicalProperty() == NULL)
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe = synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,-1,pws);
if (sppForMe == NULL)
// bad properties, no plan can ever be found
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Now compute the operator cost.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 countOfStreams;
Cost* operatorCost;
if ( (myContext->isPruningEnabled() AND
OR (getArity() == 0)
OR (getOperatorType() == REL_ROOT)
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(SIMPLE_COST_MODEL) == DF_ON)
operatorCost =
cm->scmComputeOperatorCost(this, pws, countOfStreams);
operatorCost =
cm->computeOperatorCost(this, myContext, countOfStreams);
// If pruning disabled - skip computeOperatorCost on the way down
// because it will be recomputed on the way up anyway.
operatorCost = new HEAP Cost();
delete operatorCost;
// } // of if for reusing operatorCost
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subsequent calls to createPlan() for this operator.
// Do partial plan costing when all of the following conditions hold:
// 1) Operator is not unary and not a leaf.
// 2) Not all children have been optimized for most recent plan.
// 3) Cost limit checking is required
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// else
// This change is to provide compatibility with the old behaviour of
// plan generation without pruning. When complete testing is done
// this part will be simplified.
if ( pws->getCountOfChildContexts() > 0 )
if ( getArity() > 1 )
if ( pws->getPlanChildCount() < getArity() )
if ( checkCostLimit )
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute partial plan cost for this operator's current
// plan. First calculate known costs of any children and
// combine them with this operator's preliminary cost to
// produce a partial plan cost. Store both the known children
// cost and the partial plan cost in the plan workspace.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
cm->computePartialPlanCost( this, pws, myContext);
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// All children for latest plan have been optimized, so reset
// for next possible plan.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Without clearing known children cost is was used
// after failed plan for the next one because staying
// in the loop in createContextForAChild()
pws->setKnownChildrenCost((Cost *)NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check cost limits (perform pruning within branch-and-bound).
// This is only done once for the preliminary cost and once for each
// child (except the last child) of each plan in the plan workspace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( checkCostLimit
&& ( pws->isEmpty()
|| pws->getPlanChildCount() > 0) )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compare the known cost for performing this operation with the cost
// limit using the cost weight that may be specified in the required
// physical properties, if any.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
const Cost* partialPlanCost = pws->getPartialPlanCost();
if ( (myContext
->compareWithCost(*partialPlanCost,rppForMe) == LESS))
// The intention was to stop optimizing a context when operator
// cost exceeded costLimit. This is rather aggressive because
// the next plan (Type1 join instead of Type 2 join as the first
// plan for HHJ ) can have cheaper operator cost but would never
// be considered. It is better to do this check in createContext
// forAChild() giving other plan a chance to complete.
if ( pws->isEmpty() AND CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->OPHpruneWhenCLExceeded() )
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Mark the plan for the previous child Context as failed
// because it causes the cost for this operation to reach
// or exceed the cost limit.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 numChildContextsPruned = getArity() - (Int32)pws->getPlanChildCount();
if (numChildContextsPruned > 0)
CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->pruned_tasks_count += numChildContextsPruned;
DBGLOGMSG(" *** Cost limit exceeded by plan partial cost ");
// If we have optimized all children for the latest plan (A leaf operator
// satisfies this requirement trivially), get the cost of this most recent
// plan and see if it is the best plan so far.
// NOTE: for leaf operators there is only a single implicit plan.
if ( ( NOT pws->isEmpty()
&& pws->getPlanChildCount() == 0)
|| getArity() == 0 )
Cost* cost = pws->getCostOfPlan(pws->getLatestPlan());
// Only give this plan a chance to be stored as the plan
// with the best cost if it is acceptable, i.e. it is a valid
// plan and it satisfies any forced plan constraints.
// We should check if plan is acceptable when cost!=NULL? SP.
if (cost AND CmpCommon::getDefault(NSK_DBG_SHOW_PLAN_LOG) == DF_ON )
// This is to print each intermediate (not only the best) plans
CascadesPlan * myPlan = myContext->getPlan();
Cost * costBefore = (Cost *)myPlan->getRollUpCost();
// The setRollUpCost is going to delete what the plan is currently
// pointing to. We need to make a copy of the Cost before
// setRollUpCost() is called.
if (costBefore != NULL)
costBefore = costBefore->duplicate();
DBGLOGMSG(" *** Latest plan *** ");
myPlan->setRollUpCost(cost->duplicate()); // deletes old Cost
RelExpr * op = myPlan->getPhysicalExpr();
Lng32 opArity = op->getArity();
for (Lng32 childIndex=0; childIndex<opArity; childIndex++)
Context * childContext =
if (childContext)
" *** ",TRUE);
if (currentPlanIsAcceptable(pws->getLatestPlan(),rppForMe))
#ifdef _DEBUG
DBGLOGMSG(" *** is acceptable *** ");
pws->updateBestCost( cost, pws->getLatestPlan() );
else if (cost)
#ifdef _DEBUG
DBGLOGMSG(" *** is not acceptable *** ");
delete cost;
} // I optimized all my children or I am a leaf
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterator over child Contexts.
// It creates a child Context, assigns a cost limit and returns the
// newly created Context to the caller iff the computed cost limit
// can yield a feasible solution.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean done = FALSE;
if ( NOT CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() OR getArity() > 0 )
// need createContextForAChild() call only if there is a child
while (NOT done)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a Context for a child.
// Either create a new Context or reuse an existing one for
// for optimizing a specific child. The Context is also remembered
// in the PlanWorkSpace.
// The method returns a number that identifies the child for which
// a context was created.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
result = createContextForAChild(myContext, pws, childIndex);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If the computed cost limit cannot yield a feasible solution,
// iterate and create another context for the child
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (result AND checkCostLimit)
if (result->isCostLimitFeasible())
done = TRUE;
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->OPHuseFailedPlanCost() )
if ( result->hasSolution() )
// here we set costLimitExceeded_ flag to FALSE to be
// able to reuse this solution. Otherwise the call for
// method hasOptimalSolution() which is used in many
// places in the code would return FALSE and we would
// ignore this existing solution in the future.
// This is a simple communication from createContext
// ForAChild() method. If we didn't set this flag to
// TRUE we would follow if branch above and didn't
// mark the latest context as violating costLimit.
// Now this flag when set affects the logic and allow
// us to prune earlier, for example, when one child
// of a join already has a solution that exceeds
// the current costLimit.
if ( pws->getPlanChildCount() == getArity() )
done = TRUE;
DBGLOGMSGCNTXT(" *** Created context not CLFeasible ",result);
done = TRUE;
} // end while
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If a Context was created
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (result)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Obtain a guidance for optimizing the child from the rule.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (rule != NULL)
guidanceForChild = rule->guidanceForOptimizingChild
(guidance, myContext, childIndex);
guidanceForChild = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If either one of the children did not yield an optimal
// solution and we are unable to create a plan for this
// operator, return NULL.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT findOptimalSolution(myContext, pws)) return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Check cost limits (perform pruning within branch-and-bound).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (checkCostLimit)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Compare the cost for performing this operation with the cost
// limit using the cost weight that may be specified in the
// required physical properties, if any.
// If the cost for this operation has reached or exceeded
// the cost limit, return NULL to signal that no plan can
// be created.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if ( myContext->getCostLimit()->compareWithPlanCost
(myContext->getPlan(), rppForMe) == LESS )
CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->pruned_tasks_count += (Int32)pws->getCountOfChildContexts();
DBGLOGMSGCNTXT(" *** CLExceeded in createPlan() ",myContext);
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If we haven't done so already, synthesize properties now.
// The only operator who should not already have spp is RelRoot.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
CascadesPlan* myPlan = myContext->getPlan();
if (myPlan->getPhysicalProperty() == NULL)
Lng32 planNumber = pws->getBestPlanSoFar();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: At this point we have found a plan but we do not know
// whether the plan actually satisfies the myContext. This check is
// done in the search engine.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
return result;
} // RelExpr::createPlan()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::isParHeuristic4Feasible()
// Heuristic4 (if it is ON) will try to avoid creating a parallel plan
// for "small" non-partitioned table, base or intermediate, by checking
// estimated logical properties like the number of rows coming from the
// left and right child of the expression to make a decision about
// parallelism like it's done in okToAttemptESPParallelism() function.
// Note that heuristic4 won't prevent parallel plan for GroupBy operator
// if its child is bigger than a threshold.
// The size check will be done in preventPushDownPartReq() function. It
// will also check some partitioning(physical) properties of children's
// plans, if there is any, using getFirstPlan() and
// getPhysicalProperty->isPartitioned() functions.
// We don't want to prevent creation of parallel plan for Exchange
// operator or if we looking at the right child of nested join (because
// Exchange operator cannot be used in this case to enforce partitioning)
// or correlated subquery. In both cases non-empty histogram is passed
// to this expression through input logical properties.
// We don't want to abort creating a plan if Context requires exactly
// one partition or replication of the table which might be necessary
// for the right child of nested or hash join.
NABoolean RelExpr::isParHeuristic4Feasible(Context* myContext,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe)
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
if ( rppForMe AND
CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->parallelHeuristic4() AND
( getOperatorType() != REL_EXCHANGE ) AND
( (inLogProp->getColStats()).entries() == 0 )
NABoolean conditionToAbort = FALSE;
const PartitioningRequirement* pr =
if ( pr )
conditionToAbort = NOT ( (pr->getCountOfPartitions()<2)
OR pr->isRequirementReplicateViaBroadcast()
OR pr->isRequirementReplicateNoBroadcast() );
const LogicalPartitioningRequirement *lpr =
if ( lpr )
const PartitioningRequirement* logreq = lpr->getLogReq();
conditionToAbort = NOT ( (logreq->getCountOfPartitions()<2)
OR logreq->isRequirementReplicateViaBroadcast()
OR logreq->isRequirementReplicateNoBroadcast() );
if ( conditionToAbort AND preventPushDownPartReq(rppForMe,inLogProp) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::createContextForAChild()
// Since the normalizer transforms bushy trees to left linear
// trees, this default implementation optimizes the children from
// right to left. The idea is that optimization for the right
// child (in general) is cheaper than optimizing the left child.
// Therefore, perform the "easy" step first and come up with a
// cost limit earlier.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Context * RelExpr::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The default implementation creates exactly one Context per child.
// EXAMPLE: If arity = 2, contexts are created in the following order:
// childIndex = 1, 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
childIndex = getArity() - pws->getCountOfChildContexts() - 1;
// return for RelExprs with arity 0
if (childIndex < 0)
return NULL;
RequirementGenerator rg(child(childIndex), rppForMe);
if (childIndex > 0)
// Don't pass any of the sort, arrangement, or partitioning
// requirements to the other children, assume that only the left
// child needs to satisfy them (Union doesn't use this code).
if (NOT pws->isEmpty())
const Context* childContext = pws->getLatestChildContext();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded or got no solution? Give up since we only
// try one plan.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
if(NOT (childContext AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution()))
return NULL;
if (NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit())
return NULL;
if (NOT rg.checkFeasibility())
return NULL;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as myContext.
// Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context that contains
// the same rpp and input log prop as in myContext.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(childIndex, rg.produceRequirement(),
costLimit, myContext,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
// Only need to keep track of plan child count for operators with more than
// one child, since only these operators make use of partial plan costing.
if (getArity() > 1)
return result;
} // RelExpr::createContextForAChild()
// Using the cost limit from a specified context as a starting point, produce
// a new cost limit for a child by accumulating the parent preliminary cost and
// the known children cost from a specified plan workspace.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context.
// pws -- specified plan workspace.
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Copy of accumulated cost limit. NULL if context contains no cost limit.
RelExpr::computeCostLimit(const Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws)
// Context contains no cost limit. Interpret this as an infinite cost limit.
// Returning NULL indicates an infinite cost limit.
if (myContext->getCostLimit() == NULL)
return NULL;
// Create copy of cost limit from specified context.
CostLimit* costLimit = myContext->getCostLimit()->copy();
// Accumulate this operator's preliminary cost into the ancestor cost.
Cost* tempCost = pws->getOperatorCost();
costLimit->ancestorAccum(*tempCost, myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty());
// Accumulate this operator's known children's cost into the sibling cost.
tempCost = pws->getKnownChildrenCost();
if (tempCost != 0)
// Use best plan so far for this operator to try and reduce the cost limit.
tempCost = pws->getBestRollUpCostSoFar();
if (tempCost != NULL)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rpp = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
return costLimit;
} // RelExpr::computeCostLimit()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::findOptimalSolution()
// It associates one of the Contexts that was created for each child
// of this operator with the Context for this operator.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean RelExpr::findOptimalSolution(Context * myContext,
PlanWorkSpace * pws)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The code originally here has been moved to a method with the same
// name under the class PlanWorkSpace. The rationale for the move are:
// 1. Since the plans are stored in pws, it's more natural to place the
// method under pws.
// 2. Since pws knows how many plans it has as well as how many children
// there are for the operator, the generic implementation there is
// more general and can be applicable in more cases. This reduces the
// number of subclasses of RelExpr which need to refine the method.
// Now, a refinement is needed only if there is processing that must
// occur after the optimal plan is chosen, and this processing is
// dependent on the operator type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plan # is only an output param, initialize it to an impossible value.
Lng32 planNumber = -1;
return pws->findOptimalSolution(planNumber);
} // RelExpr::findOptimalSolution()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::currentPlanIsAcceptable()
// The virtual implementations of this method ensure the current plan
// for the current operator is acceptable, i.e. it is a valid plan
// and it satisfies any forced plan constraints.
// This default implementation assumes all plans for this operator are
// acceptable.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean RelExpr::currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
return TRUE;
} // RelExpr::currentPlanIsAcceptable()
// Synthesize physical properties for this operator's current plan extracted
// from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used in derived
// versions of this member function for synthesizing
// partitioning functions. Unused in this base class version.
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// By the time synthPhysicalProperty() is done, the plan whose spp is
// to be synthesized is stored as currentPlan_ in myContext.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CascadesPlan* plan = myContext->getPlan();
Lng32 currentCountOfCPUs = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the count of CPUs from child0, if it exists.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if(getArity() != 0)
const Context* childContext = plan->getContextForChild(0);
CMPASSERT(childContext != NULL);
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild =
currentCountOfCPUs = sppForChild->getCurrentCountOfCPUs();
CMPASSERT(currentCountOfCPUs >= 1);
// Operator has no child. Cost should be available for plan.
// Get the count of CPUs from there.
currentCountOfCPUs = plan->getRollUpCost()->getCountOfCPUs();
CMPASSERT(currentCountOfCPUs >= 1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The only physical property which this default implementation can
// synthesize is the no of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty();
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty()
DefaultToken RelExpr::getParallelControlSettings (
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) const
// This default implementation does not handle forcing the number
// of ESPs.
numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
// Get the value from the defaults table that specifies when
// the optimizer should attempt ESP parallelism.
DefaultToken attESPPara = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->attemptESPParallelism();
if ( rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines() == 1 )
// If there is only 1 cpu or the user doesn't want the optimizer
// to try ESP parallelism for any operators, set the result to OFF.
attESPPara = DF_OFF;
return attESPPara;
} // RelExpr::getParallelControlSettings()
NABoolean RelExpr::okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
// CS or REPLICA: do not consider ESP parallelism if we are in DP2.
if ( rppForMe->executeInDP2() )
return FALSE;
// rowsetIterator cannot be ESP parallelized. Counting logic for rowNumber
// is no designed to work in nodes that are executing in ESP parallelism.
if (isRowsetIterator())
return FALSE;
NABoolean result = FALSE;
DefaultToken parallelControlSettings =
if (parallelControlSettings == DF_OFF)
result = FALSE;
else if ( (parallelControlSettings == DF_MAXIMUM) AND
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
// currently, numberOfPartitionsDeviation_ is set to 0 in
allowedDeviation = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->numberOfPartitionsDeviation();
// allow deviation by default
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_61) == DF_OFF)
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar child0RowCount =
if ( child0RowCount.getCeiling() <
// Fewer outer table rows then pipelines - allow one or more parts
allowedDeviation = 1.0;
result = TRUE;
else if (parallelControlSettings == DF_ON)
// Either user wants to try ESP parallelism for all operators,
// or they are forcing the number of ESPs for this operator.
// Set the result to TRUE. If the number of ESPs is not being forced,
// set the number of ESPs that should be used to the maximum number
// with the allowable deviation percentage from the defaults table.
// NEW HEURISTIC: If there are fewer outer table rows than the number
// of pipelines, then set the deviation to allow any level of natural
// partitioning, including one. This is because we don't want to
// repartition so few rows to get more parallelism, since we would
// end up with a lot of ESPs doing nothing.
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
if (getArity() > 0)
// Determine the number of outer table rows
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar child0RowCount =
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
if (child0RowCount.getCeiling() < numOfESPs)
// Fewer outer table rows than pipelines - allow one or more parts
allowedDeviation = 1.0;
allowedDeviation = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->numberOfPartitionsDeviation();
allowedDeviation = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->numberOfPartitionsDeviation();
} // end if number of ESPs not forced
result = TRUE;
// Otherwise, the user must have specified "SYSTEM" for the
// ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM default. This means it is up to the
// optimizer to decide.
// This default implementation will return TRUE if the number of
// rows returned by child(0) exceeds the threshold from the
// defaults table. The recommended number of ESPs is also computed
// to be 1 process per <threshold> number of rows. This is then
// used to indicate the MINIMUM number of ESPs that will be
// acceptable. This is done by setting the allowable deviation
// to a percentage of the maximum number of partitions such
// that the recommended number of partitions is the lowest
// number allowed. We make the recommended number of partitions
// a minimum instead of a hard requirement because we don't
// want to be forced to repartition the child just to get "less"
// parallelism.
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
CostScalar rowCount =
// This is to test better parallelism taking into account
// not only child0 but also this operator cardinality
// this could be important for joins but it seems feasible to
// have it in default method to use for example for TRANSPOSE
if(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_125) == DF_ON)
rowCount += (getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inLogProp)->
const CostScalar numberOfRowsThreshold =
if (rowCount > numberOfRowsThreshold)
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
allowedDeviation = (float) MAXOF(1.001 -
ceil((rowCount / numberOfRowsThreshold).value()) / numOfESPs, 0);
result = TRUE;
result = FALSE;
} // end if the user let the optimizer decide
return result;
} // RelExpr::okToAttemptESPParallelism()
// Returns TRUE if only an enforcer operator (either exchange or sort)
// can satisfy the required physical properties. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
NABoolean RelExpr::rppRequiresEnforcer
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
// Only an exchange operator can satisfy a replicate via broadcast
// partitioning requirement.
if ((partReqForMe != NULL) AND
OR partReqForMe->isRequirementSkewBusterBroadcast()
return TRUE;
SortOrderTypeEnum sortOrderTypeReq =
// If a sort order type requirement of ESP_VIA_SORT exists,
// then return TRUE now. Only a sort operator can satisfy
// this requirement. The sort rule will be allowed to succeed
// for this requirement. The exchange rule is also allowed to
// succeed for this requirement, to allow for parallel sorts. All
// other implementation rules will fail. This means that when an
// operator issues an ESP_VIA_SORT requirement the sort to satisfy
// this requirement will be restricted to being the immediate child
// of the operator issuing the requirement.
if (sortOrderTypeReq == ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} // RelExpr::rppRequiresEnforcer()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called at precodegen time. The executor requires that all operators
// in the same ESP process set use the same partition input values (PIVs),
// and that all partitioning key predicates and partitioning expressions
// that are used are based on this same set of PIVs.
// This method ensures that this is so by checking if this operators PIVs
// are the same as it's child. If not, it makes the child's PIVs, partitioning
// key predicates, and partitioning expression the same as the parent's.
// For some operators, the parent partitioning key predicates and
// partitioning expression might need to be mapped first before assigning
// them to the child.
// Most of the time, the PIVs will be the same. They could only be different
// if the child's plan was stolen from another context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void RelExpr::replacePivs()
const PhysicalProperty* sppForMe = getPhysicalProperty();
const PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
// The only operator who should not have a partitioning function is
// RelRoot (although I don't know why it doesn't). If the operator does
// not have a partitioning function then there is nothing to do, so
// just return.
if (myPartFunc == NULL)
const ValueIdSet &myPartKeyPreds = myPartFunc->getPartitioningKeyPredicates();
const ValueIdSet &myPivs = myPartFunc->getPartitionInputValues();
const ValueIdList &myPivLayout = myPartFunc->getPartitionInputValuesLayout();
if (myPivs.entries() == 0)
// Process all children.
for (Lng32 childIndex = 0; childIndex < getArity(); childIndex++)
PhysicalProperty* sppOfChild =
CMPASSERT(sppOfChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc =
CMPASSERT(childPartFunc != NULL);
const ValueIdSet &childPartKeyPreds =
const ValueIdList &childPivLayout =
// The parent's mapped partitioning function and the child's MUST be
// compatible, or the child has a replication partitioning function, or
// the parent is a DP2 Exchange, the child has a logPhysPartitioning
// function, and it's logical partitioning function is equivalent to the
// parent's mapped partitioning function.
// "compatible" means that the functions can use the same set of PIVs
// to produce valid values. For example, two HASH2 part functions are
// compatible if they have the same number of partitions. Two range
// part functions are compatible if they have the same number of
// key columns and the data types of the keys match.
// Check if I have some pivs and the child has some pivs and they
// are different. Note that it could be possible for this operator
// to have some pivs and the child to not have any, and yet this
// is ok. For example, the right child of a replicated join would
// not have any pivs and yet the join itself would. This is ok
// and in this case there is nothing to do - you would not want
// to give the child pivs that it does not need.
if (NOT childPivLayout.isEmpty() AND
!(myPivLayout == childPivLayout))
// Child's pivs exist and are different from mine.
// Make the child pivs and parent pivs the same and map
// all item expressions in the child that refer to them
// to the new PIVs.
ValueIdMap pivMap(myPartFunc->getPartitionInputValuesLayout(),
ValueIdSet rewrittenChildPartKeyPreds;
// check for "compatible" partitioning functions
CMPASSERT(myPartFunc->getPartitionInputValuesLayout().entries() ==
CMPASSERT(myPartFunc->getPartitioningFunctionType() ==
CMPASSERT(myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() ==
// could also check column types of range part. func. but
// since that's more complicated we won't check for now
pivMap.mapValueIdSetDown(childPartKeyPreds, rewrittenChildPartKeyPreds);
// Update the child's partitioning function. Note that since replacePivs()
// is called before calling preCodeGen() on the child, we do this before
// any predicates that use PIVs are generated in the child. So, no other
// places in the child need to be updated.
} // end if my part key preds are not the same as the childs
} // end for all children
} // end RelExpr::replacePivs()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from this
// operator to the designated child, if the operator has/requires mapping.
// Note that this default implementation does no mapping.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningFunction* RelExpr::mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0)
return (PartitioningFunction*)partFunc;
} // end RelExpr::mapPartitioningFunction()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class Sort
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean Sort::isBigMemoryOperator(const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
const Lng32 planNumber)
const Context* context = pws->getContext();
// Get addressability to the defaults table and extract default memory.
// CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getMemoryLimitPerCPU() should not be called since it can
// set to > 20MB in some cases, for example if the query tree contains
// REL_GROUPBY operator. This will result in the assumption that even BMO
// plans can be sorted in memory(leads to under estimation of cost), but
// executor uses internal sorts only if the sort table size < 20MB.
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
double memoryLimitPerCPU = defs.getAsDouble(MEMORY_UNITS_SIZE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Without memory constraints, the sort operator would like to sort all
// the rows internally.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = context->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
// Start off assuming that the sort will use all available CPUs.
Lng32 cpuCount = rppForMe->getCountOfAvailableCPUs();
PartitioningRequirement* partReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
const PhysicalProperty* spp = context->getPlan()->getPhysicalProperty();
Lng32 numOfStreams;
// If the physical properties are available, then this means we
// are on the way back up the tree. Get the actual level of
// parallelism from the spp to determine if the number of cpus we
// are using are less than the maximum number available.
if (spp != NULL)
PartitioningFunction* partFunc = spp->getPartitioningFunction();
numOfStreams = partFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
if (numOfStreams < cpuCount)
cpuCount = numOfStreams;
if ((partReq != NULL) AND
(partReq->getCountOfPartitions() != ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS))
// If there is a partitioning requirement, then this may limit
// the number of CPUs that can be used.
numOfStreams = partReq->getCountOfPartitions();
if (numOfStreams < cpuCount)
cpuCount = numOfStreams;
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = context->getInputLogProp();
const double probeCount =
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0LogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const double child0RowCount =
const double rowsPerCpu = MAXOF(1.0f,(child0RowCount / cpuCount));
const double rowsPerCpuPerProbe = MAXOF(1.0f,(rowsPerCpu / probeCount));
const GroupAttributes* groupAttr = getGroupAttr();
const ValueIdSet& outputVis = groupAttr->getCharacteristicOutputs();
// Produce the final Sort Key before determining whether or not this sort
// should be a big memory operator.
ValueIdSet sortKeyVis;
const Lng32 keyLength (sortKeyVis.getRowLength());
const Lng32 rowLength (keyLength + outputVis.getRowLength());
// Executor`s rowlength includes size of tuple descriptor (12 bytes).
// We need to consider this while determing whether the plan is BMO or NOT,
// otherwise optimizer thinks some queries as non-BMO but the executor
// consideres them as BMO.
const double fileSizePerCpu =
((rowsPerCpuPerProbe * (rowLength + 12)) / 1024. );
if (spp != NULL &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_51) == DF_ON
CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty * bigMemoryProperty =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
((PhysicalProperty *)spp)->setBigMemoryEstimationProperty(bigMemoryProperty);
// get cumulative file size of the fragment; get the child spp??
PhysicalProperty *childSpp =
(PhysicalProperty *) context->getPhysicalPropertyOfSolutionForChild(0);
if (childSpp != NULL)
CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty * memProp =
(CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty *) childSpp->
if (memProp != NULL)
double childCumulativeMemSize = memProp->getCumulativeFileSize();
memoryLimitPerCPU -= childCumulativeMemSize;
return (fileSizePerCpu >= memoryLimitPerCPU);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sort::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this type.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Sort::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodSort *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodSort();
return m;
} // Sort::costMethod()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// sort::createContextForAChild() could be redefined to try different
// optimization goals for subsets (prefixes) of the actually required
// sort key. Right now, we always perform a full sort in the sort node
// without making use of partial orders of the child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* Sort::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
childIndex = 0;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
// If one Context has been generated for each child, return NULL
// to signal completion.
if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == getArity())
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a new required physical property vector for my child
// subtree that replicates the properties that are required of me.
// The new property vector must not contain any requirements
// for arrangements or orderings because I will be fulfiling them.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0),rppForMe);
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// If ESP parallelism seems like a good idea, give it a try.
// Note that if this conflicts with the parent requirement, then
// "makeNumOfPartsFeasible" will change it to something that
// doesn't conflict with the parent.
if (okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
} // end if ok to try parallelism
if (NOT rg.checkFeasibility())
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as those in
// rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context
// that contains rppForChild as the required physical properties..
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(childIndex, rg.produceRequirement(),
costLimit, myContext,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, 0, result);
return result;
} // Sort::createContextForAChild()
// Synthesize physical properties for sort operator's current plan extracted
// from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
Sort::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_86) == DF_ON)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace the sort key for my spp.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NULL // No Dp2 sort order part func
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // Sort::synthPhysicalProperty()
// See if child is already sorted on a prefix; for an arrangement use
// existing child sort order if any
void Sort::synthPartialSortKeyFromChild(const Context* myContext)
// child properties: is child sorted?
const PhysicalProperty *sppOfChild =
ValueIdList childSortKey = (ValueIdList) sppOfChild->getSortKey();
// if the child is not sorted there is nothing to do
if (childSortKey.isEmpty()) return;
// Properties required from me
const ReqdPhysicalProperty * rpp =
// Does parent require some sort order
NABoolean parentRequiresOrder =
rpp->getSortKey() != NULL;
// Does parent require some arrangement of columns
NABoolean parentRequiresArrangement =
rpp->getArrangedCols() != NULL;
// Is partial sort key applicable?
NABoolean rewriteSortKey=FALSE;
if (parentRequiresArrangement)
ValueIdSet parentArrangement= *(rpp->getArrangedCols());
ValueIdSet myChildSortKeyAsASet(childSortKey);
myChildSortKeyAsASet = myChildSortKeyAsASet.removeInverseOrder();
// check if mySortKeySet is contained in requiredArrangement
ValueIdSet commonElements =
if (!commonElements.isEmpty())
// rewrite Sortkey to make use of existing order
// populate partialsort key as well
// childSortKey[i] is in commonElements then
// add it to partial sort key
for (UInt32 i=0; i < childSortKey.entries(); i++)
if (commonElements.contains(
if (rewriteSortKey)
// sortkey_ = PartialSortKeyFromChild_ + remaining elements from sort key
ValueIdSet mySortkey=sortKey_;
ValueIdSet mySortkeyTemp = mySortkey;
ValueIdSet partialSortKey = PartialSortKeyFromChild_.removeInverseOrder();
// mySortkey = mySortkey - (mySortKey /\ partialSortKey);
sortKey_ = PartialSortKeyFromChild_.removeInverseOrder();
for (ValueId x=mySortkey.init() ;;
} // is Arrangement requirement
else if (parentRequiresOrder)
const ValueIdList parentSortKey = *(rpp->getSortKey());
UInt32 size = childSortKey.entries() > parentSortKey.entries() ?
parentSortKey.entries() : childSortKey.entries();
// size is at least one else we would not be here..
for (UInt32 i=0; i <= (size-1); i++)
// Make sure non-empty prefix of the sortkey from the parent and
// the child are exactly the same (semantically). Note for descending
// case, childSortKey[i] can be different from parentSortKey[i] but if
// the underneath item expressions are inverse of a common expression,
// the non-empty prefix test should pass.
// Solu. 10-090303-9701 (NF:R2.4:Partial Sort not used in sort of
// descending keys).
if (childSortKey[i] == parentSortKey[i] ||
(childSortKey[i].getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_INVERSE
parentSortKey[i].getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_INVERSE
} // for loop
} // Is order requirement
} // Sort::synthPartialSortKeyFromChild()
// Combine arrangement columns with sort key to produce a final sort key.
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// none
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// if the parent asked for an arrangement rather than (or in addition to)
// a particular sort order, choose the final sort order now.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT arrangedCols_.isEmpty())
ValueId svid;
ValueIdList simpleSortCols;
NABoolean parentSortOrderReq = FALSE;
// Determine if we have a sort key.
if (NOT sortKey_.isEmpty())
// Indicate that parent required a sort ordering.
parentSortOrderReq = TRUE;
// Compute required sort order in simplified form. This will
// be used to ensure that the combined sort key (required sort
// order and required arrangement) doesn't reflect the same
// underlying column more than once.
// Note: the parent already eliminated duplicate expressions from
// the required sort order and arrangement when they were created.
simpleSortCols = sortKey_.simplifyOrderExpr();
// Combine arranged columns with sort key columns.
for (ValueId x = arrangedCols_.init();;
// If there was no required sort order, we need not do any checks.
if (NOT parentSortOrderReq)
// Required sort order exists, so ensure that the underlying columns
// from the required arrangement don't already exist in the simplified
// form of the required sort order.
svid = x.getItemExpr()->simplifyOrderExpr()->getValueId();
if (NOT simpleSortCols.contains(svid))
// The sort key doesn't already reflect an ordering on this
// column. Go ahead and add it.
} //Sort::produceFinalSortKey()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class Exchange
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exchange::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this type.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Exchange::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodExchange *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodExchange();
return m;
} // Exchange::costMethod()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exchange::createContextForAChild()
// The optimizer introduces an Exchange operator in the dataflow tree
// in order to redistribute the workload over multiple processes. A
// process can either be the master executor, an instance of an
// Executor Server Process (ESP), or a DP2, the Disk server
// Process.
// The ESP Exchange is introduced either when an operator in
// the query execution plan is expected to consume memory very
// heavily, or when a tree of operators implement a CPU-intensive
// operation that is likely to saturate the cpu, or asynchronous
// access to partitioned data can improve the throughput of an
// operator, or operator trees. It encapsulates parallelism.
// The DP2 exchange is introduced whenever we want the child tree to
// execute in DP2.
// The Exchange is just another dataflow operator. It is represented
// using the notation Exchange(m:n), where m is the number of data
// streams it receives as its internal dataflow inputs and n is the
// number of data streams it produces as its own output. Using Cascades
// jargon, it is a physical operator which enforces one or both of the
// following two properties:
// 1) The partitioning of data
// The term "partition" is an artifact of the product's association
// with Tandem. It is synonymous with the term data stream, which is,
// perhaps, more relevant in the context of the dataflow architecture
// of this product.
// 2) The location where the plan (fragment) should execute.
// A plan can be able to execute in one of the following "locations":
// a) In the MASTER only.
// b) In an ESP only.
// c) In either the master or an ESP.
// d) In DP2 only.
// Every Exchange enforces the execution of its parent outside of DP2.
// The optimizer uses a single Exchange for enforcing a location as
// well as the desired partitioning. However, when the plan executes,
// two instances of the Exchange operator may be necessary, one for
// enforcing the DP2 location and another for repartitioning of data.
// The query rewrite phase that follows after the optimal plan is
// selected introduces another Exchange as required.
// The Exchange is a "CISC" operator. The Exchange which is seen by the
// optimizer is replaced with one of the following three sets of
// operators by the code generator:
// 1) Exchange(plan fragment) -> PartitionAccess(plan fragment)
// Produced by plan 0 below.
// The Exchange is replaced with a PartitionAccess (PA).
// The PartitionAccess implements the messaging protocol between the
// SQL executor, running in an Executor Server Process (ESP), and
// DP2, the disk server process. It provides a dedicated connection
// between an ESP and a particular DP2. The ESP can establish one
// or more sessions successively on the same connection. A session
// is established when the PartitionAccess downloads a fragment of
// a query execution plan to DP2. A session permits a bi-directional
// dataflow during which the ESP can provide external dataflow inputs
// and the DP2 returns the corresponding result of executing the plan
// fragment.
// The PartitionAccess follows the policy of establishing the
// successor session only after the one that is in progress completes.
// According to this policy, there can be at most one session in
// progress per DP2 with which an ESP has established a connection.
// This policy permits an ESP to overlap the processing of rows that
// are provided by a particular DP2, while that DP2 is processing the
// successive set of rows. EXPLAIN shows this exchange as
// A PartitionAccess operator in the executor talks to at most one
// DP2 process at a time.
// 2) Exchange(plan fragment) -> SplitTop(PartitionAccess(plan fragment))
// Produced by plan 0 below.
// The Exchange is replaced with a SplitTop, PartitionAccess pair.
// The split top node in this configuration is called the PAPA (PArent
// of PA). Its purpose is to overcome the restriction that a PA node
// can only communicate with one DP2 at a time. The PAPA node enables
// parallel DP2 requests to partitioned tables. EXPLAIN shows this
// form of an exchange as SPLIT_TOP_PA.
// 3) Exchange(plan fragment) -> Exchange(plan fragment) ->
// SplitTop(SendTop(SendBottom(SplitBottom(
// SplitTop(PartitionAccess(plan fragment))))))
// Produced by plan 0 below.
// Combination of results 2) and 4). Alternatively, we may also produce
// a combination of results 1) and 4) (not shown). This is done if we
// need to produce a partitioning scheme that can not be produced by
// a PA or a PAPA node and if the child needs to execute in DP2. We
// need to add a repartitioning step above the PA or PAPA.
// 4) Exchange(plan fragment) ->
// SplitTop(SendTop(SendBottom(SplitBottom(plan fragment))))
// Produced by plan 1 below.
// This is the case when ESP parallelism is used. Also called the
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Context * Exchange::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// An enforcer rule MUST be given a required physical property to enforce.
// Compute the number of plans that will be created for this Exchange.
// Since the Exchange enforces the location where a plan should
// execute as well as the partitioning function for the data streams
// that it produces, the required physical properties should contain
// either a specific location or a partitioning criterion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement *partReqForMe =
SortOrderTypeEnum sortOrderTypeReq = NO_SOT;
PartitioningRequirement* dp2SortOrderPartReq = NULL;
childIndex = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The location requirement MUST be an ESP because the Exchange can
// only enforce the execution of its parent outside of DP2.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(rppForMe AND NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase latest Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((NOT pws->isEmpty()) AND (NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit()))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocate local variables.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 planNumber = pws->getCountOfChildContexts();
PlanExecutionEnum plenum;
ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild = NULL;
Context* result = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loop over the possible plans and try to find one that we actually
// want to try.
// We consider two plans for an exchange operator (unless forced
// otherwise):
// Plan 0: try executing the child tree in DP2 and pass our own
// partitioning requirement (if any) as a logical partitioning
// requirement to the child.
// Plan 1: if the parent requires some partitioning, try to enforce
// that partitioning here with an ESP exchange and require no
// partitioning and location ESP from the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
while (planNumber < 2 AND result == NULL)
// do we actually want to TRY this plan or do we want to skip it?
NABoolean tryThisPlan = FALSE;
if (planNumber == 0)
// ||opt some day we may consider some optimizations where we don't
// need to create a DP2 context:
// - for immediate children of an EXCHANGE
// - for groups that definitely can't execute in DP2
// - for groups that we don't want to execute in DP2
// Don't create a DP2 context if there is a partitioning requirement
// that requires broadcast replication or hash repartitioning. Only
// an ESP exchange can perform replication or hash repartitioning.
// When parallel heuristics were added we put an extra condition to
// create DP2 context: parallelHeuristic1_ is FALSE(not used) or
// numBaseTables_ in the current group is set to 1, or when the
// OPTS_PUSH_DOWN_DAM default is turned on to push operators in DP2.
// For "nice context" one more check was added to skip DP2 context.
// In fact, parallelHeuristic1 can be TRUE only when CQD
// ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM is SYSTEM. If it is ON then we always
// try DP2 context. Now OPH_USE_NICE_CONTEXT should be OFF for DP2
// context to be tried unless this is required to be in DP2.
if ( ( ( NOT ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->parallelHeuristic1() OR
( myContext->getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() == 1)
( (partReqForMe == NULL) OR
NOT partReqForMe->isRequirementReplicateViaBroadcast()
plenum = EXECUTE_IN_DP2;
// do not try DP2 plans in Trafodion
// tryThisPlan = TRUE;
// Never pass a sort order type requirement to DP2.
// But, pass any dp2SortOrderPartReq.
sortOrderTypeReq = NO_SOT;
dp2SortOrderPartReq = rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq();
else if (planNumber == 1)
const Context* childContext = pws->getLatestChildContext();
// If we had a DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT requirement, and the
// first DP2 context we tried failed because the child
// was not physically partitioned the same as the
// dp2SortOrderPartReq requirement, then retry plan 0
// without the dp2SortOrderPartReq this time.
if ((rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT) AND
(childContext != NULL) AND
getDp2SortOrderPartReq() != NULL) AND
NOT childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
// Get rid of the context for the failed plan
// redo plan 0 with no dp2SortOrderPartReq this time
planNumber = 0;
plenum = EXECUTE_IN_DP2;
// do not try DP2 plans in Trafodion
// tryThisPlan = TRUE;
sortOrderTypeReq = NO_SOT;
dp2SortOrderPartReq = NULL;
// Try generating a execute in ESP location context for
// repartitioning if there is a partitioning requirement
// that can be enforced by repartitioning or if the
// requirement is to execute in exactly one stream, and
// if parallelism is enabled/possible.
// If the requirement is to execute in exactly one stream,
// then repartitioning is not needed to coalesce multiple
// streams into one stream, but we need to generate an ESP
// context here to give the child a chance to execute in
// parallel. The one partitioning requirement that we should not
// and cannot generate an ESP context for is a no broadcast
// replication. This is because if we did, this could lead
// to repartitioning, which would have to be a broadcast
// replication, and if the requirement is for no broadcast
// replication, this means the parent is a nested join and
// this could lead to wrong answers, because each nested
// join instance must get back only the rows for its probes,
// not all the rows from all the probes.
if ( (partReqForMe != NULL) AND
NOT partReqForMe->castToRequireReplicateNoBroadcast() AND
NOT rppForMe->getNoEspExchangeRequirement() AND
( (rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines() > 1)
// this is needed for nice context, otherwise when
// ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM is OFF getCountOfPipelines()
// would return 1 (?) ESP context with no partReq won't
// be created and implementation rules won't fire on
// any logical expressions. Otherwise CORE/test060
// fails because it uses OFF.
OR myContext->isNiceContextEnabled()
// Apply heuristics:
// if the previous DP2 context returned a plan and if we
// would repartition without having a requirement for
// more than one partition, then just forget about that
// option. Why do we do that: we assume that using the
// DP2 context will be cheaper than the repartitioning
// plan.
if (NOT (partReqForMe->getCountOfPartitions() <= 1 AND
childContext AND
childContext->hasOptimalSolution() AND
rppForMe->getMustMatch() == NULL AND
== DF_OFF))
plenum = EXECUTE_IN_ESP;
tryThisPlan = TRUE;
// For ESP contexts, just pass along any existing
// sort order type requirements
sortOrderTypeReq = rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq();
dp2SortOrderPartReq = rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq();
} // end if an enforcable partitioning requirement
} // end if redo DP2 plan
} // end if planNumber == 1
if (tryThisPlan)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a new required physical property vector for my
// child. No need to use the requirement generator, since
// an enforcer rule has its own group as a child and since
// we simply strip off the partitioning requirement and
// replace the location requirement.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
rppForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Add logical partitioning requirement if the child context
// is for DP2 and the exchange was given a part requirement
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if ((plenum == EXECUTE_IN_DP2) AND
(rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement() != NULL))
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) LogicalPartitioningRequirement(
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Indicate we are giving the child a logical ordering or
// arrangement requirement if the child context
// is for DP2 and the exchange was given a ordering or
// arrangement requirement.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if ((plenum == EXECUTE_IN_DP2) AND
((rppForMe->getArrangedCols() != NULL) OR
(rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)))
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Check for a CONTROL QUERY SHAPE directive and process
// it. Sorry, this is actually the most complex part of the
// method.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
rppForChild = processCQS(rppForMe,rppForChild);
} // tryThisPlan
if (tryThisPlan AND rppForChild)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child. Search for an
// existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the child
// belongs that requires the same properties as those in
// rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new
// Context that contains rppForChild as the required
// physical properties.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
result = shareContext(
childIndex, rppForChild,
myContext->getInputPhysicalProperty(), costLimit,
myContext, myContext->getInputLogProp());
} // tryThisPlan(2)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace, even if
// it is NULL.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// increment loop variable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
} // while loop
return result;
} // Exchange::createContextForAChild()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add required physical properties from the CONTROL QUERY SHAPE directive
// for an Exchange operator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ReqdPhysicalProperty * Exchange::processCQS(
const ReqdPhysicalProperty *rppForMe,
ReqdPhysicalProperty *rppForChild)
ReqdPhysicalProperty *result = rppForChild;
if (rppForMe->getMustMatch())
if (rppForMe->getMustMatch()->getOperatorType() == REL_FORCE_EXCHANGE)
ExchangeForceWildCard *mm =
(ExchangeForceWildCard *) rppForMe->getMustMatch();
ExchangeForceWildCard::forcedExchEnum whichType = mm->getWhich();
ExchangeForceWildCard::forcedLogPartEnum logPart =
Lng32 numClients = mm->getHowMany();
// translate invalid numClients into literal
if (numClients <= 0)
if (rppForChild->executeInDP2())
// don't try a DP2 child context for a forced ESP exchange
if (whichType == ExchangeForceWildCard::FORCED_ESP_EXCHANGE)
return NULL;
LogPhysPartitioningFunction::logPartType logPartType = LogPhysPartitioningFunction::ANY_LOGICAL_PARTITIONING;
Lng32 numClients = mm->getHowMany();
NABoolean mustUsePapa = FALSE;
NABoolean numberOfPAsForced = FALSE;
// translate invalid numClients into literal
if (numClients <= 0)
// signal PA/PAPA decision if forced
if (whichType == ExchangeForceWildCard::FORCED_PAPA)
mustUsePapa = TRUE;
else if (whichType == ExchangeForceWildCard::FORCED_PA)
numClients = 1;
numberOfPAsForced = TRUE;
// map CQS literal into LogPhysPartitioningFunction
// literals
switch (mm->getWhichLogPart())
case ExchangeForceWildCard::ANY_LOGPART:
logPartType =
case ExchangeForceWildCard::FORCED_GROUP:
logPartType =
case ExchangeForceWildCard::FORCED_SPLIT:
logPartType =
CMPASSERT(0); // internal error
// force a log part scheme only if there is a partitioning
// requirement and if it is for more than one partition
if (NOT rppForMe->requiresPartitioning() OR
logPartType =
if (logPartType !=
LogPhysPartitioningFunction::ANY_LOGICAL_PARTITIONING OR
// now replace the logical partitioning requirement
// (note that this may result in a logical partitioning
// requirement with a NULL PartitioningRequirement in it)
numberOfPAsForced ));
} // child is required to execute in DP2
// child is required to execute in an ESP
// don't try an ESP child context for a forced PA/PAPA
if (whichType == ExchangeForceWildCard::FORCED_PA OR
whichType == ExchangeForceWildCard::FORCED_PAPA)
return NULL;
// Process a CQS requirement for a given number of
// ESP partitions: Alter the required physical
// properties by adding a requirement for a given
// number of ESPs
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0),rppForChild);
// Replace the requirement if it is still feasible,
// give up if it is not feasible. We should never run
// into the case where the requirement is not feasible
// because the exchange node should not require any
// partitioning at this point.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
result = rg.produceRequirement();
CMPASSERT(0); // for debugging
} // child is required to execute in an ESP
} // must match specifies some exchange node
// We found out that the we must match a pattern that is not
// an exchange. Operators usually don't check this, but
// since we did, we might as well notice and save ourself
// some work.
return NULL;
} // end CQS processing
return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exchange::storePhysPropertiesInNode()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void Exchange::storePhysPropertiesInNode(const ValueIdList &partialSortKey)
const PhysicalProperty *sppForMe = getPhysicalProperty();
const PhysicalProperty *sppOfChild = child(0)->getPhysicalProperty();
CMPASSERT(sppForMe AND sppOfChild);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// determine whether this Exchange node is redundant
// (it is redundant if it enforces neither location nor partitioning)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
isRedundant_ =
(sppOfChild->getPlanExecutionLocation() ==
sppForMe->getPlanExecutionLocation() AND
comparePartFuncToFunc(*sppOfChild->getPartitioningFunction()) == SAME);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy some of the physical properties into data members of this
// object, so that the code generator and preCodeGen can look at them
// (they may also modify them if needed).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Don't copy the sort key if the sort order type is DP2.
// This is because copying the sort key to sortKeyForMyOutput_
// will cause a merge of sorted streams to occur, and we don't
// want that if the sort order type is DP2.
if (sppForMe->getSortOrderType() != DP2_SOT)
sortKeyForMyOutput_ = sppForMe->getSortKey();
else if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_86) == DF_ON)
// begin fix to partial sort: comment out this if
// if (partialSortKey == sppForMe->getSortKey())
// otherwise, partial sort with split top can give wrong results
sortKeyForMyOutput_ = partialSortKey;
topPartFunc_ = sppForMe->getPartitioningFunction();
bottomPartFunc_ = sppOfChild->getPartitioningFunction();
bottomLocation_ = sppOfChild->getPlanExecutionLocation();
bottomLocIsSet_ = TRUE;
indexDesc_ = sppOfChild->getIndexDesc();
NABoolean isChildSyncAccess=FALSE;
const LogPhysPartitioningFunction *lpf =
if (lpf)
isChildSyncAccess = lpf->getSynchronousAccess();
// solution 10-040505-5752: we check for synchronous sequential access. In
// that case, we check for the reverse scan flag. We manufacture a partition
// search key as if the scan direction is forward. We then set the direction
// of the scan as a flag on the partition access node; this gets copied from
// the flag on the exchange node.
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(ATTEMPT_ASYNCHRONOUS_ACCESS) == DF_OFF ||
isChildSyncAccess) &&
OperatorTypeEnum ot = child(0)->castToRelExpr()->getOperatorType();
RelExpr *relExpr = child(0)->castToRelExpr();
NABoolean noScanFound = FALSE;
while (ot != REL_SCAN && ot != REL_FILE_SCAN)
if (relExpr->getArity() > 1 ||
relExpr->getOperatorType() == REL_EXCHANGE
noScanFound= TRUE;
if (relExpr->getArity() != 0)
relExpr = relExpr->child(0)->castToRelExpr();
ot = relExpr->getOperatorType();
noScanFound = TRUE;
FileScan *scan = NULL;
if (relExpr->getOperatorType() == REL_FILE_SCAN ||
relExpr->getOperatorType() == REL_SCAN)
scan = (FileScan *) relExpr;
noScanFound = TRUE;
if (!noScanFound &&
scan->getReverseScan() &&
ValueIdSet externalInputs = scan->getGroupAttr()->
ValueIdSet dummySet;
ValueIdSet selPreds(scan->getSelectionPred());
// Create and set the Searchkey for the partitioning key:
partSearchKey_ = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
dummySet, // not used
partSearchKey_ = sppOfChild->getPartSearchKey();
partSearchKey_ = sppOfChild->getPartSearchKey();
// Synthesize physical properties for exchange operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Calls: synthPhysicalPropertyDP2() OR synthPhysicalPropertyESP();
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
Exchange::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const PhysicalProperty *sppOfChild = myContext->
if (sppOfChild->executeInDP2())
return synthPhysicalPropertyDP2(myContext);
else // child executes in ESP
return synthPhysicalPropertyESP(myContext);
} // Exchange::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for exchange operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context when child executes in DP2.
// Helper method for Exchange::synthPhysicalProperty()
Exchange::synthPhysicalPropertyDP2(const Context *myContext)
NABoolean usingSynchronousAccess = FALSE;
NABoolean usePapa = FALSE;
NABoolean canMaintainSortOrder = TRUE;
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc;
NodeMap *myNodeMap = NULL;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty *rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
const PhysicalProperty *sppOfChild = myContext->getPhysicalPropertyOfSolutionForChild(0);
PartitioningFunction *childPartFunc = sppOfChild->getPartitioningFunction();
const LogPhysPartitioningFunction *logPhysChildPartFunc =
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// DP2 exchange (PA or PAPA)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if (logPhysChildPartFunc)
usingSynchronousAccess = logPhysChildPartFunc->getSynchronousAccess();
usePapa = logPhysChildPartFunc->getUsePapa();
// Can this logPhys partitioning function maintain the order of
// an individual partition of the physical partitioning
// function. In order to maintain the order, a merge expression
// may be required.
canMaintainSortOrder =
// Child synthesized a LogPhysPartitioningFunction which has all
// the instructions on what to do. Unpack these instructions.
myPartFunc = logPhysChildPartFunc->getLogPartitioningFunction();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// replicate-no-broadcast), try to use any existing logical or physical
// partitioning function's nodemap that matches our partition count
// requirement. Only as a last resort do we synthesize a node map which
// attempts to co-locate ESPs and the corresponding DP2 partitions.
// We do this because synthesizeLogicalMap() is very expensive.
// Note: although the grouping model does not exactly fit for
// the cases of SUBPARTITIONING or a replicate-no-broadcast
// partitioning function, it results in a reasonable allocation
// of ESPs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_82) == DF_ON) {
myNodeMap = logPhysChildPartFunc->getOrMakeSuitableNodeMap
else {
const NodeMap* childNodeMap = logPhysChildPartFunc
Lng32 myPartitionCount = myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
myNodeMap = ((NodeMap *)(childNodeMap))
->synthesizeLogicalMap(myPartitionCount, FALSE/*forDP2*/);
if(myPartFunc->castToReplicateNoBroadcastPartitioningFunction()) {
for(CollIndex i = 0; i < (CollIndex)myPartitionCount; i++) {
myNodeMap->setPartitionState(i, NodeMapEntry::ACTIVE);
} // if logPhysChildPartFunc
// we don't allow any child partitioning functions other
// than a LogPhysPartitioningFunction or a
// SinglePartitionPartitioningFunc for DP2 children.
// child synthesized one partition, synthesize one partition and
// perform the simplest case of PA_PARTITION_GROUPING
myPartFunc = childPartFunc;
myNodeMap =
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_83) == DF_ON) {
// we want to evenly distribute single-cpu ESP
// (replicate broadcasters & others)
} // end if not a logPhysChildPartFunc
// Now, set the synthesized sort order type and the corresponding
// dp2SortOrderPartFunc.
PartitioningFunction *dp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
SortOrderTypeEnum sortOrderType = NO_SOT;
if (sppOfChild->getSortKey().isEmpty())
sortOrderType = NO_SOT;
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// Since there is a required order/arrangement, we want to set
// the sort order type to DP2 if we are accessing ALL partitions
// asynchronously, there is a requirement for a DP2 sort order,
// and the synthesized DP2 sort order partitioning function
// (i.e. the physical partitioning function) matches the
// requirement.
if (usePapa AND
NOT usingSynchronousAccess AND
((rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == DP2_SOT) OR
(rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT)) AND
sortOrderType = DP2_SOT;
dp2SortOrderPartFunc = sppOfChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc();
else if(canMaintainSortOrder)
// If we can maintain the sort order, lets do it.
sortOrderType = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
else if (usePapa AND NOT usingSynchronousAccess)
// If we can claim DP_SOT, lets do it.
sortOrderType = DP2_SOT;
dp2SortOrderPartFunc = sppOfChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc();
// If all else fail, we cannot claim we are sorted.
sortOrderType = NO_SOT;
else // no required order or arrangement
// Since there is no required order or arrangement,
// we want to set the sort order type to ESP_NO_SORT if
// we are not accessing ALL partitions asynchronously.
// NOTE. Here we can create a potential problem that
// sortKey and sortOrderType will conflict requirements
// for the parent merge union.
if (((NOT usePapa) OR
usingSynchronousAccess) AND
// If we can maintain the sort order with no extra effort,
// lets do it.
sortOrderType = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
else if (usePapa AND NOT usingSynchronousAccess)
// If we can claim DP_SOT, lets do it.
sortOrderType = DP2_SOT;
dp2SortOrderPartFunc = sppOfChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc();
// If all else fail, we cannot claim we are sorted.
sortOrderType = NO_SOT;
} // end if no required order or arrangement
} // end if there is a synthesized sort order
// For all cases there should have been a nodemap synthesized.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make a copy of this Exchange's partitioning function and replace the
// partitioning function's node map with the newly synthesized logical
// node map.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note that this makes a deep copy of the partitioning function,
// including the nodeMap. Then this copied nodeMap is replaced with
// the new nodeMap. May want to prevent the original nodemap from
// being copied.
myPartFunc = myPartFunc->copy();
return synthPhysicalPropertyFinalize
} // Exchange::synthPhysicalPropertyDP2()
// Synthesize physical properties for exchange operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context when child executes in ESP.
// Helper method for Exchange::synthPhysicalProperty()
Exchange::synthPhysicalPropertyESP(const Context *myContext)
const PhysicalProperty *sppOfChild = myContext->getPhysicalPropertyOfSolutionForChild(0);
PartitioningFunction *childPartFunc = sppOfChild->getPartitioningFunction();
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// ESP exchange, realize the partitioning requirement
// -------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningRequirement* softPartRequirement = NULL;
// some dummy variables for the cover test
ValueIdSet newInputs;
ValueIdSet referencedInputs;
ValueIdSet coveredSubExpr;
ValueIdSet uncoveredExpr;
// We may need to use the child's partitioning key columns
// (the "soft" partitioning requirement to realize()) for
// repartitioning, if the requirement did not specify a required
// partitioning key. So, we must make sure they are covered
// by the group attributes. Otherwise, we would attempt to
// repartition on a value that DP2 did not produce, and this
// would fail. If we don't pass a soft partitioning
// requirement to realize(), it will repartition on all
// the group attribute outputs, if the requirement does
// not specify a required partitioning key.
const ReqdPhysicalProperty *rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
PartitioningRequirement *myPartReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
// we don't need to require coverage of child partitioning key if
// requirement is fuzzy and doea not have partitioning key. This means
// we could use current partitioning of the child to satisfy this
// requirement, therefore we can use child partitioning as soft requirement.
// comp_bool_126 should be ON to avoid coverage check.
NABoolean noNeedToCoverChildPartKey = myPartReq AND
myPartReq->isRequirementFuzzy() AND
// We use the partial partfunc from the child here because when the
// rppForMe contains a solid skew requirement, then the child partfunc
// will be guaranteed to be a SkewedData partfunc. Otherwise, the child
// partfunc will be some other type and its partial partfunc will be the
// same as the child part func itself. In both cases, the partial
// partfunc is sufficient to provide a base for the coverage test below.
if( ((CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_126) == DF_ON) AND
noNeedToCoverChildPartKey) OR
softPartRequirement = childPartFunc->makePartitioningRequirement();
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc =
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make a copy of this Exchange's partitioning function.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
myPartFunc = myPartFunc->copy();
// Double check or memorize the skewness handling requirement
// in the part func for exchange so that the right code can be
// generated for it.
// We do this only for partfuncs that can deal with skewed values. For
// others, they will fail the :satisfied() method because they are not
// SkewedDataPartFunc
if ( myPartReq -> isRequirementFuzzy() AND
myPartFunc -> castToSkewedDataPartitioningFunction()
) {
if (NOT (myPartReq ->castToFuzzyPartitioningRequirement()->
getSkewProperty() ==
} else {
// "Any" skew can be present in myPartReq if this exchange node
// receives an ApproxNPart requirement and is located immediately
// above a skew insensitive hash join node. For exmaple, the following
// query
// select name, mysk.ssn, age from mysk, mydm1
// where mysk.ssn = mydm1.ssn order by mysk.ssn;
// will place a SORT node on top of the de-skewing exchange node.
// Since no skew requirement is present in myPartReq, we set the
// skew property for my partfunc to "Any". This can save the effort
// to repartition the skew data.
((SkewedDataPartitioningFunction*)(myPartFunc)) ->
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If the partitioning requirement is a fully specified part func,
// then use its nodeMap, otherwise, replace the partitioning
// function's node map with the newly synthesized logical node map.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_82) == DF_ON) {
myPartFunc->useNodeMapFromReqOrChild(myPartReq, childPartFunc,
// "float" single partition ESPs
NodeMap* mynodemap = (NodeMap*)(myPartFunc->getNodeMap());
if (mynodemap->getNumEntries() == 1 &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_83) == DF_ON) {
else {
if(!(myPartReq->isRequirementFullySpecified() &&
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_87) != DF_ON) &&
myPartFunc->getNodeMap() &&
(myPartFunc->getNodeMap()->getNumEntries() ==
(ULng32)myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions()))) {
Lng32 myPartitionCount = myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
const NodeMap* childNodeMap = childPartFunc->getNodeMap();
// Synthesize a nodemap based on the nodemap of the child and the
// desired number of ESPs. Using synthesizeLogicalMap() assumes
// that the lower and upper ESPs are associated via grouping. This
// assumption is not valid when considering the communication
// patterns between the upper and lower ESPs, but this assumption
// will lead to a reasonable nodemap for the upper ESPs.
// "float" single partition ESPs.
NodeMap *myNodeMap =
((NodeMap *)(childNodeMap))->synthesizeLogicalMap
(myPartitionCount, TRUE/*forESP*/);
for(CollIndex i = 0; i < (CollIndex)myPartitionCount; i++) {
myNodeMap->setPartitionState(i, NodeMapEntry::ACTIVE);
CMPASSERT(myNodeMap->getNumActivePartitions() == (CollIndex)myPartitionCount);
return synthPhysicalPropertyFinalize
} // Exchange::synthPhysicalPropertyESP()
// Helper method for Exchange::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize those physical properties for exchange operator's that are common
// to both case (child executes in DP2 and child executes in DP2)
Exchange::synthPhysicalPropertyFinalize(const Context *myContext,
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc,
SortOrderTypeEnum sortOrderType,
PartitioningFunction *childPartFunc,
const PhysicalProperty *sppOfChild,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty *rppForMe,
PartitioningFunction* dp2SortOrderPartFunc)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine if a merge of sorted streams is required.
// A merge of sorted streams is required if there is a order to
// preserve whose sort order type is not DP2, and there is a required
// order or arrangement, and the child is in DP2 and is being
// accessed via a PAPA node (i.e. asynchronous access) or the child
// is not in DP2 and has more than one partition.
// NOTE: once we support clustering keys that are other than
// partitioning keys we MUST use a merge of sorted streams in order
// to maintain the order of multiple partitions. A PA node can only
// maintain the order of multiple partitions via synchronous access
// if a prefix of the clustering key is the partitioning key.
// Do this check in the DP2 scan node when determining whether to
// use a PAPA.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const LogPhysPartitioningFunction *logPhysChildPartFunc =
NABoolean mustMergeSortedStreamsToPreserveOrder =
((sortOrderType != DP2_SOT) AND
(((logPhysChildPartFunc != NULL) AND logPhysChildPartFunc->getUsePapa()) OR
((logPhysChildPartFunc == NULL) AND
(childPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() > 1))
NABoolean mergesSortedStreams =
sppOfChild->isSorted() AND
(rppForMe->getSortKey() OR rppForMe->getArrangedCols()) AND
// Synthesize a sort key for the exchange if a sort key exists, and
// either we can do so without doing a merge of sorted streams or we
// must do so because it is required.
ValueIdList mySortKey;
if (sppOfChild->isSorted() AND
(NOT mustMergeSortedStreamsToPreserveOrder OR
(rppForMe->getSortKey() OR rppForMe->getArrangedCols())))
mySortKey = sppOfChild->getSortKey();
// If we are not going to synthesize a sort key, then we must
// make sure we don't synthesize a sort order type or a
// dp2SortOrderPartFunc.
sortOrderType = NO_SOT;
dp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
// this should be TRUE if we are compiling for transform
NABoolean maintainOrderAfterRepartitioning =
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_164) == DF_ON);
PartitioningFunction * childLogPartFunc = childPartFunc;
childLogPartFunc = logPhysChildPartFunc->getLogPartitioningFunction();
// set this flag to FALSE, this is a defensive measure
// in case the code does not actually go through the if
// condition below.
hash2RepartitioningWithSameKey_ = FALSE;
// hash2RepartitioningWithSameKey_ should be TRUE if the repartitioning
// operation is just repartitioning to a different # of partitions
// but the partitioning key is the same. Also the partitioning should be
// a hash2 partitioning
if (childLogPartFunc &&
childLogPartFunc->getPartitioningFunctionType()) &&
myPartFunc->castToHash2PartitioningFunction() &&
const Hash2PartitioningFunction *myHash2PartFunc =
const Hash2PartitioningFunction *childHash2PartFunc =
ValueIdList myPartKeyList = myHash2PartFunc->
ValueIdList childPartKeyList = childHash2PartFunc->
if (myPartKeyList.entries() == childPartKeyList.entries())
hash2RepartitioningWithSameKey_ = TRUE;
// compare the key columns and their order
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < myPartKeyList.entries(); i++)
if (myPartKeyList[i] != childPartKeyList[i])
hash2RepartitioningWithSameKey_ = FALSE;
if (!(myHash2PartFunc->getOriginalKeyColumnList()[i].getType() ==
hash2RepartitioningWithSameKey_ = FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// determine my location and data source (can execute in master only
// if top part function produces a single partition)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PlanExecutionEnum location;
DataSourceEnum dataSource;
if (myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() == 1)
location = EXECUTE_IN_ESP;
if (sppOfChild->executeInDP2())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Avoid potential deadlocks for the following cases of merging of
// sorted streams in an ESP exchange:
// - Don't merge if there are multiple sources and multiple merging
// ESPs. Skew in the distribution could lead to a deadlock that
// would involve at least 4 ESPs.
// - Don't even merge with a single merging ESP if the source data
// is not being produced from independent sources. Again, skew
// in the merge process could cause a deadlock that would
// involve the data source, the repartitioning ESPs, and the
// single merging ESP.
// This check is kind of late, a partial check could also be done
// in the topMatch method if necessary for performance reasons.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (mergesSortedStreams AND
((myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() > 1 AND
sppOfChild->getCountOfPartitions() > 1)
sppOfChild->getDataSourceEnum() == SOURCE_ESP_DEPENDENT) AND
// If we are not going to synthesize a sort key, then we must
// make sure we don't synthesize a sort order type or a
// dp2SortOrderPartFunc.
sortOrderType = NO_SOT;
dp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
// This is to prevent possible deadlock for parallel merge join.
// If child got repartitioned 1:n then Sort will be needed to satisfy
// order or arrangement. See solution 10-051219-3501
(myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() > 1 AND
sppOfChild->getCountOfPartitions() == 1)
// If we are not going to synthesize a sort key, then we must
// make sure we don't synthesize a sort order type or a
// dp2SortOrderPartFunc.
sortOrderType = NO_SOT;
dp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Now put it all together.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty *sppForMe = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The number of cpus after an exchange boundary must be the
// total number of cpus in the system
// BGZ451: no change for Linux as the logic below implements
// the above statement.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
Lng32 smpVal = defs.getAsLong(DEF_NUM_SMP_CPUS);
Lng32 nodeVal= gpClusterInfo->numOfSMPs();
if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->isFakeHardware())
const CostScalar totalCPUsInCluster =
// transfer the onePartitionAccess flag to my physical property.
// We check the flag in HashJoin::computeOperatorPriority().
if (sppOfChild->executeInDP2())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // Exchange::synthPhysicalPropertyFinalize()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method that interprets the CONTROL QUERY SHAPE ... to decide
// whether a matching partitions plan or a replicate child1 plan
// is desired by the user.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
JoinForceWildCard::forcedPlanEnum Join::getParallelJoinPlanToEnforce
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
if (rppForMe AND rppForMe->getMustMatch())
OperatorTypeEnum op = rppForMe->getMustMatch()->getOperatorType();
JoinForceWildCard *wc;
// check whether a join is being forced, this is indicated
// by a bunch of opcodes representing different shapes in
switch (op)
wc = (JoinForceWildCard *) rppForMe->getMustMatch();
return wc->getPlan();
// something else is being forced
return JoinForceWildCard::ANY_PLAN;
return JoinForceWildCard::ANY_PLAN;
} // Join::getParallelJoinPlanToEnforce()
DefaultToken Join::getParallelControlSettings (
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) const
DefaultToken result;
// Check for the number of ESPs being forced.
if (rppForMe->getMustMatch())
JoinForceWildCard* mustMatch =
(JoinForceWildCard *)rppForMe->getMustMatch();
forcedNumOfESPs = mustMatch->getNumOfEsps();
if (forcedNumOfESPs > 0)
numOfESPs = forcedNumOfESPs;
// If the number of ESPs is being forced, then we should always
// attempt ESP parallelism, no matter what, so no need to do
// any more checks. This is true even if only one ESP is being
// forced - in this case, we need to attempt ESP parallelism
// with exactly one ESP, in order to guarantee we get only one ESP.
numOfESPsForced = TRUE;
// If the number of ESPs are being forced, then we must use
// exactly that many, so the allowable deviation is 0.
allowedDeviation = 0.0;
result = DF_ON;
else // Number of ESPs is not being forced.
result = RelExpr::getParallelControlSettings(rppForMe,
} // end if the number of ESPs is not being forced
return result;
} // Join::getParallelControlSettings()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split any sort or arrangement requirements between the left and
// right children. Add those that are for the left child to the
// passed in requirement generator object, and return those that
// are for the right child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void Join::splitSortReqsForLeftChild(
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe,
RequirementGenerator &rg,
ValueIdList& reqdOrder1,
ValueIdSet& reqdArr1) const
CMPASSERT(isNestedJoin() OR
(getOperatorType() == REL_HYBRID_HASH_JOIN AND
((HashJoin *) this)->isOrderedCrossProduct()));
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// right child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the left child.
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() AND rppForMe->getSortKey()->entries() > 0)
ValueIdList reqdOrder0;
if (splitOrderReq(*(rppForMe->getSortKey()),reqdOrder0,reqdOrder1))
// Sort Order type and dp2SortOrderPartReq might have been
// removed by the call above, so get them again from the rpp
SortOrderTypeEnum childSortOrderTypeReq =
PartitioningRequirement* childDp2SortOrderPartReq =
} // end if required order
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() AND
rppForMe->getArrangedCols()->entries() > 0)
ValueIdSet reqdArr0;
if (splitArrangementReq(*(rppForMe->getArrangedCols()),
// Sort Order type and dp2SortOrderPartReq might have been
// removed by the call above, so get them again from the rpp
SortOrderTypeEnum childSortOrderTypeReq =
PartitioningRequirement* childDp2SortOrderPartReq =
} // end if required arrangement
} // Join::splitSortReqsForLeftChild
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split any sort or arrangement requirements between the left and
// right children. Add those that are for the right child to the
// passed in requirement generator object, and return those that
// are for the left child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void Join::splitSortReqsForRightChild(
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe,
RequirementGenerator &rg,
ValueIdList& reqdOrder0,
ValueIdSet& reqdArr0) const
CMPASSERT(isNestedJoin() OR
(getOperatorType() == REL_HYBRID_HASH_JOIN AND
((HashJoin *) this)->isOrderedCrossProduct()));
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// left child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the right child.
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() AND
rppForMe->getSortKey()->entries() > 0)
ValueIdList reqdOrder1;
if (splitOrderReq(*(rppForMe->getSortKey()),
// Get the sort order type again from the rpp
SortOrderTypeEnum childSortOrderTypeReq =
// If the sort order type requirement is DP2 or
// DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT, then convert this for the right
// child to ESP_NO_SORT. We only pass the dp2SortOrderPartReq
// to the left child.
if ((childSortOrderTypeReq == DP2_SOT) OR
(childSortOrderTypeReq == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT))
childSortOrderTypeReq = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
} // end if required order
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() AND
rppForMe->getArrangedCols()->entries() > 0)
ValueIdSet reqdArr1;
if (splitArrangementReq(*(rppForMe->getArrangedCols()),
// Get the sort order type again from the rpp
SortOrderTypeEnum childSortOrderTypeReq =
// If the sort order type requirement is DP2 or
// DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT, then convert this for the right
// child to ESP_NO_SORT. We only pass the dp2SortOrderPartReq
// to the left child.
if ((childSortOrderTypeReq == DP2_SOT) OR
(childSortOrderTypeReq == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT))
childSortOrderTypeReq = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
} // end if required arrangement
} // Join::splitSortReqsForRightChild
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class NestedJoin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PlanWorkSpace * NestedJoin::allocateWorkSpace() const
return new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) NestedJoinPlanWorkSpace(getArity());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NestedJoin::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NestedJoin::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodNestedJoin *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodNestedJoin();
return m;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate the partitioning requirements for the left child of a
// preferred probing order nested join plan, or a NJ that is for a
// write operation. In both cases, we need to base the partitioning
// requirement for the left child on the partitioning of the right
// child to ensure that we get a Type-1 join. If the requirements could
// not be generated because the user is attempting to force something that
// is not possible, the method returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean NestedJoin::genLeftChildPartReq(
Context* myContext, // IN
PlanWorkSpace* pws, // IN
const PartitioningFunction* physicalPartFunc, // IN
PartitioningRequirement* &logicalPartReq) // OUT
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
NABoolean createPartReqForChild = TRUE;
// Get some values from the defaults table
NABoolean baseNumPartsOnAP = FALSE;
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(BASE_NUM_PAS_ON_ACTIVE_PARTS) == DF_ON)
baseNumPartsOnAP = TRUE;
NABoolean isUpdateOfHBaseTable = updateTableDesc() &&
//adjust plan for hbase bulk load:
// -use range partitioning for salted tables
// -use hash on primary key for non salted tables
NABoolean adjustPFForTrafBulkLoadPrep = isUpdateOfHBaseTable &&
getIsForTrafLoadPrep() &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(TRAF_LOAD_PREP_ADJUST_PART_FUNC) == DF_ON ;//&&
if (adjustPFForTrafBulkLoadPrep)
baseNumPartsOnAP = TRUE;
Lng32 numActivePartitions = 1;
if (baseNumPartsOnAP)
if ((physicalPartFunc == NULL) OR
(physicalPartFunc->castToRangePartitioningFunction() == NULL))
baseNumPartsOnAP = FALSE;
CostScalar activePartitions =
((NodeMap *)(physicalPartFunc->getNodeMap()))->getNumActivePartitions();
numActivePartitions = (Lng32)activePartitions.getValue();
NABoolean okToAttemptESPParallelismFlag =
ValueIdList pkList;
// notice if parent requires a particular number of partitions
if ((partReqForMe != NULL) AND
(partReqForMe->getCountOfPartitions() != ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS) AND
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
childNumPartsRequirement = partReqForMe->getCountOfPartitions();
// don't ask for more ESPs than there are target partitions,
// the ESPs must be a grouping of that partitioning scheme. Also,
// can't change the number of partitions at all if we are in DP2.
if (physicalPartFunc == NULL)
// If the user was forcing the number of ESPs and it
// was not 1, then we cannot honor the request and so we
// must give up now.
if (numOfESPsForced AND (childNumPartsRequirement != 1))
return FALSE;
childNumPartsRequirement = 1;
else if ((childNumPartsRequirement >
physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions()) OR
// If the user was forcing the number of ESPs, then we
// cannot honor the request and so we must give up now.
if (numOfESPsForced)
return FALSE;
childNumPartsRequirement = physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
// If childNumPartsRequirement no longer satisfies the original requirement
// then give up now.
if (NOT
((childNumPartsRequirement == partReqForMe->getCountOfPartitions()) OR
((partReqForMe->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions() != NULL) AND
return FALSE;
else if (okToAttemptESPParallelismFlag)
// don't ask for more ESPs than there are target partitions,
// the ESPs must be a grouping of that partitioning scheme
if (isUpdateOfHBaseTable)
if (adjustPFForTrafBulkLoadPrep )
if (baseNumPartsOnAP && numActivePartitions >1 )
// this case will use base number of parts on Active Partitions and handle the case
//of partitioned table. Condition on syskey is removed based on comment from
//previous delivery
childNumPartsRequirement = numActivePartitions;
else if (numActivePartitions ==1 && childNumPartsRequirement > 1 )
//if table is not partitioned we use the clustering index to produce a hash2 partition
//function based on the clustering key. one thing to mention and is useful here
//is that rows with same keys will go to the same esp --> can be used for deduping
//Condition on syskey is removed based on comment from
//previous delivery
physicalPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
Hash2PartitioningFunction(pkList, pkList,childNumPartsRequirement);
createPartReqForChild = TRUE;
//if none of the 2 cases apply then used the default random partitioning
ValueIdSet partKey;
ItemExpr *randNum =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) RandomNum(NULL, TRUE);
physicalPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
Hash2PartitioningFunction (partKey, partKey, childNumPartsRequirement);
// HBase tables can be updated in any way, no restrictions on
// parallelism
if (numOfESPsForced && physicalPartFunc)
childNumPartsRequirement = numOfESPsForced;
createPartReqForChild = FALSE;
else if (physicalPartFunc == NULL)
// If the user was forcing the number of ESPs and it
// was not 1, then we cannot honor the request and so we
// must give up now.
if (numOfESPsForced AND (childNumPartsRequirement != 1))
return FALSE;
childNumPartsRequirement = 1;
else if ((baseNumPartsOnAP AND
(childNumPartsRequirement > numActivePartitions) AND
NOT numOfESPsForced) OR
(childNumPartsRequirement >
// If the user was forcing the number of ESPs, then we
// cannot honor the request and so we must give up now.
if (numOfESPsForced)
return FALSE;
// The preferred level of parallelism is more than the number
// of active/physical partitions, which is undesirable/not allowed.
// Lower the level of parallelism to the number of active
// partitions/physical partitions.
if (baseNumPartsOnAP)
childNumPartsRequirement = numActivePartitions;
childNumPartsRequirement = physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
} // end if ok to try a parallel plan
if ( rppForMe->executeInDP2() AND (physicalPartFunc != NULL) )
// If we are in DP2, then we cannot change the number of partitions
// at all.
childNumPartsRequirement = physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
} else
childNumPartsRequirement = 1;
// now create the partitioning requirement to match the target table
if (createPartReqForChild == FALSE)
logicalPartReq = NULL;
else if (childNumPartsRequirement == 1)
logicalPartReq = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Take the target table's partitioning function and scale it down
// to the appropriate size.
PartitioningFunction *cpf = physicalPartFunc->copy();
// If we haven't estimated the active parts yet, all parts will be active.
// So, both grouping distribution algorithms are the same in this case.
Lng32 scaleNumPartReq = childNumPartsRequirement;
cpf = cpf->scaleNumberOfPartitions(scaleNumPartReq);
// Was scale able to do it's job?
if ((NOT cpf->isAGroupingOf(*physicalPartFunc)) &&
(scaleNumPartReq != childNumPartsRequirement)) // No
// If scale didn't work (it should have), are only choice is 1 part.
logicalPartReq = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
else // Yes
logicalPartReq = cpf->makePartitioningRequirement();
} //end if childNumPartsRequirement == 1
return TRUE;
} // NestedJoin::genLeftChildPartReq()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate a preferred probing order sort requirement for the left child
// of a nested join that is for a write operation - i.e. Insert, Update,
// or Delete. The generated sort requirement is returned.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList NestedJoin::genWriteOpLeftChildSortReq()
ValueIdList reqdOrder;
// Only generate a preferred probing order requirement if there is
// no required order stored in the join node. This is because the
// first nested join plan already required this order, and so there
// is no point in doing it again.
if (getReqdOrder().isEmpty())
NABoolean requireOrderedWrites;
if (NOT (getGroupAttr()->isStream() ||
requireOrderedWrites = TRUE;
requireOrderedWrites = FALSE;
// Get some of the logical property information so that we can
// see if it is worth sorting the writes.
// get # of probes estimate from the left child
CostScalar noOfProbes =
// We do not sort a small number of inserts or user provided data
// in rowsets. see Genesis case 10-021021-2615 for details on why
// rowset data is not sorted.
// We always want to sort if we need to avoid a potential halloween
// problem.
if (!(avoidHalloweenR2() OR (getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED)
OR isTSJForSideTreeInsert() == TRUE
OR enableTransformToSTI() == TRUE
(noOfProbes < 100 OR child(0).getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() == 0))
// This is used to prevent compiler failure under control
// query shape with sort enforcement. Because in this case
// we want to keep requireOrderedWrites as TRUE.
// It is better to check the CQS on this join (via getMustMatch())
// and its left child instead of only checking the CQS requirement
// on the root. This will allow us to focus only on CQS statements
// that actually force this join left child.
NABoolean underCQS =
ActiveControlDB()->getRequiredShape() &&
ActiveControlDB()->getRequiredShape()->getShape() &&
NOT ActiveControlDB()->getRequiredShape()->getShape()->isCutOp();
if (NOT underCQS)
requireOrderedWrites = FALSE;
// for bulk load we require that data is sorted
if (updateTableDesc() && updateTableDesc()->getNATable()->isHbaseTable() &&
getIsForTrafLoadPrep() && !requireOrderedWrites)
requireOrderedWrites = TRUE;
if (requireOrderedWrites)
// require the select data to be sorted by the clustering key
// of the target table
// Fix 10-100412-9445.
// Truncate the trailing columns of reqdOrder starting at the
// syskey column (if exist). Anything beyond the syskey should
// not be sorted. Note that the order of the sortkey of the inner table
// and the order of the mapped required sort order on the outer source
// are the same.
Int32 sysKeyPosition = updateTableDesc()->getClusteringIndex()
if ( sysKeyPosition >= 0 ) {
// truncation anything starting from the sysKey.
for (Int32 i=reqdOrder.entries()-1; i>= sysKeyPosition; i--) {
// Remove from the required order any columns that are equal to
// constants or input values.
// Remove from the required order any columns that cannot be provided
// by left child outputs.
// fix for case 10-080826-7916, soln 10-080826-5421
// make sure reqdOrder has some column(s) to sort on
// also soln 10-091002-5072. For Halloween queries the
// sort is used as a blocking operator and therefore
// it does not matter (for correctness) which column is used for sorting as long
// as the sort operator is present. If reqdOrder is empty then a sort node
// will not be present as an empty sortOrder is always satisfied.
// For performance it does help if the sort order is the same as
// clustering key of target side. If we get into the following statement
// then we know that the source side is not able to provide the target clustering
// key cols. In all known cases this is because syskey is the only clustering key,
// however this code has been written generally, without reference to syskey.
if (reqdOrder.isEmpty() AND
(avoidHalloweenR2() OR
(getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED)))
const ValueIdSet& child0Outputs =
for (ValueId exprId = child0Outputs.init();;
if (!(exprId.getItemExpr()->doesExprEvaluateToConstant(FALSE,TRUE)))
reqdOrder.insert(exprId); // do not insert constants. If all outputs are constant
break ; // then there no need to sort/block
} // end if reqdOrderedWrites
} // end if the user did not specify an ORDER BY clause
// fix for soln 10-090826-4155
// make sure reqdOrder has some column(s) to sort on
if (reqdOrder.isEmpty() AND
getNAFileSet()->hasSyskey() AND
(avoidHalloweenR2() OR
(getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED) OR
(getHalloweenForceSort() == NOT_FORCED)))
reqdOrder = ValueIdList
return reqdOrder; // Will be empty if no required order
} // NestedJoin::genWriteOpLeftChildSortReq()
PartitioningFunction *
isOneToOneMatchHashPartitionJoinPossible(NestedJoin* nj,
const PartitioningFunction *leftPartFunc, const ValueIdMap &map)
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_94) == DF_ON) {
return NULL;
const PartitioningFunction *origLeftHashPartFunc = leftPartFunc;
if (leftPartFunc->castToHashDistPartitioningFunction() != NULL) {
// If dealing with HashDist, then the original number of partitions
// must match the current number of partitions.
const TableHashPartitioningFunction *leftHashPartFunc;
leftHashPartFunc = leftPartFunc->castToHashDistPartitioningFunction();
if (leftHashPartFunc->getCountOfOrigHashPartitions() !=
leftHashPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions()) {
return NULL;
} else {
// If it is a skewed data part func, get the partition func for the
// unskewed data.
if ( leftPartFunc->castToSkewedDataPartitioningFunction() ) {
leftPartFunc = leftPartFunc->
// Check whether this is hash2 partitioning. If not, return FALSE.
if ( leftPartFunc->castToHash2PartitioningFunction() == NULL )
return NULL;
PartitioningFunction *mappedLeftPartFunc = NULL;
ValueIdMap mapCopy(map);
// remap the left part func to right
mappedLeftPartFunc = leftPartFunc->copyAndRemap(mapCopy, FALSE);
GroupAttributes *ga = nj->child(1).getGroupAttr();
const SET(IndexDesc *) &availIndexes = ga->getAvailableBtreeIndexes();
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < availIndexes.entries(); i++) {
IndexDesc *iDesc = availIndexes[i];
if (iDesc->isClusteringIndex()) {
PartitioningFunction *rightPartFunc = iDesc->getPartitioningFunction();
PartitioningFunction *result = NULL;
NABoolean allowGrouping = (CmpCommon::getDefault(NESTED_JOINS_OCR_GROUPING) == DF_ON);
if (rightPartFunc AND
? leftPartFunc->isAGroupingOf(*rightPartFunc)
: (leftPartFunc->comparePartFuncToFunc(*rightPartFunc) == SAME))
mappedLeftPartFunc AND
? mappedLeftPartFunc->isAGroupingOf(*rightPartFunc)
: (mappedLeftPartFunc->comparePartFuncToFunc(*rightPartFunc) == SAME))
) {
if ( origLeftHashPartFunc->castToSkewedDataPartitioningFunction() ) {
// Require the inner to be rep-n so that both the non-skewed and
// skewed rows from the outer table can be distributed to the
// right partitions. Note that the non-skewed and the skewed can
// reach different partitions, hence the need for a rep-n part func.
result = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
} else {
result = mappedLeftPartFunc;
return result;
// Should not be reachable
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate the requirements for the right child of a nested join.
// Returns the generated requirements if they were feasible, otherwise
// NULL is returned.
// sppForChild: Physical property of the left child
// rppForMe: Required properties of the nested join
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ReqdPhysicalProperty* NestedJoin::genRightChildReqs(
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild, // IN
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe, // IN
NABoolean avoidNSquareOpens)
ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild;
RequirementGenerator rg (child(1),rppForMe);
// Remove any parent requirements for the sort key or arrangement,
// since most likely these only refer to the left child. But,
// if there is a portion that refers to the right child, then
// pass this along.
if ((rppForMe->getSortKey() AND
(rppForMe->getSortKey()->entries() > 0)) OR
(rppForMe->getArrangedCols() AND
(rppForMe->getArrangedCols()->entries() > 0)))
if (updateTableDesc() == NULL)
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// left child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the right child.
ValueIdList reqdOrder0;
ValueIdSet reqdArr0;
splitSortReqsForRightChild(rppForMe, rg, reqdOrder0, reqdArr0);
} // end if NJ is not for a write operation
} // end if context requires order
// If the partitioning function of the left child was only
// one partition, then pass a requirement for that to the right,
// since no parallelism is possible. Otherwise, pass a
// replication function without broadcast to the right child.
// Note that for write operations, we are really doing a Type-1
// join and so we don't need to pass a replication function -
// we should just pass the left child part func as the part
// requirement to the right. But, this would allow a
// repartitioning plan to be considered. This should never be
// chosen, since repartitioning is not necessary, but it is
// too risky to allow the optimizer to even consider it.
PartitioningFunction *npf = NULL;
if (childPartFunc->isASinglePartitionPartitioningFunction()) {
partReqForChild = childPartFunc->makePartitioningRequirement();
} else
if (rppForMe->executeInDP2()) {
partReqForChild = childPartFunc->makePartitioningRequirement();
} else {
if ((npf=isOneToOneMatchHashPartitionJoinPossible(this, childPartFunc, getOriginalEquiJoinExpressions())) &&
npf->getCountOfPartitions() <= rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines()
) {
partReqForChild = npf->makePartitioningRequirement();
} else {
// Use the node map of the left childs partitioning function.
// (Note: this NestedJoin will have the same partFunc and Nodemap as the left child)
NABoolean useNodeMap = (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_82) == DF_ON);
PartitioningFunction *mappedChildPartFunc = childPartFunc;
if (updateTableDesc() && isTSJForWrite()) {
mappedChildPartFunc =
if ( !avoidNSquareOpens || updateTableDesc() )
partReqForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
RequireReplicateNoBroadcast(mappedChildPartFunc, useNodeMap);
return NULL;
// Add a push-down requirement based on left child's push
// down property.
if ( sppForChild->getPushDownProperty() )
// Remove any parent partitioning requirement, since only the left
// child must satisfy it.
// Now, add in the Join's partitioning requirement for the
// right child.
// If this nested join is for a write operation and it is in Dp2,
// then don't need to pass the source partitioning function as a
// requirement to the target because we have already
// guaranteed that the two are partitioned the same by passing
// the target partitioning function to the source as a
// requirement. Furthermore, if we try to pass it it will fail
// because the partitioning key columns will not be covered
// by the target table characteristic outputs because a target
// table produces no values, i.e. it has no char. outputs.
if (NOT( updateTableDesc() AND rppForMe->executeInDP2()))
// we add a requirement that ESP-Exchanges are not allowed
// under right side of a nested join except when cb_106 is on or
// (cb_102 is on and rowsets are involved)
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_106) == DF_OFF) &&
NOT((CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_102) == DF_ON) && isRowsetIterator()) )
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if the requirements were feasible
return rppForChild;
} // NestedJoin::genRightChildReqs()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate an input physical property object to contain the sort
// order of the left child and related group attributes and
// partitioning functions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
InputPhysicalProperty* NestedJoin::generateIpp(
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild,
NABoolean isPlan0)
InputPhysicalProperty* ipp = NULL;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the sort order of my left child and pass this information to
// the context for optimizing my right child. (Costing the inner
// table access has a dependency on the order from the outer table).
// If this is a write op, use the map to map the left child sort
// key values to their right child equivalents. We can't do this
// for read because there is no map for read. So, for read, we will
// have to do some complicated processing in FileScanOptimizer to
// determine if the orders are equivalent.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList mappedLeftChildOrder(sppForChild->getSortKey());
ValueIdSet mappedCharOutputs(
PartitioningFunction* mappedChildPartFunc =
PartitioningFunction* mappedDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
if (updateTableDesc() != NULL AND
NOT mappedLeftChildOrder.isEmpty())
// The control comes here for an Update operation
// map the char outputs from left to right
// map the sort key from left to right
NABoolean useListInsteadOfSet = FALSE;
ValueIdSet childCharOutput = child(0).getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicOutputs();
ValueIdList childSortKey = sppForChild->getSortKey();
// We go through the new logic, only if there are some columns in the bottom list
// which are duplicated in the characteristics output of the child. An example of this
// is: Insert * into t1 from (select a, b, a from t2); Here column 'a' of t2
// is being matched to two columns of t1. Characteristics output of t2 would be
// only 'a' and 'b'. But we want to have two occurences of 'a' in order to match to
// the three columns of t1. Hence we work with the list, instead of columns.
// For all other cases we continue to work with the set.
// Sol: 10-040416-5166.
// First thing we do is to eliminate if this nestedJoin is due to create index
// for this we check if the right child of the nestedJoin is an index_table
// or a normal_table
CascadesGroup* group1 = (*CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo)[child(1).getGroupId()];
GenericUpdate* rightChild = (GenericUpdate *) group1->getFirstLogExpr();
if (rightChild->getTableName().getSpecialType() == ExtendedQualName::NORMAL_TABLE )
// In this case, we have columns from Scan duplicated
// Hence the bottom values in updateSelectValueIdMap have some columns
// appearing twice. When writing the top values in the updateSelectValueIdMap
// if we use characteristicsOutput then these duplicate values are removed.
// Hence use the bottom values that are covered by the child to map the
// top values of the updateSelectValueIdMap. Use list object to allow duplicates.
ValueIdList bottomValues = updateSelectValueIdMap()->getBottomValues();
// We go through the new logic, only if there are some columns in the bottom list
// which are duplicated in the characteristics output of the child. An example of this
// is: Insert * into t1 from (select a, b, a from t2); Here column 'a' of t2
// is being matched to two columns of t1. Characteristics output of t2 would be
// only 'a' and 'b'. But we want to have two occurences of 'a' in order to match to
// the three columns of t1. Hence we work with the list, instead of columns.
// For all other cases we continue to work with the set.
ValueIdSet bottomValuesSet(bottomValues);
if (bottomValuesSet.entries() != bottomValues.entries())
ValueIdList mappedCharOPs;
// from here get all the bottom values that appear in the characteristic
// output of the child.
ValueIdList bottomOutputValues = bottomValues;
bottomOutputValues.findCommonElements(childCharOutput );
bottomValuesSet = bottomOutputValues;
// see if the characteristics output contained some expressions. In that case,
// cannot use bottom values instead of outputs.
if (bottomValuesSet == childCharOutput)
// so we saw that Characteristics Outputs were duplicated.
// Check if the bottom values have key columns duplicated.
// If not, then we cannot use bottom lists
// find common elements between bottom values and the sort key of the Child
// we shall use bottomValues only if there were some columns of the
// sort key duplicated in the bottom values, and that the duplicate columns
// have not been handled in the sortkey. I have found cases where the problem of duplicate
// columns has been handled in various ways: 1. By assigning different valueId to the
// same column,2. appending _XX to the column name (for populate indexes),3. or retaining the
// duplicate columns in the key. Since, I do not understand a lot of cases that can arise
// and at this phase of release we do not have time to clean up everything, I will go with
// the new logic only if there are duplicate columns in the Select list, but they
// have not been handled till now. Sol: 10-040527-6486
ValueIdSet keySet(childSortKey);
// if there are no duplicates in childSortKey, then only proceed. Else if the
// duplicate columns exist in the sortKey, then use those.
if (keySet.entries() == childSortKey.entries())
bottomValues = updateSelectValueIdMap()->getBottomValues();
ValueIdList keyFromBottomList = bottomValues;
bottomValuesSet = keyFromBottomList;
if (
// if there are duplicate columns in the select list
(keyFromBottomList.entries() != bottomValuesSet.entries()) &&
// and these duplicate columns have single entry in the childSortKey
// remember we are here only if there are no duplicates in the
// sortKey
(keyFromBottomList.entries() > childSortKey.entries() )
useListInsteadOfSet = TRUE;
bottomOutputValues );
mappedCharOutputs = mappedCharOPs;
// If key of the child contained some extra or duplicate columns, then there
// could be some redundant columns of the parent picked up.
// from whatever topValues you got matching to the sortKey of the child
// select the one which is also the orderKey of the target.
ValueIdList targetSortKey = updateTableDesc()->getClusteringIndex()->getOrderOfKeyValues();
ValueIdList mappedLeftChildTmp = mappedLeftChildOrder;
mappedLeftChildOrder =
if (!useListInsteadOfSet)
// No duplicate entries, hence use the old logic for the set
// Update top values with the characteristics outputs of the child's
// characteristic outputs
// map the sort key from left to right
// map the partitioning function from the left to the right
mappedChildPartFunc =
if (mappedDp2SortOrderPartFunc != NULL)
// map the Dp2 sort order part func from the left to the right
mappedDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
} // end if this is a base table write op
if (NOT mappedLeftChildOrder.isEmpty() &&
NOT isPlan0)
ValueIdList * leftChildOrder =
ipp = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
if (NOT isPlan0)
return NULL;
ipp = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
return ipp;
} // NestedJoin::generateIpp()
PartitioningFunction *
NestedJoin::getClusteringIndexPartFuncForRightChild() const
GroupAttributes *ga = child(1).getGroupAttr();
const SET(IndexDesc *) &availIndexes = ga->getAvailableBtreeIndexes();
Int32 x = availIndexes.entries();
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < availIndexes.entries(); i++) {
IndexDesc *iDesc = availIndexes[i];
if (iDesc->isClusteringIndex()) {
return iDesc->getPartitioningFunction();
return NULL;
NestedJoin::checkCompleteSortOrder(const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild0)
// Map the target table sort key to the source. We could map
// from the source to the target and do the comparison that
// way. But any columns that are covered by constants will
// only be covered on the source side, not the target side.
// So we can only correctly identify target key columns that are
// covered by constants by mapping them to the source side first.
ValueIdList mappedTargetTableOrder;
// Remove from the mapped target table order any columns that are
// equal to constants or input values.
if (mappedTargetTableOrder.isEmpty())
return FALSE;
// The outer table sort order will not help if #of sort key columns from
// the child0 is less than #of the clustiner key columns of the target table.
CollIndex n = sppForChild0->getSortKey().entries();
if ( n < mappedTargetTableOrder.entries() )
return FALSE;
if ( n > mappedTargetTableOrder.entries() )
n = mappedTargetTableOrder.entries();
for ( CollIndex i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
ValueId targetKeyCol = mappedTargetTableOrder[i];
ValueId outerOrderCol = sppForChild0->getSortKey()[i];
if ( outerOrderCol.getItemExpr()->sameOrder(targetKeyCol.getItemExpr())
return FALSE;
// If there is a dp2SortOrderPartFunc, map it and see if it
// is exactly the same as the target partitioning function.
// If it is not, then we cannot use the outer table sort order.
PartitioningFunction* mappedDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
if (mappedDp2SortOrderPartFunc != NULL)
mappedDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
PartitioningFunction* targetTablePartFunc =
updateTableDesc()->getClusteringIndex()-> getPartitioningFunction();
// If the target table is not partitioned, it cannot
// match the dp2SortOrderPartFunc, since we will never
// synthesize a sort order type of DP2 for an unpart table.
if ((targetTablePartFunc == NULL) OR
comparePartFuncToFunc(*targetTablePartFunc) != SAME)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Context* NestedJoin::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// For a nested join we try up to 5 child plans, named plan 0 ... plan 4
// (10 contexts, 5 for each child). Here is a short summary of those
// plans:
// Plan 0: Requires no sort order from the left (outer) child.
// For read query: Leave left child the freedom to pick a
// partitioning and force right child to match it.
// For write query: Force left child to match partitioning
// of the target table (or a grouping of it)
// Plan 1: Similar to Plan0, except that this time we force the left child
// to match the order of the right child.
// Plan1 is skipped if OCB is being considered.
// For read query. try OCR, if applicable.
// Plan 2: Similar to plan1, but this time we request the left child to match
// the sort order naturally, without using a sort.
// Plan2 is skipped if preferred probing order is off (read) or
// UPD_ORDERED is off (write).
// In some cases we do plan 3 instead of plan 2.
// Plan 3: Similar to plan1, but this time we request the left child to match
// the sort order by using a sort operator
// Plan3 is skipped if preferred probing order is off (read) or
// UPD_ORDERED is off (write).
// Plan 4: Generate an OCB plan, if applicable. Also require the left to match
// the order of the right child. Unlike plans 0-3, we try the right child
// first in plan 4. We ask the left child to broadcast data via ESPs.
// Previous comment - probably no longer applicable: The old second plan
// is one where no order is required from the left child,
// but ordering information is passed to the right child if the
// left child synthesizes a sort key.
// Details for plan 2 and plan3:
// These two plans are only attempted when Preferred Probing Order
// is ON for writes. For reads, plan 2 and plan 3 will choose an index
// from the right child group attributes information that satisfies any
// parent ordering or partitioning requirements and has the fewest number
// of uncovered key columns. The sort key columns of this index
// that are equijoin columns are then passed to the left child as
// a order requirement. For writes, the left child is required to
// be ordered on the target table primary key columns.
// For the third plan, the order requirement must be satisfied
// without sorting. If this does not produce a plan that satisfies
// the requirement without using synchronous access, then a fourth
// plan is tried that demands the left child satisfy the order
// requirement via sorting.
// Details for plan 4 (OCB):
// Plan 4 replicates outer child of nested join. For this
// plan we start from inner child and check if it can satisfy partitioning
// requirement for join itself. If it does then we create a plan for inner
// child first then create context for outer child to replicate with
// broadcast if certain conditions are met (see below). This is to prevent
// uneven load of ESPs running the join in case when data is highly
// skewed.
// Summary of abbreviations used
// -----------------------------
// OCB: Outer Child Broadcast, broadcast left child to all ESPs,
// each ESP only joins with local partitions on the right, this
// is done when there are very few outer rows, to distribute
// the work more evenly across ESPs. Can't be used for semi-
// or left outer joins.
// OCR: Outer Child Repartitioning (which includes a natural partitioning
// of the left child). Force the left child to be partitioned the
// same (or a grouping) of the right child's clustering index.
// This avoids a large number of opens in the ESPs, which would
// otherwise all open every inner partitions (n^2 opens).
// - Can't be used for non-equi joins.
// - Either OCR or OCB is considered, but not both.
// N2J: N square Join (or "vanilla" Nested plan 2 Join), using neither
// OCB nor OCR. In some cases, N2J competes with OCR or OCB.
// - Can be used in all cases (but not always considered)
// PPO: Preferred Probing Order, ask left child to match the order
// of the right one, to reduce random accesses to the right table.
// CQDs used to control OCB
// ------------------------
// COMP_BOOL_130, if ON - consider OCB join plan, by default ON
// COMP_BOOL_131, if ON - let OCB compete with plan 0,1 by cost, default OFF
// COMP_BOOL_132, if ON - compete with plan 2,3 by cost, default OFF
// COMP_BOOL_133, if ON - force OCB join, default OFF
// COMP_BOOL_134, if ON - force check for inner child #of partitions,
// default ON
// COMP_BOOL_135, if ON - force OCB for large inner child, not only
// start join into fact table, default ON
// COMP_INT_30 - defines a threshold for cardinality of outer child not
// to get broadcasted, default 5, threshold is
// #of NJ ESPs time COMP_INT_30 (for example 128*2 = 256)
// COMP_INT_31 - number of base table (of outer child) threshold,
// default 5
// COMP_INT_32 - minimum threshold for size of inner child per probe
// to prevent OCB, default 100 bytes
// Other relevant CQDs
// -------------------
// UPD_ORDERED - OFF - disables plans 3 and 4 for writes,
// unless required for Halloween
// protection or side tree insert
// SYSTEM - same as OFF
// ON - enables plans 3 and 4 for writes
// - OFF - disables plans 3 and 4 for reads
// SYSTEM - same as OFF
// ON - enables plans 3 and 4 for reads
// NESTED_JOINS_NO_NSQUARE_OPENS - when ON, tries to suppress N2J plans
// that use an excessive number of opens.
// Also overrides the following CQD and
// enables OCR without a threshold.
// NESTED_JOINS_OCR_MAXOPEN_THRESHOLD - enables OCR if (max degree of ||ism *
// #partitions of inner table) exceed
// the value of this CQD
// NESTED_JOINS_ANTISKEW_ESPS - if >0, we consider a skew requirement
// h2-rd for the left child in plan 1 (OCR)
NestedJoinPlanWorkSpace *njPws = (NestedJoinPlanWorkSpace *) pws;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Code that is executed only the first time for each PlanWorkSpace
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is the first time we invoke this method for a CreatePlanTask,
// initialize some values and store them in our custom plan work space
if (njPws->isEmpty())
Lng32 childPlansToConsider = 4; // means plan 0 and plan 1 for this join
NABoolean OCBJoinIsConsidered = FALSE;
NABoolean OCRJoinIsConsidered = FALSE;
if (((CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->preferredProbingOrderForNJ() OR
((getSource() == Join::STAR_FACT) AND // star fact join is always ppo
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_72) != DF_ON))) AND
(getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() > 1) AND // to avoid Index joins
(updateTableDesc() == NULL)) // read
avoidHalloweenR2() OR // Always want to sort if avoidHalloweenR2
getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED OR
) // Always sort if halloween forces
(updateTableDesc() != NULL))) // write
childPlansToConsider = 8; // try plans 2 and 3 for this join
CostScalar child0card=
const SET(IndexDesc *) &availIndexes1=
Cardinality minrows, maxrows;
child(0).getGroupAttr()->hasCardConstraint(minrows, maxrows);
CostScalar maxOCBRowsLimit = defs.getAsLong(COMP_INT_30) *
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// determine whether OCB is feasible
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_133) == DF_ON) OR
( (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_130) == DF_ON) AND
// this condition will prevent OCB for DDL, internal refresh
// and embedded update/delete statement. It could be ignored
// by setting COMP_BOOL_9 to 'ON'. The code for checking these
// conditions need to be refactored because it affects already
// several features: pruning, maximum parallelism, parallel
// insert/select and OCB. PruningIsFeasible is just a flag
// set to FALSE if any of these conditions holds.
// cannot use OCB for left-, semi-joins because it can produce
// the wrong result - multiple non matching rows.
( NOT ( isLeftJoin() OR isSemiJoin() OR isAntiSemiJoin() ) )
( CostScalar(maxrows) <= maxOCBRowsLimit ) //heuristic0
( // heuristic1
// OCB for top join of star join into fact table
( (getSource() == Join::STAR_FACT ) OR
// OCB for small outer child and big inner child
( (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_135) == DF_ON) AND
// if this is not a star join we don't want outer child
// to have more than 2 base table because cardinality
// estimation is becomung less accurate
( child(0).getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() <=
// the size of inner child per probe is greater
// than a threshold
( getGroupAttr()->getResultCardinalityForEmptyInput()/
child0card.minCsOne() *
( child(1).getGroupAttr()->getRecordLength() +
// this is, in fact, row header size in a message
// CQD name is a misnomer.
) > defs.getAsLong(COMP_INT_32)
( child0card < maxOCBRowsLimit AND
child(0).getGroupAttr()->getResultMaxCardinalityForEmptyInput() / 10 <
( // heuristic2 - forced OCB
// When join predicates do not cover inner table partition key,
// We do OCB to avoid O(n^2) connections (from Joining ESPs to
// DP2s).
JoinPredicateCoversChild1PartKey() == FALSE AND
availIndexes1.entries() >= 1 AND
(availIndexes1[0]->getPrimaryTableDesc()->getIndexes()).entries() == 1
// This line does not work as the indexes are masked out here
// (eliminated). The index shows up in the plan (e.g., in
// optdml03 Q17).
// == 1
// for the first prototype this will check partitioning and coverage
// of prefix of inner child clustering key by join columns, local
// predicates and and constant expressions
) AND OCBJoinIsFeasible(myContext)
OCBJoinIsConsidered = TRUE;
childPlansToConsider = 10;
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
NABoolean useParallelism =
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// determine whether OCR is feasible
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if ( //CmpCommon::getDefault(NESTED_JOINS_OCR) == DF_ON AND
OCBJoinIsConsidered == FALSE AND
updateTableDesc() == NULL /* is read case? */ AND
OCRJoinIsFeasible(myContext) == TRUE AND
useParallelism )
OCRJoinIsConsidered = TRUE;
// Decide if it is a fast trafodion load query
NABoolean isFastLoadIntoTrafodion = FALSE;
OperatorTypeEnum childOpType = child(1).getLogExpr()->getOperatorType();
if ( childOpType == REL_LEAF_INSERT ) {
RelExpr* c1 = child(1).getLogExpr();
Insert* ins = (Insert*)c1;
isFastLoadIntoTrafodion = ins->getIsTrafLoadPrep();
// store results in njPws for later reuse
} // end njPws->isEmpty()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If enough Contexts are generated, return NULL
// to signal completion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (njPws->getCountOfChildContexts() == njPws->getChildPlansToConsider())
return NULL;
Context* result = NULL;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
Context* childContext = NULL;
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild = NULL;
// Initialize the ipp to what the parent specifies. If the left child
// does not synthesize a sort key, then this is what we will pass to
// the right child.
const InputPhysicalProperty* ippForMyChild =
NABoolean noN2JForRead = ((CmpCommon::getDefault(NESTED_JOINS_NO_NSQUARE_OPENS) == DF_ON) &&
(updateTableDesc() == NULL));
NABoolean noEquiN2J =
(njPws->getOCRJoinIsConsidered() || njPws->getOCBJoinIsConsidered()) &&
(!( isLeftJoin() OR isSemiJoin() OR isAntiSemiJoin() )) &&
(rppForMe->getMustMatch() == NULL) &&
getOriginalEquiJoinExpressions().getTopValues().entries() > 0 &&
NABoolean trySortPlanInPlan3 =
(CmpCommon::getDefault(NESTED_JOINS_PLAN3_TRY_SORT) == DF_ON);
// if this IUD, but UPD_ORDER is ON then don't try NJ plan 0
NABoolean shutDownPlan0 = FALSE;
if ( (updateTableDesc() != NULL) &&
(rppForMe->getMustMatch() == NULL) &&
(!rppForMe->executeInDP2()) &&
(!getReqdOrder().entries() || njPws->getFastLoadIntoTrafodion()) &&
shutDownPlan0 = TRUE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The creation of the next Context for a child depends upon the
// the number of child Contexts that have been created in earlier
// invocations of this method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
while ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() < njPws->getChildPlansToConsider()) AND
(rppForChild == NULL))
// If we stay in this loop because we didn't generate some
// child contexts, we need to reset the child plan count when
// it gets to be as large as the arity, because otherwise we
// would advance the child plan count past the arity.
if (pws->getPlanChildCount() >= getArity())
planNumber = pws->getCountOfChildContexts() / 2;
switch (pws->getCountOfChildContexts())
case 0:
childIndex = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 0: Plan 0, child 0
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 1st Context for left child. Disable this context if
// OCB is not feasible or feasible but should compete with this
// plan, and OCR is not feasible. When OCB is feasible, OCR is
// automatically disabled.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) AND
( NOT njPws->getOCBJoinIsConsidered() OR rppForMe->getMustMatch() != NULL OR
rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT OR
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_131) == DF_ON)) AND
CmpCommon::getDefault(NESTED_JOINS_PLAN0) == DF_ON AND
njPws->getOCRJoinIsConsidered() == FALSE
// If using sort to prevent Halloween, then avoid this plan
if(! (avoidHalloweenR2() || getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED) )
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0), rppForMe);
// Do not check the null-ness of updateTableDesc() as NestedJoinFlow
// is a subclass of this NestedJoin class, and it can flow tuples
// to an insert node.
if (rppForMe->executeInDP2())
if (rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement() == NULL) {
// Add a co-location requirement (type-1 join in DP2) if the parent
// does not provide one, regardless we are in CS or not.
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
if (updateTableDesc() != NULL)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// TSJ on top of an insert/update/delete statement.
// Make the left side match the partitioning scheme of the
// updated table.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
const PartitioningFunction *physicalPartFunc =
PartitioningRequirement* logicalPartReq = NULL;
// Generate the partitioning requirements.
// If the requirements could not be generated because the user
// is attempting to force something that is not possible,
// the method returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
if (genLeftChildPartReq(myContext,
// Push down IUD queries involving MVs.
// If the execution location is DP2, and the parent partition req
// is verified to be the same as the part func of the inner, we
// remove the initial requirement from rg. Without this step,
// this initial partition requirement will be determined not
// compatible (by rg) with the mapped part func for
// the left child, even though both are connected properly by
// the updateSelectValueIdMap()!
if ( physicalPartFunc != NULL AND
rppForMe->executeInDP2() AND
partReqForMe AND
// Map the partitioning requirement partitioning key columns
// from the right child to the left child.
if (logicalPartReq)
logicalPartReq =
// Tried to force something that was not possible. Give up now.
return NULL;
// If there is a required order stored in the join node, then require
// the select data to be sorted in this order.
// There will only be a required order if the write operation
// was an insert and the user specified an ORDER BY clause.
// Note that we don't need to map the req. order because it was
// based on the original form of the insert, which was an insert
// with the select as it's child, so the valueid's in the req. order
// are already in terms of the select valueid's.
if (getReqdOrder().entries() > 0)
ValueIdSet reqdOrder = getReqdOrder();
} // this is for an write operation
else // read
ValueIdList reqdOrder1;
ValueIdSet reqdArr1;
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// right child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the left child. Pass back the requirements for
// the right child in case they are needed.
splitSortReqsForLeftChild(rppForMe, rg, reqdOrder1, reqdArr1);
// this is for the patch below related to MAXIMUM parallelism
RelExpr *child0LogExpr = child(0).getLogExpr();
if (njPws->getUseParallelism()
// This is to prevent parallel plan for inserting a single tuple.
// Currently, when a single tuple is inserted in the table with
// indexes, parallel plan caused by MAXIMUM parallelism option
// results in a message that 0 rows inserted although tuple did
// get inserted. The next check is to prevent such a plan which
// does not make much sense anyway. March 2006.
( child0LogExpr AND
child0LogExpr->getOperatorType() == REL_LEAF_INSERT AND
((Insert *)child0LogExpr)->insertATuple()
// If we want to try ESP parallelism, go for it. Note we may still
// not get it if the parent's requirement does not allow it.
// If we don't go for ESP parallelism, then we will specify either
// the parent's required number of partitions, or we will specify
// that we don't care how many partitions we get - i.e.
} // end if ok to try parallelism
} // end if NJ is for a read operation
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
// this is an update case. I leave this now but we might need to
// review it later because we might want to try another plan
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 0)
case 1:
childIndex = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 1: Plan 0, child 1
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 1st Context for right child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe)
AND isTSJForSideTreeInsert() == FALSE
AND enableTransformToSTI() == FALSE
AND !shutDownPlan0
// Try this plan regardless of NESTED_JOINS_PLAN0 CQD setting
// if OCR is not feasible
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan has been produced by the latest context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild =
rppForChild = genRightChildReqs(sppForChild,rppForMe, noEquiN2J);
if (isRowsetIterator()) {
// This condition ensures that this nested join
// is the parent of an unpack node used for rowsets.
// The ipp created to pass information about a rowset to the right child
// is unique in that all the nj fields of the ipp are NULL and only
// the assumeSortedForCosting_ field is TRUE.
ippForMyChild = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
InputPhysicalProperty( NULL, NULL,
else if (updateTableDesc() == NULL &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_60) == DF_ON)
// we would like to send left child's partitioning function
// for plan1. This is needed so that right child can accurately
// analyze grouping relationship from the sibling
ippForMyChild = generateIpp(sppForChild, TRUE);
// If we produced an rpp for the child and there is a CQ Shape
// command for this operator, then check if they are forcing PLAN1.
if ((rppForChild != NULL) AND
(rppForMe->getMustMatch() != NULL))
JoinForceWildCard::forcedPlanEnum forcePlanToken =
// If the user is forcing plan #1, the plan where we pass the
// left child order to the right child, then pass the order
// now. This will be the only nj plan we will try.
// Simulate PLAN1's right context here, only if OCR is not feasible.
// When feasible, OCR will reuse PLAN0's left context and as such
// it will be incorrect to allow PLAN0's right context to continue.
// OCR can only be forces with PLAN1 or TYPE1 type specifier in CQS.
// Plan0 is strictly type-2.
if (forcePlanToken == JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN1 AND
njPws->getOCRJoinIsConsidered() == FALSE)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the sort order of my left child and pass this information to
// the context for optimizing my right child. (Costing the inner
// table access has a dependency on the order from the outer table).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
ippForMyChild = generateIpp(sppForChild);
if (ippForMyChild == NULL)
ippForMyChild = myContext->getInputPhysicalProperty();
} // end if the user is forcing the plan where we pass the
// left child order to the right child
} // end if we produced an rpp for the child and
// if there is a CQ Shape command to check
} // end if child0 had an optimal solution
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 1)
case 2:
childIndex = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 2: Plan 1, child 0
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 2nd Context for left child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) AND
( NOT njPws->getOCBJoinIsConsidered() OR rppForMe->getMustMatch() != NULL OR
rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT OR
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_131) == DF_ON)
( NOT derivedFromRoutineJoin()) AND
isTSJForSideTreeInsert() == FALSE AND
enableTransformToSTI() == FALSE
NABoolean usableSortOrder = FALSE;
NABoolean OCRJoinIsConsideredInCase2 = njPws->getOCRJoinIsConsidered();
// If using sort to avoid Halloween, then avoid this plan
if(!(avoidHalloweenR2() || getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED))
// Get the child context that was created for the left child of
// the first nested join plan.
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan was produced by the previous context for the
// left child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild0Plan0 =
CMPASSERT(sppForChild0Plan0 != NULL);
// See if the sort order for the left child of the previous plan
// attempted (plan #0) is not empty. If it is not, see if it
// can help keep the I/Os down when accessing the inner table.
if (NOT sppForChild0Plan0->getSortKey().isEmpty())
if (updateTableDesc() != NULL) // WRITE
usableSortOrder = checkCompleteSortOrder(sppForChild0Plan0);
} // end if write
else // READ
if ( OCRJoinIsConsideredInCase2 == FALSE )
// Allocate dummy requirement generator object so we can
// emulate the right child requirements.
RequirementGenerator rg1(child(1),rppForMe);
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// right child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the left child. Pass back the requirements for
// the right child. For our purposes here we
// really only want the requirements for the right child.
ValueIdList reqdOrder1;
ValueIdSet reqdArr1;
splitSortReqsForLeftChild(rppForMe, rg1, reqdOrder1, reqdArr1);
// Get rid of all the left child requirements since we are
// pretending we are processing the right child.
// Add in the the left child sort key as a requirement for
// the right child. This will force us to only pick a
// index whose sort order is compatible with the left child
// sort key. If the left child synthesized a
// dp2SortOrderPartFunc, then we need to make sure we
// pick an index which can satisfy it. So, we will also
// specify the left child sort order type and the
// dp2SortOrderPartFunc as requirements, too. The left
// child synthesized sort order type must be "DP2" or
// "NO" (if still in DP2), and so this will force
// the recommendedOrderForNJProbing method to only
// consider indices that satisfy the dp2SortOrderPartReq.
if (sppForChild0Plan0->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() == NULL)
// Add in the left child partitioning function as a
// requirement so we will be forced to pick an index
// whose partitioning function is compatible with it.
// This is required to give a chance for ordered NJ plan when the
// LC has more culstering keys than needed. This function removes
// extra keys if any.
if ( CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_188) == DF_OFF )
// Make sure the sort key and partitioning function from
// the left child are covered by the right child ga. This
// means the sort key and part key cols must all be equijoin
// columns.
if (rg1.checkFeasibility())
// produce a new rpp with what we have added
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild1Plan1 =
// Now allocate a new rg to carry these requirements
// over to the recommend probing method.
RequirementGenerator rg2(child(1),rppForChild1Plan1);
// Find an index that is compatible with the left child
// sort order and partitioning and also is compatible
// with any right child sort requirements.
IndexDesc* ppoIDesc = NULL;
NABoolean partKeyColsAreMappable = TRUE;
ValueIdList preferredOrder=
// If we got back a non-empty sort key, then this
// means we found an index that is compatible with
// the left child sort order, etc.
if (NOT preferredOrder.isEmpty())
usableSortOrder = TRUE;
} // end if feasible
} // end allow plan2 for read (OCRJoinIsFeasible FALSE)
// If we found a right child index that can use the left
// child sort order, go ahead and generate this plan.
// Otherwise, we will skip this plan.
if (usableSortOrder)
// Produce the required physical properties.
// Just get them from those we created for the left child
// of plan#0 because we want to use the exact same
// requirements. The only difference for this plan is
// we are going to pass the sort key of the left child to
// the right child when we create the context for the
// right child. This means we should do no work to
// optimize the left child for this plan - we should
// reuse the same context we created for the first plan.
rppForChild = childContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
OCRJoinIsConsideredInCase2 = FALSE;
} // end if left child of previous plan had a sort key
} // end if child0 of plan0 had an optimal solution
} // end if not Halloween sort
// Try OCR here if we do not get an useable Sort Order from the
// optimal plan for the left child generated in plan1,
// or the sort order is cerated to protect against Halloween.
// Note the existence of an usable sort order implies the the
// right child of this plan will match the partition function of
// the left child, which is an OCR by itself.
// We do not try OCR with plan1 because we want the plan
// configuration where potential repartition on the right
// hand side to have a chance to exist.
// We do not alter PPO plans (plan3 and plan4) for OCR either
// because both are superset of OCR (i.e., push the part func and
// sort order from the right side to the left).
if ( OCRJoinIsConsideredInCase2 )
PartitioningFunction * innerTablePartFunc =
ValueIdMap map(getOriginalEquiJoinExpressions());
// remap the right part func to the left (up)
PartitioningFunction *rightPartFunc =
innerTablePartFunc -> copyAndRemap(map, TRUE);
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = njPws->getChildNumPartsRequirement();
// Scale down the number of partitions if necessary so that
// childNUmPartsrequirement evenly divides the # of partitions
// of the rightPartFunc. We can do so because OCR works with
// hash2 partitioned table only and hash2 has the nice
// property:
// If down-scaling factor is x (x>1), then a row flows from
// the outer table of partition p will land in one of the
// partitions in the inner table ranging from partition
// (p-1)x to partition p x. If rep-n partitioning function is
// choosen for the inner table, the # of partitions that each
// outer table partition will drive is x. Since open operations
// are on-demand in nature, we will not open all (xp) partitions
// for each outer table partition.
// Use the original inner table part func if down-scaling fails.
if ( rightPartFunc ->
scaleNumberOfPartitions(childNumPartsRequirement) == FALSE )
rightPartFunc = innerTablePartFunc;
Int32 antiskewSkewEsps =
if ( antiskewSkewEsps > 0 ) {
ValueIdSet joinPreds = getOriginalEquiJoinExpressions().getTopValues();
double threshold = defs.getAsDouble(SKEW_SENSITIVITY_THRESHOLD) / rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
SkewedValueList* skList = NULL;
// If the join is on a skewed set of columns from the left child,
// then generate the skew data partitioning requirement to deal
// with skew.
// We ignore whether the nested join probe cache is applicable here
// because we want to deal with both the ESP and DP2 skew, Probe
// cache can deal with DP2 skew, but not the ESP skew.
if ( childNodeContainSkew(0, joinPreds, threshold, &skList) )
Lng32 cop = rightPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
antiskewSkewEsps = MINOF(cop, antiskewSkewEsps);
rightPartFunc = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
skList, antiskewSkewEsps)
// Produce the part requirement for the outer child from
// the part function of the inner child.
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild
= rightPartFunc->makePartitioningRequirement();
// Now, add in the partitioning requirement for the
// outer child.
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0), rppForMe);
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end of if OCR
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 2)
case 3:
childIndex = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 3: Plan 1, child 1
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 2nd Context for right child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan has been produced by the latest context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild =
// can not shut-down this code path when OCR is feasible
rppForChild = genRightChildReqs(sppForChild,rppForMe,
!njPws->getOCRJoinIsConsidered() && noN2JForRead);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the sort order of my left child and pass this information to
// the context for optimizing my right child. (Costing the inner
// table access has a dependency on the order from the outer table).
// If sort order of my left child is empty, then pass second argument
// (TRUE) to generateIpp() so that we pass left child partfunc to
// correctly compute probeCache cost adjustment factor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (rppForChild != NULL) {
if (sppForChild->getSortKey().isEmpty())
// if it's an OCR plan and sort key is empty, then the ipp
// created to pass information to the right child is unique
// in that all the nj fields of the ipp are NULL and only
// assumeSortedForCosting_ field is TRUE.
// This is to let optimizer pick ocr plan vs serial Nj P3.
if ( njPws->getOCRJoinIsConsidered() )
ippForMyChild = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
InputPhysicalProperty( NULL, NULL,
ippForMyChild = generateIpp(sppForChild, TRUE);
ippForMyChild = generateIpp(sppForChild);
if ( ippForMyChild ) {
// Check to see if the dp2 partfunc of the outer child in
// ippForMyChild is compatible with that of the clustering index,
// If so, we will use ippForChild to help pick the clustering
// index for the inner side. Only when these two partition
// functions are not the same, then we set ippForChild to NULL,
// which will still make the OCR a candidate plan with a
// higher cost (than if the not NULL ippForChild is passed).
// Solu 10-090210-9101 (OCR can select a serial plan), where
// njDp2OuterOrderPartFunc=[F2.C, F2.B, F2.A, F2.D, F2.G, F2.F] and
// innerTablePartFunc = [F2.A, F2.B, F2.C, F2.D, F2.E, F2.F],
// and njDp2OuterOrderPartFunc and innerTablePartFunc are not
// the same. If ippForMyChild is not set to NULL, we will not
// get the OCR plan.
if ( njPws->getOCRJoinIsConsidered() ) {
const PartitioningFunction* njDp2OuterOrderPartFunc =
PartitioningFunction * innerTablePartFunc =
if ((njDp2OuterOrderPartFunc != NULL) AND
comparePartFuncToFunc(*innerTablePartFunc) != SAME))
ippForMyChild = NULL;
} else
ippForMyChild = myContext->getInputPhysicalProperty();
} // end if we produced an rpp for the child
} // end if child0 had an optimal solution
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 3)
// The part of the code between the ***** is only executed
// if preferred probing order is ON
case 4:
childIndex = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 4: Plan 2, child 0
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 3rd Context for left child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// TBD: consider collapsing plans 2 and 3
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) AND
( NOT njPws->getOCBJoinIsConsidered() OR rppForMe->getMustMatch() != NULL OR
rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT OR
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_132) == DF_ON)
( NOT derivedFromRoutineJoin())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Try a preferred probing order plan where we demand that the
// left child satisfy the order naturally.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0), rppForMe);
if ( rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement() == NULL AND
// Add a co-location requirement (type-1 join in DP2) if the parent
// does not provide one, regardless we are in CS or not.
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// FIRST: Determine the preferred order for accessing the right
// child table and add a partitioning requirement that is based
// on the corresponding right child access path.
ValueIdList preferredOrder;
// The following flag will be set to FALSE if the partitioning key
// columns of the chosen index for read are not mappable, i.e.
// they are not covered by the equijoin columns. For write,
// the partitioning key columns of the target table primary key
// are always mappable since there is an explicit map for this.
NABoolean partKeyColsAreMappable = TRUE;
PartitioningFunction* physicalPartFunc = NULL;
PartitioningRequirement* logicalPartReq = NULL;
if (updateTableDesc() != NULL) // WRITE
// Determine the preferred order for accessing the target
// table via the primary index.
preferredOrder = genWriteOpLeftChildSortReq();
if (preferredOrder.isEmpty() AND
!(avoidHalloweenR2() || getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED))
// Might as well give up, since this context will be
// exactly the same as the first child context generated.
// Do it only when it is not sidetree inserts.
if ( isTSJForSideTreeInsert() == FALSE AND !shutDownPlan0 )
return NULL;
// this is an update case. I leave this now but we might need to
// review it later because we might want to try another plan. SP.
physicalPartFunc =
// Generate the partitioning requirements.
// If the requirements could not be generated because the user
// is attempting to force something that is not possible,
// the method returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
if (genLeftChildPartReq(myContext,
if (logicalPartReq)
// Map the partitioning requirement partitioning key columns
// from the right child to the left child.
logicalPartReq =
// Tried to force something that was not possible. Give up now.
return NULL;
// this is an update case. I leave this now but we might need to
// review it later because we might want to try another plan. SP.
} // end if WRITE
else // READ
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
DefaultToken parallelControlSettings =
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// right child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the left child. The portion that is for the
// right child (child1) is passed back so we can use it
// for verifying the suitability of any right child preferred
// probing order indexes.
ValueIdList reqdOrder1;
ValueIdSet reqdArr1;
splitSortReqsForLeftChild(rppForMe, rg, reqdOrder1, reqdArr1);
// Determine the preferred probing order and the associated index
IndexDesc* ppoIDesc = NULL;
preferredOrder =
if (preferredOrder.isEmpty())
// Might as well give up, since this context will be
// exactly the same as the first child context generated.
//return NULL;
// we don't want to give up now because we might want to
// consider another plan like OCB join
physicalPartFunc =
// Don't add a partitioning requirement of our own if we have
// received a ReplicateNoBroadcast partitioning requirement
// from our parent. This is because there is no way any
// partitioning requirement we add will be compatible with
// the parent requirement, and there is no way to get rid
// of a ReplicateNoBroadcast partitioning requirement, as
// Exchange cannot get rid of it for us, unfortunately.
// So, if we don't make this exception, we will never be
// able to try preferred probing order plans for joins
// inside correlated subqueries if the nested join that
// connects the subquery to the main query is executing
// in parallel. Because of this, we may end up with
// a non-type-1 parallel join, and so the order will not
// be completely preserved, but this is deemed better
// then getting no ordering at all.
if ((partReqForMe == NULL) OR
NOT partReqForMe->isRequirementReplicateNoBroadcast())
// Generate the partitioning requirements.
// If the requirements could not be generated because the user
// is attempting to force something that is not possible,
// the method returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE.
if (genLeftChildPartReq(myContext,
if (logicalPartReq)
// Tried to force something that was not possible. Give up now.
//return NULL;
// we don't want to give up now because we might want to
// consider another plan like OCB join
// Just set the logical part. req. to what we got from our parent.
logicalPartReq = partReqForMe;
} // end if READ
// SECOND: Determine and add the correct sort order type requirement
// for the preferred probing order.
SortOrderTypeEnum preferredSortOrderTypeReq = NO_SOT;
PartitioningRequirement* preferredDp2SortOrderPartReq = NULL;
JoinForceWildCard::forcedPlanEnum forcePlanToken =
// If there is a CQ Shape command for this operator,
// then check if they are forcing PLAN3.
if (rppForMe->getMustMatch() != NULL)
forcePlanToken = getParallelJoinPlanToEnforce(rppForMe);
// If the user is forcing the left child of the nested join
// to be a sort operator, then we need to try a sorted plan,
// as this will be only way we can honor the CQS request and
// try to force an order of our own. So, in this case we need
// to do PLAN3 now as well.
if ((forcePlanToken != JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN3) AND
getOperatorType() == REL_SORT))
forcePlanToken = JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN3;
// Determine the sort order type requirement:
// If we're in DP2, we must not specify a sort order type.
// If our parent requires an ESP_VIA_SORT sort order type,
// then we better ask for that now as asking for a natural
// sort order will not be compatible. If we do this now, we won't
// do the 4th nested join plan since we will have already done
// a sorted plan.
// If the user is forcing plan 3, the plan where we set the
// required sort order type to ESP_VIA_SORT, then require
// that sort order type now.
// If we do this now, we won't do plan 3
// since we will have already done a sorted plan.
// If there is only one physical partition, or if there
// will only be one partition per logical partition, then a
// dp2 sort order will be the same as an esp no sort order,
// so set the sort order type requirement to ESP_NO_SORT.
// If we can't map the partitioning key columns of the
// physical partitioning function, then we won't be able to
// use it as a dp2SortOrderPartReq, so set the sort order type
// requirement to ESP_NO_SORT.
// If synchronous access is forced, no point in asking for a
// DP2 sort order, so set the sort order type req. to ESP_NO_SORT.
// If avoidHalloweenR2 is TRUE or getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED
// then, then we always want ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT to force a SORT
// operator. The blocking nature of sort avoids the potential
// Halloween problem.
if (rppForMe->executeInDP2())
preferredSortOrderTypeReq = NO_SOT;
else if ((rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT) OR
(forcePlanToken == JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN3) OR
avoidHalloweenR2() OR
getHalloweenForceSort() == FORCED)
preferredSortOrderTypeReq = ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT;
else if ((physicalPartFunc == NULL) OR
(logicalPartReq == NULL) OR
(logicalPartReq->getCountOfPartitions() ==
physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions()) OR
NOT partKeyColsAreMappable OR
preferredSortOrderTypeReq = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
preferredSortOrderTypeReq = DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
preferredDp2SortOrderPartReq =
if (updateTableDesc() != NULL) // WRITE
// map physical part func part key to left child value ids.
// Don't need to do this for read because we have
// ensured that all part key cols for read are covered
// by the equijoin columns, which means they are in
// the same VEG group so both sides of the join use
// the same valueids.
preferredDp2SortOrderPartReq =
// Now add in a requirement that the data be sorted in the
// preferred probing order with the preferred sort order type.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 4)
case 5:
childIndex = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 5: Plan 2, child 1
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 3rd Context for right child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,2);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan has been produced by the latest context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild =
rppForChild = genRightChildReqs(sppForChild,rppForMe, noEquiN2J);
if (rppForChild != NULL)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the sort order of my left child and pass this information to
// the context for optimizing my right child. (Costing the inner
// table access has a dependency on the order from the outer table).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
ippForMyChild = generateIpp(sppForChild);
if (ippForMyChild == NULL)
ippForMyChild = myContext->getInputPhysicalProperty();
} // end if we produced an rpp for the child
} // end if child0 had an optimal solution
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 5)
case 6:
childIndex = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 6: Plan 3, child 0
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 4th Context for left child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) AND
( NOT njPws->getOCBJoinIsConsidered() OR rppForMe->getMustMatch() != NULL OR
rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT OR
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_132) == DF_ON)
( NOT derivedFromRoutineJoin())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Try a preferred probing order plan where we demand that the
// left child satisfy the order via sorting.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the context for the preferred probing order plan without
// sorting to see if it succeeded in getting a DP2 sort order
// type plan.
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,2);
// If the first ppo plan did not produce a context, then this
// plan won't be able to succeed, either, since all we are
// doing is changing the sort order type. So, only try this
// plan if the first ppo plan created a context. Also can't
// sort in DP2 so don't try this if in DP2.
if ((childContext != NULL) AND NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2())
NABoolean trySortedPlan = FALSE;
// If the first ppo plan did not get a plan, then this
// means no natural order was available, so we definitely
// want to try sorting.
if (NOT childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
trySortedPlan = TRUE;
// The first ppo plan did get a plan, so try a sorted plan
// if the first plan was not really a true sorted-in-ESP plan 3
// already (ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT).
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild0Plan2 =
if ( trySortPlanInPlan3 ) {
// The new way: try the explicit sort plan when plan2 does not produce
// such a sort plan.
if ( sppForChild0Plan2->getSortOrderType() != ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT )
trySortedPlan = TRUE;
} else {
// The old way of doing business:
// The first ppo plan did get a plan, so try a sorted plan
// if the first plan used synchronous access to deliver the
// order and we did not already do a sorted plan.
// Remove the ELSE branch in M9 after the new logic is tested in M8SP2.
if ( sppForChild0Plan2->getSortOrderType() == ESP_NO_SORT_SOT )
trySortedPlan = TRUE;
// We also test if the first ppo plan (plan#2) has a sort requirement
// for its left child. If so we continue with the new ppo plan
// (force the order via sort).
// In special case such as inserting a sort operator to prevent
// halloween condition on a syskey-only table, there is no sort
// requirement. In this situation, we simply do not create
// a new ppo context. This is because the new ppo context would be
// exactly the same as the context for the left child in the first
// ppo plan (no sort requirement).
if (trySortedPlan AND
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0),rppForMe);
if (updateTableDesc() == NULL) // READ?
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// right child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the left child.
ValueIdList reqdOrder1;
ValueIdSet reqdArr1;
splitSortReqsForLeftChild(rppForMe, rg, reqdOrder1, reqdArr1);
// Add a requirement that is exactly like the requirement
// we created for the first ppo plan, except change the
// required sort order type to ESP_VIA_SORT.
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild0Plan2 =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild =
const ValueIdList* const reqdOrderForChild =
SortOrderTypeEnum sortOrderTypeReqForChild = ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT;
// The first ppo plan must have specified a partitioning
// requirement and a sort requirement, or we should not
// have done it!
CMPASSERT((partReqForChild != NULL OR
(updateTableDesc() AND
reqdOrderForChild != NULL);
if (partReqForChild)
// See if we are able to produce a plan. If the parent
// requirement does not allow sorting, this will fail.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties for the child.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if trySortedPlan
} // end if a context was created for an unsorted ordered plan
// and we're not in DP2
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 6)
case 7:
childIndex = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 7: Plan 3, child 1
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 4th Context for right child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,3);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan has been produced by the latest context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild =
rppForChild = genRightChildReqs(sppForChild,rppForMe, noEquiN2J);
if (rppForChild != NULL)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the sort order of my left child and pass this information to
// the context for optimizing my right child. (Costing the inner
// table access has a dependency on the order from the outer table).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
ippForMyChild = generateIpp(sppForChild);
if (ippForMyChild == NULL)
ippForMyChild = myContext->getInputPhysicalProperty();
} // end if we produced an rpp for the child
} // end if child0 had an optimal solution
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 7)
case 8:
childIndex = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 8: Plan 4, child 1 (note we start with child 1 this time)
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 5th Context for right child: this is a new plan for OCB
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) AND
njPws->getOCBJoinIsConsidered() AND
( NOT derivedFromRoutineJoin())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Split the order requirement for the left and right child and
// ask the right child to satisfy its sort requirement, if split
// is possible (see Join::splitOrderReq() for details)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
RequirementGenerator rg(child(1),rppForMe);
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() AND
(rppForMe->getSortKey()->entries() > 0))
ValueIdList reqdOrder0, reqdOrder1;
if (splitOrderReq(*(rppForMe->getSortKey()),
// We must insist that the right child match the parent partitioning
// requirements, because we are dealing with the right child first.
// The right child will satisfy the parent somehow (if possible).
// So, we don't remove the parent requirements.
if (njPws->getUseParallelism())
if( CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_53) == DF_ON )
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 8)
case 9:
childIndex = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case 9: Plan 4, child 0
// +++++++++++++++++++++++
// Create the 5th Context for left child: this is a new plan for OCB
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) AND
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
childContext = pws->getChildContext(1,4);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan has been produced by the latest context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild =
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
childPartFunc = sppForChild->getPartitioningFunction();
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild;
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_82) == DF_ON)
// Use the node map of the inner child partitioning function.
partReqForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
RequireReplicateViaBroadcast(childPartFunc, TRUE);
partReqForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Use the node map of the inner child partitioning function.
NodeMap *myNodeMap =
RequirementGenerator rg (child(0),rppForMe);
// Remove any parent partitioning requirements, since we
// have already enforced this on the left child.
// Now, add in broadcast partitioning requirement for the
// leht child.
// Split the order requirement for the left and right child and
// ask the left child to satisfy its sort requirement, if split
// is possible (see Join::splitOrderReq() for details)
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() AND
(rppForMe->getSortKey()->entries() > 0))
ValueIdList reqdOrder0, reqdOrder1;
if (splitOrderReq(*(rppForMe->getSortKey()),
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if child0 had an optimal solution
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 9)
} // end of switch statement
if (rppForChild != NULL)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which
// the child belongs that requires the same properties as those
// in rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new
// Context that contains rppForChild as the required physical
// properties.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
EstLogPropSharedPtr inputLPForChild;
EstLogPropSharedPtr copyInputLPForChild;
if (childIndex == 0)
inputLPForChild = myContext->getInputLogProp();
inputLPForChild = child(0).outputLogProp
if ( isSemiJoin() OR isAntiSemiJoin() )
// don't alter the estlogprop returned above, alter its copy.
copyInputLPForChild = EstLogPropSharedPtr(
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) EstLogProp(*inputLPForChild));
if ( isSemiJoin() )
if ( childIndex == 0 || !isSemiJoin() || !isAntiSemiJoin() )
result = shareContext(childIndex, rppForChild,
ippForMyChild, costLimit,
myContext, inputLPForChild);
result = shareContext(childIndex, rppForChild,
ippForMyChild, costLimit,
myContext, copyInputLPForChild);
if ( NOT (pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() OR
result->hasSolution() )
result = NULL;
} // end if OK to create a child context
result = NULL;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remember the cases for which a Context could not be generated,
// or store the context that was generated.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() AND
( pws->getPlanChildCount() == getArity() ) AND
} // end while loop
if ( pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == njPws->getChildPlansToConsider() )
return result;
} // NestedJoin::createContextForAChild()
NABoolean NestedJoin::findOptimalSolution(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws)
NABoolean hasOptSol;
// Plan # is only an output param, initialize it to an impossible value.
Lng32 planNumber = -1;
hasOptSol = pws->findOptimalSolution(planNumber);
// All nested join plans other than the first one are plans where the
// probes from the outer table are in the same order as the key of the
// inner table. Indicate this in the nested join relexpr so we can
// report this information in EXPLAIN.
if(planNumber != 0)
return hasOptSol;
} // NestedJoin::findOptimalSolution()
NABoolean NestedJoin::currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether the user wants to enforce a particular plan type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If nothing is being forced, return TRUE now.
if (rppForMe->getMustMatch() == NULL)
return TRUE;
// Check for the correct forced plan type.
JoinForceWildCard::forcedPlanEnum forcePlanToken =
NABoolean OCR_CQD_is_on = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().
switch (forcePlanToken)
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN0:
if (planNo != 0)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN1:
// if we are forcing plan #1 - a plan which passes any
// sort order from the right child to the left - then we
// will do this as plan #0 instead, so we will not need
// to generate plan #1.
if ( planNo == 0)
return TRUE;
// If CQD NESTED_JOINS_OCR is on, and PLAN1 is forced, then we will
// do OCR. In this case, we can not ignore plan1
if (planNo == 1 AND OCR_CQD_is_on == TRUE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN2:
if (planNo != 2)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN3:
// if we are forcing plan #3 - a plan which passes
// a required sort order type of ESP_VIA_SORT -
// then we will do this as plan #2 instead, so we will not need
// to generate plan #3.
if (planNo != 2)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_TYPE1:
// Plan0 and the old Plan1 plans do not require the left child
// to be partitioned in any particular way, so they are "type 2".
// But the OCR embedded in Plan1 is "type 1".
if (planNo == 0)
return FALSE;
if (planNo == 1 AND OCR_CQD_is_on == FALSE)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_TYPE2:
// Nested Join plans #2 and #3 require the left child partitioning
// to be a grouping of the right child partitioning, so that the
// right child partitions will only see probes from at most one
// left child partition. So, these are type 1 joins.
if ((planNo == 2) OR (planNo == 3))
return FALSE;
// The following conditions test if OCR is sought for. If so we need
// return FALSE here, becaues OCR is "type-1",
if (planNo == 1 AND OCR_CQD_is_on == TRUE)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::ANY_PLAN:
// Any plan satisfies this - break out so we'll return TRUE
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_INDEXJOIN:
// this is a forced index join
return FALSE; // must be some option that Nested Join doesn't support
// If we get here, the plan must have passed all the checks.
return TRUE;
} // NestedJoin::currentPlanIsAcceptable()
NABoolean NestedJoin::OCBJoinIsFeasible(const Context* myContext) const
// Here we do the main analysis if OCB join can be considered.
// The main purpose of this method is to guarantee correctness
// by avoiding duplicate results if the same tuple is sent to more
// than one partition of inner child. The easiest way to avoid this
// - not allowing split_top over inner child. For this we require
// that the number of ESPs running OCB join is the same as the number
// of partitions of inner child. Exception of this rule is when child
// is hash2 partitioned and ratio of number of partitions over number
// of ESPs is the power of 2. In this case hash2 partition grouping
// can guarantee that each partition will be accessed by only one ESP.
// We can also add a check if prefix of inner child clustering key
// is covered by join predicates, characteristic input and constant.
// this would guarantee ordered nested join. If not each probe will
// cause full inner child scan. this will cause very expensive plan
// that will most probably lose when compared with other plans for this
// join. Therefore, adding this type of check here will avoid costing
// of obviously expensive plan. This is planned for next phase.
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
if ( rppForMe->executeInDP2() == TRUE )
return FALSE;
PartitioningRequirement *partReq =
// For now we allow only fuzzy (or no )
// partitioning requirement without specified partitioning key,
// when there is no sort requirement for me.
if ( (myContext->requiresOrder() AND
partReq AND
partReq->isRequirementExactlyOne() == FALSE) OR
(partReq AND
partReq->isRequirementApproximatelyN() AND
NOT partReq->partitioningKeyIsSpecified()
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_134) == DF_OFF)
// ignore Scan check for now. To force a check for
// the number of partitions of inner child we need to set
// COMP_BOOL_134 to ON
return TRUE;
// inner child should be a Scan node. For now just check
// the number of base tables, more complex check will be
// implemented later. For now to guarantee correctness we
// require all available indexes to be hash2 partitioned
// with the number of partitions greater or equal to the
// number of ESPs with ratio being power of 2.
if (child(1).getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() != 1 )
return FALSE;
PartitioningFunction *rightPartFunc = NULL;
Lng32 numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
const SET(IndexDesc *) &availIndexes=
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < availIndexes.entries(); i++)
rightPartFunc = availIndexes[i]->getPartitioningFunction();
if ( rightPartFunc )
Lng32 numOfparts = rightPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
if ( numOfparts < numOfESPs )
// don't use OCB if the number of partition of inner child
// is less than the number of ESPs.
return FALSE;
if ( numOfparts == numOfESPs )
// if we came here then the number of partition of inner child
// is greater than the number of ESPs. Allow OCB only if inner
// child is hash2 partitioned and the ratio is the power of 2
UInt32 d = numOfparts%numOfESPs;
if ( d > 0 )
// don't use OCB if the number of partition of inner child
// is not multiple of number of ESPs.
return FALSE;
d = numOfparts/numOfESPs;
if ( CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_161) == DF_ON AND (d & (d-1)) )
// if at least one bit of d&(d-1) is not 0 then d is not
// power of 2, don't use OCB. Do this only when CB_161 is on (
// default is off). Need this fix for 3-drive Blades system.
return FALSE;
// return true if inner child is hash2 partitioned
// otherwise FALSE will be returned
if (rightPartFunc->isAHash2PartitioningFunction())
return FALSE;
// no partitioning function found, don't use OCB join
DBGLOGMSG(" *** Index PartFunc is NULL - don't use OCB ");
return FALSE;
} //end of loop over available indexes
if ( rightPartFunc )
// Since we come here and didn't return FALSE - all
// indexes are good and we can use OCB
return TRUE;
// no available indexes. If index was available but not good
// then we would have returned FALSE earlier.
return FALSE;
// don't use OCB with partitioning requirement
return FALSE;
// we shouldn't have come here, but just in case for the future
return FALSE;
// Here are the conditions checked in this routine:
// 1. Number of base tables on right must be 1;
// 2. We only look at the clustering partitioning function on the right,
// not at any indexes;
// 3. execution location must not be DP2;
// 4. The base table on right is hash2 partitioned;
// 5. partreq is fuzzy, NULL or hash2;
// 6. The join predicates cover the partitioning key of the table on right;
// 7. The base table on right has more than one partition.
// 8. The join columns are not skewed (only if SkewBuster for NJ is disabled)
// If the parent requires a specific part function, we don't check whether
// that matches the partitioning function on the right (if it doesn't
// we can't use OCR and may be better off with a TYPE2 join)
NABoolean NestedJoin::OCRJoinIsFeasible(const Context* myContext) const
// Inner child should be a Scan node. For now just check
// the number of base tables, more complex check will be
// implemented later.
if (child(1).getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() != 1 )
return FALSE;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
// Do not consider OCR if we are in DP2.
if ( rppForMe->executeInDP2() )
return FALSE;
PartitioningRequirement *partReq =
// For now we allow only fuzzy part req without specified partitioning key,
// no part req, or hash2 part req.
if (NOT ((partReq == NULL)
(partReq->isRequirementApproximatelyN() AND
NOT partReq->partitioningKeyIsSpecified())
(partReq-> castToRequireHash2() != NULL)))
return FALSE;
// Do not consider OCR if the join predicates do not cover part key of the
// inner (correctness).
if ( JoinPredicateCoversChild1PartKey() == FALSE )
return FALSE;
PartitioningFunction *rightPartFunc =
// Do not consider OCR if the inner is not hash2 partitioned
if ( rightPartFunc->isAHash2PartitioningFunction() == FALSE )
return FALSE;
// Do not consider OCR if the inner is single partitioned
if ( rightPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() == 1 )
return FALSE;
// IF N2Js, which demand opens, are not to be disabled, make sure
// OCR is allowed only if the threshold of #opens is reached.
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(NESTED_JOINS_NO_NSQUARE_OPENS) == DF_OFF) {
Lng32 threshold = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsLong(NESTED_JOINS_OCR_MAXOPEN_THRESHOLD);
// the threshold is -1, do not do OCR.
if ( threshold == -1 )
return FALSE;
// If the total # of opens for this nested join is less than the threshold, return FALSE
if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getMaximumDegreeOfParallelism() *
rightPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() < threshold)
return FALSE;
Lng32 antiskewSkewEsps =
if ( antiskewSkewEsps > 0 )
return TRUE; // the skew busting for OCR is enabled. No more check.
// If the join is on a skewed set of columns from the left child and the
// nested join probing cache is not applicable, then do not try OCR.
if ( isProbeCacheApplicable(rppForMe->getPlanExecutionLocation()) == FALSE ) {
ValueIdSet joinPreds = getOriginalEquiJoinExpressions().getTopValues();
double threshold =
(ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsDouble(SKEW_SENSITIVITY_THRESHOLD)) /
SkewedValueList* skList = NULL;
if ( childNodeContainSkew(0, joinPreds, threshold, &skList) == TRUE )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
NABoolean NestedJoin::JoinPredicateCoversChild1PartKey() const
PartitioningFunction *rightPartFunc =
if ( rightPartFunc == NULL )
return FALSE;
const ValueIdSet& equiJoinExprFromChild1AsSet =
ValueIdSet child1PartKey(rightPartFunc->getPartitioningKey());
// The equi-join predicate should contain the part key for OCR
// to guarantee the correct result. This is because each row from
// the outer table will be partitioned using child1's partitioning
// function. If some column in child1's partitioning key is not
// covered by the equi-join predicate, then some column from child0
// will not be partitioned, this implies that the row can go to an
// incorrect partition.
if ( equiJoinExprFromChild1AsSet.contains(child1PartKey) ) {
return TRUE;
// double check the uncovered park key columns here. If they are
// all constants, then the join columns still cover the part keys.
// first get the columns that are covered.
ValueIdSet coveredPartKey(child1PartKey);
// second get the columns that are not covered.
ValueIdSet unCoveredPartKey(child1PartKey);
// remove all columns that are constants.
unCoveredPartKey.removeConstExprReferences(FALSE /*consider expressions*/);
// if nothing is left, we return true.
if ( unCoveredPartKey.entries() == 0 )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
NABoolean NestedJoin::okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace*, /*IN, ignored*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
// CS or REPLICA: do not consider ESP parallelism if we are in DP2.
if ( rppForMe->executeInDP2() == TRUE )
return FALSE;
// rowsetIterator cannot be parallelized. Counting logic for rowNumber
// is not designed to work in nodes that are executing in parallel.
if (isRowsetIterator())
return FALSE;
// merge statement cannot be ESP parallelised if it has an INSERT clause.
// But if it is forced using CB189, then parallelise it at user's own risk.
if (isTSJForMerge())
if ((isTSJForMergeWithInsert()) &&
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_189) == DF_OFF))
return FALSE;
NABoolean result = FALSE;
DefaultToken parallelControlSettings =
if (parallelControlSettings == DF_OFF)
result = FALSE;
else if ( (parallelControlSettings == DF_MAXIMUM) AND
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
// currently, numberOfPartitionsDeviation_ is set to 0 in
allowedDeviation = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->numberOfPartitionsDeviation();
// allow deviation by default
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_62) == DF_OFF)
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar child0RowCount =
if ( child0RowCount.getCeiling() <
// Fewer outer table rows then pipelines - allow one or more parts
allowedDeviation = 1.0;
result = TRUE;
else if (parallelControlSettings == DF_ON)
// Either user wants to try ESP parallelism for all operators,
// or they are forcing the number of ESPs for this operator.
// Set the result to TRUE. If the number of ESPs is not being forced,
// set the number of ESPs that should be used to the maximum number.
// Set the allowable deviation to either what we get from the
// defaults table, or a percentage that allows any
// number of partitions from 2 to the maximum number. i.e. allow
// the natural partitioning of the child as long as the child is
// partitioned and does not have more partitions than max pipelines.
// NEW HEURISTIC: If there are fewer outer table rows than the number
// of pipelines, then set the deviation to allow any level of natural
// partitioning, including one. This is because we don't want to
// repartition so few rows to get more parallelism, since we would
// end up with a lot of ESPs doing nothing.
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
// Determine the number of outer table rows
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar child0RowCount =
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
if (child0RowCount.getCeiling() < numOfESPs)
// Fewer outer table rows then pipelines - allow one or more parts
allowedDeviation = 1.0;
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->deviationType2JoinsSystem() )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
allowedDeviation = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->numOfPartsDeviationType2Joins();
// Need to make 2 the minimum number of parts to support. Use
// 1.99 to protect against rounding errors.
allowedDeviation =
((float)numOfESPs - 1.99f) / (float)numOfESPs;
} // end if fewer outer table rows than pipelines
} // end if number of ESPs not forced
result = TRUE;
// Otherwise, the user must have specified "SYSTEM" for the
// ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM default. This means it is up to the
// optimizer to decide.
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
CostScalar child0Rows =
if (updateTableDesc())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// NJ on top of an insert/update/delete statement, make the
// left side match the partitioning scheme of the updated table
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
const PartitioningFunction *updPartFunc =
if (updPartFunc == NULL OR
updPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() == 1)
numOfESPs = 1;
else // Target table is partitioned
// get an estimate of how many rows and what rowsize will be
// returned from the left child (the select part of the update)
RowSize child0RowSize = child(0).getGroupAttr()->getRecordLength();
CostScalar child0TableSize = child0Rows * child0RowSize;
// now divide the amount of data returned by the left by a
// default constant to determine how many ESPs we would like
// to work on this
double sizePerESP = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->updatedBytesPerESP();
double numOfESPsDbl = ceil(child0TableSize.value() / sizePerESP);
Lng32 countOfPipelines = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
// require no more ESPs than there are pipelines in the system,
if ( numOfESPsDbl > countOfPipelines )
numOfESPs = countOfPipelines;
numOfESPs = (Lng32) numOfESPsDbl;
// don't ask for more ESPs than there are updated partitions,
// the ESPs must be a grouping of that partitioning scheme
Lng32 countOfPartitions = updPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
if ( numOfESPs > countOfPartitions )
numOfESPs = countOfPartitions;
// This in an adjustment to allow control of parallelism by CQDs
// Without this adjustment insert/select will be serial in most
// of the cases because the number of ESPs calculated above
// may not allow partition grouping. This adjustment is controled
// by CQD COMP_BOOL_30 (ON by default)
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_30) == DF_ON)
const CostScalar rowCount =
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_125) == DF_ON)
? child0Rows + (getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inLogProp)->
: child0Rows;
const CostScalar numberOfRowsThreshold =
if ( rowCount > numberOfRowsThreshold )
Lng32 optimalNumOfESPs = MINOF(countOfPipelines,
(Lng32)(rowCount / numberOfRowsThreshold).value());
// make numOfESPs as available level of parallelism
// 16*N, 8*N, 4*N,..., N,1 where N is the number of segments
Lng32 i = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getMaximumDegreeOfParallelism();
if (numOfESPs > i )
numOfESPs = i;
Lng32 MinParallelism =
while(i > MinParallelism)
optimalNumOfESPs = (i<MinParallelism) ? i*=2 : i;
numOfESPs = MAXOF(numOfESPs, optimalNumOfESPs);
} // we can choose the number of partitions for the update
// For write operations, we always want to specify the number
// of ESPs we want to the child, and this is an exact number,
// so the deviation is 0.
allowedDeviation = 0.0;
if ( numOfESPs <= 1 )
result = FALSE;
result = TRUE;
} // end if Nested Join for a write operation
// Nested Join for a read operation.
// Return TRUE if the number of
// rows returned by child(0) exceeds the threshold from the
// defaults table. The recommended number of ESPs is also computed
// to be 1 process per <threshold> number of rows. This is then
// used to indicate the MINIMUM number of ESPs that will be
// acceptable. This is done by setting the allowable deviation
// to a percentage of the maximum number of partitions such
// that the recommended number of partitions is the lowest
// number allowed. We make the recommended number of partitions
// a minimum instead of a hard requirement because we don't
// want to be forced to repartition the child just to get "less"
// parallelism.
CostScalar rowCount = child0Rows;
// This is to test better parallelism taking into account
// not only child0 but also this operator cardinality
// this could be important for joins
if(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_125) == DF_ON)
rowCount += (getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inLogProp)->
const CostScalar numberOfRowsThreshold =
if (rowCount > numberOfRowsThreshold)
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
allowedDeviation = (float) MAXOF(1.001 -
ceil((rowCount / numberOfRowsThreshold).value()) / numOfESPs,0);
result = TRUE;
result = FALSE;
} // end if for a read operation
} // end if the user let the optimizer decide
return result;
} // NestedJoin::okToAttemptESPParallelism()
// Synthesize physical properties for nested join operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
NestedJoin::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfLeftChild =
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfRightChild =
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
ValueIdList newSortKey(sppOfLeftChild->getSortKey());
SortOrderTypeEnum newSortOrderType = sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType();
PartitioningFunction* newDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// add the sort columns of the second child to the ones of the first
// child, but only if the sorted columns of the first child are unique
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean canAppendRightColumns = FALSE;
NABoolean leftChildSortColsAreReq = FALSE;
NABoolean rightChildSortColsAreReq = FALSE;
NABoolean childSortOrderTypesAreSame = FALSE;
// should we even bother?
if (sppOfRightChild->isSorted() AND
NOT rowsFromLeftHaveUniqueMatch() AND
NOT (getGroupAttr()->getMaxNumOfRows() <= 1))
GroupAttributes *leftGA = child(0).getGroupAttr();
// can append right sort cols, if the left sort cols form a
// candidate key
// Example why this is: imagine the left table ordered by (a,b)
// and the right table ordered by c.
// If (a,b) is unique, the output of a join might look like
// a b c first child: second child:
// -- -- -- a b c
// 1 1 1 -- -- --
// 1 1 2 1 1 1
// 1 2 1 1 2 2
// 1 2 2
// On the other hand, if (a,b) is not unique, you might get
// a b c left table: right table:
// -- -- -- a b c
// 1 1 1 -- -- --
// 1 1 2 1 1 1
// 1 2 1 1 2 2
// 1 2 2 1 2
// 1 2 1
// 1 2 2
// which is of course not ordered by (a,b,c)
// Left join special case:
// For nested left-join the same rules may be applied.
// The fact that left-joins produce null values in the right side, does
// not violate the required order. In this case the order is defined by
// the columns of the left child.
// Example:
// The left-join join predicate is (c between a and b) and (a,b) is unique.
// The output of a join might look like
// a b c left child: right child:
// -- -- -- a b c
// 1 2 1 -- -- --
// 1 2 2 1 2 1
// 2 1 NULL 2 1 2
// 2 3 2 2 3
// Notice that whenever the left row has no matching rows in the right table
// (the right child columns are null) it produces only a single row in the result set
// and therefor the order is defined by the left child columns only.
ValueIdSet leftSortCols;
// make the list of sort cols into a ValueIdSet
// check for uniqueness of the sort columns
if (leftGA->isUnique(leftSortCols))
// Determine if the sort cols are required from the left and
// right children.
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() AND
(rppForMe->getSortKey()->entries() > 0))
ValueIdList reqdOrder0, reqdOrder1;
if (splitOrderReq(*(rppForMe->getSortKey()),
if (NOT reqdOrder0.isEmpty())
leftChildSortColsAreReq = TRUE;
if (NOT reqdOrder1.isEmpty())
rightChildSortColsAreReq = TRUE;
if ((NOT (leftChildSortColsAreReq AND rightChildSortColsAreReq)) AND
rppForMe->getArrangedCols() AND
(rppForMe->getArrangedCols()->entries() > 0))
ValueIdSet reqdArr0, reqdArr1;
if (splitArrangementReq(*(rppForMe->getArrangedCols()),
if (NOT reqdArr0.isEmpty())
leftChildSortColsAreReq = TRUE;
if (NOT reqdArr1.isEmpty())
rightChildSortColsAreReq = TRUE;
// if we passed the uniqueness test because the left
// child has a cardinality constraint of at most one row,
// then only include the left child sort key columns if
// there was a requirement for them.
if ((leftGA->getMaxNumOfRows() <= 1) AND
NOT newSortKey.isEmpty())
if (NOT leftChildSortColsAreReq)
newSortOrderType = NO_SOT;
newDp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
} // end if there was a left child card constraint
// If we aren't passing up any sort key columns from the left
// child, then simply set the sort key columns and sort order
// type to those of the right child. Otherwise, we need to
// append the right child sort key columns, so set the flag to TRUE.
if (newSortKey.isEmpty())
// Only use the right child sort key columns without
// any left child sort key columns if the sort order type
// of the right child is not DP2.
if (sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType() != DP2_SOT)
newSortKey = sppOfRightChild->getSortKey();
newSortOrderType = sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType();
canAppendRightColumns = TRUE;
// The child sort order types are the same if they are equal and both
// children's dp2SortOrderPartFunc are the same (as in both being
// NULL), or they are both not null but they are equivalent.
if ((sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType() ==
sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType()) AND
((sppOfLeftChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() ==
sppOfRightChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc()) OR
((sppOfLeftChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() != NULL) AND
(sppOfRightChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() != NULL) AND
*sppOfRightChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc()) == SAME)
childSortOrderTypesAreSame = TRUE;
} // end if left child sort cols are unique
} // right child table is sorted
// We can only append the sort key columns from the right child
// if it passed the tests above, AND the sort order types are the
// same OR there is a requirement for the right child sort key
// columns AND the right child sort order type is not DP2.
if (canAppendRightColumns AND
(childSortOrderTypesAreSame OR
(rightChildSortColsAreReq AND
sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType() != DP2_SOT))
// append right child sort key columns
const ValueIdList & rightSortKey = sppOfRightChild->getSortKey();
if (!isLeftJoin())
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < (Lng32)rightSortKey.entries(); i++)
// For left-join we need to translate the right child sort key
// to the left join output value id's in order to allow
// the cover test on the left-join to pass .
ValueIdList newRightSortKey;
ValueIdMap &map = rightChildMapForLeftJoin();
map.mapValueIdListUp(newRightSortKey, rightSortKey);
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < (Lng32)newRightSortKey.entries(); i++)
// The sort order type stays that of the left child, unless the
// the left child sort order type is ESP_NO_SORT and the right
// child sort order type is ESP_VIA_SORT. In this case, we want
// to set the new sort order type to ESP_VIA_SORT, since a sort was
// done in producing at least part of the key, and setting the
// sort order type to ESP_NO_SORT would not be correct. If the
// left child sort order type was DP2 then this is the new sort
// order type because an executor process order is not produced.
if ((sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType() == ESP_NO_SORT_SOT) AND
(sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType() == ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT))
newSortOrderType = ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT;
} // end if we can add sort key columns from the right child
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// synthesize plan execution location
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PlanExecutionEnum loc = sppOfLeftChild->getPlanExecutionLocation();
// merge statement cannot be ESP parallelised if it has an INSERT clause.
// But if it is forced using CB189, then parallelise it at user's own risk.
if (isTSJForMerge())
if ((isTSJForMergeWithInsert()) &&
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_189) == DF_OFF))
// ||opt make a method to combine left and right location
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The result of a nested join has the sort order of the outer
// table. The nested join maintains the partitioning of the outer table
// for plans 0,1,2,3. Otherwise (plan 4) it's outer child broadcast and
// we take the properties of the inner child as nested join properties
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe = NULL;
NABoolean expldocbjoin = FALSE;
if ( planNumber < 4 )
if (rppForMe->executeInDP2() && updateTableDesc() &&
// Push down IUD queries involving MVs.
// Pick the right child's partition function when
// the execution location is DP2, the updateTableDesc is not NULL
// and the push-down requirement is not NULL. When all three
// conditions are met, then this join is an implementation of
// in-DP2 IUD involving MVs. We can safely use the right partfunc
// because we have already verified the required partition function
// is the same as the partition function of the inner table (the
// IUD table) in childIndex=0 block of code.
// In all other cases, the rg checkFeasibilty test will fail and
// thus we will not get to this call.
sppForMe = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
} else {
sppForMe = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
sppOfRightChild->getPushDownProperty(), expldocbjoin);
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // NestedJoin::synthPhysicalProperty()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the
// nested join to the designated child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningFunction* NestedJoin::mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0)
ValueIdMap map(getOriginalEquiJoinExpressions());
PartitioningFunction* newPartFunc =
SkewedDataPartitioningFunction* oldSKpf = NULL;
SkewedDataPartitioningFunction* newSKpf = NULL;
if ( rewriteForChild0 == FALSE /* map for child 1 */ AND
(partFunc->castToSkewedDataPartitioningFunction())) AND
if ( oldSKpf->getSkewProperty().isUniformDistributed() ) {
skewProperty newSK(oldSKpf->getSkewProperty());
} else {
// map for child 0. Do nothing
return newPartFunc;
} // end NestedJoin::mapPartitioningFunction()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class NestedJoinFlow
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NestedJoinFlow::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NestedJoinFlow::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodNestedJoinFlow *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodNestedJoinFlow;
return m;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class MergeJoin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the
// merge join to the designated child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningFunction* MergeJoin::mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0)
ValueIdMap map(getEquiJoinExpressions());
return partFunc->copyAndRemap(map,rewriteForChild0);
} // end MergeJoin::mapPartitioningFunction()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine if the merge join will be able to satisfy the parent
// partitioning requirements.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean MergeJoin::parentAndChildPartReqsCompatible(
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
PartitioningRequirement* partReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
// If there are any parent partitioning requirements, then check them.
if (partReq != NULL)
ValueIdSet reqPartKey = partReq->getPartitioningKey();
Lng32 reqPartCount = partReq->getCountOfPartitions();
ValueIdSet joinLeftPartKey(getEquiJoinExprFromChild0());
ValueIdSet joinRightPartKey(getEquiJoinExprFromChild1());
if (partReq->isRequirementFullySpecified())
// The parent's required partitioning columns must be a subset
// of the either the left or right child's join columns, if we
// are to run in parallel.
// Contains will always return TRUE if the required part key
// is the empty set.
if (NOT (joinLeftPartKey.contains(reqPartKey) OR
// Parent required part key can only be satisfied with a
// single partition partitioning function.
// See if this is allowed by the parent requirement
return FALSE;
else // fuzzy requirement
// Did the parent specify a required partitioning key?
if (reqPartKey.entries() > 0)
{ // yes
// If the required partitioning key columns and the join cols
// are disjoint, then the requirement must allow a single
// partition part func, because this will be the only way
// to satisfy both the requirement and the join cols.
if (joinLeftPartKey.isEmpty() AND
joinRightPartKey.isEmpty() AND
((reqPartCount -
(reqPartCount * partReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions()->
getAllowedDeviation())) >
return FALSE;
} // end if fuzzy requirement
} // end if there was a partitioning requirement for the join
return TRUE;
}; // MergeJoin::parentAndChildPartReqsCompatible()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Given an input ordering and a set of potential merge join predicates,
// generate the new merge join sort orders for both the left and right children.
// The ordering should contain the leading prefix of the provided ordering
// which is referenced by the set of (merge join) predicates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MergeJoin::generateSortOrders (const ValueIdList & ordering, /* input */
const ValueIdSet & preds, /* input */
ValueIdList &leftSortOrder, /* output */
ValueIdList &rightSortOrder,/* output */
ValueIdList &orderedMJPreds,/* output */
NABoolean &completelyCovered /* output */
) const
NABoolean done = FALSE;
Lng32 i = 0;
ValueId predId, referencedValId;
ValueId leftOrderValId, rightOrderValId;
NABoolean isOrderPreserving;
OrderComparison order1,order2;
while (!done && i < (Lng32)ordering.entries())
// Get the value id for the simplified form of the ordering expression.
referencedValId = ordering[i].getItemExpr()->
// Check whether the ordering expression is covered by one
// of the merge join predicates.
if (preds.referencesTheGivenValue (referencedValId, predId))
ItemExpr *predExpr = predId.getItemExpr();
if (predExpr->isAnEquiJoinPredicate(child(0).getGroupAttr(),
leftOrderValId, rightOrderValId,
// Fix solu 10-081117-7343 (R2.4 - Error 7000 - GenRelJoin.cpp:
// Merge Join: expression not found).
// The root cause of the assertion is that mergeJoin::codeGen()
// is not written to deal with constant in the orderMJPreds.
// Unfortunately that method is not easy to be extended for
// constants, primarily because the constant is not added to
// the maptable until at very end of the method in a codegen call
// to the container expression. But without the generated Attributes
// for the constant, the left dup check expression happening before
// codeGen on the constant can not be generated.
// The fix in the optimizer will disable MJ when orderdMJpreds contain
// a constant by clearing the orderJoinPreds produced in this method.
// An empty orderJoinPreds set will force method
// MergeJoin::createContextforChild() to produce no context
// (thus no MJ plan).
ValueIdSet mjPredAsVidSet(predId);
for (Lng32 childIdx = 0; childIdx<predExpr->getArity(); childIdx++) {
ItemExpr* constant = NULL;
if (mjPredAsVidSet.referencesAConstValue(&constant) == TRUE)
// Determine if the left side of the equijoin pred is an
// expression that results in an inverse order.
const ValueId & simpLeftOrderValId =
// if the order expression and the left side equijoin expression
// do not have the same order, then generate an INVERSE
// expression on top of the left side equijoin expression.
if (order1 != order2)
InverseOrder * leftInverseExpr =
InverseOrder (leftOrderValId.getItemExpr());
leftOrderValId = leftInverseExpr->getValueId();
// Determine if the right side of the equijoin pred is an
// expression that results in an inverse order.
const ValueId & simpRightOrderValId =
// if the order expression and the right side equijoin expression
// do not have the same order, then generate an INVERSE
// expression on top of the right side equijoin expression.
if (order1 != order2)
InverseOrder * rightInverseExpr =
InverseOrder (rightOrderValId.getItemExpr());
rightOrderValId = rightInverseExpr->getValueId();
// Prevent duplicate predicates; this is a correctness issue, but
// more importantly helps to avoid assertions in pre-CodeGen.
// The only way we could try to insert the same equijoin pred
// into the orderedMJPreds would be if there was a duplicate
// expression in the input ordering - this should not happen,
// but we will check just to be sure.
if ( NOT orderedMJPreds.contains(predId) )
leftSortOrder.insert (leftOrderValId);
rightSortOrder.insert (rightOrderValId);
orderedMJPreds.insert (predId);
// These preds should be equi-join predicates.
ABORT ("Internal Error in MergeJoin::generateSortOrder.");
done = TRUE;
// Were all columns of the provided order covered by join predicates?
if (i == (Lng32)ordering.entries())
completelyCovered = TRUE;
completelyCovered = FALSE;
} // MergeJoin::generateSortOrders()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate an arrangement requirement. Used only for creating an
// arrangement requirement for the right child when we try the right
// child first.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MergeJoin::genRightChildArrangementReq(
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe,
RequirementGenerator &rg) const
ValueIdSet rightJoinColumns;
ValueIdList rightChildOrder;
NABoolean reqOrderExists = FALSE;
NABoolean reqOrderCompletelyCovered = FALSE;
NABoolean reqArrangementExists = FALSE;
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() AND
(rppForMe->getSortKey()->entries() > 0))
reqOrderExists = TRUE;
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() AND
(rppForMe->getArrangedCols()->entries() > 0))
reqArrangementExists = TRUE;
// If there is a required order, we need to make sure that for the
// left child join columns that are a prefix of the req. order cols,
// we require the corresponding right child join columns to be in
// that order. If all of the required order cols are covered by
// join columns, we can add the join columns as a required
// arrangement. This will allow any join predicates for the excess
// join columns to be used as merge join predicates.
if (reqOrderExists)
ValueIdList leftChildOrder;
ValueIdList orderedMJPreds;
generateSortOrders (*(rppForMe->getSortKey()),
if (orderedMJPreds.entries() > 0)
// At least one of the left child merge join columns was compatible
// with the required sort order columns. This should always be
// true, because if it wasn't we should have given up when
// generating the first child context.
// Add the right child join columns whose left child equivalents
// were a prefix of the required order columns as a required
// sort order.
// Example: Req. order: ABC Join Columns: ACDE
// Child req. to generate: Ordered on A
// If all of the required order columns were covered, we can
// add the join columns as an arrangement, so we
// can use any join columns that were not part of
// the required order as merge join predicates. But, if there
// is a required arrangement, defer doing this until we check
// the join columns against the required arrangement.
// Example: Req. order: C Join Columns: ABCD
// Child req. to generate: Ordered on C, Arranged on ABCD
if (reqOrderCompletelyCovered AND NOT reqArrangementExists)
// If there is a required arrangement, we must make sure that the
// join columm arrangement we ask for will be able to satisfy the
// required arrangement. We can only add a join column arrangement
// requirement if there was no required order or there was one but
// the join columns completely covered the required order columns.
if (reqArrangementExists AND
((NOT reqOrderExists) OR
(reqOrderExists AND reqOrderCompletelyCovered)))
// To ensure that the join column arrangement requirement is compatible
// with the required arrangement, we may have to set up a required
// order for some of the join columns in addition to a required
// arrangement, or we may have to remove some of the join
// columns from the required arrangement. Note that for any
// columns that are removed, they will not be able to be used
// as merge join predicates.
ValueIdSet leftJoinColumns;
ValueIdList rightChildOrder;
ValueIdSet reqArrangement(*(rppForMe->getArrangedCols()));
ValueIdSet simpleLeftJoinColumns;
ValueIdSet simpleReqArrangement;
ValueId vid,svid;
ValueId lvid,rvid;
ValueIdMap map(getEquiJoinExpressions());
// First, build the simplified versions of the left join predicate
// columns and the required arrangement columns.
for (vid = leftJoinColumns.init();;
simpleLeftJoinColumns +=
for (vid = reqArrangement.init();;
simpleReqArrangement +=
if (simpleReqArrangement.contains(simpleLeftJoinColumns))
// The left child join columns are a subset of the required
// arrangement columns. Nothing special to do - just add
// the right child join cols as the arrangement requirement.
// Example: Req. arrangement: BCD Join Columns: CD
// Child req. to generate: Arranged on CD
else if (simpleLeftJoinColumns.contains(simpleReqArrangement))
// The required arrangement columns are a subset of the left
// child join columns.
// Example: Req. arrangement: BC Join Columns: ABCD
// Child req. to generate: Ordered on BC, Arranged on ABCD
// Determine which left child join columns are also in the
// the required arrangement.
// Set up a required order consisting of the right child
// join columns whose left child equivalents were in the
// required arrangement. Note that if there was a required
// order from the parent, then rightChildOrder will already
// contain some columns. We may end up adding the same columns
// again to rightChildOrder. Not to worry, the requirement
// generator will eliminate the duplicates before processing
// it in the addSortKey method.
// Example: Req. order: C Req. arrangement: BC Join Columns: ABCD
// Child req. to generate: Ordered by CBC (CB), Arranged on ABCD
for (lvid = leftJoinColumns.init();;
svid = lvid.getItemExpr()->simplifyOrderExpr()->getValueId();
if (simpleLeftJoinColumns.contains(svid))
else // neither is a subset or equal to the other
// Example: Req. arrangement: ABC Join Columns: BD
// Child req. to generate: Arranged on B
// Determine which left child join columns are also in the
// the required arrangement. Note that the resultant set
// cannot be empty. This is because at least one of the join
// columns must be compatible with the required arrangement,
// or we would have given up when generating the first child context.
// Remove the right child join columns whose left child
// equivalents are not in the required arrangement.
for (lvid = leftJoinColumns.init();;
svid = lvid.getItemExpr()->simplifyOrderExpr()->getValueId();
if (NOT simpleLeftJoinColumns.contains(svid))
rightJoinColumns -= rvid;
// Add the remaining right child join columns as the child
// arrangement requirement.
} // end if neither is a subset of the other
} // end if a required arrangement
// If there is no required order and no required arrangement,
// then we can just add the join columns as a required arrangement.
if (NOT reqOrderExists AND
NOT reqArrangementExists)
} // MergeJoin::genRightChildArrangementReq()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MergeJoin::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
MergeJoin::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodMergeJoin *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodMergeJoin();
return m;
} // MergeJoin::costMethod()
Context* MergeJoin::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merge Join generates at most 2 context pairs. The first is
// either a non-parallel plan or a matching partitions parallel plan,
// where we generate the left child context first. The second pair is
// either a non-parallel plan or a matching partitions parallel plan,
// where we generate the right child context first.
// The reason we try matching partitions plans both ways is to try
// and avoid having to repartition both tables. If we only try one
// way and the first table must repartition, then the second table
// must repartition if it is going to be able to match the hash
// repartitioning function that the first table synthesized. If we
// were to try the other way and the first table this time did not
// need to repartition, then we would only have to range repartition
// the second table.
// The reason we try non-parallel plans both ways is because the
// first child tried only has to match an arrangement of the merge
// join columns, but the second child must match an order of the
// merge join columns. This might force us to sort the second child
// since it is harder to match an order than an arrangement.
// The second child might be large and thus more expensive to
// sort then the first child, so we might want to try it both ways.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = NULL;
Lng32 planNumber;
Context* childContext = NULL;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild = NULL;
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
ValueIdSet equiJoinPreds = getEquiJoinPredicates();
// If either child of the merge join has a constraint that limits
// the number of rows it can produce to one or less, than merge
// join is not a good plan, so just give up now.
GroupAttributes *child0GA = child(0).getGroupAttr();
GroupAttributes *child1GA = child(1).getGroupAttr();
if ((child0GA != NULL AND (child0GA->getMaxNumOfRows() <= 1)) OR
(child1GA != NULL AND (child1GA->getMaxNumOfRows() <= 1)))
return NULL;;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the number of child plans to consider.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 childPlansToConsider = 4;
CollIndex numJoinCols = getEquiJoinExprFromChild0().entries();
NABoolean mustTryBothChildrenFirst = TRUE;
// Do we need to generate two different plans where we alternate
// which child to try first, in order to guarantee that we only
// sort if absolutely necessary and if we do sort the smallest
// child? The crux of the matter is that it is easier to satisfy
// an arrangement than a sort order, and whoever goes first only
// has to satisfy an arrangement of the join columns, not a sort
// order of the join columns. But, we can get away with trying
// just one of the plans if there already is a required sort order
// whose number of entries is greater than or equal to the number
// of join columns, because then the join columns are restricted
// to be in this order and so it does not matter who we try first -
// they both must satisfy a sort order of the join columns instead
// of an arrangement. We can also get away with only trying one of
// the plans if there is only one join column, because then it costs
// the same to satisfy an arrangement of the one column as a sort
// order of the one column.
if (((rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL) AND
(rppForMe->getSortKey()->entries() >= numJoinCols)) OR
(numJoinCols == 1))
mustTryBothChildrenFirst = FALSE;
// If we don't need to try two plans (four child plans) for sort
// purposes and we don't need to try two for parallel purposes,
// then indicate we will only try one plan (two child plans).
if (NOT mustTryBothChildrenFirst AND
((rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines() == 1) OR
((partReqForMe != NULL) AND
childPlansToConsider = 2;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The creation of the next Context for a child depends upon the
// the number of child Contexts that have been created in earlier
// invocations of this method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
while ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() < childPlansToConsider) AND
(rppForChild == NULL))
// If we stay in this loop because we didn't generate some
// child contexts, we need to reset the child plan count when
// it gets to be as large the arity, because otherwise we
// would advance the child plan count past the arity.
if (pws->getPlanChildCount() >= getArity())
planNumber = pws->getCountOfChildContexts() / 2;
switch (pws->getCountOfChildContexts())
case 0:
childIndex = 0;
case 1:
childIndex = 1;
case 2:
childIndex = 1;
case 3:
childIndex = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create the 1st Context for left child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 0) AND
ValueIdSet joinColumns;
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0),rppForMe);
// Convert equijoin columns from a list to a set.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is an equijoin, create a partitioning requirement,
// which uses the expressions from the left child that are
// referenced in the equijoin predicate, as partitioning keys.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Optimize the left child with required arrangement = the
// joining columns. If my Context has a required order or
// arrangement, then potentially modify the join columns
// to be something that is compatible with the existing
// required order or arrangement.
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
if (joinColumns.isEmpty())
// Impossible to satisfy the parent order or arrangement
// and the merge join arrangement at the same time.
// Give up now.
return NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a CPU or memory-intensive operator then add a
// requirement for a maximum number of partitions, unless
// that requirement would conflict with our parent's requirement.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
} // end if ok to try parallelism
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if 1st child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create 1st Context for right child:
// Any required order matches the order that is produced by the
// optimal solution for my left child.
// NOTE: We assume that order of the rows that are produced by
// the merge join is only affected by its left child.
// So, the input for the right child has no dependency
// on the required order that is specified in my myContext.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
else if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 1) AND
ValueIdList leftChildOrder;
ValueIdList rightChildOrder;
ValueIdList orderedMJPreds;
NABoolean completelyCovered = FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// If the Context that was created for the left child has an
// optimal solution whose cost is within the specified cost
// limit, create the corresponding Context for the right child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty*
sppForChild = childContext->getPhysicalPropertyForSolution();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc =
NABoolean rewriteForChild0 = FALSE;
ValueIdMap map(getEquiJoinExpressions());
PartitioningFunction* childPartFuncRewritten =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild =
RequirementGenerator rg (child(1),rppForMe);
// Remove any parent requirements for the sort key or arrangement,
// since they do not need to be satisfied by the
// right child of a join (we only insist that the left child
// satisfy these requirements).
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// Remove any parent partitioning requirements, since we have
// already enforced this on the left child.
// Now, add in the Join's partitioning requirement for the
// left child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Use the sort key of the solution for the left child for
// creating a required order, which is expressed in terms of
// the corresponding columns from the right child that appear
// in the merge join predicates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
generateSortOrders (sppForChild->getSortKey(),
if (orderedMJPreds.entries() > 0)
// At least one merge join predicate on the sort key
// columns was found. This will always be true at this
// point, unless there was a constraint that limited
// the number of left child rows to at most one. If this
// occurs, the satisfied method will allow a sort key
// that does not satisfy the arrangement requirement that
// merge join generated, and so the sort key may not cover
// any of the equijoin predicates. We could allow a merge
// join plan in this case, but if the other child only
// returns one row then merge join is not a good idea anyway.
// Note that in this case we should have given up on generating
// any child contexts in the beginning of this method.
// Add the ValueIdList returned in "rightChildOrder" as
// the required sort order for the right child
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
// Remember the merge join predicates in the RelExpr
setOrderedMJPreds (orderedMJPreds);
setLeftSortOrder (leftChildOrder);
setRightSortOrder (rightChildOrder);
// Need to save any equijoin predicates that were not
// used for orderedMJPreds. Store them in selectionPred(),
// if not for an outer join or a semijoin, or in
// joinPred(), otherwise.
if (orderedMJPreds.entries() != equiJoinPreds.entries())
ValueIdSet leftOverEquiJoinPreds = equiJoinPreds;
ValueIdSet ordMJPreds(orderedMJPreds);
leftOverEquiJoinPreds -= ordMJPreds;
// NB: to preserve the separation of equi- and nonequi- join
// predicates (see Join::separateEquiAndNonEquiJoinPrediates),
// we must not only save leftOverEquiJoinPreds into but also
// remove orderedMJPreds from joinPred or selectionPred.
// Otherwise, duplicate equijoinpredicates can cause
// MergeJoin::preCodeGen to GenAssert(!mjp.isEmpty()) because
// mjp.replaceVEGExpressions refuses to replace VEGExpr that
// it has already replaced.
if (isInnerNonSemiJoin())
selectionPred() -= ordMJPreds;
selectionPred() += leftOverEquiJoinPreds;
joinPred() -= ordMJPreds;
joinPred() += leftOverEquiJoinPreds;
} // end if merge join and parent requirements are compatible
} // end if merge join predicates were found
} // endif previous Context has an optimal solution
} // end if 2nd child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create 2nd Context for the right child:
// The Context for the right child contains
// required arrangement = joining columns.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
else if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 2) AND
ValueIdSet joinColumns;
RequirementGenerator rg(child(1),rppForMe);
// Remove any parent requirements for the sort key or arrangement,
// since they do not need to be satisfied by the
// right child of a join (we only insist that the left child
// satisfy these requirements).
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// Generate the arrangement requirement for the right child.
// This needs a special method because it is very complicated
// when we process the right child first. This is because we
// must take the required order and/or arrangement into account
// without actually enforcing it.
genRightChildArrangementReq(rppForMe, rg);
// We must insist that the right child match the parent partitioning
// requirements, because we are dealing with the right child first.
// The right child will satisfy the parent somehow (if possible) and
// the requirement we get from the right child will then be given to
// the left child, and so the parent requirement will be enforced
// on the left child in this way.
// So, we don't remove the parent requirements.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a CPU or memory-intensive operator then add a
// requirement for a maximum number of partitions, unless
// that requirement would conflict with our parent's requirement.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
} // end if ok to try parallelism
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if 3rd child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create 2nd Context for the left child:
// Force the left child to have the same order as the
// right child. If there is a required order in my
// myContext, ensure that it is satisfied.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
else if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 3) AND
ValueIdList leftChildOrder;
ValueIdList rightChildOrder;
ValueIdList orderedMJPreds;
NABoolean completelyCovered = FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
childContext = pws->getChildContext(1,1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// If the Context that was created for the right child has an
// optimal solution whose cost is within the specified cost
// limit, create the corresponding Context for the left child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty*
sppForChild = childContext->getPhysicalPropertyForSolution();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc =
NABoolean rewriteForChild0 = TRUE;
ValueIdMap map(getEquiJoinExpressions());
PartitioningFunction* childPartFuncRewritten =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild =
RequirementGenerator rg (child(0),rppForMe);
// We have already applied the parent partitioning requirements
// to the right child, so no need to apply them to the left child.
// Now, add in the Join's partitioning requirement for the
// right child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Use the sort key of the solution for the right child for
// creating a required order, which is expressed in terms of
// the corresponding columns from the left child that appear
// in the merge join predicates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
generateSortOrders (sppForChild->getSortKey(),
if (orderedMJPreds.entries() > 0)
// At least one merge join predicate on the sort key
// columns was found. This will always be true at this
// point, unless there was a constraint that limited
// the number of right child rows to at most one. If this
// occurs, the satisfied method will allow a sort key
// that does not satisfy the arrangement requirement that
// merge join generated, and so the sort key may not cover
// any of the equijoin predicates. We could allow a merge
// join plan in this case, but if the other child only
// returns one row then merge join is not a good idea anyway.
// Note that in this case we should have given up on generating
// any child contexts in the beginning of this method.
// If there was a required order or arrangement, then it
// is possible that the synthesized sort key we got back
// contained some right child join columns whose left child
// equivalents are not compatible with the required order
// or arrangement. If so, we must remove any of these
// join columns from the required order that we are going
// to ask for. Note that there must be at least one
// compatible join column or else we would have given up
// when generating the first context.
// Example: Required order: ABC Join cols: ABD
// Child requirement generated for right child: ordered by AB
// Right child synthesized sort key cols: ABD
// D is not compatible and so must not be used.
ValueIdList feasibleLeftChildOrder(leftChildOrder);
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
if (feasibleLeftChildOrder.isEmpty() &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_84) == DF_OFF)
return NULL;
// If we did drop some join columns, then we must regenerate
// "orderedMJPreds", "leftChildOrder", "rightChildOrder"
if (feasibleLeftChildOrder.entries() != leftChildOrder.entries())
generateSortOrders (feasibleLeftChildOrder,
CMPASSERT(orderedMJPreds.entries() > 0);
// Add the ValueIdList returned in "leftChildOrder" as
// the required sort order for the left child
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
// Remember the merge join predicates in the RelExpr
setCandidateMJPreds (orderedMJPreds);
setCandidateLeftSortOrder (leftChildOrder);
setCandidateRightSortOrder (rightChildOrder);
// Need to save any equijoin predicates that were not
// used for orderedMJPreds. Store them in selectionPred(),
// if not for an outer join or a semijoin, or in
// joinPred(), otherwise.
if (orderedMJPreds.entries() != equiJoinPreds.entries())
ValueIdSet leftOverEquiJoinPreds = equiJoinPreds;
ValueIdSet ordMJPreds(orderedMJPreds);
leftOverEquiJoinPreds -= ordMJPreds;
// NB: to preserve the separation of equi- and nonequi- join
// predicates (see Join::separateEquiAndNonEquiJoinPrediates),
// we must not only save leftOverEquiJoinPreds into but also
// remove orderedMJPreds from joinPred or selectionPred.
// Otherwise, duplicate equijoin predicates can cause
// MergeJoin::preCodeGen to GenAssert(!mjp.isEmpty()) because
// mjp.replaceVEGExpressions refuses to replace VEGExpr that
// it has already replaced.
if (isInnerNonSemiJoin())
selectionPred() -= ordMJPreds;
selectionPred() += leftOverEquiJoinPreds;
joinPred() -= ordMJPreds;
joinPred() += leftOverEquiJoinPreds;
} // end if merge join and parent requirements are compatible
} // end if merge join predicates were found
} // endif previous Context has an optimal solution
} // end if 4th child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a Context using the partitioning requirement that was
// generated for the current plan.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rppForChild != NULL)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext,pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which
// the child belongs that requires the same properties as those
// in rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new
// Context that contains rppForChild as the required physical
// properties.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
result = shareContext(childIndex, rppForChild,
myContext, myContext->getInputLogProp());
if ( NOT (pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() OR
result->hasSolution() )
result = NULL;
if(CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->isMergeJoinControlEnabled() AND result)
result->ignoredRules() = *(GlobalRuleSet->applicableRules());
result->ignoredRules() -= SortEnforcerRuleNumber;
result = NULL;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remember the cases for which a Context could not be generated,
// or store the context that was generated.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() AND
( pws->getPlanChildCount() == getArity() ) AND
} // end while loop
if ( pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == childPlansToConsider )
return result;
} // MergeJoin::createContextForAChild()
NABoolean MergeJoin::findOptimalSolution(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws)
NABoolean hasOptSol;
// Plan # is only an output param, initialize it to an impossible value.
Lng32 planNumber = -1;
hasOptSol = pws->findOptimalSolution(planNumber);
// Reset data members to reflect that of plan 1 (not plan 0) when picked.
if(planNumber == 1)
return hasOptSol;
} // MergeJoin::findOptimalSolution()
NABoolean MergeJoin::currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
// This is probably not the best place to check it. It should work
// temporarily. We are trying to force potentially hanging plan
// to fail. See solution 10-051219-3501.
if ( deadLockIsPossible_)
return FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether the user wants to enforce a particular plan type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If nothing is being forced, return TRUE now.
if (rppForMe->getMustMatch() == NULL)
return TRUE;
// Check for the correct forced plan type.
JoinForceWildCard::forcedPlanEnum forcePlanToken =
switch (forcePlanToken)
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN0:
if (planNo != 0)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN1:
if (planNo != 1)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_TYPE1:
// All Merge Joins are Type 1 - break out so we'll return TRUE
case JoinForceWildCard::ANY_PLAN:
// Any plan satisfies this - break out so we'll return TRUE
return FALSE; // must be some option that Merge Join doesn't support
// If we get here, the plan must have passed all the checks.
return TRUE;
} // MergeJoin::currentPlanIsAcceptable()
// Synthesize physical properties for merge join operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used for
// synthesizing partitioning functions.
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
MergeJoin::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfLeftChild =
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfRightChild =
// This is to prevent possible deadlock for parallel merge join.
// If both children got repartitioned and didn't use Sort then
// force this plan to fail. See solution 10-051219-3501
(sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType() == ESP_NO_SORT_SOT) AND
(sppOfLeftChild->getDataSourceEnum() == SOURCE_ESP_DEPENDENT) AND
(sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType() == ESP_NO_SORT_SOT) AND
(sppOfRightChild->getDataSourceEnum() == SOURCE_ESP_DEPENDENT)
deadLockIsPossible_ = TRUE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Synthesize the partitioning function from the first child of the
// winning plan. Merge Joins have two potential plans--see member
// function MergeJoin::createContextForAChild(). In plan 0, the
// left child is first; in plan 1, the right child is first.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(planNumber == 0 || planNumber == 1);
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc;
const SearchKey* myPartSearchKey;
if (planNumber == 0)
myPartFunc = sppOfLeftChild->getPartitioningFunction();
myPartSearchKey = sppOfLeftChild->getPartSearchKey();
myPartFunc = sppOfRightChild->getPartitioningFunction();
myPartSearchKey = sppOfRightChild->getPartSearchKey();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parallel merge join plans are set up such that
// they maintain the partitioning of the left child table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
sppOfLeftChild->getPlanExecutionLocation(),//||opt synth from both kids
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // MergeJoin::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class HashJoin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the
// hash join to the designated child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningFunction* HashJoin::mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0)
ValueIdMap map(getEquiJoinExpressions());
PartitioningFunction* newPartFunc =
SkewedDataPartitioningFunction* oldSKpf = NULL;
SkewedDataPartitioningFunction* newSKpf = NULL;
if ( rewriteForChild0 == FALSE /* map for child 1 */ AND
(partFunc->castToSkewedDataPartitioningFunction())) AND
if ( oldSKpf->getSkewProperty().isUniformDistributed() ) {
skewProperty newSK(oldSKpf->getSkewProperty());
} else {
// map for child 0. Do nothing
return newPartFunc;
} // end HashJoin::mapPartitioningFunction()
NABoolean HashJoin::isBigMemoryOperator(const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
const Lng32 planNumber)
double dummy;
return isBigMemoryOperatorSetRatio( pws->getContext(), planNumber, dummy);
NABoolean HashJoin::isBigMemoryOperatorSetRatio(const Context* context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
double & ratio)
double memoryLimitPerCPU = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getMemoryLimitPerCPU();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Not given any memory constraints, the HJ would like to have enough
// memory to hold the whole inner table and auxiliary hash structures.
// Each row is stored with its hash key and a chain pointer (8 bytes in
// total).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = context->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
// Start off assuming that the operator will use all available CPUs.
Lng32 cpuCount = rppForMe->getCountOfAvailableCPUs();
PartitioningRequirement* partReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
// This check to ensure that a plan exists before calling getPhysProp <oa>
PhysicalProperty* spp = NULL;
if ( context->getPlan())
spp = context->getPlan()->getPhysicalProperty();
Lng32 numOfStreams;
// If the physical properties are available, then this means we
// are on the way back up the tree. Get the actual level of
// parallelism from the spp to determine if the number of cpus we
// are using are less than the maximum number available.
if (spp != NULL)
PartitioningFunction* partFunc = spp->getPartitioningFunction();
numOfStreams = partFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
if (numOfStreams < cpuCount)
cpuCount = numOfStreams;
if ((partReq != NULL) AND
(partReq->getCountOfPartitions() != ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS))
// If there is a partitioning requirement, then this may limit
// the number of CPUs that can be used.
numOfStreams = partReq->getCountOfPartitions();
if (numOfStreams < cpuCount)
cpuCount = numOfStreams;
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = context->getInputLogProp();
const double probeCount =
const double innerRowCount =
double rowsPerCpu;
if (planNumber != 0) // Type-1 Hash Join?
rowsPerCpu = MAXOF(1.,(innerRowCount / cpuCount));
else // Type-2 Hash Join
// Each ESP must build a hash table of all the rows.
rowsPerCpu = MAXOF(1.,innerRowCount);
const double rowsPerCpuPerProbe = MAXOF(1.,(rowsPerCpu / probeCount));
const Lng32 innerRowLength =
const Lng32 extInnerRowLength = innerRowLength + 8;
const double fileSizePerCpu =
((rowsPerCpuPerProbe * extInnerRowLength) / 1024.);
if (spp != NULL &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_51) == DF_ON
CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty * bigMemoryProperty =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
for (Int32 i=0; i<=getArity(); i++)
const PhysicalProperty *childSpp =
if (childSpp != NULL)
CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty * memProp =
(CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty *)
((PhysicalProperty *)childSpp)->getBigMemoryEstimationProperty();
if (memProp != NULL)
double childCumulativeMemSize = memProp->getCumulativeFileSize();
memoryLimitPerCPU -= childCumulativeMemSize;
if (memoryLimitPerCPU < 1)
memoryLimitPerCPU =1;
ratio = fileSizePerCpu/memoryLimitPerCPU;
return (fileSizePerCpu >= memoryLimitPerCPU);
// <pb>
HashJoin::isSkewBusterFeasible(SkewedValueList** skList, Lng32 countOfPipelines,
ValueId& vidOfEquiPredWithSkew)
double threshold =
(ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsDouble(SKEW_SENSITIVITY_THRESHOLD)) / countOfPipelines;
// Disable skew buster if the threshold is less than 0. A value of -1 is set
if ( threshold < 0 )
return FALSE;
// skew buster is not allowed for Full Outer Join, since it involves
// broadcasting the inner rows.
if (isFullOuterJoin())
return FALSE;
ValueIdSet joinPreds = getEquiJoinPredicates();
if ( joinPreds.entries() > 1 ) {
double mc_threshold =
/ countOfPipelines ;
if ( mc_threshold < 0 )
return FALSE;
if ( !multiColumnjoinPredOKforSB(joinPreds) )
return FALSE;
vidOfEquiPredWithSkew = NULL_VALUE_ID;
// First try to detect the true MC skews directly.
NABoolean ok = CmpCommon::getDefault(HJ_NEW_MCSB_PLAN) == DF_ON &&
childNodeContainMultiColumnSkew(0, joinPreds, mc_threshold,
countOfPipelines, skList);
if ( ok )
return TRUE;
// If fail, we go the old way of guessing the MC skews from the SC
// skew exist at the participating columns of the multi-column join
// predicate.
return childNodeContainMultiColumnSkew(0, joinPreds, mc_threshold,
threshold, countOfPipelines,
skList, vidOfEquiPredWithSkew);
// single column SB
return ( singleColumnjoinPredOKforSB(joinPreds) &&
childNodeContainSkew(0, joinPreds, threshold, skList)
void HashJoin::addNullToSkewedList(SkewedValueList** skList)
//if not a NOTIN subquery return
ValueIdList child0ColList = getEquiJoinExprFromChild0();
// get the first column id and use it as skew list identifier
// same as in skew buster
ValueId colVid = child0ColList[0];
// Create a new skew value list for not in subq if not already created
// by skewbuster routines
if (*skList == NULL)
*skList = new (STMTHEAP) SkewedValueList(colVid.getType().newCopy(STMTHEAP), STMTHEAP, 1);
if (!(*skList)->getIsNullInList())
// add null value to the list
EncodedValue encNullValue;
} // HashJoin::addNullToSkewedList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// HashJoin::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
HashJoin::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodHashJoin *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodHashJoin;
return m;
} // HashJoin::costMethod()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// HashJoin::createContextForAChild() can create up to 3 sets of contexts for
// its children.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* HashJoin::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hash Join generates at most 3 context pairs. The first pair is
// either a non-parallel plan or Type 2 parallel plan. The second
// pair is a matching partitions parallel plan,
// where we generate the left child context first. The third pair is
// a parallel matching partitions plan where we generate the right
// child context first.
// The reason we try matching partitions plans both ways is to try
// and avoid having to repartition both tables. If we only try one
// way and the first table must repartition, then the second table
// must be repartitioned if it is going to be able to match the hash
// repartitioning function that the first table synthesized. If we
// were to try the other way and the first table this time did not
// need to repartition, then we would only have to range repartition
// the second table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = NULL;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
Context* childContext = NULL;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
const PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild = NULL;
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the number of child plans to consider.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 childPlansToConsider = 6;
Lng32 baseTableThreshold = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsLong(COMP_INT_19);
// part of fix to genesis case 10-061222-1068, soln 10-061222-1347.
// our goal here is to avoid arithmetic overflow in the computation
// of innerChildSize that can result in a replicate-broadcast of so much
// data to cause hashjoin to spill resulting in very poor performance.
const CostScalar innerChildSize =
* child(1).getGroupAttr()->getRecordLength();
// parallelHeuristic3(if TRUE) will prevent two extra pairs of contexts
// by checking if parallelism was worth trying after the first pair.
// If not, it will set childPlansToConsider to 2 instead of 6. By doing
// this we won't create, at least, one extra parallel context for each
// child. It will change pallelismIsOK for the workspace to FALSE when
// okToAttemptESPParallelism() returns FALSE and the heuristics3 is ON.
// Only repartitioning plans are allowed for Full Outer Join. That is
// because, broadcast is not compatible with it. Hence, no need to cut
// down on the number of plans to consider. Keep childPlansToConsider at 6.
if ((NOT isFullOuterJoin())
(rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines() == 1) OR
getEquiJoinPredicates().isEmpty() OR
( (partReqForMe != NULL) AND
( partReqForMe->isRequirementExactlyOne() OR
) OR
( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->parallelHeuristic3() AND
(pws->getParallelismIsOK() == FALSE)
) OR
( isOrderedCrossProduct() AND
) OR
( // New heuristics to limit repartitioning of small right child.
// If right child has very few rows, for example, dimension
// table with local predicate resulting in one row only, then
// repartitioning of this child will cause few (or one) join ESP
// active. So we could consider only type2 join in this case
// Now limited to star filter join but could be generalized
// by setting COMP_BOOL_68 to ON
( (getSource() == Join::STAR_FILTER_JOIN) OR
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_68) == DF_ON)
// To avoid complex subqueries due to cardinality uncertainties
( child(1).getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() <= baseTableThreshold) AND
// the child is small - defined by COMP_INT_7
( innerChildSize < CostScalar(ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsLong(COMP_INT_7))) AND
( rppForMe->getMustMatch() == NULL )
) // AND
) // (NOT isFullOuterJoin())
// we want don't want to repartition the inner child/table
// rather we want to broadcast it.Do this only if:
// the child/table size is < COMP_INT_70
// or
// inner child/table size > COMP_INT_70 and the join
// column(s) from the left child are skewed.
// The decision to broadcast and not repartition is based on
// the size of the inner table (i.e. the table to be broadcast)
// We can define it visually as the range below
// comp_int_70 comp_int_7
// ------------------|---------------------|--------------------
// Range 1 Range 2 Range 3
// * If inner table size is in range 1 i.e. < comp_int_70 then repartitioning
// plan is not tried, the table is unconditionally broadcast
// * If inner table size is in range 2 i.e. > comp_int_70 and < comp_int_7
// then repartition plan is not tried i.e. only broadcast plan is tried
// if the join column from the left child is skewed.
// * If inner table size is in range 3 i.e. > comp_int_7 then repartitioning
// plan is tried.
if(innerChildSize <= ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults().getAsLong(COMP_INT_70))
// size of inner child is < conditional broadcast threshold (COMP_INT_70)
// therefore disallow the repartitioning plan
// By disallowing the repartitioning plan we force only the broadcast
// plan to be considered
childPlansToConsider = 2;
// size of inner child is > conditional broadcast threshold (COMP_INT_70)
// there disallow the repartitioning plan only if the join is
// on a skewed set of columns
// By disallowing the repartitioning plan we force only the broadcast
// plan to be considered
CostScalar skewFactor(1);
EncodedValue mostFreqVal(UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE);
ValueIdSet joinPreds = getEquiJoinPredicates();
// iterate over all the join predicates between the left and the right
// In each iteration:
// * The skew factor is returned for the join column from the left child
// * The skew factor is combined with the skew factor from other predicates.
// We keep a running multiplication of skew factors from the different
// predicates to combine the skew factors for all the join predicates
// being applied at this join. This is based on the assumption of independence
// between columns if there is more than one join predicate. Multicolumn stats
// could perhaps be used to get better skew estimate in case we are joining
// on more than one column, but this is simpler and should be good enough for
// for a simple heuristic like this.
for(ValueId vid = joinPreds.init();; joinPreds.advance(vid))
// get the skewFactor and combine it
// If the join is on a skewed set of columns from the left child.
// Skew threshold is defined by COMP_FLOAT_3
// Don't try repartitioning plan
if( (skewFactor > (ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults()).getAsDouble(COMP_FLOAT_3)) ||
// not in subquery --> set childPlansToConsider = 2 --> only plan0 is considered
childPlansToConsider = 2;
else if ((NOT isFullOuterJoin()) AND
(partReqForMe != NULL) AND
childPlansToConsider = 4;
// Force serial plans for full outer join.
if (isFullOuterJoin() AND
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_197) == DF_ON )
childPlansToConsider = 2;
NABoolean considerMixedHashJoin = FALSE;
NABoolean considerHashJoinPlan2 = TRUE;
NABoolean broadcastOneRow = FALSE;
NABoolean notInLeftChildOptimization = FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The creation of the next Context for a child depends upon the
// the number of child Contexts that have been created in earlier
// invocations of this method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
while ( (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() < childPlansToConsider)
AND (rppForChild == NULL) )
// If we stay in this loop because we didn't generate some
// child contexts, we need to reset the child plan count when
// it gets to be as large the arity, because otherwise we
// would advance the child plan count past the arity.
if (pws->getPlanChildCount() >= getArity())
planNumber = pws->getCountOfChildContexts() / 2;
switch (pws->getCountOfChildContexts())
case 0:
childIndex = 0;
case 1:
childIndex = 1;
case 2:
childIndex = 0;
case 3:
childIndex = 1;
case 4:
childIndex = 1;
case 5:
childIndex = 0;
SkewedValueList* skList = NULL;
considerMixedHashJoin = FALSE;
considerHashJoinPlan2 = TRUE;
broadcastOneRow = FALSE;
notInLeftChildOptimization = FALSE;
ValueId vidOfEquiPredWithSkew = NULL_VALUE_ID;
// Here, we consult our histogram data to identify potential skew values
// for the left side, when ESP parallel plans (plan 1 and 2) are
// sought for. In the 1st phase of the Mixed Hybrid HashJoin Project,
// only plan 1 is augmented to deal with skewed values. But we
// turn on 'considerMixedHashJoin' anyway here so that we can use it
// to turn off plan 2 generation when the skewness is found.
if (planNumber == 1 OR planNumber == 2)
if( isSkewBusterFeasible(&skList, MAXOF(1, rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines()),
vidOfEquiPredWithSkew) == TRUE )
considerMixedHashJoin = TRUE;
if ( CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_101) == DF_OFF )
considerHashJoinPlan2 = FALSE;
// When adding null value the next time isSkewBusterFeasible will return true even
// if there are no skew values. Note that this has to do with an executor optimization
// for anti-semijoins used for NOT IN. If the subquery has at least one NULL value,
// then the entire NOT IN predicate returns NULL. Handling this requires special
// logic in the executor. When we have a parallel TYPE1 anti-semijoin, then we
// use SkewBuster to broadcast all inner NULL values to all the joins, to be able
// to handle this case correctly.
if (getIsNotInSubqTransform())
//add null to the skewed list
// is broadcast of one row required
broadcastOneRow = getRequireOneBroadcast();
considerMixedHashJoin = TRUE;
// if this is a notin subq then we don't want to consider plan2
considerHashJoinPlan2 = FALSE;
if ( CmpCommon::getDefault(NOT_IN_SKEW_BUSTER_OPTIMIZATION) == DF_ON)
if (skList->hasOnlyNonSkewedNull() &&
skList->getNAType()->getTypeQualifier() != NA_CHARACTER_TYPE)
// no real skewed values. null is the only item in the list and is not skewed
// in this case we don't really need to uniform-distribute rows on the right side
// all we need is the broadcast null (and one row if applicable) on the right side
// NOTE: This will cause a regular "hash2" function to be used on the left side
// and a "h2-br" function on the right. We have to guarantee that those produce
// the same hash value for every non-NULL column value. This is NOT true for
// character columns, since those get converted to VARCHAR in
// SkewedDataPartitioningFunction::createPartitioningExpression(), which does
// not happen in TableHashPartitioningFunction::createPartitioningExpression()
considerMixedHashJoin = FALSE;
notInLeftChildOptimization = TRUE;
if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 0) AND
if ( NOT CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() OR
pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() OR
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0), rppForMe);
if (isOrderedCrossProduct())
ValueIdList reqdOrder1;
ValueIdSet reqdArr1;
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// right child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the left child. Pass back the requirements for
// the right child in case they are needed.
splitSortReqsForLeftChild(rppForMe, rg, reqdOrder1, reqdArr1);
// If we want to try ESP parallelism, go for it, only if
// its NOT isFullOuterJoin. Note we may still
// not get it if the parent's requirement does not allow it.
// If we don't go for ESP parallelism, then we will specify either
// the parent's required number of partitions, or we will specify
// that we don't care how many partitions we get - i.e.
if (isFullOuterJoin())
// If it's full outer join, then force the requirement
// to be one partition - (serial).
else if (okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
} // end if ok to try parallelism
if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->parallelHeuristic3())
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // NOT CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() OR ..
} // endif (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 0)
else if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 1) AND
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan has been produced by the latest context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
NABoolean considerReplicateBroadcast = TRUE; // unless revoked below
const PhysicalProperty*
sppForChild = childContext->getPhysicalPropertyForSolution();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild;
// If the partitioning function of the left child was only
// one partition, then pass a requirement for that to the right,
// since no parallelism is possible.
// If there was a parent requirement and it was replicate no
// broadcast, then we must require replicate no broadcast from
// the right child as well, because the executor currently
// cannot handle broadcast replication under a nested join in
// certain cases. See Materialize::createContextForAChild for details.
// Otherwise, pass a broadcast replication req. to the right child.
if (childPartFunc->isASinglePartitionPartitioningFunction())
partReqForChild = childPartFunc->makePartitioningRequirement();
else if ((partReqForMe != NULL) AND // TEMP CODE FIX
partReqForMe->isRequirementReplicateNoBroadcast()) // TEMP
partReqForChild = (PartitioningRequirement *)partReqForMe; // TEMP
else { // replicate broadcast inner
CostScalar innerMaxSize =
* child(1).getGroupAttr()->getRecordLength();
CostScalar outerSize =
* child(0).getGroupAttr()->getRecordLength();
// disallow replicate broadcast only if:
// 1) we are an optional zigzag join, and
// 2) inner can be dangerously large
if (isJoinForZigZag() && innerMaxSize >=
outerSize * childPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions())
considerReplicateBroadcast = FALSE;
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_82) == DF_ON) {
// Use the node map of the left childs partitioning function.
partReqForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
RequireReplicateViaBroadcast(childPartFunc, TRUE);
else {
partReqForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
// Use the node map of the left childs partitioning function.
NodeMap *myNodeMap =
RequirementGenerator rg (child(1),rppForMe);
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// the ordering of an ordered hash join is provided by the left child
// for cross products we need the next two methods to prevent a sort key from
// being added due to startRequirements,
if (isOrderedCrossProduct())
ValueIdList reqdOrder0;
ValueIdSet reqdArr0;
// If there is a required sort order and/or arrangement, then
// split off any part of the requirement that is for the
// left child and only pass on the portion of the requirement
// that is for the right child. Pass back the requirements for
// the left child in case they are needed.
splitSortReqsForRightChild(rppForMe, rg, reqdOrder0, reqdArr0);
// Remove any parent partitioning requirements, since we
// have already enforced this on the left child.
// Now, add in the Join's partitioning requirement for the
// right child.
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility()
&& considerReplicateBroadcast)
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if child0 had an optimal solution
} // end if 2nd child context
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// The next plan, (child0, plan1) and (child1, plan1), attempts to
// create matching partitions. (child1, plan1) constructs a
// partitioning key from the values that are produced by child0 and
// are referenced in the equijoin predicates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
else if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 2) AND
if ( NOT CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() OR
pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() OR
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0), rppForMe);
ValueIdSet partitioningKey;
if ( considerMixedHashJoin == TRUE &&
getEquiJoinExprFromChild0().entries() > 1 ) {
if ( vidOfEquiPredWithSkew != NULL_VALUE_ID ) {
// For multi-column SB, use one of the
// the skew partition column in the equi predicates
// in the partition key.
ValueId vref =
// Expect to get the valueId of a VegRef for a join predicate.
if (vref != NULL_VALUE_ID)
} else
} else
// For regular HJ or single-column SB, use the only equi predicate
// as the partition column.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a CPU or memory-intensive operator then add a
// requirement for a maximum number of partitions, unless
// that requirement would conflict with our parent's requirement.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
if ( considerMixedHashJoin == TRUE )
rg.addSkewRequirement(skewProperty::UNIFORM_DISTRIBUTE, skList, broadcastOneRow);
} // end if ok to try parallelism
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if 3rd child context
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// (child1, plan1) is the counterpart plan for (child0, plan1).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
else if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 3) AND
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context (child0, plan1).
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
const Context* const childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan has been produced by the latest context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty*
sppForChild = childContext->getPhysicalPropertyForSolution();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc =
NABoolean rewriteForChild0 = FALSE;
PartitioningFunction* childPartFuncRewritten =
mapPartitioningFunction(childPartFunc, rewriteForChild0);
RequirementGenerator rg (child(1),rppForMe);
// ignore single part func case since run-time skew does not exist.
if ( notInLeftChildOptimization &&
skewProperty skp (skewProperty::BROADCAST, skList);
//rg.addSkewRequirement(skewProperty::BROADCAST, skList, broadcastOneRow);
childPartFuncRewritten = new SkewedDataPartitioningFunction(childPartFuncRewritten, skp);
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild =
//RequirementGenerator rg (child(1),rppForMe);
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// the ordering of an ordered hash join is provided by the left child
// Remove any parent partitioning requirements, since we
// have already enforced this on the left child.
// Double check broadcasting skewed data requirment for the right child
// if my left child will produce randomly distributed skewed values,
// and the partfunc for the right child can do so and both partfuncs
// are of same type. The last check is necessary to avoid
// hash2-random_distribute on left side and some other non-hash2
// broadcast on right side.
// The above called HashJoin::mapPartitioningFunction() should perform
const SkewedDataPartitioningFunction* skpf = NULL;
if (childPartFunc->getPartitioningFunctionType() ==
childPartFuncRewritten->getPartitioningFunctionType() AND
(skpf=childPartFunc->castToSkewedDataPartitioningFunction()) AND
const SkewedDataPartitioningFunction* otherSKpf =
//rg.addSkewRequirement(skewProperty::BROADCAST, skList);
// Now, add in the Join's partitioning requirement for the
// right child.
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if child0 had an optimal solution
} // end if 4th child context
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// The next plan, (child0, plan2) and (child1, plan2), attempt to
// create matching partitions. They are created iff an equijoin
// predicate exists. It differs from the previous plan in that a
// new partitioning requirement is created and applied to child1
// first, instead of to child0. (child0, plan2) constructs a
// partitioning key from the values that are produced by child1 and
// are referenced in the equijoin predicates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
else if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 4) AND
currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) AND
considerHashJoinPlan2 == TRUE)
if ( NOT CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() OR
pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() OR
RequirementGenerator rg(child(1), rppForMe);
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// the ordering of an ordered hash join is provided by the left child
// We must insist that the right child match the parent partitioning
// requirements, because we are dealing with the right child first.
// The right child will satisfy the parent somehow (if possible) and
// the requirement we get from the right child will then be given to
// the left child, and so the parent requirement will be enforced
// on the left child in this way.
// So, we don't remove the parent requirements.
ValueIdSet partitioningKey;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a CPU or memory-intensive operator then add a
// requirement for a maximum number of partitions, unless
// that requirement would conflict with our parent's requirement.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
} // end if ok to try parallelism
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if 5th child context
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// (child0, plan2) is the counterpart plan for (child1, plan2).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
else if ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 5) AND
currentPlanIsAcceptable(planNumber,rppForMe) AND
considerHashJoinPlan2 == TRUE
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context (child1, plan2).
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getLatestChildContext() AND
NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() AND
const Context* const childContext = pws->getChildContext(1,2);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Make sure a plan has been produced by the latest context.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty*
sppForChild = childContext->getPhysicalPropertyForSolution();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc =
NABoolean rewriteForChild0 = TRUE;
ValueIdMap map(getEquiJoinExpressions());
PartitioningFunction* childPartFuncRewritten =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild =
RequirementGenerator rg (child(0),rppForMe);
// We have already applied the parent partitioning requirements
// to the right child, so no need to apply them to the left child.
// Now, add in the Join's partitioning requirement for the
// left child.
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if child1 had an optimal solution
} // end if 5th child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a Context using the partitioning requirement that was
// generated for the current plan.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rppForChild != NULL)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext,pws);
EstLogPropSharedPtr inputLogPropForChild;
if (childIndex == 1 AND isReuse())
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Reusing logic from the Materialize node to calculate
// input logical properties for the child (see comment in
// Materialize::createContextForAChild)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
inputLogPropForChild =
inputLogPropForChild = myContext->getInputLogProp();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which
// the child belongs that requires the same properties as those
// in rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new
// Context that contains rppForChild as the required physical
// properties.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
result = shareContext(childIndex, rppForChild,
myContext, inputLogPropForChild );
NABoolean pruneFixOff = (CmpCommon::getDefault(OPTIMIZER_PRUNING_FIX_1) == DF_OFF);
if ( (NOT (pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit() OR
result->hasSolution() )) AND
(CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->OPHpruneWhenCLExceeded() OR pruneFixOff)
result = NULL;
result = NULL;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remember the cases for which a Context could not be generated,
// or store the context that was generated.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
// To prevent mixing children for knownChildrenCost we want to
// exit when plan failed for the right or left (therefore for
// the right also) child. The only case we can stay in this loop is
// when left child failed and we want to store NULL context for
// both children and need to advance in this loop without
// creating an extra CreatePlanTask, which was probably an initial
// intention.
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() AND
( pws->getPlanChildCount() == getArity() ) AND
} // end while loop
if ( pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == childPlansToConsider )
return result;
} // HashJoin::createContextForAChild()
NABoolean HashJoin::currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether the user wants to enforce a particular plan type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If nothing is being forced, return TRUE now.
if (rppForMe->getMustMatch() == NULL)
return TRUE;
// Check for the correct forced plan type.
JoinForceWildCard::forcedPlanEnum forcePlanToken =
switch (forcePlanToken)
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN0:
if (planNo != 0)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN1:
if (planNo != 1)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_PLAN2:
if (planNo != 2)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_TYPE1:
if (planNo == 0)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::FORCED_TYPE2:
if (planNo != 0)
return FALSE;
case JoinForceWildCard::ANY_PLAN:
// Any plan satisfies this - break out so we'll return TRUE
return FALSE; // must be some option that doesn't apply to Hash Join
// If we get here, the plan must have passed all the checks.
return TRUE;
} // HashJoin::currentPlanIsAcceptable()
NABoolean HashJoin::okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
NABoolean result = FALSE;
DefaultToken parallelControlSettings =
if (parallelControlSettings == DF_OFF)
result = FALSE;
else if ( (parallelControlSettings == DF_MAXIMUM) AND
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
// currently, numberOfPartitionsDeviation_ is set to 0 in
allowedDeviation = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->numberOfPartitionsDeviation();
// allow deviation by default
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_63) == DF_OFF)
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar child0RowCount =
if ( child0RowCount.getCeiling() <
// Fewer outer table rows then pipelines - allow one or more parts
allowedDeviation = 1.0;
result = TRUE;
else if (parallelControlSettings == DF_ON)
// Either user wants to try ESP parallelism for all operators,
// or they are forcing the number of ESPs for this operator.
// Set the result to TRUE. If the number of ESPs is not being forced,
// set the number of ESPs that should be used to the maximum number.
// Set the allowable deviation to either the default or, for type2
// plans where no default was specified, a percentage that allows any
// number of partitions from 2 to the maximum number. i.e. allow
// the natural partitioning of the child as long as the child is
// partitioned and does not have more partitions than max pipelines.
// NEW HEURISTIC: If there are fewer outer table rows than the number
// of pipelines, then set the deviation to allow any level of natural
// partitioning, including one. This is because we don't want to
// repartition so few rows to get more parallelism, since we would
// end up with a lot of ESPs doing nothing.
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
// Determine the number of outer table rows
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar child0RowCount =
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
if (child0RowCount.getCeiling() < numOfESPs)
// Fewer outer table rows then pipelines - allow one or more parts
allowedDeviation = 1.0;
if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 0)
// Type 2 plan.
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->deviationType2JoinsSystem() )
// ------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------
allowedDeviation = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->numOfPartsDeviationType2Joins();
// Need to make 2 the minimum number of parts to support. Use
// 1.99 to protect against rounding errors.
allowedDeviation =
((float)numOfESPs - 1.99f) / (float)numOfESPs;
// Type 1 plan.
allowedDeviation = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->numberOfPartitionsDeviation();
} // end if fewer outer table rows than pipelines
} // end if number of ESPs not forced
result = TRUE;
// Otherwise, the user must have specified "SYSTEM" for the
// ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM default. This means it is up to the
// optimizer to decide.
// Return TRUE if the size of the inner table in KB exceeds the
// memory limit for BMOs. Also return TRUE if
// the # of rows returned by child(0) exceeds the threshold from the
// defaults table. The recommended number of ESPs is also computed
// to be 1 process per <threshold> number of rows. This is then
// used to indicate the MINIMUM number of ESPs that will be
// acceptable. This is done by setting the allowable deviation
// to a percentage of the maximum number of partitions such
// that the recommended number of partitions is the lowest
// number allowed. We make the recommended number of partitions
// a minimum instead of a hard requirement because we don't
// want to be forced to repartition the child just to get "less"
// parallelism.
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0OutputLogProp = child(0).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
CostScalar rowCount =
// This is to test better parallelism taking into account
// not only child0 but also this operator cardinality
if(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_125) == DF_ON)
rowCount += (getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inLogProp)->
EstLogPropSharedPtr child1OutputLogProp = child(1).outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar child1RowCount =
const Lng32 child1RowLength =
const Lng32 extChild1RowLength = child1RowLength + 8;
const CostScalar child1SizeInKB =
((child1RowCount * extChild1RowLength) / 1024.);
const CostScalar numberOfRowsThreshold =
const CostScalar bigMemoryLimit = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getMemoryLimitPerCPU();
// First check for the inner table exceeding the memory limit,
// since for a HJ it is more important to have the number of ESPs
// used based on the memory requirements of the inner table than
// the number of rows of the outer table.
CostScalar parThreshold = child1SizeInKB / bigMemoryLimit;
// If we consider only child1 to define the level of parallelism
// then deviation could be too close to 1 and we can have not enough
// parallelism from child0 point of view
parThreshold = MAXOF(parThreshold, rowCount / numberOfRowsThreshold);
if (parThreshold.isGreaterThanOne())
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
allowedDeviation = (float) MAXOF(1.001 -
ceil(parThreshold.value() / numOfESPs), 0);
result = TRUE;
else // no parallelism needed
result = FALSE;
} // end if the user let the optimizer decide
return result;
} // HashJoin::okToAttemptESPParallelism()
// Starting with a cost limit from a specified hash join operator's context,
// produce a new cost limit for a hash join operator's child by accumulating the
// hash join operator's preliminary cost and directly subtracting out the
// elapsed time of the known children cost. Both the preliminary cost and the
// known children cost come from the hash join operator's plan workspace.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context hash join operator.
// pws -- specified plan workspace for hash join operator.
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Copy of accumulated cost limit. NULL if context contains no cost limit.
HashJoin::computeCostLimit(const Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws)
// Context contains no cost limit. Interpret this as an infinite cost limit.
// Returning NULL indicates an infinite cost limit.
if (myContext->getCostLimit() == NULL)
return NULL;
// Create copy of cost limit from specified context.
CostLimit* costLimit = myContext->getCostLimit()->copy();
// Accumulate this operator's preliminary cost into the ancestor cost.
Cost* tempCost = pws->getOperatorCost();
costLimit->ancestorAccum(*tempCost, myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty());
// For hash joins, we know that the right child must complete before the
// the left child can begin, so we can directly subtract the elapsed time
// of one child's cost from the cost limit given to the other child.
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rpp = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
tempCost = pws->getKnownChildrenCost();
if (tempCost != 0)
ElapsedTime et = tempCost->convertToElapsedTime(rpp);
// Use best plan so far for this operator to try and further reduce the cost
// limit.
tempCost = pws->getBestRollUpCostSoFar();
if (tempCost != NULL)
return costLimit;
} // HashJoin::computeCostLimit()
// Synthesize physical properties for hash join operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used for
// synthesizing partitioning functions.
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
HashJoin::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
(getOperatorType() == REL_LEFT_ORDERED_HASH_JOIN) OR
(getOperatorType() == REL_HYBRID_HASH_JOIN AND
isOrderedCrossProduct())); // hybrid_hash_join used to implement a
// cross product should not overflow.
(getOperatorType() == REL_HYBRID_HASH_SEMIJOIN) OR
(getOperatorType() == REL_LEFT_HYBRID_HASH_JOIN) OR
(getOperatorType() == REL_FULL_HYBRID_HASH_JOIN));
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfLeftChild =
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfRightChild =
ValueIdList emptySortKey;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Synthesize the partitioning function from the first child of the
// winning plan. Hash Joins have three potential plans--see member
// function HashJoin::createContextForAChild(). In plans 0 and 1,
// the left child is first; in plan 2, the right child is first.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(planNumber == 0 || planNumber == 1 || planNumber == 2);
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc;
const SearchKey* myPartSearchKey;
if (planNumber == 0 || planNumber == 1)
myPartFunc = sppOfLeftChild->getPartitioningFunction();
myPartSearchKey = sppOfLeftChild->getPartSearchKey();
myPartFunc = sppOfRightChild->getPartitioningFunction();
myPartSearchKey = sppOfRightChild->getPartSearchKey();
// Can not strip off skewness property from the (hash2) partfunc, because
// otherwise the hash join output can be joined with another
// normal hash2 part func. This is incorrect because only
// hash2WithBroadcase or replicateViaBroadcast is compatible with
// hash2RandomDistribute part func. Other combinations will lead to
// incorrect join results.
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe;
NABoolean canAppendRightColumns = FALSE;
NABoolean childSortOrderTypesAreSame = FALSE;
if (isOrderedCrossProduct()) {
// right columns can be appended to give (left child order, right child order)
// only if left child rows are unique.
// see comment in NestedJoin::synthPhysicalProperties for an explanation.
GroupAttributes *leftGA = child(0).getGroupAttr();
ValueIdSet leftSortCols;
// make the list of sort cols into a ValueIdSet
// check for uniqueness of the sort columns
if (leftGA->isUnique(leftSortCols))
canAppendRightColumns = TRUE;
// The child sort order types are the same if they are equal and both
// children's dp2SortOrderPartFunc are the same (as in both being
// NULL), or they are both not null but they are equivalent.
if ((sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType() ==
sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType()) AND
((sppOfLeftChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() ==
sppOfRightChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc()) OR
((sppOfLeftChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() != NULL) AND
(sppOfRightChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() != NULL) AND
*sppOfRightChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc()) == SAME)
childSortOrderTypesAreSame = TRUE;
if (NOT (canAppendRightColumns AND
// even though this node seemed to be an appropriate choice
// to be an order preserving cross product in HashJoinRule::nextSubstitute,
// we now find due to (a) non-uniqueness of left child
// or (b) child sort orders not being the same that this cross
// product cannot be order preserving
// So we are unsetting the flag so that right join type will be shown by explain
// Overflow is set to false because a non-crossproduct HHJ has overflow set
// to false no ordering is promised.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the ordered join delivers its result sorted (with respect to the left child)
// and preserves the partitioning of the left child table
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SortOrderTypeEnum newSortOrderType = sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType();
ValueIdList newSortKey;
// if this Hash Join is implementing a order preserving cross product
// then set the physical properties to have (left child order, right child order).
if (canAppendRightColumns && childSortOrderTypesAreSame)
const ValueIdList & rightSortKey = sppOfRightChild->getSortKey();
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < (Lng32)rightSortKey.entries(); i++)
PartitioningFunction *
newDP2SortOrderPartFunc = sppOfLeftChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc();
sppForMe =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
newSortOrderType, // no sort key, so no sort order type either
sppOfLeftChild->getPlanExecutionLocation(), //||opt synth fr both kids
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the hybrid join delivers its result unsorted and preserves the
// partitioning of the left child table
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sppForMe =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
NO_SOT, // no sort key, so no sort order type either
NULL, // no dp2SortOrderPartFunc either
sppOfLeftChild->getPlanExecutionLocation(), //||opt synth fr both kids
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
// (NB: no real need to call this method, since the sortKey is empty,
// and that's the only thing that this method checks currently)
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
// transfer the onePartitionAccess flag to join.
// We check the flag in HashJoin::computeOperatorPriority().
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // HashJoin::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class Union
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean Union::rppAreCompatibleWithOperator
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
if ( rppForMe->executeInDP2() )
if ( !CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->pushDownDP2Requested() )
return FALSE;
// no push-down union if the containing CS is not pushed down
if ( isinBlockStmt() == TRUE )
if ( NOT PushDownCSRequirement::isInstanceOf(
return FALSE;
} else {
// no push-down union if it is not the one introduced
// for the IUD log table associated with a MV.
if ( getInliningInfo().isUsedForMvLogging() == FALSE )
return FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If a partitioning requirement is specified, and it specifies some
// required partitioning key columns, then ensure that the required
// partitioning keys are contained in the output columns of the Union.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rppForMe->requiresPartitioning() AND
NOT rppForMe->
getPartitioningRequirement()->getPartitioningKey().isEmpty() AND
NOT getUnionForIF())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a ValueIdSet of expressions that are produced as
// output by the Union.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet partKeyForUnion(colMapTable());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If the (potential) partitioning key for the Union is contained
// in the partitioning key for the partitioning requirement, then
// the Union is capable of satisfying that requirement.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
return partKeyForUnion.contains
} // endif (rppForMe->requiresPartitioning())
return TRUE;
} // Union::rppAreCompatibleWithOperator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class MergeUnion
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MergeUnion::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
MergeUnion::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodMergeUnion *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodMergeUnion();
return m;
} // MergeUnion::costMethod()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the
// union to the designated child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningFunction* MergeUnion::mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0)
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
if (rewriteForChild0)
return partFunc->copyAndRemap(getMap(0),mapItUp);
return partFunc->copyAndRemap(getMap(1),mapItUp);
} // end MergeUnion::mapPartitioningFunction()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Given an input synthesized child sort key, a required arrangement,
// and a input required sort order (if any), generate a new sort key
// that has all the expressions in the required sort key and required
// arrangement, and only those expressions, in an order that matches
// the child sort key. Return this new sort key, which can then be used
// as a sort key requirement for the other child of the union or as the
// synthesized union sort key after being mapped.
// One reason why we need this method: If the required arrangement contains
// an simple arithmethic expression, like "b+1", it is possible that the
// sort key that is synthesized will be "b". So, when we try to map the
// sort key to the other side of the union, to use it as a requirement,
// we will not map the "b" to "b+1", which is what we want. We will either
// fail to map "b" or, if the select list of the union contained "b" in
// addition to "b+1", we will map "b" to "b" - even though "b" may not
// have been in the required arrangement. This would cause us to require
// something from the other side of the union that was not in
// the original required arrangement. This could lead to incorrect results.
// This is because even though the one side of the union selected
// "b+1" and "b", and they happen to be equivalent as far as sort order
// is concerned, there is no guarantee that their positional equivalents
// on the other side of the union will have equivalent sort orders.
// For example, take the following query:
// Select y,sum(z)
// from (select b+1,b
// from t005t1
// union all
// select c,a+1
// from t005t1) as t(y,z)
// group by y;
// Notice:
// "b+1" on the left side of the union maps to "c" on the right side.
// "b" on the left side of the union maps to "a+1" on the right side.
// "c" and "a+1" DO NOT have equivalent sort orders. If we map the
// sort key we get from the left side to "b", even though "b+1" is
// what was required, we will then map "b" from the left side to
// "a+1" on the right side - even though we need to require the
// right side to be ordered on "c" ! THIS WILL LEAD TO WRONG ANSWERS!
// So, this is why we need to make sure that the sort key
// from one side of the union contains only Value Id's from the
// required sort key and arrangement (as translated to be in terms of
// the Value Id's from that side of the union), before we can use the
// sort key as a requirement for the other side of the union or as the
// synthesized sort key for the union itself.
// NOTE: One thing this method does not handle, and the union mapping
// in general cannot handle, is if the user selects the exact same
// column more than once, such as
// "select b,b,b from t union select x,y,z from t2".
// The mapping wouldn't know which "b" to map to. Also, the
// extra "b"'s would always disappear from the required arrangement
// for the left child, since a required arrangement is a ValueIdSet,
// and a ValueIdSet does not allow duplicates. So, we would never
// decide upon an order for the extra "b"'s, and so there would be
// no required order for "y" and "z" on the other side of the union,
// for the plan where we talk to the left child first. This will
// yield incorrect results. To solve this, we must refuse to
// synthesize any sort keys, partitioning keys, etc. for the union,
// because we cannot get it right. One way to do this would be to
// disallow entries in the union map for any duplicate select list
// entries. This would cause the mapping for these expressions to
// always fail and so the children could never satisfy any
// requirements that require mapping these expreessions.
// We don't do this now - this is a bug.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MergeUnion::synthUnionSortKeyFromChild (
const ValueIdList &childSortKey, /* input */
const ValueIdSet &reqArrangement, /* input */
ValueIdList &unionSortKey /* input,output */
) const
// Make a copy of the req arrangement so we can delete from it
// every time we add an entry to the union sort key. This way we
// can make sure all required arrangement columns are present in
// the union sort key we produce.
ValueIdSet reqArrangementCopy = reqArrangement;
// Translate the input unionSortKey, which represents any required
// sort key, into a set, with any INVERSE nodes (i.e. DESC order)
// stripped off. This is so we can make sure any required
// arrangement expression is not part of the required sort key,
// as we do not want any duplicate expressions in the union sort
// key we produce. Note that we don't get the simplified form of
// the required sort key cols, because we want to check the
// unsimplified form of the required arrangement expression against
// the unsimplified form of the required sort key. For example,
// even though b+1 is already in the required sort key, we would
// still want to include "b" if it was in the required arrangement,
// because these two do not represent the same piece of data outside
// of the union or on the other side of the union. But, if "b+1"
// is in both the req. sort key and req. arrangement, then clearly
// this is the same piece of data and we don't want to include it again.
ValueIdSet reqSortKeyCols;
ValueId noInverseVid;
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < unionSortKey.entries(); j++)
noInverseVid = unionSortKey[j].getItemExpr()->
reqSortKeyCols += noInverseVid;
ValueId sortKeySvid, reqVid, reqSvid;
CollIndex i = 0;
NABoolean done = FALSE;
OrderComparison order1,order2;
ValueIdSet childSortKeyProcessed;
// Loop until we've processed all the sort key entries, or until
// we find a sort key entry that is not in the required arrangement.
while (!done && i < childSortKey.entries())
done = TRUE; // Assume we won't find a match
sortKeySvid = childSortKey[i].getItemExpr()->
// The following 'if' assures that duplicated simplified sort key
// expressions are not processed.
// Here is an exmaple of childSortKey with duplicates.
// The index I on T(a), where T(a,b) has both a and b as primary key column
// will generate child sort key list [a, a, b]. The list is generated
// inside IndexDesc::IndexDesc() under name orderOfPartitioningKeyValues_.
// As another example, I1 on T(a desc).
// Duplications require extra sort requirement for the other side; it's bad
// from performance point of view. Worse, the method finalizeUnionSortKey()
// requires the size of unionSortKey to be the same as the reqArrangement.
// So childSortKey with duplicates will lead to an assertion failure there.
// We can remove duplicates simplified expressions because they do not
// provide any useful information, as in the following code,
// regSvid (=sortKeySvid, simplified) becomes part of the union sort key.
// The logic is added to fix Solution 10-020913-1676.
if ( NOT childSortKeyProcessed.contains(sortKeySvid) )
// Get the value id for the simplified form of the sort key expression.
// For each sort key column, loop over all required arrangement expr.s
// There may be multiple arrangement expressions that match the same
// sort key entry, e.g. b+1 and b+2 will both match a sort key entry of b
for (reqVid = reqArrangement.init();;
// Get the value id for the simplified form of the required
// arrangement expression.
reqSvid = reqVid.getItemExpr()->
if (sortKeySvid == reqSvid)
// Remove the req. arrangement expression from the copy
done = FALSE; //found this sort key entry in the req. arrangement
// Add the required arrangement expression if it is not part
// of the required sort key.
if (NOT reqSortKeyCols.contains(reqVid))
// If the sort key expression and the required arrangement
// expression do not specify the same order, then
// generate an INVERSE expression on top of the req. arr. expr.
if (order1 != order2)
InverseOrder * inverseExpr =
InverseOrder (reqVid.getItemExpr());
// Add the INVERSE expression plus it's child (which is the
// val Id from the required arrangement) to the new sort key
// Add the value Id from the requirement to the new sort key.
} // end if not a duplicate entry
} // end if found sort key entry in the req. arrangement
} // end for all req. arrangement entries
} // end if not contained in childSortKeyProcessed
} // end while more sort key entries to process
// If there are any required arrangement columns left, this means
// we did not find them in the synthesized child sort key. This
// means they must have been equal to a constant, so just tack any
// remaining arrangement expressions with ASC order to the end of
// the union sort key if they are not part of the required sort key.
for (reqVid = reqArrangementCopy.init();;
// Add the required arrangement expression if it is not part
// of the required sort key.
if (NOT reqSortKeyCols.contains(reqVid))
} // end for all req. arrangement entries
} // MergeUnion::synthUnionSortKeyFromChild()
// This help function tries to make the Union sort key the same
// length as the arrangement requirement of Union cols. The key
// can be shorter when some of the Union columns are duplicated,
// as t2.i2 in the query
// SELECT T2.i2, T2.i2, T2.i2 FROM D2 T2
// SELECT -39 , T0.i2, t0.i2 FROM D1 T0 ;
// Because the Union sort key is generated based on the first
// optimized child of the Union, and is used in derivation of
// the sort order requirement for the un-optimized child, it is
// important for the Union sort key to maintain all the arragement
// (sort) requirements from the parent of the Union. Otherwise,
// the output from the other child may not be properly sorted, and
// makes it impossible to completely remove the duplicated Unioned
// rows.
// The task is accomplished by appending to the Union sort key those
// ValueIds in the arrangement set that are missing from the key.
// This function is added to fix CR 10-010502-2586 (MX0412
// With partitioned tables get assertion failure in OptPhysRelExpr).
// Args:
// knownSortKey: the sort key already generated
// knownSide: on which side the sort key is generated (0 left, 1 right)
// arrCols: the arragement requirement on columns
// unionSortKey: the union sort key to extend if necessary.
MergeUnion::finalizeUnionSortKey(const ValueIdList& knownSortKey,
Lng32 knownSide,
const ValueIdSet& arrCols,
ValueIdList& unionSortKey)
// Before finalizing the sortKey, we shall remove any duplicate
// entries that are already present in the unionSortKey
// This takes care of queries like
// SELECT T0.i2 , T0.i2 , T0.i2 FROM d1 T0
// VALUES( '1', '2', '3')
// ORDER BY 1, 2 ;
// If there are any duplicate entries coming from the arrangement
// requirement, those will still be retained. Sol: 10-030708-7691
// We only search for a simplified version of the Union sort key
// in which all inverse nodes (on top of a sort order) are removed.
ValueIdList simplifiedUnionSortKey = unionSortKey.removeInverseOrder();
ValueIdSet copyUnionSortKey(simplifiedUnionSortKey); // to avoid any duplicates
ValueIdList sortKeyWithoutDuplicates;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < simplifiedUnionSortKey.entries(); i++)
ValueId vid = simplifiedUnionSortKey[i];
if ( copyUnionSortKey.contains(vid))
// It has still not been added to new key without duplicates, so add
// in there and remove all its entries from the copy, to make sure it is
// not added again
copyUnionSortKey -= vid;
DCMPASSERT(copyUnionSortKey.entries() == 0);
// copy back the result in UnionSortKey for further processing
unionSortKey = sortKeyWithoutDuplicates;
// For the time being, till Sol: 10-030812-8714 is fixed,
// we would like to disable this piece of
// code if the sorting order is different from the arrangement
// This is done by returning FALSE. This is checked at the time
// we are creating context for the child.
if (unionSortKey.entries() != arrCols.entries() )
return FALSE;
if ( unionSortKey.entries() < arrCols.entries() ) {
CollIndex index = unionSortKey.entries();
for (ValueId vid = arrCols.init();;
if ( NOT simplifiedUnionSortKey.contains(vid) ) {
// duplications of source vids, which means duplicated
// columns in the Union columns. We need to insert such vids
// into the UnionSortKey. But before that, we need to determine
// the ASC or DESC order for each such vid.
// Added to fix CR 10-010814-4545 - assertion failure
// (unionSortKey.entries() == arrCols.entries())
// First get the source valueId corresponding to the vid.
ValueId sourceVid =
// If the source vid is in the known sort key (directly),
// then the vid corresponds to an ASC order. Otherwise, the vid
// is hidden below an InverseOrder node, and hence the DESC
// order. Note the vid can only have one sort order.
if ( knownSortKey.contains(sourceVid) ) // ASC
} else { // DESC
// fabricate a new InverseOrder node.
ItemExpr *inverseCol = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
unionSortKey.insertAt(index++, inverseCol->getValueId());
CMPASSERT(unionSortKey.entries() == arrCols.entries());
return TRUE;
Context* MergeUnion::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merge Union generates at most 2 context pairs. The first is
// either a non-parallel plan or a matching partitions parallel plan,
// where we generate the left child context first. The second pair is
// either a non-parallel plan or a matching partitions parallel plan,
// where we generate the right child context first.
// The reason we try matching partitions plans both ways is to try
// and avoid having to repartition both tables. If we only try one
// way and the first table must repartition, then the second table
// must repartition if it is going to be able to match the hash
// repartitioning function that the first table synthesized. If we
// were to try the other way and the first table this time did not
// need to repartition, then we would only have to range repartition
// the second table.
// The reason we might try non-parallel plans both ways is
// because if there is a required arrangement, then the
// first child tried only has to match the required arrangement,
// but the second child must match a required order.
// This might force us to sort the second child
// since it is harder to match an order than an arrangement.
// The second child might be large and thus more expensive to
// sort then the first child, so we might want to try it both ways.
// Note that there is no fundamental requirement that both sides
// of a union must be partitioned the same way to execute them in
// parallel. But, if we were to allow the two children of a union
// to exhibit different partitioning functions, what would the
// partitioning function for the union be? Until we solve this
// problem, we must insist that both sides of the union always
// exhibit the same partitioning function.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = NULL;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
Context* childContext = NULL;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild = NULL;
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
SortOrderTypeEnum childSortOrderTypeReq = NO_SOT;
PartitioningRequirement* dp2SortOrderPartReq = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the number of child plans to consider.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 childPlansToConsider = 4;
NABoolean mustTryBothChildrenFirst = FALSE;
// If there is a required arrangement of more than one column,
// we need to generate two different plans where we alternate
// which child to try first, in order to guarantee that we only
// sort if absolutely necessary and if we do sort the smallest
// child. The crux of the matter is that it is easier to satisfy
// an arrangement than a sort order, and whoever goes first only
// has to satisfy that arrangement, not a sort
// order.
if ((rppForMe->getArrangedCols() != NULL) AND
(rppForMe->getArrangedCols()->entries() > 1))
mustTryBothChildrenFirst = TRUE;
// If we don't need to try two plans (four child plans) for sort
// purposes and we don't need to try two for parallel purposes,
// then indicate we will only try one plan (two child plans).
if (NOT mustTryBothChildrenFirst AND
((rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines() == 1) OR
((partReqForMe != NULL) AND
(partReqForMe->isRequirementExactlyOne() OR
childPlansToConsider = 2;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The creation of the next Context for a child depends upon the
// the number of child Contexts that have been created in earlier
// invocations of this method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
while ((pws->getCountOfChildContexts() < childPlansToConsider) AND
(rppForChild == NULL))
// If we stay in this loop because we didn't generate some
// child contexts, we need to reset the child plan count when
// it gets to be as large the arity, because otherwise we
// would advance the child plan count past the arity.
if (pws->getPlanChildCount() >= getArity())
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create the 1st Context for left child:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 0)
childIndex = 0;
planNumber = 0;
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0),rppForMe);
// If there was a required order and/or arrangement, then we
// need to remove it, and replace it with a required order
// and/or arrangement that is expressed in terms of the child's
// ValueIds. This is because the requirement will be in terms
// of ValueIdUnions for the Union.
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// Sort Order type was removed by the calls above, so
// get it again from the rpp
childSortOrderTypeReq = rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq();
// Convert any DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT requirement to ESP_NO_SORT,
// to avoid the possibility of one union child choosing a
// DP2 sort order type and the other union child choosing a
// ESP_NO_SORT sort order type, which are incompatible for union.
if (childSortOrderTypeReq == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT)
childSortOrderTypeReq = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
else if (rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq() != NULL)
// Need to map any dp2SortOrderPartReq
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
dp2SortOrderPartReq = rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq()->
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() != NULL)
ValueIdSet newArrangedCols;
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
ValueIdList newSortKey;
// If there is a required partitioning function, then we need
// to remove it, and replace it with a partitioning function
// that is expressed in terms of the child's ValueIds.
if (rppForMe->requiresPartitioning())
// remove the original requirement
// Rewrite parent req. part func part key in terms of the
// values that appear below this Union.
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
PartitioningRequirement* parentPartReq =
PartitioningRequirement* parentPartReqRewritten =
// add in the new, rewritten partitioning requirement
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a CPU or memory-intensive operator then add a
// requirement for a maximum number of partitions, unless
// that requirement would conflict with our parent's requirement.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
} // end if ok to try parallelism
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if 1st child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create 1st Context for right child:
// Any required order matches the order that is produced by the
// optimal solution for my left child.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
else if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 1)
childIndex = 1;
planNumber = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit())
childContext = pws->getChildContext(0,0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// If the Context that was created for the left child has an
// optimal solution whose cost is within the specified cost
// limit, create the corresponding Context for the right child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty*
sppForChild = childContext->getPhysicalPropertyForSolution();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* leftPartFunc =
// Take the synthesized partitioning function from the left
// child, translate it to be in terms of the ValueIdUnions of
// the union, then translate this to be in terms of the valueids
// of the right child.
NABoolean mapItUp = TRUE;
PartitioningFunction* unionPartFunc =
mapItUp = FALSE;
PartitioningFunction* rightPartFunc =
// Now transform this partitioning function into a partitioning
// requirement.
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForRight =
// Try a new requirement (require right child of the UNION to be
// hash2 partitioned with the same number of partitions as the
// left child) when the partitioning key is not covered by the
// characteristic output AND if both children are hash2 partitioned
// with the same number of partitions. Please note that, in this
// scenario, a parallel UNION plan is considered only for hash2
// partitioned children and NOT for hash (hash1) and range
// partitioned children.
if ((CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->isSideTreeInsert() == FALSE) &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_22) == DF_ON &&
leftPartFunc->castToHash2PartitioningFunction() &&
// Get the number of partitions from the left child.
Lng32 numOfPartitions = leftPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
// Create a new requirement for the right child and require a
// hash2 partitioning only (TRUE).
partReqForRight =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
RequireApproximatelyNPartitions(0.0, numOfPartitions, TRUE);
RequirementGenerator rg (child(1),rppForMe);
// Remove any parent partitioning requirements, since we have
// already enforced this on the left child.
if ( getUnionForIF() && sppForChild->getPushDownProperty() )
// Add the push-down requirement based on left child's push
// down property.
// There is no need to enforce sorting order/partitioning etc.
// requirements.
} else {
// Now, add in the Union's partitioning requirement for the
// right child.
// If there is a required order and/or arrangement, then they
// must be removed and replaced with requirements that are
// in terms of the child's valueids.
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// Sort Order type was removed by the calls above, so
// get it again from the rpp
childSortOrderTypeReq = rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq();
// Convert any DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT requirement to ESP_NO_SORT,
// to avoid the possibility of one union child choosing a
// DP2 sort order type and the other union child choosing a
// ESP_NO_SORT sort order type, which are incompatible for union.
if (childSortOrderTypeReq == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT)
childSortOrderTypeReq = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
else if (rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq() != NULL)
// Need to map any dp2SortOrderPartReq
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
dp2SortOrderPartReq = rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq()->
// If there was a required arrangement, then the left child
// chose a particular order. We need to take the sort key
// from the left child and translate it into the corresponding
// valueIds for the right child. We then require this order
// of the right child.
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() != NULL)
// First, we need to make sure the sort key from the left child
// contains all the expressions from the required arrangement
// and any sort key it was given, and only those expressions.
// (Taking inverse nodes into account, of course).
ValueIdSet reqArrangementForChild;
ValueIdList leftSortKey;
// Is there also a required sort key?
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
// Initialize the left child sort key to the required sort key cols.
ValueIdList unionSortKey;
// map left child sort key cols to their output ValueIdUnion
// equivalents
// Temporary fix - if the sorting order is different than the arrangement
// force the sort above Union. See comment in finalizeUnionSortKey
if (finalizeUnionSortKey(leftSortKey, 0, *rppForMe->getArrangedCols(),
unionSortKey) == FALSE)
return NULL;;
if (unionSortKey.entries() > 0) // is usually true
ValueIdList rightSortKey;
if (alternateRightChildOrderExpr().isEmpty())
// map output ValueIdUnions to their equivalent right
// child ValueIds
//MV specific optimization refer to MVRefreshBuilder.cpp
// MultiTxnMavBuilder::buildUnionBetweenRangeAndIudBlocks()
// Add the sort key from the left child, now translated
// to be in terms of the right child valueid's, as the
// required sort order for the right child.
// If there was only a required order then the left child must
// have picked this order, so we don't need to look
// at the sort key for the left child. Just translate
// the required order into the valueIds for the right child.
else if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
ValueIdList newSortKey;
if (alternateRightChildOrderExpr().isEmpty())
//MV specific optimization refer to MVRefreshBuilder.cpp
// MultiTxnMavBuilder::buildUnionBetweenRangeAndIudBlocks()
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // endif previous Context has an optimal solution
} // end if 2nd child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create 2nd Context for the right child
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
else if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 2)
childIndex = 1;
planNumber = 1;
RequirementGenerator rg(child(1),rppForMe);
// If there was a required order and/or arrangement, then we
// need to remove it, and replace it with a required order
// and/or arrangement that is expressed in terms of the child's
// ValueIds. This is because the requirement will be in terms
// of ValueIdUnions for the Union.
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// Sort Order type was removed by the calls above, so
// get it again from the rpp
childSortOrderTypeReq = rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq();
// Convert any DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT requirement to ESP_NO_SORT,
// to avoid the possibility of one union child choosing a
// DP2 sort order type and the other union child choosing a
// ESP_NO_SORT sort order type, which are incompatible for union.
if (childSortOrderTypeReq == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT)
childSortOrderTypeReq = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
else if (rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq() != NULL)
// Need to map any dp2SortOrderPartReq
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
dp2SortOrderPartReq = rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq()->
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() != NULL)
ValueIdSet newArrangedCols;
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
ValueIdList newSortKey;
// If there is a required partitioning function, then we need
// to remove it, and replace it with a partitioning function
// that is expressed in terms of the child's ValueIds.
if (rppForMe->requiresPartitioning())
// remove the original requirement
// Rewrite parent req. part func part key in terms of the
// values that appear below this Union.
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
PartitioningRequirement* parentPartReq =
PartitioningRequirement* parentPartReqRewritten =
// add in the new, rewritten partitioning requirement
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a CPU or memory-intensive operator then add a
// requirement for a maximum number of partitions, unless
// that requirement would conflict with our parent's requirement.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
} // end if ok to try parallelism
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // end if 3rd child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create 2nd Context for the left child:
// Force the left child to have the same order as the
// right child. If there is a required order in my
// myContext, ensure that it is satisfied.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
else if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == 3)
childIndex = 0;
planNumber = 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost limit exceeded? Erase the Context from the workspace.
// Erasing the Context does not decrement the count of Contexts
// considered so far.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT pws->isLatestContextWithinCostLimit())
childContext = pws->getChildContext(1,1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// If the Context that was created for the right child has an
// optimal solution whose cost is within the specified cost
// limit, create the corresponding Context for the left child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if((childContext != NULL) AND childContext->hasOptimalSolution())
const PhysicalProperty*
sppForChild = childContext->getPhysicalPropertyForSolution();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
PartitioningFunction* rightPartFunc =
// Take the synthesized partitioning function from the right
// child, translate it to be in terms of the ValueIdUnions of
// the union, then translate this to be in terms of the valueids
// of the left child.
NABoolean mapItUp = TRUE;
PartitioningFunction* unionPartFunc =
mapItUp = FALSE;
PartitioningFunction* leftPartFunc =
// Now translate the partitioning function into a requirement
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForLeft =
// Try a new requirement (require left child of the UNION to be
// hash2 partitioned with the same number of partitions as the
// right child) when the partitioning key is not covered by the
// characteristic output AND if both children are hash2 partitioned
// with the same number of partitions. Please note that, in this
// scenario, a parallel UNION plan is considered only for hash2
// partitioned children and NOT for hash (hash1) and range
// partitioned children.
if ((CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->isSideTreeInsert() == FALSE) &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_22) == DF_ON &&
rightPartFunc->castToHash2PartitioningFunction() &&
// Get the number of partitions from the right child.
Lng32 numOfPartitions = rightPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
// Create a new requirement for the left child and require a
// hash2 partitioning only (TRUE).
partReqForLeft =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
RequireApproximatelyNPartitions(0.0, numOfPartitions, TRUE);
RequirementGenerator rg (child(0),rppForMe);
// We have already applied the parent partitioning requirements
// to the right child, so no need to apply them to the left child.
// Now, add in the Union's partitioning requirement for the
// left child.
// If there is a required order and/or arrangement, then they
// must be removed and replaced with requirements that are
// in terms of the child's valueids.
if (myContext->requiresOrder())
// Sort Order type was removed by the calls above, so
// get it again from the rpp
childSortOrderTypeReq = rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq();
// Convert any DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT requirement to ESP_NO_SORT,
// to avoid the possibility of one union child choosing a
// DP2 sort order type and the other union child choosing a
// ESP_NO_SORT sort order type, which are incompatible for union.
if (childSortOrderTypeReq == DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT)
childSortOrderTypeReq = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
else if (rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq() != NULL)
// Need to map any dp2SortOrderPartReq
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
dp2SortOrderPartReq = rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq()->
// If there was a required arrangement, then the right child
// chose a particular order. We need to take the sort key
// from the right child and translate it into the corresponding
// valueIds for the left child. We then require this order
// of the left child.
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() != NULL)
// First, we need to make sure the sort key from the right child
// contains all the expressions from the required arrangement
// and any sort key it was given, and only those expressions.
// (Taking inverse nodes into account, of course).
ValueIdSet reqArrangementForChild;
ValueIdList rightSortKey;
// Is there also a required sort key?
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
// Initialize the right child sort key to the required sort key cols.
ValueIdList unionSortKey;
// map right child sort key cols to their output ValueIdUnion
// equivalents
// Temporary fix - if the sorting order is different than the arrangement
// force the sort above Union - See comment in finalizeUnionSortKey
if (finalizeUnionSortKey(rightSortKey, 1, *rppForMe->getArrangedCols(),
unionSortKey) == FALSE)
return NULL;
if (unionSortKey.entries() > 0) // is usually true
ValueIdList leftSortKey;
// map output ValueIdUnions to their equivalent left
// child ValueIds
// Add the sort key from the right child, now translated
// to be in terms of the left child valueid's, as the
// required sort order for the left child.
// If there was only a required order then the right child must
// have picked this order, so we don't need to look
// at the sort key for the right child. Just translate
// the required order into the valueIds for the left child.
else if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
ValueIdList newSortKey;
if (alternateRightChildOrderExpr().isEmpty())
// MV specific optimization refer to MVRefreshBuilder.cpp
// MultiTxnMavBuilder::buildUnionBetweenRangeAndIudBlocks()
// Produce the requirements and make sure they are feasible.
if (rg.checkFeasibility())
// Produce the required physical properties.
rppForChild = rg.produceRequirement();
} // endif previous Context has an optimal solution
} // end if 4th child context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a Context using the partitioning requirement that was
// generated for the current plan.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rppForChild != NULL)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext,pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which
// the child belongs that requires the same properties as those
// in rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new
// Context that contains rppForChild as the required physical
// properties.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
result = shareContext(childIndex, rppForChild,
myContext, myContext->getInputLogProp());
result = NULL;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remember the cases for which a Context could not be generated,
// or store the context that was generated.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
} // end while loop
return result;
} // MergeUnion::createContextForAChild()
NABoolean MergeUnion::findOptimalSolution(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws)
// Plan # is only an output param, initialize it to an impossible value.
Lng32 planNumber = -1;
NABoolean hasOptSol = pws->findOptimalSolution(planNumber);
if (hasOptSol)
// Set the sort order in the union node from the sort key
// in the synthesized physical properties. The union sort key
// is also set when the union physical properties are synthesized,
// but this is only valid if spp is synthesized AFTER the
// optimal plan is chosen. We must make sure that the union
// sort key reflects the sort key of the union plan that was
// actually chosen, not just the last one to have it's
// properties synthesized.
CascadesPlan* myOptimalPlan = myContext->getPlan();
PhysicalProperty* myOptimalSPP = myOptimalPlan->getPhysicalProperty();
// Make sure SPP is not null. Since we always synthesize properties
// early now so we can use them during costing, this should always
// be true.
if (myOptimalSPP != NULL)
return hasOptSol;
} // MergeUnion::findOptimalSolution()
// Synthesize physical properties for merge union operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used for
// synthesizing partitioning functions.
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
MergeUnion::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfLeftChild =
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfRightChild =
SortOrderTypeEnum unionSortOrderType = NO_SOT;
PartitioningFunction* unionDp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Merge Unions have two potential plans--see member
// function MergeUnion::createContextForAChild(). In plan 0, the
// left child is first; in plan 1, the right child is first.
// We utilize this information when synthesizing the union sort
// key if there was a required arrangement. We also utilize this
// information when synthesizing the union partitioning function.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
CMPASSERT(planNumber == 0 || planNumber == 1);
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() != NULL)
ValueIdList unionSortKey;
// We must synthesize the union sort key from the child that was
// optimized first. This is because sometimes, the required
// arrangement expressions are equivalent to each other on
// one side of the union, but not the other side. Any duplicate
// arrangement expressions are only reflected in the child
// sort key once, so when we map the child sort key columns
// back to the union sort key the order of the duplicate
// arrangement expressions in the union sort key is arbitrary,
// so long as they do not appear before the corresponding
// child sort key entry. If we optimized the child with the
// duplicate arrangement expressions first, then the order
// that this child chooses will be the order of the other
// child, and thus the union. But if we optimized the child
// with no duplicate arrangement expressions first, then this
// child may have chosen a quite different order for these
// arrangement expressions. Thus the union sort key is
// based on the child sort key of the child that was
// optimized first.
if (planNumber == 0)
// Get the union sort key from the left child's sort key.
ValueIdSet reqArrangementForChild;
ValueIdList leftSortKey;
// Is there also a required sort key?
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
// Initialize the left child sort key to the required sort key cols.
// map left child sort key cols to their output ValueIdUnion equivalents
// Get the union sort key from the right child's sort key.
ValueIdSet reqArrangementForChild;
ValueIdList rightSortKey;
// Is there also a required sort key?
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
// Initialize the right child sort key to the required sort key cols.
// map right child sort key cols to their output ValueIdUnion equivalents
// remember the child sort order in the union node
} // end if there was a required arrangement
else if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
// If there wasn't a required arrangement but there was a required
// order, then remember the required order in the union node.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext, -1, pws);
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc;
PartitioningFunction* leftPartFunc;
PartitioningFunction* rightPartFunc;
const SearchKey* myPartSearchKey;
// if any child has random partitioning then union has random partitioning
leftPartFunc = sppOfLeftChild->getPartitioningFunction();
rightPartFunc = sppOfRightChild->getPartitioningFunction();
if (leftPartFunc && leftPartFunc->isARandomPartitioningFunction())
myPartFunc = leftPartFunc;
myPartSearchKey = sppOfLeftChild->getPartSearchKey();
unionSortOrderType = NO_SOT;
unionDp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
else if (rightPartFunc && rightPartFunc->isARandomPartitioningFunction())
myPartFunc = rightPartFunc;
myPartSearchKey = sppOfRightChild->getPartSearchKey();
unionSortOrderType = NO_SOT;
unionDp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
else // neither child uses random partitioning.
CMPASSERT(leftPartFunc != NULL AND rightPartFunc != NULL);
// check if union children have the same partitioning
// Rewrite partitioning key in terms of values that are above Union
NABoolean mapItUp = TRUE;
leftPartFunc = leftPartFunc->copyAndRemap(getMap(0), mapItUp);
rightPartFunc = rightPartFunc->copyAndRemap(getMap(1), mapItUp);
const PushDownRequirement* pdreq = rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement();
NABoolean comparable = ( leftPartFunc->
comparePartFuncToFunc(*rightPartFunc) == SAME )
(pdreq && pdreq ->castToPushDownCSRequirement());
// are union children partitioning same?
if (comparable)
// yes, children have same partitioning or
// it is a special case for pushing down CS,
// reflect it as union's partitition scheme.
if (planNumber == 0)
myPartFunc = leftPartFunc;
myPartSearchKey = sppOfLeftChild->getPartSearchKey();
myPartFunc = rightPartFunc;
myPartSearchKey = sppOfRightChild->getPartSearchKey();
else // union children have incompatible partitioning
// union partitioning is random and has:
// no sort, no arrangement, no partitioning key predicates, nothing
ValueIdSet partKey;
ItemExpr *randNum =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) RandomNum(NULL, TRUE);
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Hash2PartitioningFunction
(partKey, partKey, leftPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions(),
myPartSearchKey = NULL;
unionSortOrderType = NO_SOT;
unionDp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
if (NOT sortOrder_.isEmpty())
// It's possible one or both children did not synthesize a sort
// key at all, if all sort key columns were equal to constants.
// If both did not synthesize a sort key, then arbitrarily set the
// sort order type to ESP_NO_SORT. If only one child did not synthesize
// a sort key, then synthesize the sort order type from the other child.
NABoolean leftChildNotOrdered =
sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType() == NO_SOT OR
NOT myContext->getPlan()->getContextForChild(0)->requiresOrder();
NABoolean rightChildNotOrdered =
sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType() == NO_SOT OR
NOT myContext->getPlan()->getContextForChild(1)->requiresOrder();
if ( leftChildNotOrdered AND rightChildNotOrdered )
unionSortOrderType = ESP_NO_SORT_SOT;
else if ( leftChildNotOrdered )
unionSortOrderType = sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType();
else if ( rightChildNotOrdered )
unionSortOrderType = sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType();
else if (sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType() !=
// The sort order types of the children are not the same,
// so we must choose a sort order type for the union.
// This should only happen if the required sort order type was ESP.
// Set the sort order type to ESP_VIA_SORT in this case since
// we did do a sort in producing at least part of the sort key.
CMPASSERT(rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == ESP_SOT);
// Shouldn't be any synthesized dp2SortOrderPartFunc in this case.
CMPASSERT(sppOfLeftChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() == NULL);
// Only synthesized sort order types that satisfy an ESP sort
// order type requirement are ESP_NO_SORT and ESP_VIA_SORT.
CMPASSERT(((sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType() == ESP_NO_SORT_SOT) OR
(sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType() == ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT)) AND
((sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType() == ESP_NO_SORT_SOT) OR
(sppOfRightChild->getSortOrderType() == ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT)));
// Finally, set the sort order type
unionSortOrderType = ESP_VIA_SORT_SOT;
} // end if sort order types of the children were not the same
// Sort order types of the children are the same, so
// arbitrarily get it from the left child.
unionSortOrderType = sppOfLeftChild->getSortOrderType();
if (sppOfLeftChild->getDp2SortOrderPartFunc() != NULL)
NABoolean mapItUp = TRUE;
unionDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
} // end if sort order is not empty
// MV specific optimization refer to MVRefreshBuilder.cpp
// MultiTxnMavBuilder::buildUnionBetweenRangeAndIudBlocks()
ValueIdList unionSortKey;
if (alternateRightChildOrderExpr().isEmpty())
unionSortKey = sortOrder_;
// Because we replaced the order of the right child with the
// alternate order we now need to pretend that the union
// is doing the requested order which we can get from the left child
// map left child sort key cols to their output ValueIdUnion equivalents
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
sppOfLeftChild->getPlanExecutionLocation(), //||opt
// synth from both child props
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // MergeUnion::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper function for the physical exprs that derive from GroupByAgg
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// GroupByAgg::rppAreCompatibleWithOperator()
// The following method is used by GroupBySplitRule::topMatch(),
// SortGroupBy::topMatch(), HashGroupBy::topMatch() and
// PhysShortCutGroupBy::topMatch() to determine whether it is worth to fire
// those rules.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean GroupByAgg::rppAreCompatibleWithOperator
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
PartitioningRequirement* partReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The groupbys are labeled as partial leaf etc. to see from which
// part of the groupby split rule they were generated, if at all.
// Use this labels for suppressing unwanted configurations.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rppForMe->executeInDP2())
// allow a in-CS full GroupBy when push-down to DP2, if a
// push-down requirement is available.
if ( isinBlockStmt() )
// do not allow push-down if no push-down req is available.
// i.e., the aggr must be below CS which can generate push-down.
// This applies to all forms of groupbys.
const PushDownRequirement* pdr = rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement();
if ( pdr == NULL OR NOT PushDownCSRequirement::isInstanceOf(pdr) )
return FALSE;
// we only want leaf groupbys to execute in DP2
if (isAPartialGroupByRoot() OR
return FALSE;
// allowing a partialGBLeaf in ESP is a good idea if:
// Parallelism is possible.
// The partial GB Leaf has no partitioning requirement, so there
// must be an exchange in between the partial GB Leaf and the
// partial GB Root. This requirement exists because we do not
// want the partial GB Leaf and partial GB Root to be in the
// same process.
// The partial GB Leaf has not been pushed below a TSJ. If the
// partial GB Leaf has been pushed below a TSJ, it is probably
// best for us to wait until it gets to DP2.
NABoolean partialGBLeafInESPOK =
(rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines() > 1) AND
(partReq == NULL) AND
NOT gbAggPushedBelowTSJ();
// we don't want leaf groupbys to execute outside of DP2
if (isAPartialGroupByLeaf() AND
NOT partialGBLeafInESPOK)
return FALSE; // partial GB leaf in ESP not allowed
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the number of pipelines that are available for executing
// the plan for this GroupBy.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 numberOfPipelines = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A partial groupby that is a non leaf performs an intermediate
// consolidation of partial groups/aggregates. The heuristic that
// is applied below requires such an intermediate consolidator to
// employ parallel execution (numberOfPipelines > 1) or to produce
// multiple partitions. The intention is to prevent such an
// intermediate consolidator from becoming a bottleneck, which is
// an inhibitor for scalability.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isAPartialGroupByNonLeaf() AND (numberOfPipelines == 1))
return FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ensure that the parent partitioning requirement is compatible
// with the GB.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (partReq != NULL)
if (partReq->isRequirementFullySpecified())
if (groupExpr().isEmpty())
// Scalar aggregates can not execute with ESP parallelism,
// except as part of a ReplicateNoBroadcast.
if (NOT(partReq->isRequirementExactlyOne() OR
return FALSE;
// If there is a group by expression, then the required
// partitioning key columns must be a subset of the gb cols.
// Contains will always return TRUE if the required part key
// is the empty set.
if (NOT groupExpr().contains(partReq->getPartitioningKey()))
return FALSE;
else // fuzzy requirement
Lng32 reqPartCount = partReq->getCountOfPartitions();
if (groupExpr().isEmpty())
// Scalar aggregates cannot execute in parallel, so the
// requirement must allow a single partition part func.
((reqPartCount -
(reqPartCount * partReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions()->
getAllowedDeviation())) >
return FALSE;
else if (partReq->getPartitioningKey().entries() > 0)
ValueIdSet myPartKey = groupExpr();
// If the required partitioning key columns and the GB cols
// are disjoint, then the requirement must allow a single
// partition part func, because this will be the only way
// to satisfy both the requirement and the GB cols.
if (myPartKey.isEmpty() AND
((reqPartCount -
(reqPartCount * partReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions()->
getAllowedDeviation())) >
return FALSE;
} // end if fuzzy requirement
} // end if there was a partitioning requirement for the GB
return TRUE;
}; // GroupByAgg::rppAreCompatibleWithOperator()
Context* GroupByAgg::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If one Context has been generated for each child, return NULL
// to signal completion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == getArity())
return NULL;
childIndex = 0;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0),rppForMe);
PartitioningRequirement* preq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is not a partial groupby then the child must be partitioned
// on the groupby columns (even if there are none!).
// By adding an empty part key when there are no GB cols, this will
// force a scalar aggregate to not execute in parallel.
// For pushed down groupbys, do not add the groupExpr() if it is empty.
// Otherwise, we will get a singlePartFunc, which will lead to
// no-match for partitioned-tables down in the tree.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( (isNotAPartialGroupBy() OR isAPartialGroupByRoot()) )
if ( NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() OR NOT isinBlockStmt() OR
( ( NOT groupExpr().isEmpty() ) AND
( ( rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines() > 1 ) OR
( CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_36) == DF_OFF )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add the order or arrangement requirements needed for this groupby
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a CPU or memory-intensive operator or if we could benefit
// from parallelism by performing multiple sort groupbys on different
// ranges at the same time, then add a requirement for a maximum number
// of partitions, unless that requirement would conflict with our
// parent's requirement.
// Don't add a required number of partitions if we must execute in DP2,
// because you can't change the number of DP2s.
// Also don't specify a required number of partitions for a scalar
// aggregate, because a scalar aggregate cannot execute in parallel.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isRollup())
// GROUP BY ROLLUP needs to be evaluated in a single process
else if ( !isAPartialGroupByLeaf1() && !isAPartialGroupByLeaf2() &&
numOfESPsForced) AND
NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() AND
NOT groupExpr().isEmpty())
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
// Can not allow skewBuster hash join co-exist with a full groupby
// or a partial groupby root in the same ESPs because the a group
// (in a non-skewbuster plan) can be broken into pieces across
// different ESPs.
// The BR case (i.e. the right child of a skew buster join is a full
// groupby) is dealt with in RelExpr::rppRequiresEnforcer().
// The UD case (i.e., the left child of a skew buster join is a full
// groupby) is dealt with through the partitioning key requirement
// (i.e., the partitioning keys added by statement
// rg.addPartitioningKey(groupExpr()) above will NEVER be satisfied
// by a SkewedDataPartitioningFunction).
// A full groupBy node is prevented from being the immediate parent of
// the skew-buster join due to the reason similar to the UD case.
} // end if ok to try parallelism
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Done adding all the requirements together, now see whether it worked
// and give up if it is not possible to satisfy them
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT rg.checkFeasibility())
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as those in
// rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context
// that contains rppForChild as the required physical properties..
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(
// try to create a nice context for the child of groupBy below the ROOT
// that requires repartitioning for grouping. The check for the parent
// might need to be more elaborate, now it's just a flag in corresponding
// group.
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_33) == DF_ON) AND
(result->getReqdPhysicalProperty()->getCountOfPipelines() > 1) AND
(NOT groupExpr().isEmpty()) AND
(isNotAPartialGroupBy() OR isAPartialGroupByRoot()) AND
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
return result;
} // GroupByAgg::createContextForAChild()
void GroupByAgg::addArrangementAndOrderRequirements(
RequirementGenerator &rg)
// the default implementation is to do nothing
// (works fine for hash groupby)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class SortGroupBy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SortGroupBy::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SortGroupBy::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodSortGroupBy *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodSortGroupBy();
return m;
} // SortGroupBy::costMethod()
void SortGroupBy::addArrangementAndOrderRequirements(
RequirementGenerator &rg)
// A sort groupby needs an arrangement by the grouping
// columns, it needs nothing if there are no grouping
// columns.
// Once we have "partial" arrangement requirements we
// could indicate those for partial groupbys.
// A GROUP BY ROLLUP needs the exact order as specified.
if (isRollup() && (NOT rollupGroupExprList().isEmpty()))
if( NOT extraOrderExpr().isEmpty())
ValueIdList groupExprCpy(rollupGroupExprList());
else if (NOT groupExpr().isEmpty())
if( NOT extraOrderExpr().isEmpty())
ValueIdList groupExprCpy(groupExpr());
else {
if (rg.getStartRequirements()->executeInDP2())
// Synthesize physical properties for Sort-group-by operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
SortGroupBy::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfChild =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty((isRollup() ? ValueIdList() : sppOfChild->getSortKey()),
// aggregate stores entire result before it gets sent on
if (groupExpr().isEmpty())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP * dp2CostInfo = (DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP *)
if (sppForMe->executeInDP2())
sppForMe->setDP2CostThatDependsOnSPP( dp2CostInfo);
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // SortGroupBy::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class PhysShortCutGroupBy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PhysShortCutGroupBy::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysShortCutGroupBy::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodShortCutGroupBy *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodShortCutGroupBy();
return m;
} // PhysShortCutGroupBy::costMethod()
void PhysShortCutGroupBy::addArrangementAndOrderRequirements(
RequirementGenerator &rg)
// The ShortCutGroupBy requires an order instead of an arrangement
// right now it only uses a single value id
//ShortCutGroupBy handles AnyTrue expr as well as min-max expressions
//opt_for_min indicates x>anytrue y and as a result we want y to be
//sorted increasing. Realize that this also works for min(y) so opt_for_min
//is true for min(y).
//In the same way opt_for_max works with x<anytrue y and max(y) and we ask
//a inverse order on y(i.e. decreasing order)
ValueIdList sk;
if (opt_for_min_)
// the order of rhs becomes the optimization goal of the child
else if (opt_for_max_)
// the order of the inverse of the rhs becomes the optimization goal
ItemExpr *inverseCol =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) InverseOrder(rhs_anytrue_);
const ValueIdSet &aggrs = aggregateExpr();
CMPASSERT(NOT aggrs.isEmpty());
ValueId aggr_valueid = aggrs.init();
// "next" is probably called here for its side effect because we know
// "" returns true (ie, aggrs is not empty).
// coverity[unchecked_value];
ItemExpr *item_expr = aggr_valueid.getItemExpr();
OperatorTypeEnum op = item_expr->getOperatorType();
// Shouldn't/Can't add a sort order type requirement
// if we are in DP2
if (rg.getStartRequirements()->executeInDP2())
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COSTING_SHORTCUT_GROUPBY_FIX) != DF_ON)
// Shouldn't/Can't add a sort order type requirement
// if we are in DP2
if (rg.getStartRequirements()->executeInDP2())
// Synthesize physical properties for Any-true-group-by operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
PhysShortCutGroupBy::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
ValueIdList emptySortKey;
const PhysicalProperty* sppOfChild = myContext->
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NO_SOT, // no sort key, so no sort order type either
NULL, // no dp2SortOrderPartFunc either
// aggregate stores entire result before it gets sent on
if (groupExpr().isEmpty())
DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP * dp2CostInfo = (DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP *)
if (sppForMe->executeInDP2())
sppForMe->setDP2CostThatDependsOnSPP( dp2CostInfo);
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // PhysShortCutGroupBy::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class HashGroupBy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean HashGroupBy::isBigMemoryOperator(const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
const Lng32 planNumber)
const Context* context = pws->getContext();
double memoryLimitPerCPU = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getMemoryLimitPerCPU();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// With no memory constraints, a HGB operator could use as much as an
// amount of memory to store all the groups plus any aggregates. Hash
// key with the chain pointer make up 8 more bytes for each group.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = context->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
// Start off assuming that the operator will use all available CPUs.
Lng32 cpuCount = rppForMe->getCountOfAvailableCPUs();
PartitioningRequirement* partReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
const PhysicalProperty* spp = context->getPlan()->getPhysicalProperty();
Lng32 numOfStreams;
// If the physical properties are available, then this means we
// are on the way back up the tree. Get the actual level of
// parallelism from the spp to determine if the number of cpus we
// are using are less than the maximum number available.
if (spp != NULL)
PartitioningFunction* partFunc = spp->getPartitioningFunction();
numOfStreams = partFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
if (numOfStreams < cpuCount)
cpuCount = numOfStreams;
if ((partReq != NULL) AND
(partReq->getCountOfPartitions() != ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS))
// If there is a partitioning requirement, then this may limit
// the number of CPUs that can be used.
numOfStreams = partReq->getCountOfPartitions();
if (numOfStreams < cpuCount)
cpuCount = numOfStreams;
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = context->getInputLogProp();
const double probeCount =
const double myGroupCount = getGroupAttr()->
const double rowsPerCpu = MAXOF(1.,(myGroupCount / cpuCount));
const double rowsPerCpuPerProbe = MAXOF(1.,(rowsPerCpu / probeCount));
const Lng32 myRowLength =
const Lng32 extRowLength = myRowLength + 8;
const double fileSizePerCpu = ((rowsPerCpuPerProbe * extRowLength) / 1024.);
if (spp != NULL &&
CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_51) == DF_ON
CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty * bigMemoryProperty =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
((PhysicalProperty *)spp)->
// get cumulative file size of the fragment; get the child spp??
const PhysicalProperty *childSpp =
if (childSpp != NULL)
CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty * memProp =
(CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty *)
((PhysicalProperty *)childSpp)->getBigMemoryEstimationProperty();
if (memProp != NULL)
double childCumulativeMemSize = memProp->getCumulativeFileSize();
memoryLimitPerCPU -= childCumulativeMemSize;
return (fileSizePerCpu >= memoryLimitPerCPU);
} // HashGroupBy::isBigMemoryOperator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// HashGroupBy::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
HashGroupBy::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodHashGroupBy *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodHashGroupBy();
return m;
} // HashGroupBy::costMethod()
// Synthesize physical properties for Hash-group-by operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
HashGroupBy::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
ValueIdList emptySortKey;
const PhysicalProperty* sppOfChild =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The output of a hash groupby is not sorted.
// It produces a hash partitioned set of rows (groups).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// aggregate stores entire result before it gets sent on,
// non-partial hash groupby also stores entire result
if (groupExpr().isEmpty() OR
isNotAPartialGroupBy() OR isAPartialGroupByRoot())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
// (NB: no real need to call this method, since the sortKey is empty, and that's
// the only thing that this method checks currently)
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP * dp2CostInfo = (DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP *)
if (sppForMe->executeInDP2())
sppForMe->setDP2CostThatDependsOnSPP( dp2CostInfo);
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // HashGroupBy::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member functions for class RelRoot
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelRoot::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
RelRoot::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodRelRoot *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodRelRoot();
return m;
} // RelRoot::costMethod()
Context* RelRoot::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
childIndex = 0;
Lng32 planNumber = pws->getCountOfChildContexts();
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild;
PartitioningRequirement* partReq;
PlanExecutionEnum loc;
ValueIdList* sortKey = NULL;
SortOrderTypeEnum sortOrderTypeReq = NO_SOT;
// Get the value from the defaults table that specifies whether
// the optimizer should attempt ESP parallelism.
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
DefaultToken attESPPara = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->attemptESPParallelism();
NABoolean hasTMUDFsOrLRU = (getGroupAttr()->getNumTMUDFs() > 0 ||
// heuristics for nice context we want to detect the group which is just
// below root. For example if group by is just below root we want it to
// create a nice context (with repartitioning on grouping columns) that
// will not be propagated below top join.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If we've created all the necessary child contexts, we're done.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (((planNumber == 1)
AND ((attESPPara != DF_SYSTEM)
#ifndef NDEBUG
)) OR
(planNumber > 1))
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decide how many cpus are available. There are four default table
// entries that have an influence on this value:
// - ESP parallelism can be switched off altogether by setting
// the ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM defaults table entry to "OFF".
// - The PARALLEL_NUM_ESPS default attribute is either the keyword "SYSTEM",
// or the positive number of ESPs to use.
// then we get the number of nodes in the cluster and multiply it by
// the number of processors per (SMP) node by reading the
// - If PARALLEL_NUM_ESPS is a positive number, ensure that it does not
// exceed the number of available CPUs in the system.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 pipelinesPerCPU = DEFAULT_SINGLETON;
// Regardless of how the ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM CQD is set, some operations
// like LRU always execute under ESPs for partitioned tables.
// Note that TMUDFs can control their own degree of parallelism,
// and that the method to do this is called after we reach here.
// Note also that some conditions below may still override this.
if ( ((CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->attemptESPParallelism() != DF_OFF) OR
// we don't support paralled execution in the get_next
// protocol yet - but for streams there should not be
// a problem.
&& NOT getGroupAttr()->isEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete()
&& NOT getGroupAttr()->isStream()
&& NOT getTriggersList()
&& NOT containsOnStatementMV()
// Get the maximum number of processes per cpu for a given operator
// from the defaults table.
pipelinesPerCPU = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extract number of cpus per node and number of nodes in cluster from
// defaults table.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean canAdjustDoP = TRUE;
NABoolean isASON = FALSE;
NABoolean fakeEnv = FALSE;
countOfCPUs = defs.getTotalNumOfESPsInCluster(fakeEnv);
// Do not enable the Adaptive Segmentation functionality for
// parallel label (DDL) operations or for a parallel extract
// operation, or fast loading into traf tables. This will
// prevent AS from reducing the max degree of
// parallelism for these operations.
OperatorTypeEnum childOpType = child(0).getLogExpr()->getOperatorType();
// Decide if it is a fast trafodion load query
NABoolean isFastLoadIntoTrafodion = FALSE;
if ( childOpType == REL_UNARY_INSERT ) {
RelExpr* c0 = child(0).getLogExpr();
Insert* ins = (Insert*)c0;
isFastLoadIntoTrafodion = ins->getIsTrafLoadPrep();
if ((CmpCommon::getDefault(ASG_FEATURE) == DF_ON) &&
(childOpType != REL_EXE_UTIL) &&
(numExtractStreams_ == 0) &&
!isFastLoadIntoTrafodion &&
countOfCPUs =
// Adaptive segmentation is ON
// Get the value as a token code, no errmsg if not a keyword.
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(PARALLEL_NUM_ESPS, 0) != DF_SYSTEM)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// A value for PARALLEL_NUM_ESPS exists. Use it for the count of cpus
// but don't exceed the number of cpus available in the cluster.
// On SQ, include the number of ESPs allowed per cpu.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
canAdjustDoP = FALSE;
// final adjustment to countOfCPUs and pipelinesPerCPU - special cases
RelExpr* x = child(0).getGroupAttr()->getLogExprForSynthesis();
// for multi-commit DELETE (expressed as DELETE WITH MULTI COMMIT FROM <t>)
if ( containsLRU() )
RelExpr* x = child(0).getGroupAttr()->getLogExprForSynthesis();
if ( x && x->getOperatorType() == REL_EXE_UTIL )
PartitioningFunction *pf = ((ExeUtilExpr*)x)->getUtilTableDesc()
const NodeMap* np;
UInt32 partns = 1;
if ( pf && (np = pf->getNodeMap()) ) {
// set countOfCPUs to the number of partitions
partns = np->getNumEntries();
countOfCPUs = partns;
pipelinesPerCPU = 1;
canAdjustDoP = FALSE;
if (isFastLoadIntoTrafodion)
Insert *ins = (Insert*)(x->castToRelExpr());
PartitioningFunction *pf = ins->getTableDesc()
const NodeMap* np;
Lng32 partns = 1;
if ( pf && (np = pf->getNodeMap()) )
partns = np->getNumEntries();
if (partns>1)
countOfCPUs = partns;
pipelinesPerCPU = 1;
canAdjustDoP = FALSE;
// for side-tree INSERT (expressed as INSERT USING SIDEINSERTS INTO <t>
// <source> )
// Set countOfCPUs to the number of partitions of the inner table
// if countOfCPUs is not a multiple of the of the # of partitions
// (e.g., 8 vs 34). The key is to avoid more than one TSJ ESPs to
// send rows to an inner table partition.
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
Lng32 ocrControl = defs.getAsLong(OCR_FOR_SIDETREE_INSERT);
// 0: OCR repartition is disableld
// 1: OCR repartition is enable and will be done if DoP can not divide
// # of partitions of the inner table
// 2: OCR repartition is enabled and will be done
if ( ocrControl > 0 && x && x->getOperatorType() == REL_UNARY_INSERT )
Insert *ins = (Insert*)(x->castToRelExpr());
if ( ins->getInsertType() == Insert::VSBB_LOAD )
PartitioningFunction *pf = ins->getTableDesc()
const NodeMap* np;
Lng32 partns = 1;
if ( pf && (np = pf->getNodeMap()) ) {
partns = np->getNumEntries();
if (
( ocrControl == 1 &&
((countOfCPUs < partns) && (partns % countOfCPUs != 0)) ||
(countOfCPUs > partns)
) ||
ocrControl == 2
countOfCPUs = partns;
pipelinesPerCPU = 1;
canAdjustDoP = FALSE;
Lng32 minBytesPerESP = defs.getAsLong(HBASE_MIN_BYTES_PER_ESP_PARTITION);
// To be replaced later by a different CQD
if ( CmpCommon::getDefault(HBASE_RANGE_PARTITIONING) == DF_OFF ||
isASON ||
canAdjustDoP = FALSE;
// Adjust DoP based on table size, if possible
if ( canAdjustDoP ) {
QueryAnalysis* qAnalysis = CmpCommon::statement()->getQueryAnalysis();
TableAnalysis * tAnalysis = qAnalysis->getLargestTable();
if ( tAnalysis ) {
CostScalar tableSize = tAnalysis->getCardinalityOfBaseTable() *
tAnalysis->getRecordSizeOfBaseTable() ;
CostScalar espsInCS = tableSize / CostScalar(minBytesPerESP);
Lng32 esps = (Lng32)(espsInCS.getCeiling().getValue());
if ( esps < 0 )
esps = countOfCPUs;
else {
if ( esps < 1 )
countOfCPUs = 1;
else {
if ( esps < countOfCPUs )
countOfCPUs = esps;
pipelinesPerCPU = 1;
// --------------------------------------
// Ensure cpu count is a positive number.
// --------------------------------------
countOfCPUs = MIN_ONE(countOfCPUs);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ((CmpCommon::getDefault( NSK_DBG ) == DF_ON) &&
(CmpCommon::getDefault( NSK_DBG_GENERIC ) == DF_ON))
CURRCONTEXT_OPTDEBUG->stream() << endl << "countOfCPUs= " << countOfCPUs << endl;
} // end if parallel execution is enabled
// Setup the range partition flag in OptDefaults when the query
// is a count query
if ( child(0)->getOperatorType == REL_GROUPBY ) {
// Create a "teaser" context if the user is letting the optimizer
// decide heuristically whether parallelism is a good idea or not
// for each operator.
if ((planNumber == 0) AND
(attESPPara == DF_SYSTEM)
#ifndef NDEBUG
// set this env var to disable the "teaser" context
// Start off with a context that is less stringent than what the
// root node needs. Don't impose any partitioning or location
// requirements other than a requirement to be outside of
// DP2. Why do we do this: we hope that the optimal solution
// will actually execute in the master and that it has one
// partition. If that is the case, the second context (see a few
// lines below) will cause no work, it will just take the
// optimal solution of the first context. The effect is that we
// do much less work, since we save all the partitioning
// enforcers. This trick works only if the optimal solution is
// not parallel in the node below the root, but that is the case
// where optimization cost matters most.
// RelRoot::currentPlanIsAcceptable makes sure that we don't
// use the solution of this context.
partReq = NULL;
// The real context: the root node executes in the master
// executor, always wants 1 data stream
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_82) == DF_ON) {
} else {
partReq = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())RequireExactlyOnePartition();
// get the order by list
ValueIdList orderByList(reqdOrder_);
// Are there any required ordering columns?
if (orderByList.entries() > 0)
// get input constant values
ValueIdSet inputVals = getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
// remove any input constant values from the required ordering,
// since ordering by a constant is a no-op
// Will need to remember the simplified valueId's of the expressions
// in the order by list.
ValueIdList simpleOrderByList;
CollIndex i = 0;
while (i < orderByList.entries())
// Need to check if we have seen the simplified version
// of this valueId before. If we have, we need to remove it,
// because we don't want or need to ask to order on an
// expression that has the same simplified valueId as an
// expression we have already seen in the list.
ValueId svid = orderByList[i].getItemExpr()->
if (simpleOrderByList.contains(svid))
// If we haven't seen it before, then remember it.
// Only increment the array counter "i" if we didn't remove
// the current entry, because if we did remove the current
// entry, "i" will already point to the next entry in the list!
} // end while more required order columns
} // end if there was a required order
if (orderByList.entries() > 0) // got a required ordering ?
sortKey = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) ValueIdList(orderByList);
sortOrderTypeReq = ESP_SOT;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A root node is never partitioned and never excludes properties.
// It requires an order if the query had an order by clause.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rppForMe)
rppForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NULL, // no arrangement of rows required
sortKey, // user-specified sort order
NULL, // never a dp2SortOrderPartReq at the root
rppForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NULL, // no arrangement of rows required
sortKey, // user-specified sort order
NULL, // never a dp2SortOrderPartReq at the root
FALSE, // no logical order or arrangement
NULL, // no logical part. requirement
if (reqdShape_ AND reqdShape_->isCutOp())
reqdShape_ = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as those in
// rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context
// that contains rppForChild as the required physical properties.
// The child context's solution has to match the required shape
// specified in a CONTROL QUERY SHAPE statement, if applicable.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(childIndex,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
return result;
} // RelRoot::createContextForAChild()
NABoolean RelRoot::currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const
DefaultToken attESPPara = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->attemptESPParallelism();
// Don't consider plan 0 when ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM is set
// to level SYSTEM, it has the wrong requirements!
// See RelRoot::createContextForAChild for details
if ((planNo == 0) AND
(attESPPara == DF_SYSTEM)
#ifndef NDEBUG
// set this env var to disable the "teaser" context
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
} // RelRoot::currentPlanIsAcceptable()
// Synthesize physical properties for RelRoot operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
RelRoot::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // RelRoot::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member functions for class MapValueIds
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MapValueIds::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
MapValueIds::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodFixedCostPerRow *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap())
CostMethodFixedCostPerRow( 0.001 // constant cost for the node
, 0.0 // cost per child row
, 0.0 // cost per output row
return m;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the
// MapValueIds node to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningFunction* MapValueIds::mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0)
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
return partFunc->copyAndRemap(map_,mapItUp);
} // end MapValueIds::mapPartitioningFunction()
Context* MapValueIds::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
childIndex = 0;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForChild;
ValueIdSet * arrangedColsReqForChild = NULL;
ValueIdList * sortKeyReqForChild = NULL;
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild = partReqForMe;
PartitioningRequirement* dp2SortOrderPartReqForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* dp2SortOrderPartReqForChild =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If one Context has been generated for each child, return NULL
// to signal completion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == getArity())
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// now map all components of the required props that do use value ids
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rppForMe->getArrangedCols() != NULL)
arrangedColsReqForChild = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) ValueIdSet();
if (rppForMe->getSortKey() != NULL)
sortKeyReqForChild = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) ValueIdList();
if ((partReqForMe != NULL) AND
(NOT partReqForMe->getPartitioningKey().isEmpty()))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rewrite the partitioning key in terms of the values that appear
// below this MapValueIds.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
partReqForChild =
partReqForMe->copyAndRemap(map_, mapItUp);
if ((dp2SortOrderPartReqForMe != NULL) AND
(NOT dp2SortOrderPartReqForMe->getPartitioningKey().isEmpty()))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rewrite the partitioning key in terms of the values that appear
// below this MapValueIds.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean mapItUp = FALSE;
dp2SortOrderPartReqForChild =
dp2SortOrderPartReqForMe->copyAndRemap(map_, mapItUp);
rppForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as those in
// rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context
// that contains bottomRPP as the required physical properties..
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(childIndex, rppForChild,
myContext, myContext->getInputLogProp());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
return result;
} // MapValueIds::createContextForAChild()
// Synthesize physical properties for MapValueIds operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
MapValueIds::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfChild =
PartitioningFunction* actualPartFunc;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rewrite the partitioning keys in terms of the values that appear
// above this MapValueIds.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean mapItUp = TRUE;
ValueIdList newSortKey;
PartitioningFunction* oldDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
PartitioningFunction* newDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// map the child value ids to the output value ids
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((oldDp2SortOrderPartFunc != NULL) AND
(NOT oldDp2SortOrderPartFunc->getPartitioningKey().isEmpty()))
newDp2SortOrderPartFunc =
actualPartFunc =
sppOfChild->getPartitioningFunction()->copyAndRemap(map_, mapItUp);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(myContext,
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // MapValueIds::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper methods for leaf operators
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper method for synthDP2PhysicalProperty.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void
PartitioningFunction &physicalPartFunc //in/out
,DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP &dp2CostInfo //out
,const IndexDesc& indexDesc
,const ScanKey& partKey
,GroupAttributes &scanGroupAttr
,const Context& myContext
,NAMemory *heap
,const RelExpr& scan
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimate CPUs executing DP2s:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
NABoolean isHbaseTable = indexDesc.getPrimaryTableDesc()->getNATable()->isHbaseTable();
NABoolean fakeEnv = FALSE; // do not care
CostScalar totalCPUsExecutingDP2s = defs.getTotalNumOfESPsInCluster(fakeEnv);
// seabed api doesn't return audit count
totalCPUsExecutingDP2s--; // do not count the system volume
totalCPUsExecutingDP2s = MAXOF(totalCPUsExecutingDP2s,1.);
CostScalar activePartitions =
((NodeMap *)(physicalPartFunc.getNodeMap()))->getNumActivePartitions();
// Assume at least one DP2 volume even if node map indicates otherwise.
Lng32 numOfDP2Volumes =
MIN_ONE(((NodeMap *)(physicalPartFunc.getNodeMap()))->getNumOfDP2Volumes());
// The number of cpus executing DP2's cannot be more than the number
// of active partitions :
Lng32 cpusExecutingDP2s =
// The number of cpus executing DP2's cannot be more than the number
// of DP2 volumes:
if (!isHbaseTable)
cpusExecutingDP2s = MINOF(cpusExecutingDP2s, numOfDP2Volumes);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set default estimation for repeat count. Then, refine this estimate
// if possible below
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// check if we are doing updates
if (scan.getOperator().match(REL_ANY_LEAF_GEN_UPDATE) ||
scan.getOperator().match(REL_ANY_UNARY_GEN_UPDATE) )
// only do this code if we have more than one partition:
if (physicalPartFunc.getNodeMap()->getNumEntries() > 0)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// only detect AP for range partitioning (for now)
// Also, only do this for Scans (not for update, nor insert, nor
// delete)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if ( physicalPartFunc.isARangePartitioningFunction() AND
( (scan.getOperatorType() == REL_FILE_SCAN) OR
(scan.getOperatorType() == REL_HBASE_ACCESS)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// and only estimate if there actually are any predicates
// over the leading part. key column
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the key columns from the partKey since the
// part key in the part. func. contains veg references.
const ValueIdList& partKeyList = partKey.getKeyColumns();
ColumnOrderList keyPredsByCol(partKeyList);
// This only works for the case of single disjunct.
// This is ok as far as the partkey is a search key.
// $$$ When we add support for Mdam to the PA this
// $$$ will need to change to support several
// $$$ disjuncts. See AP doc for algorithm.
CMPASSERT(partKey.getKeyDisjunctEntries() == 1);
//But we only care about the leading column now...
// $$$ Revisit when multicol. hists. are added
const ValueId& leadingColumn = partKeyList[0];
ValueIdSet keyPredsForLeadingColumn =
// Note that there can be more than one predicate for
// the leading column (as in a range)
// but if there are no predicates then we just return
// (default estimates were set above)
if (keyPredsForLeadingColumn.isEmpty())
// Obtain a new node map to decorate:
NodeMap *newNodeMapPtr =
// Run estimation algorithm:
CostScalar probes =
RangePartitioningFunction *prpfPtr =
(RangePartitioningFunction *) &physicalPartFunc;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Obtain distribution for leading key of part. column:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
Histograms leadColHist(heap);
const ColStatDescList &primaryTableCSDL =
// This code is based on method
// void
// IndexDescHistograms::appendHistogramForColumnPosition(
// const CollIndex& columnPosition)
// on ScanOptimizer.h/cpp
// However here the situation is a lot simpler
// because we don't need to synchronize histograms
CollIndex i;
// AQ02-009 ATOMIC TEST SUITE Costing Anomaly Fix
ColStatsSharedPtr colStats;
if (primaryTableCSDL.getColStatDescIndexForColumn(i, // out
colStats = primaryTableCSDL[i]->getColStats();
// CMPABORT; // there must exist a CSD for every part. col!
// Deletes don't work because of the
// Delete.IndexDesc/Scan.IndexDesc->DeleteCursor(
// Delete.IndexDesc, Scan.PartKey) problem
if( colStats->isOrigFakeHist() )
// Are any histograms fake?
// AQ02-009 ATOMIC TEST SUITE Costing Anomaly Fix
// PROBE COUNT is estimated wrong if predicates search key is beyond
// the range of lowerbound and upper bounds of search key's value in
// the table.
const ColStatDescList & colStatDescList = myContext.getInputLogProp()->getColStats();
for ( i = 0; i < colStatDescList.entries(); i++ )
if ( colStatDescList[i]->getColStats()->isOrigFakeHist() )
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply predicates for leadingColumn:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
const SelectivityHint * selHint = indexDesc.getPrimaryTableDesc()->getSelectivityHint();
const CardinalityHint * cardHint = indexDesc.getPrimaryTableDesc()->getCardinalityHint();
OperatorTypeEnum opType = ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP;
if ( (scan.getOperatorType() == REL_FILE_SCAN) OR
(scan.getOperatorType() == REL_HBASE_ACCESS))
opType = REL_SCAN;
if ( (probes.isGreaterThanZero())
(myContext.getInputLogProp()->getColStats().entries() > 0) )
// NJ case:
,FALSE // MDAM irrelevant here
leadColHist.applyPredicates(keyPredsForLeadingColumn, scan, selHint, cardHint, opType) ;
if (leadColHist.getRowCount() == 1)
// At this point, leadColHist has the modified histograms
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Now create the partition histograms:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
PartitionKeyDistribution partKeyDist(
// We cannot procede with an invalid part key dist, but
// it's not a good idea to abort, a bad plan is better
// than no plan
if (NOT partKeyDist.isValid())
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Traverse the part. histogram to find out the AP,
// set the part. state accordingly
// ------------------------------------------------------------
CollIndex numParts = partKeyDist.getNumPartitions();
for (i=0; i < numParts; i++)
// NB: we used to only count those with >1 rows; however,
// for most cases, a rowcount that's at all non-zero means
// that the partition is active.
if (partKeyDist.getRowsForPartition(i) > 0.)
// If key predicate for leading column has an equality predicate
// on a host variable or parameter, then set the maximum
// number of active partition at runtime estimate to the max partition
// factor of the partition distribution key.
// Currently this variable if set will be used only for costing of scans.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (keyPredsForLeadingColumn.referencesAHostvariableorParam())
// done!, replace new map in existing part func:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimate the RC
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find out the highest column covered by an equijoin
Lng32 highestColumn = 0;
const ValueIdSet &inputValues =
const ValueIdSet& operatorValues =
ValueId firstPredId;
for (i=0; i < partKeyList.entries(); i++)
ValueId currentColumn = partKeyList[i];
ValueIdSet keyPredsForRC =
if (keyPredsForRC.isEmpty())
// find a predicate in the set that is an equijoin pred:
NABoolean found = FALSE;
for (ValueId predId = keyPredsForRC.init();
NOT found AND;
// does it cover the column?
ItemExpr *predIEPtr = predId.getItemExpr();
if (predIEPtr->
isANestedJoinPredicate(inputValues, operatorValues))
// is it en equijoin?
if (predIEPtr->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_PREDICATE
predIEPtr->getOperatorType() == ITM_EQUAL)
if (i==0)
// save first equijoin for the estimation
// of affected partitions
firstPredId = predId;
found = TRUE;
} // if equijoin
} // if nested join pred
} // for every pred for current column
if (NOT found)
// we found a column not covered, do not
// continue
} // for every column
if (highestColumn > 0)
// Obtain distribution for leading key of part. column:
// Reuse the partKeyHist:
// the synthesis for AP:
Lng32 affectedPartitions =
// Now estimate the RC:
// minRC would be the RC if all the columns were
// covered
CostScalar minRC = (probes/affectedPartitions).getCeiling();
// If not all partitions are covered, minRC must be
// multiplied by a "fanout". The "fanout" represents
// the number of partitions each probe goes to.
// our first estimate for the fanout is the maximum
// number of partitions sharing the same boundary
// value for the first column:
CostScalar fanout = partKeyDist.getMaxPartitionFactor();
// But if more columns of the partition key are covered
// then the fanout must decrease. Compute that using
// formula below which interpolates given the number
// of columns in the key and the highest column covered.
// Note that the fanout factor
// becomes one when all columns are covered,
// and it becomes "fanout" when only the first column is covered
// note that if we are here then highestColumn >= 1
CostScalar numPartKeyColumns = partKeyList.entries();
CostScalar fanoutRatio =
CostScalar fanoutFactor =
(fanout * (csOne - fanoutRatio)).minCsOne();
CostScalar RC = ((minRC * fanoutFactor));
} // if at least the first col. is covered by an equijoin
} // if we have range partitioning
if ( ( physicalPartFunc.isATableHashPartitioningFunction() AND
(scan.getOperatorType() == REL_FILE_SCAN)
) OR
( indexDesc.isPartitioned() AND
(scan.getOperatorType() == REL_HBASE_ACCESS) AND
(CmpCommon::getDefault(NCM_HBASE_COSTING) == DF_ON))
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// The inner table is hash-partitioned.
// For details on the logic within this IF block, please read
// "Support for hash-partitioned tables in method
// computeDP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP" by Sunil Sharma.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Obtain access to the node-map
NodeMap *NodeMapPtr = (NodeMap *) physicalPartFunc.getNodeMap();
const ValueIdSet &inputValues =
const ValueIdSet& operatorValues =
// Determine number of partkey columns covered by an nested-join pred.
// or by a constant expr.
// Determine the number of partkey columns covered by constant
// expressions alone.
// Get the key columns from the partKey since the
// part key in the part. func. contains VEG references.
const ValueIdList& partKeyList = partKey.getKeyColumns();
ColumnOrderList keyPredsByCol(partKeyList);
// This only works for the case of single disjunct.
// This is ok as far as the partkey is a search key.
// $$$ When we add support for Mdam to the PA this
// $$$ will need to change to support several
// $$$ disjuncts.
CMPASSERT(partKey.getKeyDisjunctEntries() == 1);
// populate keyPredsByCol with predicates
ULng32 keyColsCoveredByNJPredOrConst = 0;
ULng32 keyColsCoveredByConst = 0;
// iterate over all partition-key columns
ValueId firstPredId;
for (CollIndex i=0; i < partKeyList.entries(); i++)
ValueId currentColumn = partKeyList[i];
ValueIdSet keyPredsForCurCol =
if (keyPredsForCurCol.isEmpty())
// find a predicate in the set that is a nested-join pred or
// involves a constant expression.
// find a predicate in the set that involves a constant.
NABoolean foundNJPredOrConstPred = FALSE;
NABoolean foundConstPred = FALSE;
for (ValueId predId = keyPredsForCurCol.init();;
ItemExpr *predIEPtr = predId.getItemExpr();
if ((predIEPtr->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_PREDICATE)
(predIEPtr->getOperatorType() == ITM_EQUAL))
// This pred is an equi-join pred or a constant pred.
// If this pred is an equi-join pred, then ensure that
// it links the current/inner
// table with the outer composite,i.e. that it is a
// nested-join pred.
// if needed, determine whether the pred is a constant pred
NABoolean isAConstPred = FALSE;
if ((NOT foundConstPred) OR (NOT foundNJPredOrConstPred))
// does the pred cover the column with a constant expression
// (i.e. a constant value, a host-var or a param)?
// is the predicate a VEG-predicate?
if (predIEPtr->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_PREDICATE)
const VEG * predVEG=
// Now, get all members of the VEG group
const ValueIdSet & VEGGroup=predVEG->getAllValues();
if (VEGGroup.referencesAConstExpr())
if (NOT foundConstPred)
keyColsCoveredByConst ++;
foundConstPred = TRUE;
isAConstPred = TRUE;
// Pred uses binary relational operator ITM_EQUAL.
// (It's not a VEG predicate but an ItemExpr.)
const ItemExpr *leftExpr = predIEPtr->child(0);
const ItemExpr *rightExpr = predIEPtr->child(1);
//Check if the other operand of
//the equality condition is a non-strict constant.
//A strict constant is something like cos(1), CAST(1),
//whereas cos(?p), CAST(?p) can be considered a constant
//in the non-strict sense since they remain
//constant for a given execution of a query.
if ( leftExpr->doesExprEvaluateToConstant(FALSE) OR
rightExpr->doesExprEvaluateToConstant(FALSE) )
if (NOT foundConstPred)
keyColsCoveredByConst ++;
foundConstPred = TRUE;
isAConstPred = TRUE;
if ((NOT foundNJPredOrConstPred)
&& (isAConstPred ||
isANestedJoinPredicate(inputValues, operatorValues))))
keyColsCoveredByNJPredOrConst ++;
foundNJPredOrConstPred = TRUE;
if (foundNJPredOrConstPred && foundConstPred)
// we're done with this partitioning key column;
// end the iteration over its predicates
CollIndex numParts = 1;
if (scan.getOperatorType() == REL_HBASE_ACCESS)
numParts = indexDesc.getPartitioningFunction()->getCountOfPartitions();
numParts = physicalPartFunc.getCountOfPartitions();
// The order of the IF conditions in the following statement, is
// CRITICAL. It is possible that partitioning-key list may be
// fully covered by constant expressions and also by some combination
// of equijoin predicates and constant expressions. If so, the first
// condition takes precedence during query execution in that if it's
// true, then all probes are routed to one specific partition. This
// precedence is reflect in the ordering of the IF conditions below.
if (keyColsCoveredByConst == partKeyList.entries())
// All inner table partitioning key columns are covered by
// constant expr. Hence, all outer probes go to one specific
// inner table partition, which is the only active partition.
// If all partition-key columns are covered by constant values
// (not host-vars or params), then we can determine the one
// active partition by computing the hash-partitioning function
// (using the constant-folding technique) and can set the active
// partition bitmap appropriately. However, my investigation shows
// that this bitmap is used only for range-partitioned tables.
// Moreover, query-caching (in ODBC/JDBC & in MXCMP) replaces
// constant values in equality predicates with param. Hence, the
// likelihood that all partition-key columns are covered by
// constants is low. These factors reduce the value of or the
// need for accurately setting the active bitmap in the nodemap
// for hash-partitioned tables. The bitmap will be left as-is.
// Indicate in the node map that only one partition will be
// accessed during plan evaluation.
else if (keyColsCoveredByNJPredOrConst == partKeyList.entries())
// All inner table partitioning key columns are covered by
// equijoin predicates or constant expressions.
// Hence, each outer probe goes to a single
// inner table partition.
if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->incorporateSkewInCosting() AND
CostScalar probesAtBusyStream =
// indicate in the node map that all partitions will be
// accessed during plan evaluation.
// The default applies: Each outer probe goes to all inner
// partitions.
// indicate in the node map that all partitions will be
// accessed during plan evaluation.
}; // inner table is hash-partitioned
}// If we have more than one partition
} // computeDP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper method for DP2 cursor operators (scan, cursor ins/upd/del)
// This method interprets the partitioning requirements, the type of
// the operator, and the physical partitioning function of the file
// and comes up with a synthesized partitioning function. We are using
// a standalone procedure because at this time there is no common
// base class (other than RelExpr) among DP2 scan and DP2 updates.
// This method decides things that relate to the DP2 operator and to
// the DP2 exchange above it. Decisions are sent to the DP2 exchange
// via a special "LogPhysPartitioningFunction" object that is only
// used in DP2.
// Here is what this method decides:
// - the "logical partitioning function", meaning the top partitioning
// function of the DP2 exchange above,
// - the type of logical partitioning used (for documentation see class
// LogPhysPartitioningFunction in file PartFunc.h),
// - how many PAs (total among all client processes) will be used and
// whether a PAPA node will be used in the executor process(es),
// - how many executor processes will be used (equal to the number
// of logical partitions, unless we do load balancing).
// There are certain constraints with special situations, such as
// VSBB inserts and merging of sorted streams, which may require one PA
// per DP2 partition in each executor process.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty * RelExpr::synthDP2PhysicalProperty(
const Context* myContext,
const ValueIdList& sortOrder,
const IndexDesc* indexDesc,
const SearchKey* partSearchKey)
// my required phys props (always non-NULL)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
// the result
PhysicalProperty *sppForMe;
// variables that help to come up with my partitioning function
const LogicalPartitioningRequirement *lpr =
PartitioningRequirement * logPartReq = NULL;
Lng32 numEsps = 1;
NABoolean usePapa = FALSE;
NABoolean shouldUseSynchronousAccess = FALSE;
NABoolean mergeOfSortedStreams = FALSE;
NABoolean numPAsForced = FALSE;
PlanExecutionEnum location = EXECUTE_IN_DP2;
// get the maximum number of access nodes per process that can be allowed from
// MAX_ACCESS_NODES_PER_ESP. This is an absolute value
// that should be based on file system and executor buffer size
// restrictions, message system restrictions, etc.
Int32 maxPAsPerProcess =
(Int32) getDefaultAsLong(MAX_ACCESS_NODES_PER_ESP);
LogPhysPartitioningFunction::logPartType logPartType;
PartitioningFunction * physicalPartFunc =
ValueIdList physicalClusteringKey =
PartitioningFunction * logicalPartFunc = NULL;
PartitioningFunction * logPhysPartFunc = NULL;
// convert a non-existent part func to a single part func
if (physicalPartFunc == NULL)
NodeMap* nodeMap = indexDesc->getNAFileSet()
physicalPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Vector to put all costing data that is computed at synthesis time
// Make it a local variable for now. If we ever reach the end of
// this routine create a variable from the heap, initialize it with this,
// and then set the sppForMe slot.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP dp2CostInfo;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimate the number of active partitions and other costing
// data that depends on SPP:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
computeDP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP(*physicalPartFunc // in/out
,dp2CostInfo //out
,*indexDesc // in
,*partSearchKey // in
,*getGroupAttr() //in
,*myContext // in
,CmpCommon::statementHeap() // in
, *this
Lng32 currentCountOfCPUs = dp2CostInfo.getCountOfCPUsExecutingDP2s();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// determine the logical partitioning type
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (lpr)
logPartReq = lpr->getLogReq();
logPartType = lpr->getLogPartTypeReq();
numPAs = lpr->getNumClientsReq();
usePapa = lpr->getMustUsePapa();
if ( lpr->getNumClientsReq() == 1 &&
lpr->isNumberOfPAsForced() &&
// number of PAs are being forced through CQS. This should be number
// of PA nodes over all the partitions.
numPAs= MINOF( currentCountOfCPUs,
// the following is needed to make sure that subsequent calls to
// to shouldUseSynchronousAccess() do get the right number of PAs
// this should be set ideally in Exchange::processCQS(), but there
// the number of partitions is not available
LogicalPartitioningRequirement *pr=(LogicalPartitioningRequirement *)lpr;
// The code cannot handle parallelism for vertically partitioned
// tables right now. Also, the code cannot handle parallelism for
// tables with float columns in the partitioning key.
// So, if someone wants parallelism they are out of luck until
// the problems are fixed.
if ((physicalPartFunc->isARoundRobinPartitioningFunction() OR
physicalPartFunc->partKeyContainsFloatColumn()) AND
((logPartReq == NULL) OR
NOT (logPartReq->isRequirementExactlyOne() OR
return NULL;
// The synthesized partitioning function needs to satisfy the
// partitioning requirements in the context. This would be an
// argument for considering these requirements when calling
// realize() below. However, the result of realize() is not
// the synthesized partitioning function and therefore doesn't
// have to satisfy those requirements!
// This is a tricky problem, but for now we just hope that not
// too many physical partitioning requirements will be generated
// by DP2 operators.
NABoolean considerPhysicalReqs = FALSE;
// try to realize the logical partitioning requirement in the way
// that is most similar to the physical partitioning function
if (logPartReq)
logicalPartFunc = logPartReq->realize(
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine the type of logical partitioning.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// check for partition grouping first
if (logicalPartFunc == NULL OR
logicalPartFunc->isAGroupingOf(*physicalPartFunc) OR
(logPartReq AND logPartReq->castToRequireReplicateNoBroadcast()))
if (logPartType ==
// Partition grouping is the preferred way of doing things
// when there is no specific requirement or when the
// requirement allows it or when we are replicating data.
logPartType = LogPhysPartitioningFunction::PA_PARTITION_GROUPING;
// =====================
else if (logPartType ==
// trying to force grouping for a case where grouping doesn't work
return NULL;
// If we didn't pick partition grouping, try logical subpartitioning
if (logPartType !=
LogPhysPartitioningFunction::PA_PARTITION_GROUPING AND
logicalPartFunc AND
// check whether it would be beneficial to apply the partitioning
// key predicates to the scan node
ValueIdSet pkp = logicalPartFunc->getPartitioningKeyPredicates();
const RangePartitioningFunction *rpfFromRequirement;
if (logPartReq->castToRequireRange())
rpfFromRequirement = logPartReq->castToRequireRange()->
rpfFromRequirement = NULL;
// Test whether the partitioning key columns of a required
// range partitioning scheme (if any) are a leading prefix
// of and in the same order as the physical clustering
// key columns, and either the physical partitioning
// function is a SinglePartitionPartitioningFunction, or
// the physical partitioning function is a range partitioning
// function and the partitioning key columns are a leading
// prefix of the clustering key columns.
// Choose logical subpartitioning if this is indeed the case.
// Note that we could some day allow an INVERSE_ORDER
// result, too, because the partitioning key predicates
// would work on the inverse order just as well.
if (rpfFromRequirement AND
rpfFromRequirement->getOrderOfKeyValues()) == SAME_ORDER) AND
(physicalPartFunc->isASinglePartitionPartitioningFunction() OR
(physicalPartFunc->isARangePartitioningFunction() AND
getOrderOfKeyValues()) == SAME_ORDER)))
logPartType =
// =======================
else if (logPartType ==
// trying to force subpartitioning where it doesn't work
return NULL;
// should check whether applying the part key preds pkp
// results in a good key pred selectivity ||opt
//logPartType =
// ============================
if (logPartType ==
// nothing worked, give up and hope for a double exchange
return NULL;
// no logical partitioning requirement, choose a simple scheme
logPartType = LogPhysPartitioningFunction::PA_PARTITION_GROUPING;
// =====================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// at this point we have chosen logPartType, now determine the
// number of PA clients to be used and whether to use a PAPA
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// see if user wants us to base the number of PAs on the number of
// active partitions
NABoolean baseNumPAsOnAP = FALSE;
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(BASE_NUM_PAS_ON_ACTIVE_PARTS) == DF_ON)
baseNumPAsOnAP = TRUE;
// Get the number of active partitions - used to limit the # of PAs
// if the above defaults entry says it is ok.
CostScalar activePartitions =
((NodeMap *)(physicalPartFunc->getNodeMap()))->getNumActivePartitions();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine number of PAs to use
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculating the number of PA nodes is a difficult task. Here are some
// of the factors that should influence the decision:
// - the number of physical partitions (no need to use more PAs than
// physical partitions in a PAPA node),
// - the selectivity of the partitioning key predicates (influences number
// of active physical partitions),
// - the distribution of DP2s over the available CPUs or nodes (influences
// the degree of DP2 parallelism that we can get),
// - the logPartType (influences whether the ESPs go after the same
// DP2s or have distinct set of DP2s) and the number of ESPs if the
// ESPs access the same partitions (HORIZONTAL_PARTITION_SLICING),
// - whether there is a required order in the DP2 exchange (requires
// a sufficient number of PAs to do the merge), whether it matches the
// clustering key and/or partitioning key, and the ratio of rows
// accessed in DP2 vs. rows returned by the DP2 exchange (low
// selectivity queries with sort can still benefit from parallelism).
// The number of PAs are being forced via C.Q. Shape, or
// synchronous access is being forced via C.Q. Default.
// if the number of PAs were not specified via C.Q. Shape,
// then we must be forcing synchronous access.
numPAs = 1;
else // number of PAs were forced
numPAsForced = TRUE;
// If the user is forcing any amount of synchronous access
// (numPAs < number of physical partitions),
// then this could lead to incorrect results if there is a
// required order or arrangement, the table is partitioned,
// and the table is not range partitioned on the required
// order or arrangement columns. Call the shouldUseSynchronousAccess
// method. If synchronous access is ok this method will
// return TRUE, note that this method knows if synch. access
// is being forced. If this method returns false
// then we must give up now.
if (numPAs < physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions())
if (physicalPartFunc->shouldUseSynchronousAccess(
shouldUseSynchronousAccess = TRUE;
return NULL;
} // end if forcing number of PAs or asynchronous access
else if (physicalPartFunc->shouldUseSynchronousAccess(
shouldUseSynchronousAccess = TRUE;
// For synchronous access, set the numPAs to 1. This is really
// the number of PAs we need PER PROCESS. But, since numPAs
// reflects the total number of PAs for all processes, it needs
// to be scaled up by the number of processes. This will be
// done after we compute the number of ESPs.
numPAs = 1;
else // # of PAs not forced and no synchronous access
// Set the number of PAs to the number of active partitions if
// allowed by the defaults table.
// Don't limit the # of PAs by the number of DP2 volumes (yet).
// We must be very careful about limiting the number of PAs if
// a merge of sorted streams is required. A merge of sorted streams
// cannot allow any kind of synchronous access, or the wrong
// answer might be returned. So, if we are going to do a
// merge of sorted streams, there must be one PA for every
// TRULY active partition. Since we can't guarantee the active
// partition estimate, set the number of PAs to the number of
// physical partitions if a merge of sorted streams is necessary.
if (NOT baseNumPAsOnAP OR
(rppForMe->getLogicalOrderOrArrangementFlag() AND
NOT physicalPartFunc->isASinglePartitionPartitioningFunction()))
numPAs = physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
numPAs = (Lng32)activePartitions.getValue();
// Now that we know if synchronous access will be done, see if
// we will need to do a merge of sorted streams.
// We will need a merge of sorted streams if there is a logical
// order or arrangement requirement, the required order does
// not require a DP2 sort order type (no merge of sorted streams
// is necessary to satisfy a DP2 sort order type requirement),
// and we are not accessing all partitions synchronously.
mergeOfSortedStreams =
rppForMe->getLogicalOrderOrArrangementFlag() AND
(rppForMe->getDp2SortOrderPartReq() == NULL) AND
(numPAs != 1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine the number of processes (ESPs or master) used. That number
// must be identical to the number of partitions in the logical
// partitioning function (if any).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( logicalPartFunc AND logPartReq AND
(logPartReq->getCountOfPartitions() != ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS)
// the logical partitioning function, which was derived from
// the logical partitioning requirement, has specified the
// number of ESPs
numEsps =
( (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_129) == DF_ON) AND
) ? logPartReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions()->
: logicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
else if (numPAs == 1)
// If numPAs is 1, there must be only one partition,
// or synchronous access is being used. So, it wouldn't
// do us any good to have more than one ESP.
numEsps = 1;
logicalPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// The DP2 exchange above us has not had any partitioning
// requirement or has not specified a number of partitions in
// its logical partitioning requirement. Produce a logical
// partitioning function in a way that we get a reasonable
// number of PAs per ESP (or in the master). Make the
// logical partitioning function by scaling the
// physical partitioning function or the previously realized
// partitioning function to numEsps partitions.
// initialize numEsps to the number of PAs
numEsps = numPAs;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE; // Not used
float allowedDeviation = 0.0; // Not used
if (NOT okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
NULL, //don't need/have pws
numOfESPsForced) OR
(numEsps == 1)
// TEMPORARY CODE - until vert. part tables support parallelism
OR physicalPartFunc->isARoundRobinPartitioningFunction()
// TEMPORARY CODE - until the executor can handle float columns
// in the partitioning key
OR physicalPartFunc->partKeyContainsFloatColumn()
numEsps = 1;
logicalPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
if (logicalPartFunc == NULL)
logicalPartFunc = physicalPartFunc->copy();
// logicalPartFunc should be the physical part function
logicalPartFunc = logicalPartFunc->copy();
// Now group the number of partitions down to a reasonable #
Lng32 scaleNumOfParts = numEsps;
// First, need to see if we need to base the parallelism on
// the number of active partitions.
Lng32 numActivePartitions = 1;
if ((CmpCommon::getDefault(BASE_NUM_PAS_ON_ACTIVE_PARTS)
(logicalPartFunc->castToRangePartitioningFunction() != NULL))
CostScalar activePartitions =
((NodeMap *)(logicalPartFunc->getNodeMap()))->
numActivePartitions = (Lng32)activePartitions.getValue();
// If we are grouping based on the number of active partitions,
// and there won't be enough active partitions to go around,
// then reduce the number of groups to the number of active
// partitions. This will ensure that the scaling will work
// and that we don't end up with more ESPs than active partitions.
if (scaleNumOfParts > numActivePartitions)
scaleNumOfParts = numActivePartitions;
// Actually do the grouping now
logicalPartFunc =
// Was scale able to do it's job?
if (scaleNumOfParts != numEsps) // No
// Scaling failed, so use the # of parts
// in the logical function, if there aren't too many partitions.
if (logicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() <=
numEsps = logicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
else // No choice left but no parallelism
numEsps = 1;
logicalPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
} // end if scaling failed
// We better have at least one ESP (or master)
CMPASSERT(numEsps >= 1);
// We must have a logical partitioning function at this point
CMPASSERT(logicalPartFunc != NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Perform adjustments of the number of PAs that are based on the
// number of ESPs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Can't/Don't need to adjust the number of PAs if the # is being forced
// or if synchronous access is being done, or if there is only one
// logical partition.
if (NOT numPAsForced AND NOT shouldUseSynchronousAccess AND numEsps > 1)
Lng32 maxPartsPerGroup;
if (logicalPartFunc->isAReplicateNoBroadcastPartitioningFunction())
// Does the REP-N really replicate to all partitions or is there
// some grouping going on. If it does replicate, then each
// instance may access all partitions via PAs. If there is
// grouping, then each instance will access a non-overlapping
// group of partitions. So in this case the total number of PAs
// across all instances is just the total number of partitions.
NABoolean grouping = FALSE;
const RequireReplicateNoBroadcast *rnbReq =
const PartitioningFunction *parentPartFunc = rnbReq->getParentPartFunc();
Lng32 factor;
grouping = parentPartFunc->isAGroupingOf(*physicalPartFunc, &factor);
// This is a Type-2 join, so all logical partitions might need
// to access all physical partitions. So, each ESP needs to have all
// the PAs, so we must multiply the number of PAs by the number of ESPs.
// Only do this if it's not a unique scan or if we must do a merge of
// sorted streams.
// If there is grouping going on, then we do not need to multiply.
if (((mergeOfSortedStreams) ||
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_67) == DF_OFF)) && !grouping)
numPAs = numPAs * numEsps;
else if (logicalPartFunc->isAGroupingOf(*physicalPartFunc,&maxPartsPerGroup)
AND (logPartType ==
// Partition grouping is being done.
// Compute the maximum number of physical partitions that would result
// if the groups were formed based on a uniform distribution of all
// physical partitions.
Lng32 maxPartsPerUniformGroup =
(physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions() + numEsps - 1) / numEsps;
if (mergeOfSortedStreams)
// Since a merge of sorted streams is being done, each group
// (ESP) will need to have as many PAs as the group that has
// the most partitions, to ensure that the ESP with the most
// partitions gets as many PAs as it has partitions.
// If this exceeds the maximum # of PAs allowed for a process,
// and this grouping was the result of a call to
// scaleNumberOfPartitions that was performed here and was
// based on an active partition distribution, see if a uniform
// grouping of the partitions would work. If so, call
// scaleNumberOfPartitions again, passing a parameter that indicates
// a uniform distribution of all physical partitions must be used.
if ((maxPartsPerGroup > maxPAsPerProcess) AND
((logPartReq == NULL) OR logPartReq->isRequirementFuzzy()) AND
(maxPartsPerUniformGroup <= maxPAsPerProcess))
logicalPartFunc = logicalPartFunc->copy(); // just in case
numPAs = maxPartsPerGroup * numEsps;
// IF this grouping was the result of a call to scaleNumberOfPartitions
// performed here, AND was based on an active partition distribution,
// AND there are enough inactive partitions to make it worthwhile
// to allocate some extra PAs to handle them, then do that.
Lng32 roundedUpNumOfPAs =
((numPAs + numEsps - 1) / numEsps) * numEsps;
if (((logPartReq == NULL) OR logPartReq->isRequirementFuzzy()) AND
(maxPartsPerUniformGroup != maxPartsPerGroup) AND
(roundedUpNumOfPAs < physicalPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions()))
numPAs += numEsps;
} // end if partition grouping
else if (mergeOfSortedStreams)
// logical subpartitioning + merge of sorted streams
// Because it is possible that ALL the physical partitions could end
// up in one of the logical partitions (due to skew), the only safe
// number of PAs in this case is to have (numPAs * numEsps) PAs.
// Perhaps eventually the executor will implement allocate-PA-on-demand
// and then the optimizer won't have to figure out how many PAs
// are needed.
numPAs = numPAs * numEsps;
} // end if # of PAs not forced, no synch. access, > 1 logical part
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// determine use of PAPA and make numPAs a multiple of the number of ESPs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (numPAs < numEsps)
// Synchronous access, or there just weren't enough partitions to
// go around.
numPAs = numEsps;
else if ((numPAs % numEsps) != 0)
// numPAs is not a multiple of numEsps. Round up if we are doing
// PA partition grouping, round down if we are doing logical
// subpartitioning. Note that if we round up, we will have
// some PAs in some ESPs that are not doing any work. But,
// this will help to minimize the effect of any imbalance,
// because even though some ESPs must access more partitions
// than others, they will access all partitions asynchronously.
if (logPartType ==
// Increase numPAs by numEsps-1 so that the truncation
// below will result in rounding the # of PAs up.
numPAs += numEsps - 1;
numPAs = (numPAs / numEsps) * numEsps;
else // logical subpartitioning
// Round down. We round down because otherwise, we would have
// multiple ESPs trying to access a portion of the same disk.
numPAs = (numPAs / numEsps) * numEsps;
} // end if numPAs is not a multiple of numEsps
if ((numPAs / numEsps) > maxPAsPerProcess)
// We have exceeded the maximum number of PAs per process, so we must
// reduce the number to the limit. This will result in synchronous
// access to some partitions. We will not be able to preserve the order
// via a merge of sorted streams, so if that's required give up now.
if (mergeOfSortedStreams)
return NULL;
// Reduce the number of PAs so that the number of PAs per
// process will be below the limit.
numPAs = maxPAsPerProcess * numEsps;
usePapa = (usePapa OR numPAs > numEsps);
// The number of cpus executing DP2's cannot be more than the number
// of PAs. In other words, cannot be using more cpus than there are
// streams.
currentCountOfCPUs = MINOF(currentCountOfCPUs,numPAs);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// create a partitioning function for the scan node
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (logPartType == LogPhysPartitioningFunction::PA_PARTITION_GROUPING AND
physicalPartFunc->isASinglePartitionPartitioningFunction() AND
numPAs == 1 AND NOT usePapa)
// Shortcut, no parallelism, no PAPA, and no logical
// partitioning at all. For this case ONLY we create a single
// partition partitioning function. The DP2 exchange node above
// will recognize this special case.
logPhysPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
logPhysPartFunc->createPartitioningKeyPredicates(); // just to be nice
// Make the logphys partitioning function which describes the way
// in which we will actually perform the query. Each partition of the
// logphys part function will correspond to one DP2 session.
LogPhysPartitioningFunction *lpf = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// lpf becomes const once added to synthLogProp, so calculate all
// the info here.
logPhysPartFunc = lpf;
// Make a new partSearchKey with the partitioning key preds of
// the partitioning function, if there are any. Note that ignoring
// the part key preds will result in a wrong answer if we use
// PA_PARTITION_GROUPING, since the PA node is the node responsible
// for the grouping. If it doesn't select a subgroup of partitions,
// too much data may be returned. For now we only consider a
// search key for the PA node, MDAM to be implemented later.
// MDAM will be useful for combining user-specified part key preds
// with logicalPartFunc->getPartitioningKeyPredicates().
if (NOT (logicalPartFunc->getPartitioningKeyPredicates().isEmpty() &&
// the key preds have the group's char. inputs and the
// partition input variables available
ValueIdSet dummy;
SearchKey *newPartSearchKey =
logicalPartFunc->createSearchKey(indexDesc, availInputs, dummy);
partSearchKey = newPartSearchKey;
// again, for PA_PARTITION_GROUPING we have to interpret
// all of the partitioning key predicates!
CMPASSERT((partSearchKey->getKeyPredicates() ==
logicalPartFunc->getPartitioningKeyPredicates()) OR
(logPartType !=
// location is in master or ESP for hive tables
if ((indexDesc->getPrimaryTableDesc()->getNATable()->isHiveTable()) ||
// Should never be a sort order type requirement in DP2
CMPASSERT(rppForMe->getSortOrderTypeReq() == NO_SOT);
PartitioningFunction* dp2SortOrderPartFunc = NULL;
// Synthesize the dp2SortOrderPartFunc if the sort key is not empty
if (NOT sortOrder.isEmpty())
dp2SortOrderPartFunc = physicalPartFunc;
PushDownProperty* pushDownProperty = NULL;
const PushDownRequirement* pdr = rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement();
if ( pdr ) {
// Depend on the pushdown requirement, generate a colocation
// or a CS push-down property.
if ( PushDownCSRequirement::isInstanceOf(pdr) )
pushDownProperty = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PushDownCSProperty(physicalPartFunc, partSearchKey);
else {
if ( PushDownColocationRequirement::isInstanceOf(pdr) )
pushDownProperty = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// create a physical property object
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sppForMe = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
NO_SOT, // Don't synthesize a sort order type until the exchange node
DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP *dp2CostInfoPtr =
new HEAP DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP(dp2CostInfo);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store more information about the decisions made in the synthesized
// property
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
return sppForMe;
} // RelExpr::synthDP2PhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileScan::synthHiveScanPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical property for a Hive table scan node,
// running in the master or an ESP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty * FileScan::synthHiveScanPhysicalProperty(
const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
ValueIdList &sortOrderVEG)
PhysicalProperty *sppForMe = NULL;
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc = NULL;
// my required phys props (always non-NULL)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = context->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
PartitioningRequirement * partReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
PlanExecutionEnum location = EXECUTE_IN_MASTER_AND_ESP;
PartitioningFunction * ixDescPartFunc = indexDesc_->getPartitioningFunction();
Lng32 numESPs = 1;
// CQDs related to # of ESPs for a Hive table scan
double bytesPerESP = getDefaultAsDouble(HIVE_MIN_BYTES_PER_ESP_PARTITION);
Lng32 maxESPs = getDefaultAsLong(HIVE_MAX_ESPS);
Lng32 numESPsPerDataNode = getDefaultAsLong(HIVE_NUM_ESPS_PER_DATANODE);
Lng32 numSQNodes = HHDFSMasterHostList::getNumSQNodes();
// minimum # of ESPs required by the parent
Lng32 minESPs = (partReq ? partReq->getCountOfPartitions() : 1);
if (partReq && partReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions())
minESPs = partReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions()->
NABoolean requiredESPsFixed =
partReq && partReq->castToFullySpecifiedPartitioningRequirement();
const HHDFSTableStats *tableStats = hiveSearchKey_->getHDFSTableStats();
// stats for partitions/buckets selected by predicates
HHDFSStatsBase selectedStats((HHDFSTableStats *)tableStats);
// limit the number of ESPs to HIVE_NUM_ESPS_PER_DATANODE * nodes
maxESPs = MAXOF(MINOF(numSQNodes*numESPsPerDataNode, maxESPs),1);
if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->attemptESPParallelism() == DF_OFF)
maxESPs = 1;
NABoolean useLocality = NodeMap::useLocalityForHiveScanInfo();
// Take the smallest # of ESPs in the allowed range as a start
numESPs = MINOF(minESPs, maxESPs);
// We can adjust #ESPs only when the required ESPs is not fully specified
// from the parent.
if ( !requiredESPsFixed ) {
// following are soft adjustments to numESPs, within the allowed range
double numESPsBasedOnTotalSize = 1;
if (bytesPerESP > 1.01)
numESPsBasedOnTotalSize = selectedStats.getTotalSize()/(bytesPerESP-1.0);
if (numESPsBasedOnTotalSize >= maxESPs)
numESPs = maxESPs;
numESPs = MAXOF(numESPs, (Int32) ceil(numESPsBasedOnTotalSize));
// if we use locality, generously increase # of ESPs to cover all the nodes
if (useLocality &&
maxESPs >= numSQNodes &&
(numESPs > numSQNodes / 2 ||
numESPs > numSQNodes - 10))
numESPs = MAXOF(numESPs, numSQNodes);
if (numESPs > 1)
// Try to make the # of ESPs a factor, the same or a multiple
// of the # of SQ nodes to avoid an imbalance. If we use locality,
// make the # of ESPs a multiple of the # of nodes for now.
double allowedDev = 1.0 + ActiveSchemaDB()->
Lng32 maxRoundedESPs = MINOF((Lng32) (numESPs * allowedDev), maxESPs);
Lng32 minRoundedESPs = MAXOF((Lng32) (numESPs / allowedDev), minESPs);
Lng32 delta = 0;
// starting with numESPs, search in ever larger
// circles until we find a "nice" number
NABoolean done = FALSE;
while (! done)
Lng32 numOutOfRange = 0;
// try i=+1 and i=-1 in this order
for (Lng32 i=1; i<2 && !done; i=((i==1) ? -1 : 2))
// our candidate number, c is numESPs +/- delta
Lng32 c = numESPs + i*delta;
if (c >= minRoundedESPs && c <= maxRoundedESPs)
NABoolean canUse = TRUE;
if ( partReq &&
partReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions() &&
!( ((RequireApproximatelyNPartitions*)partReq)->
isPartitionCountWithinRange(c) ) )
canUse = FALSE;
// let's check if we like this number c
// - same as or factor of # of SQ nodes
// - multiple of # of SQ nodes
// - multiple of # of SQ nodes + factor of # of SQ nodes
if ((c % numSQNodes == 0 ||
(! useLocality &&
(numSQNodes % c == 0 ||
(numSQNodes % (c % numSQNodes) == 0 && (c % numSQNodes > 1))))) && canUse )
// pick this candidate
numESPs = c;
done = TRUE;
if (++numOutOfRange >= 2)
done = TRUE; // exceeded both limits, leave numESPs unchanged
} // for
// widen the circle by 1
} // end while loop to try getting a "nice" number
} // end if numESPs > 1
NodeMap* myNodeMap = NULL;
if (numESPs > 1)
// create a HASH2 partitioning function with numESPs partitions
// and a RandomNum as the partitioning key (i.e. no usable part key)
const HHDFSTableStats *tableStats = hiveSearchKey_->getHDFSTableStats();
myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NodeMapEntry::ACTIVE, NodeMap::HIVE);
PartitioningFunction* pf = getTableDesc()
->getClusteringIndex() ->getPartitioningFunction();
NABoolean useHash2Only =
CmpCommon::getDefault(HIVE_USE_HASH2_AS_PARTFUNCION) == DF_ON;
if ( useHash2Only ||
tableStats->getNumOfConsistentBuckets() == 0 || pf==NULL )
ItemExpr *randNum = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) RandomNum(NULL, TRUE);
ValueIdSet partKey;
ValueIdList partKeyList(partKey);
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
} else {
ValueIdSet partKey = pf->getPartitioningKey();
ValueIdList partKeyList(partKey);
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NodeMapEntry::ACTIVE, NodeMap::HIVE);
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// create a very simple physical property for now, no sort order
// and no partitioning key for now
sppForMe = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(myPartFunc,
//FILE* fd = fopen("nodemap.log", "a");
//myNodeMap->print(fd, "", "hiveNodeMap");
return sppForMe;
RangePartitionBoundaries * createRangePartitionBoundariesFromStats
(const IndexDesc* idesc,
HistogramSharedPtr& hist,
Lng32 numberOfPartitions,
const NAColumnArray & partColArray,
const ValueIdList& partitioningKeyColumnsOrder,
const Int32 statsColsCount,
NAMemory* heap);
// Parameter partns:
// On input: the desired # of partitions
// On output: the final scaled-to # of partitions
Int32& partns,
const ValueIdSet& partitioningKeyColumns,
const ValueIdList& partitioningKeyColumnsList,
const ValueIdList& partitioningKeyColumnsOrder
Int32 bytesPerESP = getDefaultAsLong(HBASE_MIN_BYTES_PER_ESP_PARTITION);
NABoolean useMCSplit = (CmpCommon::getDefault(HBASE_RANGE_PARTITIONING_MC_SPLIT) == DF_ON);
if ( partns == 1 ||
(!useMCSplit && (partitioningKeyColumns.entries() != 1 ))) // if partition key has more than one column but MC stats based
// partitioning is disabled, then return
return NULL;
// do not split the SMD or UMD table for now.
if ( indexDesc_->getPrimaryTableDesc()->getNATable()->isSMDTable() ||
indexDesc_->getPrimaryTableDesc()->getNATable()->isUMDTable() )
return NULL;
// Now consider the stats
const ColStatDescList &primaryTableCSDL = indexDesc_->getPrimaryTableDesc()->getTableColStats();
// Get the key columns from the partKey since the
// part key in the part. func. contains veg references.
ValueId leadingColumn;
NAColumnArray partKeyColArray;
// if we have a partitioning key, take its first column,
// otherwise take the first column of the clustering key
if (indexDesc_->getPartitioningKey().entries() > 0)
leadingColumn = indexDesc_->getPartitioningKey()[0];
for (CollIndex j =0; j < partitioningKeyColumns.entries(); j++)
indexDesc_-> getNAFileSet()->getPartitioningKeyColumns()[j]
} else {
leadingColumn = indexDesc_-> getIndexKey()[0];
for (CollIndex j =0; j < partitioningKeyColumns.entries(); j++)
indexDesc_-> getNAFileSet()->getIndexKeyColumns()[j]
indexDesc_-> getNAFileSet()->getIndexKeyColumns().
// char types of non ISO88591 charset are currently not supported by the splitting logic
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < partKeyColArray.entries(); i ++)
const NAType* nt = partKeyColArray.getColumn(i)->getType();
if ((nt->getTypeQualifier() == NA_CHARACTER_TYPE) && (((CharType*)nt)->getCharSet() != CharInfo::ISO88591))
return NULL;
CollIndex i;
if (primaryTableCSDL.getColStatDescIndexForColumn(i, // out
ColStatsSharedPtr colStats = primaryTableCSDL[i]->getColStats();
const NAFileSet* fset = indexDesc_->getNAFileSet();
// indexDesc_->getPrimaryTableDesc()->
// getNATable()->getClusteringIndex();
Lng32 recLength = fset->getRecordLength();
if ( (colStats->getRowcount() * recLength) < CostScalar(bytesPerESP) )
return NULL;
if ( !colStats->isOrigFakeHist() )
// Find a new set of boundaries values which will evenly divide
// the whole table into partns partitions.
HistogramSharedPtr hist = NULL;
if (colStats->getStatColumns().entries() > 1)
hist = colStats->transformOnIntervalsForMC(partns);
hist = colStats->transformOnIntervals(partns);
RangePartitionBoundaries * rpb =
if ( !rpb )
return NULL;
// Finally create a new range partitioned partition function,
// with node map set to NULL.
RangePartitioningFunction* newPartFunc = new (STMTHEAP)
return newPartFunc;
// no stats for the leading key columns, or faked stats. Give up.
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileScan::synthHbaseScanPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical property for a Hive table scan node,
// running in the master or an ESP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty * FileScan::synthHbaseScanPhysicalProperty(
const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
ValueIdList &sortOrderVEG)
// my required phys props (always non-NULL)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = context->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
PartitioningRequirement * partReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc = NULL;
NABoolean partnsScaled = FALSE;
Lng32 oldPartns = 0;
Lng32 numESPs = 1;
PartitioningFunction * ixDescPartFunc = NULL;
// Nothing we can do if the requirement is a single partition func
if ( partReq && partReq->castToRequireExactlyOnePartition() ) {
myPartFunc = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
} else {
// Perform the scaling
ixDescPartFunc = indexDesc_->getPartitioningFunction();
// Compute the desirable #ESPs first
// minimum # of ESPs required by the parent
Lng32 minESPs = (partReq ?
partReq->getCountOfPartitions() :
if (partReq && partReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions())
minESPs = partReq->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions()->
Lng32 maxESPs = 1;
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
if ( !(CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->attemptESPParallelism() == DF_OFF) ) {
// CQDs related to # of ESPs for a HBase table scan
maxESPs = getDefaultAsLong(HBASE_MAX_ESPS);
Int32 numOfPartitions = -1;
if ( ixDescPartFunc )
numOfPartitions = ixDescPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
if ( maxESPs == 0 && minESPs <= numOfPartitions ) {
minESPs = maxESPs = numOfPartitions;
} else {
NABoolean fakeEnv = FALSE;
CollIndex totalESPsAllowed = defs.getTotalNumOfESPsInCluster(fakeEnv);
if ( !fakeEnv ) {
// limit the number of ESPs to max(totalESPsAllowed, HBASE_MAX_ESPS)
maxESPs = MAXOF(MINOF(totalESPsAllowed, maxESPs),1);
if (!partReq && minESPs == 1) {
minESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
if (ixDescPartFunc && (CmpCommon::getDefault(LIMIT_HBASE_SCAN_DOP) == DF_ON)) {
minESPs = MINOF(minESPs, ixDescPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions());
if ( getDefaultAsLong(AFFINITY_VALUE) != -2 && ixDescPartFunc ) {
Int32 numOfUniqueNodes =
// #ESPs performing reading from HBase tables is capped at by
// the # of unique nodes or region servers.
if ( numOfUniqueNodes > 0 )
minESPs = MINOF(minESPs, numOfUniqueNodes);
else {
maxESPs = totalESPsAllowed;
numESPs = MINOF(minESPs, maxESPs);
NABoolean performStatsSplit =
(CmpCommon::getDefault(HBASE_STATS_PARTITIONING) != DF_OFF &&
!(ixDescPartFunc && ixDescPartFunc->isAHash2PartitioningFunction()));
if (partReq && partReq->castToRequireReplicateNoBroadcast()) {
myPartFunc =
else if ( ixDescPartFunc )
myPartFunc = ixDescPartFunc->copy();
oldPartns = myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
Lng32 partns = numESPs;
const RangePartitioningFunction* myPartFuncAsRange = NULL;
if ( (myPartFuncAsRange=myPartFunc->castToRangePartitioningFunction()) )
RangePartitioningFunction* newPartFunc = NULL;
if (performStatsSplit)
newPartFunc =
if ( newPartFunc )
myPartFunc = newPartFunc;
} else {
partnsScaled = (oldPartns != partns);
} else {
// A NULL ixDescPartFunc implies the table is single partitioned
// (1 region only).
if ( performStatsSplit ) {
Lng32 partns = numESPs;
const ValueIdList& keyColumnList = indexDesc_->getPartitioningKey();
const ValueIdList& orderOfKeyValues = indexDesc_->getOrderOfKeyValues();
ValueIdSet keyColumnSet(keyColumnList);
RangePartitioningFunction* newPartFunc =
if ( newPartFunc ) {
myPartFunc = newPartFunc;
// setup partKeys_
ValueIdSet externalInputs = getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
ValueIdSet dummySet;
// Create and set the Searchkey for the partitioning key:
partKeys_ = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NOT getReverseScan(),
dummySet, // needed by interface but not used here
partnsScaled = TRUE;
} else
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
} else
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
if (myPartFunc->getNodeMap() == NULL || partnsScaled ) {
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// colocated ESP logic
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(TRAF_ALLOW_ESP_COLOCATION) == DF_ON) AND
ixDescPartFunc ) {
// get region nodeMap which has regions nodeIds populated
NodeMap* myNodeMap = (NodeMap*) myPartFunc->getNodeMap();
const NodeMap* regNodeMap = ixDescPartFunc->getNodeMap();
Int32 m= myNodeMap->getNumEntries();
Int32 n = regNodeMap->getNumEntries();
// m : n allocation strategy where m < n using most popular node num
if (m < n) {
Lng32 regionsPerEsp = n / m;
Lng32 beginPos = 0;
for (Lng32 index = 0; (index < m && beginPos < n); index++) {
Lng32 endPos = beginPos + regionsPerEsp;
Lng32 popularNodeId =
regNodeMap->getPopularNodeNumber(beginPos, endPos);
myNodeMap->setNodeNumber(index, popularNodeId);
beginPos = endPos;
} else if (m == n) { // 1:1 allocation strategy
for (Lng32 index = 0; index < n; index++) {
myNodeMap->setNodeNumber(index, regNodeMap->getNodeNumber(index));
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
NULL, /* no dp2 part func*/
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Vector to put all costing data that is computed at synthesis time
// Make it a local variable for now. If we ever reach the end of
// this routine create a variable from the heap, initialize it with this,
// and then set the sppForMe slot.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP dp2CostInfo;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimate the number of active partitions and other costing
// data that depends on SPP:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
computeDP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP(*myPartFunc // in/out
,dp2CostInfo //out
,*indexDesc_ // in
,*partKeys_ // in
,*getGroupAttr() //in
,*context // in
,CmpCommon::statementHeap() // in
, *this
DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP *dp2CostInfoPtr =
new HEAP DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP(dp2CostInfo);
return sppForMe ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileScan::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
FileScan::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodFileScan *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodFileScan();
return m;
} // FileScan::costMethod()
// Synthesize physical properties for FileScan operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
FileScan::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
PhysicalProperty *sppForMe;
// synthesized order
ValueIdList sortOrderVEG = NULL;
sortOrderVEG = indexDesc_->getOrderOfKeyValues();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove from the sortOrder those columns that are equal to constants
// or input values. Also, remove from sortOrder those columns that are
// not in the characteristic outputs.
// It is possible that the characteristic outputs
// will not contain the base columns, but rather expressions
// involving the base columns. For example, if the user specified
// "select b+1 from t order by 1;", and "b" is the primary key,
// then the characteristic output will only contain the valueId for the
// expression "b+1" - it will not contain the value id for "b". So,
// even though "b" is the primary key, we will fail to find it in the
// characteristic outputs and thus we will not synthesize the sort key.
// To solve this, we first check for the base column in the
// characteristic outputs. If we find it, great. But if we don't, we
// need to see if the base column is included in the SIMPLIFIED form
// of the characteristic outputs. If it is, then we need to change
// the sort key to include the valueId for the expression "b+1" instead
// of "b". This is because we cannot synthesize anything in the sort
// key that is not in the characteristic outputs, but if something
// is sorted by "b" then it is surely sorted by "b+1". We have
// coined the expression "complify" to represent this operation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// if this is a reverse scan, apply an inversion function to
// each of the ordering columns
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (getReverseScan())
ItemExpr *inverseCol;
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < (Lng32)sortOrderVEG.entries(); i++)
ItemExpr *ix = sortOrderVEG[i].getItemExpr();
if (ix->getOperatorType() == ITM_INVERSE)
// remove the inverse operator, the reverse scan
// cancels it out
inverseCol = ix->child(0);
// add an inverse operator on top
inverseCol = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
sortOrderVEG[i] = inverseCol->getValueId();
if (isHiveTable())
return synthHiveScanPhysicalProperty(myContext, planNumber, sortOrderVEG);
else if (isHbaseTable())
return synthHbaseScanPhysicalProperty(myContext, planNumber, sortOrderVEG);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// call a static helper method shared between scan and ins/upd/del
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((sppForMe = synthDP2PhysicalProperty(myContext,
partKeys_)) == NULL)
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply partitioning key predicates if necessary
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (sppForMe->getPartitioningFunction()->
LogPhysPartitioningFunction *logPhysPartFunc =
(LogPhysPartitioningFunction *) // cast away const
LogPhysPartitioningFunction::logPartType logPartType =
if (logPartType ==
logPartType ==
// also need to apply the part key preds and pick up the PIVs in
// FileScan::preCodGen if we ever use this
// try to determine if the scan will take place only with one partition.
// The condition for this to happen is that a local predicate T.A = const
// exists and the table T is partition on A.
if ( partKeys_ ) {
// get the part key predicate. For local predicate 'T.A = 12',
// the predicate = { vegRef { T.A, '12' } }
const ValueIdSet& pkPredicate = partKeys_->getKeyPredicates();
// get the partitioning key of the indexDesc_. If the T is partitioned
// on T.A, the pkList then is [ T.A ]
const ValueIdList & pkList = indexDesc_->getPartitioningKey();
// We now check if every element of the part key predicate is associated
// with an element of the partition key of the current indexDesc_ below.
UInt32 size = pkList.entries();
NABoolean accessSinglePartition = size > 0;
for (UInt32 i=0; i < size; i++)
if ( ! pkPredicate.containsAsEquiLocalPred(pkList[i]) ) {
accessSinglePartition = FALSE;
return sppForMe;
} // FileScan::synthPhysicalProperty()
const PartitioningFunction * FileScan::getPartFunc() const
return getPhysicalProperty()->getPartitioningFunction();
void FileScan::addPartKeyPredsToSelectionPreds(
const ValueIdSet& partKeyPreds,
const ValueIdSet& pivs)
selectionPred() += partKeyPreds;
NABoolean FileScan::okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*IN,OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
NABoolean result = FALSE;
DefaultToken parallelControlSettings =
if (parallelControlSettings == DF_OFF)
result = FALSE;
else if ((CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_64) == DF_ON) AND
(parallelControlSettings == DF_MAXIMUM) AND
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
allowedDeviation = 0.0; // not used by leafs
result = TRUE;
else if (parallelControlSettings == DF_ON)
// Currently, forcing of the number of ESPs for a leaf
// is not supported. So, numOfESPsForced should always be FALSE.
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
const Int32 optimalNumPAsPerEsp =
// divide number of PAs by number of PAs per ESP and round up to
// the next highest number of ESPs if there is a remainder
numOfESPs = (numOfESPs+optimalNumPAsPerEsp-1) /
// Can't have more ESPs than the maximum
numOfESPs = MINOF(numOfESPs,rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines());
allowedDeviation = 0.0; // not used by leafs
result = TRUE;
// Otherwise, the user must have specified "SYSTEM" for the
// ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM default. This means it is up to the
// optimizer to decide.
// Return TRUE if the number of rows returned
// by child(0) exceeds the threshold from the defaults
// table. The recommended number of ESPs is also computed
// to be 1 process per <threshold> number of rows.
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr outputLogProp = getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar rowCount =
const CostScalar numberOfRowsThreshold =
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
if ( (rowCount > numberOfRowsThreshold) AND
(CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_128) == DF_ON)
Lng32 optimalNumOfESPs = MINOF(numOfESPs,
(Lng32)(rowCount / numberOfRowsThreshold).value());
// make numOfESPs as available level of parallelism
// 16*N, 8*N, 4*N,..., N,1 where N is the number of segments
Lng32 i = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getMaximumDegreeOfParallelism();
Lng32 MinParallelism =
while(i > MinParallelism)
numOfESPs = (i<MinParallelism) ? i*=2 : i;
allowedDeviation = 0.0; // not used by scan
result = TRUE;
result = FALSE;
} // end if the user let the optimizer decide
return result;
} // FileScan::okToAttemptESPParallelism()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class DP2Scan
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DP2Scan::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodDP2Scan *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodDP2Scan();
return m;
} // DP2Scan::costMethod()
// Synthesize physical properties for Describe operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
Describe::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // Describe::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for GenericUtilExpr operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
GenericUtilExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // GenericUtilExpr::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FirstN::createContextForAChild()
// The FirstN node may have an order by requirement that it needs to
// pass to its child context. Other than that, this method is quite
// similar to the default implementation, RelExpr::createContextForAChild.
// The arity of FirstN is always 1, so some logic from the default
// implementation that deals with childIndex > 0 is unnecessary and has
// been removed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Context * FirstN::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
CMPASSERT(getArity() == 1);
childIndex = getArity() - pws->getCountOfChildContexts() - 1;
// return if we are done
if (childIndex < 0)
return NULL;
RequirementGenerator rg(child(childIndex), rppForMe);
if (reqdOrder().entries() > 0)
// add our sort requirement as implied by our ORDER BY clause
// Shouldn't/Can't add a sort order type requirement
// if we are in DP2
if (rppForMe->executeInDP2())
if (NOT rg.checkFeasibility())
return NULL;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as myContext.
// Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context that contains
// the same rpp and input log prop as in myContext.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(childIndex, rg.produceRequirement(),
costLimit, myContext,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
return result;
} // FirstN::createContextForAChild()
// Synthesize physical properties for FirstN operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// FirstN operator has the same properties as its child.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
FirstN::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Simply propogate child's physical property.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfTheChild =
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty (*sppOfTheChild);
if (canExecuteInDp2())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
// Synthesize physical properties for RelTransaction operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
RelTransaction::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // RelTransaction::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for RelSetTimeout operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
RelSetTimeout::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // RelSetTimeout::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for RelLock operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
RelLock::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc = NULL;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rpp = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
if (rpp->getCountOfAvailableCPUs() <= 1)
parallelExecution_ = FALSE;
if (parallelExecution_)
myPartFunc =
if (!myPartFunc)
parallelExecution_ = FALSE;
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
return sppForMe;
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // RelLock::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for ControlAbstractClass operator's current
// plan extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
ControlAbstractClass::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // ControlAbstractClass::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for class Tuple
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tuple::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Tuple::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodTuple *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodTuple();
return m;
} // Tuple::costMethod()
// Synthesize physical properties for Tuple operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
// Note this is a close copy of the synthPhysicalProperties for Tuple,
// so if we change anything here we should evaluate if the Tuple method
// should change as well.
Tuple::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
CMPASSERT(myContext != NULL);
PlanExecutionEnum planExecutionLocation = EXECUTE_IN_MASTER_AND_ESP;
PartitioningRequirement *myPartReq = NULL;
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc = NULL;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = 0;
rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// decide on my partitioning function
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
myPartReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
if (myPartReq ) {
myPartFunc = myPartReq->realize(myContext);
if ( NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() &&
(myPartFunc -> castToHashPartitioningFunction() ||
myPartFunc -> castToTableHashPartitioningFunction() ||
myPartFunc -> castToRangePartitioningFunction() ||
myPartFunc -> castToRoundRobinPartitioningFunction()
) && myPartFunc -> getCountOfPartitions() > 1
return NULL;
} else {
// If the tuple is in DP2, use the partition function in
// pushdown property (if any).
if ( rppForMe->executeInDP2() )
const PushDownRequirement* pdq = rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement();
if ( pdq AND PushDownCSRequirement::isInstanceOf(pdq) )
myPartFunc = (PartitioningFunction*)
if ( myPartFunc == NULL )
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Make sure the Tuple node only produces its tuple when it is
// part of the partition to be produced. Do this by applying the
// partitioning key predicates which filter out the data of that
// partition.
if (myPartFunc->canProducePartitioningKeyPredicates())
if ( NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() )
// for single partition and replication the predicates will be empty
if (NOT myPartFunc->getPartitioningKeyPredicates().isEmpty())
// ||opt we would need to add the partitioning key
// predicates, but I see in the executor that no
// predicates are evaluated on the tuple node. This may
// be an unrelated bug or a problem for this case. For now
// refuse to generate any partitioning scheme that has
// partitioning key predicates
return NULL;
// A leaf node can only produce a partitioning function if
// it can apply its partitioning key predicates. If we can't
// produce the data we better return NULL physical props.
return NULL;
// If partitioning function has no node map already, create a new node map
// having wild-card entries for each partition.
if (myPartFunc->getNodeMap() == 0)
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
const PushDownRequirement* pdr = rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement();
// Disable inserts under exchange if the compound statement is not
// under the same exchange.
if ( isinBlockStmt() AND rppForMe->executeInDP2() AND
NOT PushDownCSRequirement::isInstanceOf(pdr)
return 0;
if ( pdr )
// If the tuple is the first statement (left most node) or
// immediately below an EXCHANGE, do not allow it.
if (pdr->isEmpty()== TRUE)
return 0;
planExecutionLocation = EXECUTE_IN_DP2;
// Any leaf node inside DP2 should produce a physical property.
// Furthermore, we need a logphy partfunc here so that it can
// be compared with that of the INSERTed node.
if (! myPartFunc->isASinglePartitionPartitioningFunction())
LogicalPartitioningRequirement *lpr;
lpr = rppForMe->getLogicalPartRequirement();
PartitioningRequirement *logPartReq = NULL;
Lng32 numEsps = 1;
NABoolean usePapa = FALSE;
NABoolean shouldUseSynchronousAccess = FALSE;
LogPhysPartitioningFunction::logPartType logPartType;
PartitioningFunction * logicalPartFunc = NULL;
if (!lpr)
lpr = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
logPartType = LogPhysPartitioningFunction::ANY_LOGICAL_PARTITIONING;
usePapa = FALSE;
logPartType = lpr->getLogPartTypeReq();
numPAs = lpr->getNumClientsReq();
usePapa = lpr->getMustUsePapa();
logPartReq = lpr->getLogReq();
if (logPartReq)
logicalPartFunc = logPartReq->realize(
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
logicalPartFunc, // logical
myPartFunc, // physical
// coverity thinks "lpr" is leaked here. "lpr" is eventually freed by
// CmpCommon::statementHeap's destructor. It is dangerous to free
// "lpr" here because myPartFunc indirectly holds a pointer to "lpr".
// coverity[leaked_storage]
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PushDownProperty* pushDownProperty = 0;
if ( pdr && !pdr->isEmpty() )
const PushDownCSRequirement*
pdcsr = pdr->castToPushDownCSRequirement();
if ( pdcsr )
// generate a CS push-down property.
pushDownProperty = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PushDownCSProperty(pdcsr->getPartFunc(), pdcsr->getSearchKey());
} else {
const PushDownColocationRequirement*
pdclr = pdr->castToPushDownColocationRequirement();
// generate a colocation push-down property.
if ( pdclr )
pushDownProperty = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
} else
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimate the number of cpus executing executing copies of this
// instance:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 countOfCPUs = 1;
Lng32 countOfStreams = 1;
if (myPartFunc != NULL)
countOfStreams = myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
Lng32 countOfAvailableCPUs = 1;
if (myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty())
countOfAvailableCPUs =
// The number of CPUs is limited by the number of streams
countOfCPUs = (countOfStreams < countOfAvailableCPUs ?
countOfStreams : countOfAvailableCPUs);
CMPASSERT(countOfCPUs >= 1);
// A Tuple operator does not normally execute in DP2. Still, it is
// a leaf operator. So, set the currentCountOfCPUs in the spp for
// tuple to tuple's count of cpus. This way, if any of tuple's
// parents decide to base their degree of parallelism on their
// children they can get their child's degree of parallelism
// from the currentCountOfCPUs field of their child's spp, regardless
// of whether the child is really a DP2 operator or not.
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // Tuple::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for InsertCursor operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
InsertCursor::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
ValueIdList emptySortKey;
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe = synthDP2PhysicalProperty(myContext,
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
if ( sppForMe )
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // InsertCursor::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for UpdateCursor operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
UpdateCursor::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
ValueIdList emptySortKey;
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe = synthDP2PhysicalProperty(myContext,
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
if ( sppForMe )
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // UpdateCursor::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for DeleteCursor operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
DeleteCursor::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
ValueIdList emptySortKey;
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe = synthDP2PhysicalProperty(myContext,
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
if ( sppForMe )
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // DeleteCursor::synthPhysicalProperty()
NABoolean GenericUpdate::okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*IN,OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
NABoolean result = FALSE;
DefaultToken parallelControlSettings =
if (isMerge())
result = FALSE;
if (parallelControlSettings == DF_OFF)
result = FALSE;
else if ((CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_65) == DF_ON) AND
(parallelControlSettings == DF_MAXIMUM) AND
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
allowedDeviation = 0.0; // not used by leafs
result = TRUE;
else if (parallelControlSettings == DF_ON)
// Currently, forcing of the number of ESPs for a leaf
// is not supported. So, numOfESPsForced should always be FALSE.
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
const Int32 optimalNumPAsPerEsp =
// divide number of PAs by number of PAs per ESP and round up to
// the next highest number of ESPs if there is a remainder
numOfESPs = (numOfESPs+optimalNumPAsPerEsp-1) /
// Can't have more ESPs than the maximum
numOfESPs = MINOF(numOfESPs,rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines());
allowedDeviation = 0.0; // not used by leafs
result = TRUE;
// Otherwise, the user must have specified "SYSTEM" for the
// ATTEMPT_ESP_PARALLELISM default. This means it is up to the
// optimizer to decide.
// Return TRUE if the number of rows returned
// by child(0) exceeds the threshold from the defaults
// table. The recommended number of ESPs is also computed
// to be 1 process per <threshold> number of rows.
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp = myContext->getInputLogProp();
EstLogPropSharedPtr outputLogProp = getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inLogProp);
const CostScalar rowCount =
const CostScalar numberOfRowsThreshold =
if (rowCount > numberOfRowsThreshold)
double optimalNumOfESPsDbl =
ceil((rowCount / numberOfRowsThreshold).value());
// Don't need / can't have more ESPs than PAs
numOfESPs = (Lng32) MINOF(numOfESPs,optimalNumOfESPsDbl);
// Can't have more ESPs than the maximum
numOfESPs = MINOF(numOfESPs,rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines());
allowedDeviation = 0.0; // not used
result = TRUE;
result = FALSE;
} // end if the user let the optimizer decide
return result;
} // GenericUpdate::okToAttemptESPParallelism()
// Synthesize physical properties for Explain operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
ExplainFunc::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // ExplainFunc::synthPhysicalProperty()
StatisticsFunc::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // StatisticsFunc::synthPhysicalProperty()
PhysicalProperty *
PhysicalSPProxyFunc::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NodeMap(CmpCommon::statementHeap(), 1, NodeMapEntry::ACTIVE);
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty *sppForMe = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
return sppForMe;
} // PhysicalSPProxyFunc::synthPhysicalProperty()
PhysicalProperty *
PhysicalExtractSource::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
NodeMap(CmpCommon::statementHeap(), 1, NodeMapEntry::ACTIVE);
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty *sppForMe = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
return sppForMe;
} // PhysicalExtractSource::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Transpose::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this type.
PhysTranspose::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodTranspose *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodTranspose();
return m;
} // PhysTranspose::costMethod()
// Synthesize physical properties for Transpose operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
PhysTranspose::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// for now, simply propagate the physical property
PhysicalProperty *sppForMe = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // PhysTranspose::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize physical properties for Stored Procedure operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
PhysicalProperty *
RelInternalSP::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context * myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // RelInternalSP::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of type RelInternalSP.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CostMethod *
RelInternalSP::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodStoredProc *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodStoredProc();
return m;
} // RelInternalSP::costMethod()
CostMethod *
HbaseDelete::costMethod() const
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(HBASE_DELETE_COSTING) == DF_OFF)
// RelExpr::costMethod() costin returns a cost 1 cost object. This
// is the old behavior before the new costing code was written.
return RelExpr::costMethod();
static THREAD_P CostMethodHbaseDelete *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodHbaseDelete();
return m;
} // HbaseDelete::costMethod()
HbaseDelete::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition
// unless we have a partitioning requirement that says
// otherwise.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc = NULL;
if (partReqForMe &&
myPartFunc =
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // HbaseDelete::synthPhysicalProperty()
CostMethod *
HbaseUpdate::costMethod() const
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(HBASE_UPDATE_COSTING) == DF_OFF)
// RelExpr::costMethod() costing returns a cost 1 cost object. This
// is the old behavior before the new costing code was written.
return RelExpr::costMethod();
static THREAD_P CostMethodHbaseUpdate *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodHbaseUpdate();
return m;
} // HbaseUpdate::costMethod()
HbaseUpdate::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition
// unless we have a partitioning requirement that says
// otherwise.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc = NULL;
if (partReqForMe &&
myPartFunc =
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // HbaseUpdate::synthPhysicalProperty()
HiveInsert::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement * partReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
// variables that help to come up with my partitioning function
const LogicalPartitioningRequirement *lpr =
PartitioningRequirement * logPartReq = NULL;
PlanExecutionEnum location = EXECUTE_IN_MASTER_AND_ESP;
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc;
if ( partReq->isRequirementFullySpecified() ) {
FullySpecifiedPartitioningRequirement* fpr =
myPartFunc = fpr -> getPartitioningFunction();
} else
myPartFunc = getIndexDesc()->getPartitioningFunction();
PhysicalProperty *pp = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty(myPartFunc, location);
return pp;
} // HiveInsert::synthPhysicalProperty()
CostMethod *
HbaseInsert::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodHbaseInsert *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodHbaseInsert();
return m;
} // HbaseInsert::costMethod()
HbaseInsert::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition
// unless we have a partitioning requirement that says
// otherwise.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc = NULL;
if (partReqForMe &&
myPartFunc =
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // HbaseInsert::synthPhysicalProperty()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// member functions for class PhyPack
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CostMethod* PhyPack::costMethod() const
// Zero costs for now.
static THREAD_P CostMethodFixedCostPerRow *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodFixedCostPerRow(0.,0.,0.);
return m;
// Synthesize physical properties for Pack operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
PhyPack::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
PlanExecutionEnum planExecutionLocation;
// Get child's properties
PhysicalProperty const *sppOfChild =
// Execute in DP2 if required
if ( context->getReqdPhysicalProperty()->executeInDP2()
planExecutionLocation = EXECUTE_IN_DP2;
else {
planExecutionLocation = sppOfChild->getPlanExecutionLocation();
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Simply propogate child's physical property for now. After packing,
// there should be no more order and stuffs though.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfTheChild =
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PhysicalProperty (*sppOfTheChild);
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PhyCompoundStmt::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysCompoundStmt::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodCompoundStmt *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodCompoundStmt();
return m;
PhysicalProperty* PhysCompoundStmt::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* context,
const Lng32 /*unused*/,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
const PhysicalProperty* const sppOfLeftChild =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call the default implementation (RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty())
// to synthesize the properties on the number of cpus.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppTemp = RelExpr::synthPhysicalProperty(context,0, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The result of a compound statement has the sort order of the left
// child. The nested join maintains the partitioning of the left child
// as well.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
delete sppTemp;
return sppForMe;
} // CompoundStmt::synthPhysicalProperty()
Context* CompoundStmt::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If one Context has been generated for each child, return NULL
// to signal completion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == getArity())
return NULL;
childIndex = pws->getCountOfChildContexts();
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
Context* childContext = NULL;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
RequirementGenerator rg(child(childIndex),rppForMe);
if ( rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement() == NULL AND
rppForMe->executeInDP2() AND
childIndex == 0
// This must be the top CS and we are optimizing the left child.
// Add a null-state required push-down property.
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PushDownCSRequirement()
if (
childIndex == 1 // for right child
// a plan has been produced by latest context
(childContext = pws->getChildContext(0, 0)) != NULL
//(pws->getLatestChildIndex(), pws->getLatestPlan())) != NULL
// clean the rg.
// Since we do not impose the sortKey or arragement of the
// left child to the right, we have to remove them from the
// requirement.
const PhysicalProperty*
sppForChild = childContext->getPhysicalPropertyForSolution();
CMPASSERT(sppForChild != NULL);
if ( rppForMe -> executeInDP2() )
CMPASSERT(sppForChild->getPushDownProperty() != NULL);
// Add the push-down requirement if the left child echos back
// the push down requirement.
} else {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// spp should have been synthesized for child's optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild =
// for above DP2 cases, we need the part req.
// Note ESP parallism would not work here as partKey is not mapped.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is a CPU or memory-intensive operator or if we could benefit
// from parallelism by performing multiple sort groupbys on different
// ranges at the same time, then add a requirement for a minimum number
// of partitions, unless that requirement would conflict with our
// parent's requirement.
// Don't add a required number of partitions if we must execute in DP2,
// because you can't change the number of DP2s.
// Also don't specify a required number of partitions for a scalar
// aggregate, because a scalar aggregate cannot execute in parallel.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// and give up if it is not possible to satisfy them
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT rg.checkFeasibility())
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as those in
// rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context
// that contains rppForChild as the required physical properties..
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
return result;
} // CompoundStmt::createContextForAChild()
Context* Pack::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If one Context has been generated for each child, return NULL
// to signal completion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (pws->getCountOfChildContexts() == getArity())
return NULL;
childIndex = 0;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
RequirementGenerator rg(child(0),rppForMe);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add the order requirements needed for this RelPack node
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shouldn't/Can't add a sort order type requirement
// if we are in DP2
if (rppForMe->executeInDP2())
// rg.addLocationRequirement(EXECUTE_IN_ESP);
// Cannot execute in parallel
// Do not impose single part requirement if executed in DP2.
if ( NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() OR NOT isinBlockStmt() )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Done adding all the requirements together, now see whether it worked
// and give up if it is not possible to satisfy them
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT rg.checkFeasibility())
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as those in
// rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context
// that contains rppForChild as the required physical properties..
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
return result;
} // Pack::createContextForAChild()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsolatedScalarUDF::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
IsolatedScalarUDF::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodIsolatedScalarUDF *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodIsolatedScalarUDF();
return m;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PhysicalIsolatedScalarUDF::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalIsolatedScalarUDF::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodIsolatedScalarUDF *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodIsolatedScalarUDF();
return m;
// Synthesize physical properties for IsolatedScalarUDF operator's current plan
// extracted from a specified context.
// Input:
// myContext -- specified context containing this operator's current plan.
// planNumber -- plan's number within the plan workspace. Used optionally for
// synthesizing partitioning functions but unused in this
// derived version of synthPhysicalProperty().
// Output:
// none
// Return:
// Pointer to this operator's synthesized physical properties.
// Note this is a close copy of the synthPhysicalProperties for Tuple,
// so if we change anything here we should evaluate if the Tuple method
// should change as well.
IsolatedScalarUDF::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
CMPASSERT(myContext != NULL);
PartitioningRequirement *myPartReq = NULL;
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc = NULL;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// decide on my partitioning function
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
myPartReq = rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement();
if (myPartReq ) {
myPartFunc = myPartReq->realize(myContext);
CMPASSERT(myPartFunc != NULL);
// we cannot execute in DP2 nor can we do some of these partitioning
// schemes.
if ( rppForMe->executeInDP2() ||
(NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() &&
(myPartFunc -> castToHashPartitioningFunction() ||
myPartFunc -> castToTableHashPartitioningFunction() ||
myPartFunc -> castToRangePartitioningFunction() ||
myPartFunc -> castToRoundRobinPartitioningFunction()
) && myPartFunc -> getCountOfPartitions() > 1
return NULL;
} else {
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Make sure the IsolatedScalarUDF node only produces its output when it is
// part of the partition to be produced. Do this by applying the
// partitioning key predicates which filter out the data of that
// partition.
if (myPartFunc->canProducePartitioningKeyPredicates())
if ( NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() )
// for single partition and replication the predicates will be empty
if (NOT myPartFunc->getPartitioningKeyPredicates().isEmpty())
// ||opt we would need to add the partitioning key
// predicates, but I see in the executor that no
// predicates are evaluated on the IsolatedScalarUDF node. This may
// be an unrelated bug or a problem for this case. For now
// refuse to generate any partitioning scheme that has
// partitioning key predicates
return NULL;
// A leaf node can only produce a partitioning function if
// it can apply its partitioning key predicates. If we can't
// produce the data we better return NULL physical props.
return NULL;
// If partitioning function has no node map already, create a new node map
// having wild-card entries for each partition.
if (myPartFunc->getNodeMap() == 0)
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
const PushDownRequirement* pdr = rppForMe->getPushDownRequirement();
// Disable inserts under exchange if the compound statement is not
// under the same exchange.
if ( isinBlockStmt() AND rppForMe->executeInDP2() AND
NOT PushDownCSRequirement::isInstanceOf(pdr)
return 0;
if ( pdr )
// If the IsolatedScalarUDF is the first statement (left most node) or
// immediately below an EXCHANGE, do not allow it.
if (pdr->isEmpty()== TRUE)
return 0;
// XXX Verify that AP is what ANY will translate to
NABoolean canRunInParallel = (getRoutineDesc()->getEffectiveNARoutine()->
getParallelism() == "AP");
PlanExecutionEnum planExecutionLocation = canRunInParallel ?
PhysicalProperty* sppForMe =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PushDownProperty* pushDownProperty = 0;
if ( pdr && !pdr->isEmpty() )
const PushDownCSRequirement*
pdcsr = pdr->castToPushDownCSRequirement();
if ( pdcsr )
// generate a CS push-down property.
pushDownProperty = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
PushDownCSProperty(pdcsr->getPartFunc(), pdcsr->getSearchKey());
} else {
const PushDownColocationRequirement*
pdclr = pdr->castToPushDownColocationRequirement();
// generate a colocation push-down property.
if ( pdclr )
pushDownProperty = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
} else
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimate the number of cpus executing executing copies of this
// instance:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 countOfCPUs = 1;
Lng32 countOfStreams = 1;
if (myPartFunc != NULL)
countOfStreams = myPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
Lng32 countOfAvailableCPUs = 1;
if (myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty())
countOfAvailableCPUs =
// The number of CPUs is limited by the number of streams
countOfCPUs = (countOfStreams < countOfAvailableCPUs ?
countOfStreams : countOfAvailableCPUs);
CMPASSERT(countOfCPUs >= 1);
// A IsolatedScalarUDF operator does not execute in DP2. Still, it is
// a leaf operator. So, set the currentCountOfCPUs in the spp for
// IsolatedScalarUDF to IsolatedScalarUDF's count of cpus. This way, if
// any of IsolatedScalarUDF's parents decide to base their degree of
// parallelism on their children they can get their child's degree of
// parallelism from the currentCountOfCPUs field of their child's spp,
// regardless of whether the child is really a DP2 operator or not.
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe;
} // IsolatedScalarUDF::synthPhysicalProperty()
PhysicalProperty *CallSP::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* context,
const Lng32 /*unused*/,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // CallSP::synthPhysicalProperty()
DefaultToken TableMappingUDF::getParallelControlSettings (
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) const
return RelExpr::getParallelControlSettings(rppForMe,
numOfESPs, allowedDeviation, numOfESPsForced );
NABoolean TableMappingUDF::okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/)
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
// call the base class method
NABoolean result = RelExpr::okToAttemptESPParallelism(myContext,
pws, numOfESPs, allowedDeviation, numOfESPsForced);
Lng32 reqdNumOfPartitions = (rppForMe->requiresPartitioning() ?
rppForMe->getCountOfPartitions() :
int udfDoP = 0;
// also ask the UDF what DoP it would like
NABoolean status = dllInteraction_->degreeOfParallelism(
this, (TMUDFPlanWorkSpace *) pws, udfDoP);
if (udfDoP != 0 && udfDoP != numOfESPs && !numOfESPsForced)
// the UDF cares about parallelism and it did not
// return the same DoP as suggested by the base class method
// (and we are not forcing the # of ESPs)
DefaultToken parallelControlSetting =
Lng32 maxDoP = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->getMaximumDegreeOfParallelism();
switch (udfDoP)
// UDF desires a DoP of maxDoP
if (result)
udfDoP = maxDoP;
case tmudr::UDRPlanInfo::ONE_INSTANCE_PER_NODE:
// override base class implementation and CQDs
parallelControlSetting = DF_ON;
numOfESPs =
udfDoP =
maxDoP = gpClusterInfo->numOfSMPs();
numOfESPsForced = TRUE;
allowedDeviation = 0.0;
result = TRUE;
case 1:
// UDF wants serial execution
numOfESPs = 1;
numOfESPsForced = TRUE;
result = FALSE;
udfDoP = reqdNumOfPartitions;
// leave all values unchanged
if (result)
// try to reconcile the two different DoPs
// - if parallelism is OFF, ignore UDF parallelism
switch (parallelControlSetting)
case DF_OFF:
// this overrides the UDF method
if (!numOfESPsForced)
result = FALSE;
numOfESPs = 1;
case DF_ON:
if (!numOfESPsForced)
if (parallelControlSetting == DF_SYSTEM &&
reqdNumOfPartitions != ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS ||
// if CQD is SYSTEM and parent requires
// a degree of ||ism, go with that
numOfESPs = rppForMe->getCountOfPipelines();
allowedDeviation = 1.0;
// allow udfDoP, up to 4 * max. degree of parallelism
numOfESPs = MINOF(
if (numOfESPs == udfDoP)
// if we chose the exact DoP requested by the UDF, then
// stick with the number the UDF specified, no deviation
allowedDeviation = 0.0;
return result;
PartitioningFunction* TableMappingUDF::mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0)
return RelExpr::mapPartitioningFunction(partFunc, rewriteForChild0);
NABoolean TableMappingUDF::isBigMemoryOperator(const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
const Lng32 /*planNumber*/)
NABoolean result = FALSE;
const Context* context = pws->getContext();
const TMUDFPlanWorkSpace *udfPWS = static_cast<const TMUDFPlanWorkSpace *>(pws);
int udfWriterDop = tmudr::UDRPlanInfo::ANY_DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM;
if (udfPWS->getUDRPlanInfo())
udfWriterDop = udfPWS->getUDRPlanInfo()->getDesiredDegreeOfParallelism();
if (udfWriterDop > 0)
// the UDF writer specified a desired degree of parallelism,
// this means that the UDF needs parallelism, so it is a BMO
result = TRUE;
// values <= 0 indicate special instructions for the DoP,
// defined as enum values in file ../sqludr/sqludr.h
switch (udfWriterDop)
case tmudr::UDRPlanInfo::ONE_INSTANCE_PER_NODE:
result = TRUE;
// leave result at FALSE
return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PhysicalTableMappingUDF::costMethod()
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object providing access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CostMethod* PhysicalTableMappingUDF::costMethod() const
static THREAD_P CostMethodTableMappingUDF *m = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
m = new (GetCliGlobals()->exCollHeap()) CostMethodTableMappingUDF();
return m;
PlanWorkSpace * PhysicalTableMappingUDF::allocateWorkSpace() const
PlanWorkSpace *result =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) TMUDFPlanWorkSpace(getArity());
return result;
Context* PhysicalTableMappingUDF::createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If one Context has been generated for each child, return NULL
// to signal completion. This will also take care of 0 child case.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
childIndex = pws->getCountOfChildContexts();
if (childIndex == getArity())
return NULL;
Lng32 planNumber = 0;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe = myContext->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
Lng32 childNumPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
float childNumPartsAllowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
RequirementGenerator rg(child(childIndex),rppForMe);
TableMappingUDFChildInfo * childInfo = getChildInfo(childIndex);
TMUDFInputPartReq childPartReqType = childInfo->getPartitionType();
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForChild = NULL;
NABoolean useAParallelPlan = okToAttemptESPParallelism(
// add PARTITION BY as a required partitioning key
if (useAParallelPlan)
// if some specified partitioning is to be required from the child
// then the required partitioning columns should be mentioned
CMPASSERT(NOT childInfo->getPartitionBy().isEmpty());
else if(childPartReqType == REPLICATE_PARTITIONING)
// get the number of replicas
// for right now just get what ever number of streams the parent requires
Lng32 countOfPartitions = childNumPartsRequirement;
if(rppForMe->getPartitioningRequirement() &&
(countOfPartitions < rppForMe->getCountOfPartitions()))
countOfPartitions = rppForMe->getCountOfPartitions();
if(countOfPartitions > 1)
partReqForChild = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
partReqForChild = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Since we treat a TMUDF like a MapReduce operator, we ensure
// that the TMUDF sees all values of a particular partition
// together. We do that by requesting an arrangement by th
// PARTITION BY columns, if any are specified. This applies
// to parallel and serial plans. Suppress this if the function
// type is REDUCER_NC. In this case, the UDF has specifically
// asked not to sort. This typically means that the UDF maintains
// a hash table (or similar) of keys that allow it to receive its
// input data in any order, with values for different PARTITION BY
// keys being intermingled. This can be much more efficient when
// there are many input rows and a much smaller number of unique
// PARTITION BY keys. So, a REDUCER_NC is similar to a user-defined
// hash groupby.
if (invocationInfo_->getFuncType() != tmudr::UDRInvocationInfo::REDUCER_NC)
// add ORDER BY as a required order
if (NOT childInfo->getOrderBy().isEmpty())
ValueIdList sortKey(getChildInfo(0)->getPartitionBy());
for (Int32 i=0;i<(Int32)getChildInfo(0)->getOrderBy().entries();i++)
rg.addSortKey(sortKey, ESP_SOT);
// add requirement for the degree of parallelism
if (useAParallelPlan)
if (NOT numOfESPsForced)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Done adding all the requirements together, now see whether it worked
// and give up if it is not possible to satisfy them
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT rg.checkFeasibility())
// remember this so that we can give an appropriate error in case
// we fail to produce a plan
char reason[250];
"%s, use %d parallel streams in context %s",
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the cost limit to be applied to the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* costLimit = computeCostLimit(myContext, pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a Context for optimizing the child.
// Search for an existing Context in the CascadesGroup to which the
// child belongs that requires the same properties as those in
// rppForChild. Reuse it, if found. Otherwise, create a new Context
// that contains rppForChild as the required physical properties..
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* result = shareContext(
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store the Context for the child in the PlanWorkSpace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pws->storeChildContext(childIndex, planNumber, result);
return result;
PhysicalProperty* PhysicalTableMappingUDF::synthPhysicalProperty(
const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc = NULL;
Int32 arity = getArity();
Lng32 numOfESPs = 0;
NABoolean createSinglePartFunc = FALSE;
NABoolean createRandomPartFunc = FALSE;
if (arity == 0)
// for a TMUDF with no table inputs, call okToAttemptESPParallelism()
// here to determine the DoP. In the other case where we had table
// inputs, we did that already in
// PhysicalTableMappingUDF::createContextForAChild()
float allowedDeviation = 0.0;
NABoolean numOfESPsForced = FALSE;
NABoolean useAParallelPlan = okToAttemptESPParallelism(
if (useAParallelPlan && numOfESPs > 1)
createRandomPartFunc = TRUE;
createSinglePartFunc = TRUE;
const PhysicalProperty * sppOfChild;
const PartitioningFunction *childPartFunc;
Int32 childToUse = 0;
NABoolean foundChildToUse = FALSE;
// find a child that is not replicated, the first such
// child will determine our partitioning function
while (!foundChildToUse && childToUse < arity)
sppOfChild =
childPartFunc =
if (childPartFunc &&
foundChildToUse = TRUE;
if (!foundChildToUse ||
createSinglePartFunc = TRUE;
// Check whether the partitioning key of the child is visible
// in our characteristic outputs. If so, then we can map the
// first child's partitioning function to our own. Otherwise,
// we will generate a HASH2 part func on a random number - in
// other words that's a partitioning function with a known
// number of partitions but an unknown partitioning key.
ValueIdSet passThruCols(udfOutputToChildInputMap_.getBottomValues());
if (passThruCols.contains(childPartFunc->getPartitioningKey()))
// use a copy of the child's part func, with the key
// columns remapped to our corresponding pass-through
// output columns
myPartFunc = childPartFunc->copyAndRemap(
udfOutputToChildInputMap_, TRUE);
// child's partitioning key is not visible to the
// parent, create a part func w/o a usable partitioning key
numOfESPs = childPartFunc->getCountOfPartitions();
createRandomPartFunc = TRUE;
} // found a partitioned child
} // arity > 0
// a couple of common cases
if (createSinglePartFunc)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
else if (createRandomPartFunc)
// Create a node map with numOfESPs active, wild-card entries
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// set node numbers in the entries, if we need to have one
// ESP per node
if (numOfESPs == gpClusterInfo->numOfSMPs())
for (int i=0; i<numOfESPs; i++)
ValueIdSet partKey;
ItemExpr *randNum =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) RandomNum(NULL, TRUE);
myPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
Hash2PartitioningFunction (partKey,
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) PhysicalProperty(
static_cast<TMUDFPlanWorkSpace *>(pws)->getUDRPlanInfo());
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr());
return sppForMe ;
NABoolean RelExpr::isBigMemoryOperator(const PlanWorkSpace *pws,
const Lng32)
const Context* context = pws->getContext();
const PhysicalProperty* spp = context->getPlan()->getPhysicalProperty();
if (spp == NULL || CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_51) != DF_ON)
return FALSE;
CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty * bigMemoryProperty =
new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
((PhysicalProperty*) spp)->setBigMemoryEstimationProperty(bigMemoryProperty);
if (getOperatorType() == REL_EXCHANGE)
//get cumulative file size of the fragment; get the child spp??
for (Int32 i=0; i<getArity(); i++)
const PhysicalProperty *childSpp =
if (childSpp != NULL)
CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty * memProp =
(CurrentFragmentBigMemoryProperty *)
((PhysicalProperty *)childSpp)->getBigMemoryEstimationProperty();
if (memProp != NULL)
double childCumulativeMemSize = memProp->getCumulativeFileSize();
return FALSE;
ControlRunningQuery::synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws)
// Create a node map with a single, active, wild-card entry.
NodeMap* myNodeMap = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Synthesize a partitioning function with a single partition.
PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc =
PhysicalProperty * sppForMe =
// remove anything that's not covered by the group attributes
sppForMe->enforceCoverageByGroupAttributes (getGroupAttr()) ;
return sppForMe ;
} // ControlRunningQuery::synthPhysicalProperty()