blob: 7ed7ba961097809d8d62f02eacb70c4e8ed52eb6 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef NormWA_H
#define NormWA_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: NormWA.h
* Description: The workarea used by the normalizer
* Created: December 7, 1994
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "VEGTable.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class NormWA;
class SqoWA;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class VEGReference;
class CmpContext;
// ***********************************************************************
// SqoWA
// The work area for the Semantic Query Optimizer phase.
// For now to keep track of things we have to undo if we hit
// conditions where we cannot proceed with the SQO and have to restore
// the relExpr tree to its original form.
// ***********************************************************************
enum SqoChangedRelExprEnum { SQO_REASSIGNED_VREGION };
class SqoChangedItemExprs: public NABasicObject
// Constructor
SqoChangedItemExprs(ValueId changedId, SqoChangedItemExprEnum what,
ItemExpr *old , Int32 changedChild, Lng32 subqId) :
SqoChangedItemExprs(ValueId changedId, SqoChangedItemExprEnum what,
ItemExpr *old, const OperatorTypeEnum oldOpType,
Lng32 subqId) :
SqoChangedItemExprs(ValueId changedId, SqoChangedItemExprEnum what,
ItemExpr *old, Lng32 subqId ) :
// Destructor
~SqoChangedItemExprs() {}
NABoolean undoChanges(NormWA & normWARef, Lng32 subqId);
Lng32 subqId_;
ValueId changedVid_;
SqoChangedItemExprEnum whatChanged_;
ItemExpr *oldItemExpr_;
Lng32 changedChild_;
OperatorTypeEnum oldOperatorType_;
}; // class SqoChangedItemExprs
class SqoChangedRelExprs: public NABasicObject
// Constructor
SqoChangedRelExprs(RegionId vegRegion, SqoChangedRelExprEnum what,
RelExpr *changedExpr, RelExpr *origExpr,
Lng32 origChildId, Lng32 changedChildId, Lng32 subqId)
: vregion_(vegRegion), whatChanged_(what),
changedRelExpr_(changedExpr), originalRelExpr_(origExpr),
origChildId_(origChildId), changedChildId_(changedChildId),
// Destructor
~SqoChangedRelExprs() {}
NABoolean undoChanges(NormWA & normWARef, Lng32 subqId);
Lng32 subqId_;
SqoChangedRelExprEnum whatChanged_;
RelExpr *changedRelExpr_;
RelExpr *originalRelExpr_;
Lng32 changedChildId_;
Lng32 origChildId_;
RegionId vregion_;
}; // class SqoChangedRelExprs
class SqoWA: public NABasicObject
// Constructors
: changedItemExprs_(CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
SqoWA(const SqoWA & other)
: changedItemExprs_(other.changedItemExprs_),
// Destructor
~SqoWA() {}
void incrementSubQId() { subqId_ ++; }
Lng32 getSubQId() { return subqId_; }
void insertChangedItemExpr(ValueId changedId, SqoChangedItemExprEnum whatChanged, ItemExpr *origExpr )
changedItemExprs_.insert( new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
origExpr, subqId_ ));
void insertChangedItemExpr(ValueId changedId, SqoChangedItemExprEnum whatChanged, ItemExpr *origExpr, Int32 changedChild )
changedItemExprs_.insert( new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
changedChild, subqId_ ));
void insertChangedItemExpr(ValueId changedId, SqoChangedItemExprEnum whatChanged, ItemExpr *origExpr, OperatorTypeEnum origOp )
changedItemExprs_.insert( new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
origOp, subqId_ ));
void insertChangedRelExpr(RelExpr *originalRel, RelExpr *changedRel, SqoChangedRelExprEnum whatChanged, RegionId vregionId, Int32 origRegionChild, Int32 newRegionChild)
changedRelExprs_.insert( new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
SqoChangedRelExprs(vregionId, whatChanged,
changedRel, originalRel,
newRegionChild, subqId_));
void undoChanges(NormWA & normWARef );
Lng32 subqId_;
// We need a list of ItemExprs that we have changed
LIST(SqoChangedItemExprs *) changedItemExprs_;
// We need to remember a list of RelExprs that we have changed
// For now the only thing we change for RelExprs are the ownership
// of VEGRegions, thus we have to remember the original owner and
// the RegionId.
LIST(SqoChangedRelExprs *) changedRelExprs_;
}; // class SqoWA
// ***********************************************************************
// Region
// A ValueId Equality Group (VEG) contains the ValueIds of all
// expressions that are related by an "=" relationship. This means,
// that each expression that belongs to a certain VEG will produce
// the same value as any other expression that belongs to the same
// VEG. Aggregeting operation, such as, summation, averaging or
// even an outer join impose certain restrictions on how VEGs are
// formed. For example, consider the query tree
// IJ-> T1.c = T3.c
// / \
// T1 IJ -> T2.c = T3.c
// / \
// T2 T3
// The predicate T1.c = T3.c causes the columns T1.c and T3.c to
// belong to a VEG, VEG1. The predicate T2.c = T3.c defines another
// VEG, VEG2. Since each inner join transmits values without any
// aggregation, it is clear that since T1.c = T3.c and T2.c = T3.c
// T1.c must also be equal to T2.c. Hence VEG1 and VEG2 can be
// into a single VEG. Now consider the query tree,
// R1
// ..........................
// LJ.-> T1.c = T3.c R2
// / . \ ......................
// T1 . LJ. -> T2.c = T3.c R3
// . / .\
// . T2 : T3
// : :.......................
// :..............................
// For the sake of disucssion, the query tree is partitioned into
// three zones or regions, called Regions R1, R2 and R3. Each Region
// defines a scope within which a certain equality relationship is
// valid. Thus the relationship T1.c = T3.c is valid only within R2
// while the relationship T2.c = T3.c is valid only within R3. The
// effect of such a partionining is seen in the manner in which VEGs
// are formed. The predicate T1.c = T3.c causes the columns T1.c and
// T3.c to belong to a VEG, VEG1. Similarly, the predicate T2.c = T3.c
// causes the columns T2.c and T3.c to belong to another VEG, VEG2.
// VEG1 and VEG2 cannot be combined because T3.c values that flow
// from R3 into R2 can suffer null augmentation and hence change.
// The normalizer creates a new Region for
// a) the right subtree of a left outer join
// b) the left subtree of a right outer join and
// c) each of the left and right subtrees of a full outer join
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
// NormWA
// The work area for the Transform/Normalize/Rewrite phase.
// ***********************************************************************
class NormWA : public NABasicObject
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NormWA(CmpContext* cmpContext)
: currentCmpContext_(cmpContext), subqUnderExprTreeCount_(0),
walkingAnExprTreeCount_(0), complexScalarExprCount_(0),
nullCount_(0), notCount_(0), orCount_(0), inConstraintsCount_(0),
inBlockedUnionCount_(0) //++Triggers -
vegTable_ = new (wHeap()) VEGTable;
sqoWARef_ = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) SqoWA;
NormWA(const NormWA & other)
: currentCmpContext_(other.currentCmpContext_),
inBlockedUnionCount_(other.inBlockedUnionCount_), //++ Triggers -
,readList_(other.readList_, STMTHEAP)
,writeList_(other.writeList_, STMTHEAP)
,origSeqFunction_(other.origSeqFunction_, STMTHEAP)
,equiTransformedExpr_(other.equiTransformedExpr_, STMTHEAP)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize a NormWA free of all state information.
// This method is called at the root of each (sub)query tree.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void clearStateInformation()
{ walkingAnExprTreeCount_ =
complexScalarExprCount_ =
nullCount_ = notCount_ = orCount_ = inConstraintsCount_ = 0;
inValueIdProxy_ = FALSE; // not a recursive flag.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Region
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void allocateAndSetVEGRegion(const VEGRegionTypeEnum tev,
ExprNode * const ownerExprPtr,
Lng32 subtreeId = 0)
void locateAndSetVEGRegion(ExprNode * const ownerExprPtr,
Lng32 subtreeId = 0)
{ vegTable_->locateAndSetVEGRegion(ownerExprPtr, subtreeId); }
void restoreOriginalVEGRegion() { vegTable_->restoreOriginalRegion(); }
void reassignVEGRegion(ExprNode * ownerExprPtr,
Lng32 ownerSubtreeId,
ExprNode * newOwnerExprPtr,
Lng32 newOwnerSubtreeId = 0)
ownerSubtreeId, newOwnerExprPtr, newOwnerSubtreeId);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a ValueId Equality Group (VEG) for each "=" predicate.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void addVEG(const ValueId & expr1Id, const ValueId & expr2Id)
{ vegTable_->addVEG(expr1Id, expr2Id); }
void addVEG(const ValueIdSet & setOfValues)
{ vegTable_->addVEG(setOfValues); }
void deleteVEGMember(const ValueId &vId)
{ vegTable_->deleteVEGMember(vId); }
// ++Trigger -, from later version
void addVEGInOuterRegion(const ValueId & expr1Id, const ValueId & expr2Id)
{ vegTable_->addVEGInOuterRegion(expr1Id, expr2Id); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor method for retrieving a VEG, given the ValueId of a
// potential member.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * getVEGReference(const ValueId & exprId) const
{ return vegTable_->getVEGReference(exprId,leftJoinChildVEGRegion_); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following method locates the Region where the owner ExprNode
// produces the given value and marks it as "To Be Merged".
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * locateVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged(const ValueId & exprId) const
{ return vegTable_->locateVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged(exprId); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do the same as above. But also look at the contents of the
// ToBeMerged Regions to see if we could merge some more regions as
// well because contents of the region might contain null_instantiated
// columns in some other regions.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void locateVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMergedRecursively(const ValueId & exprId);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following method locates the Region of which the given ExprNode
// is the owner and returns TRUE if it is merged; FALSE otherwise.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean locateVEGRegionAndCheckIfMerged(ExprNode * const ownerExpr) const
{ return vegTable_->locateVEGRegionAndCheckIfMerged(ownerExpr); }
NABoolean locateVEGRegionAndCheckIfMerged
(ExprNode * const ownerExpr, Lng32 subtreeId) const
{ return vegTable_->locateVEGRegionAndCheckIfMerged(ownerExpr, subtreeId); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Post processing of the VEGTable after it is built.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void processVEGRegions() { vegTable_->processVEGRegions(); }
//A method to locate the VEG region given an ExprNode
VEGRegion* locateVEGRegion(ExprNode *ownerENptr)
{ return vegTable_->locateVEGRegion(ownerENptr);}
//A method to locate the VEG region given an ExprNode and subtreeId
VEGRegion* locateVEGRegion(ExprNode *ownerENptr, Lng32 subtreeId)
{ return vegTable_->locateVEGRegion(ownerENptr, subtreeId);}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method for performing transitive closure of "=" predicates.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * performTC(const ValueId & vegMember) const
{ return vegTable_->performTC(vegMember); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Normalizer sets the "walking an expression tree" flag when
// processing one of the following expressions:
// 1) An IF-THEN-ELSE (SQL CASE statement).
// 2) An aggregate function.
// 3) A predicate tree that is root in an OR.
// 4) A predicate tree that is root in a NOT.
// 5) A predicate tree that is root in an IS NULL/IS UNKNOWN.
// The method that sets it is also expected to restore it to its
// original state.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setWalkingAnExprTreeFlag() { walkingAnExprTreeCount_++; }
void restoreWalkingAnExprTreeFlag() { walkingAnExprTreeCount_--; }
NABoolean walkingAnExprTree() const { return walkingAnExprTreeCount_ > 0; }
Lng32 getWalkingAnExprTreeCount() { return walkingAnExprTreeCount_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Needs to remember this subquery is under an expr, so that when we go
// back to transform the new Join and its subtree introduced, we won't
// incorrectly use the selection predicates in the subquery to convert
// left join into inner join.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setSubqUnderExprTreeFlag() { subqUnderExprTreeCount_++; }
void restoreSubqUnderExprTreeFlag() { subqUnderExprTreeCount_--; }
NABoolean subqUnderExprTree() const { return subqUnderExprTreeCount_ > 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Normalizer sets the complex scalar expression flag while
// processing one of the following expressions:
// 1) An IF-THEN-ELSE (SQL CASE statement).
// 2) A user defined function.
// The method that sets it is also expected to restore it to its
// original state.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setComplexScalarExprFlag();
void restoreComplexScalarExprFlag();
NABoolean inAComplexScalarExpr() const { return complexScalarExprCount_ > 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Normalizer NULL flag is usually set when an IS NULL or an
// IS UNKNOWN is encountered in the transformed tree. The method
// that sets it is also expected to restore it to its original state.
// This is because normalization is performed recursively and an
// IS NULL or an IS UNKNOWN may be encountered while processing
// the operand of another ISNULL or IS UNKNOWN.
// The subquery transformation uses this information.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setNullFlag();
void restoreNullFlag();
NABoolean isChildOfAnIsNull() const { return nullCount_ > 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Normalizer NOT flag is usually set when a NOT is encountered
// in the transformed tree. The method that sets it is also expected
// to restore it to its original state. This is because normalization
// is performed recursively and a NOT may be encountered while
// processing the operand of another NOT.
// The subquery transformation uses this information.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setNotFlag();
void restoreNotFlag();
NABoolean isChildOfANot() const { return notCount_ > 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Normalizer OR flag is usually set when an OR is encountered
// in the transformed tree. The method that sets it is also expected
// to restore it to its original state. This is because normalization
// is performed recursively and an OR may be encountered while
// processing the subtree rooted in another OR.
// The subquery transformation uses this information.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setOrFlag();
void restoreOrFlag();
NABoolean haveAnOrAncestor() const { return orCount_ > 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check constraints are relied upon to enforce things, so we cannot
// rely on them and do certain transforms (eliminate/strength-reduce)
// when we are transforming constraints -- that would be circulus in probando.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setInConstraintsFlag() { inConstraintsCount_++; }
void restoreInConstraintsFlag() { inConstraintsCount_--; }
NABoolean inConstraints() const { return inConstraintsCount_ > 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If a recursive/cascaded triggers backbone has a connection to the
// triggering generic update the connection is using @old and @new
// columns from the triggering generic update.
// We found out that equality relation between each two levels of cascaded
// triggers might cause the creation of a huge VEGREF that the optimizer
// can't handle in a reasonable time.
// To prevent this problem will block the creation of VEGs on equal predicates
// involving a @old/ @new columns on high cascade levels.
// Cascade levels are counted by inBlockedUnionCount_, since every cascaded
// trigger backbone top node is a BlockedUnion
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setInBlockedUnionCount() { inBlockedUnionCount_++; }
void restoreInBlockedUnionCount() {inBlockedUnionCount_--; }
Lng32 getInBlockedUnionCount() { return inBlockedUnionCount_; }
// retrieve the current CmpContext
CmpContext* currentCmpContext() const { return currentCmpContext_; }
// retrieve the wHeap
CollHeap* wHeap();
// these lists contain the names of tables read and updates
// respectively to check whether there is a potential read/write
// conflict
LIST(NAString) &getWriteList() { return writeList_; }
LIST(NAString) &getReadList() { return readList_; }
NABoolean isInEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete() { return inEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete_; }
void setInEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete(NABoolean i) { inEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete_ = i;}
// Support for embedded inserts from VALUES
NABoolean isInEmbeddedInsert() { return inEmbeddedInsert_; }
void setInEmbeddedInsert (NABoolean i) { inEmbeddedInsert_ = i;}
NABoolean isInBeforeTrigger() { return inBeforeTrigger_; }
void setInBeforeTrigger(NABoolean i) { inBeforeTrigger_ = i;}
NABoolean isInJoinPredicate() { return inJoinPredicate_; }
void setInJoinPredicate(NABoolean i) { inJoinPredicate_ = i;}
long getMergeUpdDelCount() { return mergeUpdDelCount_; }
void setMergeUpdDelCount(long val) {mergeUpdDelCount_ = val;}
void incrementMergeUpdDelCount() { mergeUpdDelCount_++; }
NABoolean requiresLeftTSJLinearization()
{ return leftJoinConversionCount_ > 1; }
void incrementLeftJoinConversionCount() { leftJoinConversionCount_++; }
void decrementLeftJoinConversionCount() { leftJoinConversionCount_--; }
Lng32 getLeftJoinConversionCount() { return leftJoinConversionCount_; }
void setLeftJoinConversionCount(Lng32 val) {leftJoinConversionCount_ = val;}
NABoolean requiresSemanticQueryOptimization()
{ return ((correlatedSubqCount_ > 0) ||
containsJoinsToBeEliminated_ ||
checkForExtraHubTables_ ||
containsGroupBysToBeEliminated_ ||
containsSemiJoinsToBeTransformed_ ||
commonSubExprCount_ > 0); }
void incrementCorrelatedSubqCount() { correlatedSubqCount_++; }
void decrementCorrelatedSubqCount() {correlatedSubqCount_--; }
Lng32 getCorrelatedSubqCount() { return correlatedSubqCount_; }
void setCorrelatedSubqCount(Lng32 val) {correlatedSubqCount_ = val;}
NABoolean requiresRecursivePushdown()
{ return requiresRecursivePushdown_;}
void setRequiresRecursivePushdown(NABoolean val)
{requiresRecursivePushdown_ = val;}
NABoolean containsJoinsToBeEliminated()
{ return containsJoinsToBeEliminated_;}
void setContainsJoinsToBeEliminated(NABoolean val)
{containsJoinsToBeEliminated_ = val;}
NABoolean checkForExtraHubTables()
{ return checkForExtraHubTables_;}
void setCheckForExtraHubTables(NABoolean val)
{checkForExtraHubTables_ = val;}
NABoolean containsGroupBysToBeEliminated()
{ return containsGroupBysToBeEliminated_;}
void setContainsGroupBysToBeEliminated(NABoolean val)
{containsGroupBysToBeEliminated_ = val;}
NABoolean containsSemiJoinsToBeTransformed()
{ return containsSemiJoinsToBeTransformed_;}
void setContainsSemiJoinsToBeTransformed(NABoolean val)
{containsSemiJoinsToBeTransformed_ = val;}
RelExpr* getExtraHubVertex() { return extraHubVertex_;}
void setExtraHubVertex(RelExpr* ptr)
{extraHubVertex_ = ptr;}
Int32 getCommonSubExprRefCount() { return commonSubExprCount_; }
void incrementCommonSubExprRefCount() { commonSubExprCount_++; }
// Return a reference to the Semantic Query WA
SqoWA * getSqoWA() { return sqoWARef_;}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// counter to record if we are currently transforming expressions in a select
// list (i.e. compExpr). This is used for subquery unesting. A subquery in a
// select list does not reject null values since there is no predicate
// outside the subquery and the result if the subquery is produced as is.
// If the subquery produces a null value that must be retained. Therefore
// subqureries in a select list are equivalent to other predicates that do
// not reject null values (for e.g. IS NOT NULL, count(*) = 0, ...)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setInSelectList() { inSelectListCount_++; }
void restoreInSelectList() { inSelectListCount_--; }
NABoolean inSelectList() const { return inSelectListCount_ > 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// flag to record if we are currently transforming expressions in a HAVING
// clause (i.e. selection pred of GroupByAgg). This is used for subquery
// unesting. A subquery in a HAVING clause currently cannot be unnested.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setInHavingClause(NABoolean val ) { inHavingClause_ = val; }
NABoolean inHavingClause() const { return inHavingClause_; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// flag to record if we are currently transforming a ValueIdProxy
// The assumption is that the we have already split out the different
// outputs of MVFs or Subqueries of degree > 1. Thus we want the transform
// to only return a descrete value, not a list.
// This is used for flattening ITM_ITEM_LISTS of subqueries with degree > 1
// and MVFs
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setInValueIdProxy(NABoolean val ) { inValueIdProxy_ = val; }
NABoolean inValueIdProxy() const { return inValueIdProxy_; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// flag to record if we are currently transforming expressions
// associated with a assign expression of a GenericUpdate node
// Examples are newRecExpr, insert expresion for mergeThis is used for subquery unesting.
// A subquery in an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE needs a left join to be unnested.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void setInGenericUpdateAssign(NABoolean val) {inGenericUpdateAssign_ = val;}
NABoolean inGenericUpdateAssign() const {return inGenericUpdateAssign_;}
// flag to record if we are currently transforming expressions in
// a Merge ... Update ... Where predicate.
void setInMergeUpdWhere(NABoolean val) {inMergeUpdWhere_ = val;}
NABoolean inMergeUpdWhere() const {return inMergeUpdWhere_;}
// Use this to avoid rangespec transformation in the Normalizer if called by
// MVQR for a node in rewritten query (since it will already have been done).
void setInMVQueryRewrite(NABoolean val) { inMVQueryRewrite_ = val; }
NABoolean inMVQueryRewrite() const { return inMVQueryRewrite_; }
void setAllSeqFunctions(ValueIdSet v) { allSeqFunctions_ = v;}
ValueIdSet getAllSeqFunctions() const { return allSeqFunctions_; }
void resetAllSeqFunctions () { allSeqFunctions_.clear(); }
void addSeqFunction( ValueId v) { allSeqFunctions_ += v ; }
ValueId getEquivalentItmSequenceFunction(ValueId newSeqId);
void optimizeSeqFunctions( ItemExpr * ie, ItemExpr * pie, Int32 idx );
void resetSeqFunctionsCache(){
void insertIntoSeqFunctionsCache (ItemExpr * orig, ValueId transformed) {
origSeqFunction_.insert( orig);
equiTransformedExpr_.insert( transformed );
CMPASSERT (origSeqFunction_.entries() == equiTransformedExpr_.entries());
NABoolean retrieveFromSeqFunctionsCache(CollIndex index, ValueId &transformed) {
if (index <0 || index > origSeqFunction_.entries()-1) {
return FALSE;
//orig = origSeqFunction_[index];
transformed = equiTransformedExpr_[index];
return TRUE;
CollIndex SeqFunctionsCacheEntries(){
CMPASSERT (origSeqFunction_.entries() == equiTransformedExpr_.entries());
return origSeqFunction_.entries();
NABoolean findEquivalentInSeqFunctionsCache( ItemExpr * newItem , ValueId &cacheEquivTransSeqId);
VEGTable * getVEGTable() {return vegTable_ ;}
const RelExpr * getCurrentOwnerExpr() ;
void saveLeftJoinChildVEGRegion(ExprNode * const ownerExprPtr,
Lng32 subtreeId = 0)
{leftJoinChildVEGRegion_ =
vegTable_->locateVEGRegion(ownerExprPtr, subtreeId); }
void resetLeftJoinChildVEGRegion() {leftJoinChildVEGRegion_ = NULL; }
void setCompilingMVDescriptor(NABoolean b) { compilingMVDescriptor_ = b; }
NABoolean compilingMVDescriptor() { return compilingMVDescriptor_; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Counters that keep track of whether an expression is the child of
// Whenever a new counter is added, update the following methods:
// 1) default constructor
// 2) copy constructor
// 3) clearStateInformation()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 walkingAnExprTreeCount_;
Lng32 subqUnderExprTreeCount_;
Lng32 complexScalarExprCount_;
Lng32 nullCount_;
Lng32 notCount_;
Lng32 orCount_;
Lng32 inConstraintsCount_;
// ++Triggers -
Lng32 inBlockedUnionCount_;
// this flag is set to prevent a constant equalitity predicate, e.g.
// x = 10, to become veggyfied when normalizing an expression containing
// an embedded delete or update. This prevents the predicate from being
// lost when not pushing it down to leave operators due to the veg relation
NABoolean inEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete_;
// this flag is set to prevent a constant equalitity predicate, e.g.
// x = 10, to become veggyfied when normalizing an expression containing
// an embedded insert from VALUES. This prevents the predicate from being
// lost when not pushing it down to leave operators due to the veg relation
NABoolean inEmbeddedInsert_;
// this flag is set to prevent some transformations for binary logic
// that does not take before triggers into account
NABoolean inBeforeTrigger_;
// this flag is set so that ItemExpr trees are not modified during calls
// to ItemExpr::normalizeNode, when normalizing (i.e. rewriting) the join
// predicate. All modifications will be done on a copy of the original
// itemexpr. This is necessary since the same valueid may be used in
// others parts of the query tree that are in different veg regions.
// and any veg rewite that is correct in one region may not be in other
// regions.
NABoolean inJoinPredicate_ ;
// counter to record the number of mergeupdate/delete in query
long mergeUpdDelCount_;
// counter to record the number of correlated subqueries where we need to
// transform the TSJ into a Left Join. During transform
// this counter is incremented for each subquery that matches criteria for
// subquery unnesting. The criteria is that we have a correlated Subquery
// (TSJ->GB->Filter), and the GroupBy contains nonNullRejecting predicates
// (like count() etc)
Lng32 leftJoinConversionCount_ ;
// counter to record the number of correlated subqueries. During transform
// this counter is incremented for each subquery that matches criteria for
// subquery unnesting. Then during normalize the counter will be decremented
// for each qualifying subquery that is not correlated. The during the SQO phase
// we undertake a tree walk only if there is at least one correlated subquery.
Lng32 correlatedSubqCount_ ;
// counter to record if we are currently transforming expressions in a select
// list (i.e. compExpr). This is used for subquery unesting. A subquery in a
// select list does not reject null values since there is no predicate outside
// the subquery and the result if the subquery is produced as is. If the
// subquery produces a null value that must be reatined. Therefor
// subqureries in a select list are equivalent to other predicates that
// do not reject null values (like IS NOT NULL, count(*) = 0, ...)
Lng32 inSelectListCount_ ;
NABoolean inHavingClause_ ;
NABoolean inValueIdProxy_ ;
NABoolean inGenericUpdateAssign_ ;
NABoolean inMergeUpdWhere_ ;
NABoolean inMVQueryRewrite_ ;
NABoolean containsJoinsToBeEliminated_ ;
NABoolean checkForExtraHubTables_;
NABoolean containsGroupBysToBeEliminated_;
NABoolean containsSemiJoinsToBeTransformed_ ;
RelExpr * extraHubVertex_;
Int32 commonSubExprCount_;
// Pointer to Semantic Query Optimization WA. Used for error recovery
SqoWA * sqoWARef_;
// this variable are used to check whether the same table is both
// updated and read
LIST(NAString) readList_;
LIST(NAString) writeList_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// A VEGTable instance is allocted in the NormWA
// Once could either call it a vegTable_ because it is a table of
// VEG's or a salad_ because it is a collection of VEG's. The name
// salad_ is more appropriate because the vegTable_ is not a table
// but a list.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGTable * vegTable_;
// place to hold the current CmpContext
CmpContext* currentCmpContext_;
ValueIdSet allSeqFunctions_;
LIST(ItemExpr *) origSeqFunction_;
LIST(ValueId) equiTransformedExpr_;
VEGRegion *leftJoinChildVEGRegion_;
NABoolean compilingMVDescriptor_;
NABoolean requiresRecursivePushdown_;
}; // class NormWA
#endif /* NormWA_H */