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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MVJoinGraph.cpp
* Description: Definition of classes for verifying the join graph is
* fully connected, and for finding a good ordering of tables.
* Created: 7 March 2000
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "Sqlcomp.h"
#include "AllItemExpr.h"
#include "AllRelExpr.h"
#include "GroupAttr.h"
#include "MVInfo.h"
#include "MVJoinGraph.h"
//=========================== class MVJoinTable =============================
NABoolean MVJoinTable::operator==(const MVJoinTable &other) const
if(&other == this)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Get all the ref constraints from this NATable, filter the ones that are to
// tables in this graph, and mark them on both tables. For example, use the
// RI on Orderes and Customers: O->C ( O is referencing C ). Because of the
// semantics of the order of the tables in the join graph, in order for RI
// optimization to be utilized, C must appear in the graph solution AFTER O.
// The result is that C has an incoming bit for table O, and O has an
// outgoing bit for table C.
// Other conditions that must be met for the RI to be usable:
// 1. C must have non-empty, insert only delta.
// 2. O must not be inner tables of left joins.
// 3. Each of the columns of the RI constraint must be covered by a predicate.
// So if O(a,b) is referencing C(x,y) the join should use these two equal
// predicates: (O.a = C.x) AND (O.b = C.y).
// In this method, this table is O, and otherTable is C.
Lng32 MVJoinTable::markRiConstraints(BindWA *bindWA, MVInfo *mvInfo)
LIST (MVUsedObjectInfo*)& usedObjects = mvInfo->getUsedObjectsList();
if (usedObjects[tableIndex_]->isInnerTableOfLeftJoin())
return 0; // O must not be inner table of a left join.
Lng32 howManyRIs=0;
const AbstractRIConstraintList& refConstraints =
for (CollIndex i=0; i<refConstraints.entries(); i++)
RefConstraint *const ref = (RefConstraint *const)(refConstraints[i]);
CMPASSERT(ref->getOperatorType() == ITM_REF_CONSTRAINT);
// Ignore self referencing RIs.
if (ref->selfRef())
// Find the table the RI is referencing.
const NAString& otherTableName =
MVJoinTable *otherTable =
if (otherTable == NULL)
continue; // The other table must be on the graph.
if (otherTable->deltaType_ != INSERTONLY_DELTA)
continue; // C must be insert only.
Lng32 otherTableIndex = otherTable->getTableIndex();
// The RI must be covered by equal predicates on the same columns
LIST(Lng32) myCols(NULL);
LIST(Lng32) otherCols(NULL);
ref->getOtherTableKeyColumns(bindWA, otherCols);
CMPASSERT(myCols.entries() == otherCols.entries());
NABoolean matchingPredicatesExist=TRUE;
for (CollIndex currentCol=0; currentCol<myCols.entries(); currentCol++)
if (!mvInfo->isEqPredicateBetween(naTable_->getTableName(),
matchingPredicatesExist = FALSE;
if (!matchingPredicatesExist)
// OK - we found a qualifying RI that we can use for optimization.
// Now mark the bits.
return howManyRIs;
// Is there a predicate from any table in the connected set to this table?
NABoolean MVJoinTable::isOnPredicate(const MVJoinGraphState& state) const
// The route bitmap is a bitmap of the connected set.
// Mask only those tables of the route we have a predicate to.
NABitVector coveredPredicates(predicateBitmap_);
// One covered predicate is all we need.
return coveredPredicates.entries() > 0;
// Is there an RI from any table is the connected set to this table?
NABoolean MVJoinTable::isOnRI(const MVJoinGraphState& state) const
// If there are no RIs at all, skip the check.
if (state.getNofRIs() == 0)
return FALSE;
// The route bitmap is a bitmap of the connected set.
// Mask only those tables of the route we have an incoming RI from.
NABitVector coveredIncomingRis(incomingRiBitmap_);
// One covered RI is all we need.
return coveredIncomingRis.entries() > 0;
// How good is this table as a candidate for the next table on the route?
// Score categories :
// 1. RI from the connected set to this table
// This RI can be utilized now.
// 2. outgoing RIs from this table to tables in the available set.
// These RIs can be utilized later.
// 3. incoming RIs from the available set to this table (negative score).
// Taking this table next will not allow us to utilize the RI later.
// 4. Predicates from this table to tables in the available set.
// Better chances for connectivity.
// This method is called O(n^3) times.
Lng32 MVJoinTable::calcHeuristics(const MVJoinGraphState& state) const
// These are the weights used by the heuristic function.
enum { WEIGHT_ON_RI = 100,
Lng32 score = 0;
// Check the predicates first.
NABitVector predicatesToAS(predicateBitmap_);
Lng32 preds = (Lng32) predicatesToAS.entries();
score += preds*WEIGHT_PREDICATE; // Category 4
// If there are no RIs, the result is based on predicates alone.
if (state.getNofRIs() == 0)
return score;
// Check outgoing RIs to the available set.
NABitVector outRisToAS(outgoingRiBitmap_);
Lng32 outRIs = (Lng32) outRisToAS.entries();
score += outRIs*WEIGHT_OUTGOING_RI; // Category 2
// Check incoming RIs from the available set.
NABitVector inRisFromAS(incomingRiBitmap_);
Lng32 inRIs = (Lng32) inRisFromAS.entries();
score += inRIs*WEIGHT_INCOMING_RI; // Category 3
// Is this table on RI now?
if (isOnRI(state))
score += WEIGHT_ON_RI; // Category 1
return score;
#ifndef NDEBUG
static void BitmapToString(const NABitVector& bm, NAString& text)
CollIndex lastBit;
for (Int32 i=lastBit; i>=0; i--)
if (bm.testBit(i))
text += "1 ";
text += "0 ";
void MVJoinTable::print(FILE* ofd, const char* indent, const char* title)const
char buffer[20];
const char *deltaTypeText = NULL;
switch (deltaType_)
case EMPTY_DELTA : deltaTypeText = "Empty Delta"; break;
case INSERTONLY_DELTA: deltaTypeText = "InsertOnly Delta"; break;
case NONEMPTY_DELTA : deltaTypeText = "Nonempty Delta"; break;
fprintf(ofd, "Table no. %d: %s (%s),\n",
tableIndex_,, deltaTypeText);
NAString titleString(" ");
CollIndex lastBit;
for (Int32 i=lastBit; i>=0 ; i--)
snprintf( buffer, 20, "%d", i );
titleString += buffer;
titleString += ", ";
NAString predicateString(" ");
NAString inRiString(" ");
NAString outRiString(" ");
BitmapToString(predicateBitmap_, predicateString);
BitmapToString(incomingRiBitmap_, inRiString);
BitmapToString(outgoingRiBitmap_, outRiString);
fprintf(ofd, "\tTableIndices : %s.\n",;
fprintf(ofd, "\tPredicates to: %s.\n",;
fprintf(ofd, "\tIncoming RIs : %s.\n",;
fprintf(ofd, "\tOutgoing RIs : %s.\n",;
void MVJoinTable::display() const
//=========================== class MVJoinGraphSolution =======================
// Ctor. Initialize the route_ array.
MVJoinGraphSolution::MVJoinGraphSolution(Lng32 nofTables, CollHeap *heap)
: route_(heap, nofTables),
riTables_(heap, nofTables)
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables; i++)
route_.insert(i, -1);
// Add a table to the route_
void MVJoinGraphSolution::pushTable(Lng32 tableIndex, NABoolean isOnRi)
route_[entries_] = tableIndex;
if (isOnRi)
// Start fresh with a new clean route.
void MVJoinGraphSolution::reset()
for (Lng32 i=0; i<entries_; i++)
route_[i] = -1;
entries_ = 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void MVJoinGraphSolution::print(FILE* ofd, const char* indent, const char* title)const
fprintf(ofd, "\nMVJoinGraphSolution (Score: %d): ", getScore());
for (Lng32 i=0; i<entries_; i++)
fprintf(ofd, "%d, ", route_[i]);
fprintf(ofd, ".\n");
void MVJoinGraphSolution::display() const
//=========================== class MVJoinGraphState ========================
// Ctor. Initialize the availableBitmap according to the available set.
MVJoinGraphState::MVJoinGraphState(Lng32 nofTables,
Lng32 nofRIs,
const MVTableSet& reorderGroup,
CollHeap *heap)
: nofTables_(nofTables),
connectedSet_(heap, nofTables),
availableSet_(reorderGroup, heap),
currentRoute_(nofTables, heap),
bestRoute_(nofTables, heap)
for (CollIndex i=0; i<reorderGroup.entries(); i++)
// Pick the next table to be added to the route, according to the
// heuristic function.
// If this is the first table of the route, pick it from the notStartedSet_,
// otherwise, pick it from the availableSet.
// Return -1 if there are no predicates from any table in the connected set
// to any table in the available set. This means the graph is not connected.
// This method does not yet take into account left outer joins.
Lng32 MVJoinGraphState::pickNextTable(const MVJoinGraph& joinGraph,
NABoolean isFirst) const
Lng32 maxResult = -1000000; // Negative scores are bad but legal.
Lng32 maxTable = -1;
const MVTableSet& availableTables =
isFirst ? joinGraph.getNotStartedSet() : availableSet_;
// Find the score for each of the available tables.
for (CollIndex i=0; i<availableTables.entries(); i++)
Lng32 currentTableIndex = availableTables[i];
const MVJoinTable *currentTable =
// If this is the first table on the route, there is nothing in the
// connected set to have a predicate to. Otherwise, a table is
// considered only if it has a predicate to the connected set.
if (!isFirst && !currentTable->isOnPredicate(*this))
// Calculate the heuristic score for the current table.
Lng32 currentResult = currentTable->calcHeuristics(*this);
// Is it the best so far?
if (currentResult > maxResult)
maxResult = currentResult;
maxTable = currentTableIndex;
return maxTable;
// Update the state according to the next table that was chosen.
void MVJoinGraphState::nextTableIs(Lng32 tableIndex, NABoolean isOnRI)
// Add the table to the connected set.
// Remove it from the available set.
// Add it to the route.
currentRoute_.pushTable(tableIndex, isOnRI);
// Start fresh looking for a new solution.
// Reset all data members except bestRoute_.
void MVJoinGraphState::reset(const MVTableSet& reorderGroup)
availableSet_ = reorderGroup;
for (CollIndex i=0; i<reorderGroup.entries(); i++)
// Is the current solution better than bestRoute_?
// If so - may the better route win.
void MVJoinGraphState::chooseBestSolution()
if (bestRoute_.isEmpty() ||
(currentRoute_.getScore() > bestRoute_.getScore()))
bestRoute_ = currentRoute_;
//=========================== class MVJoinGraph =============================
// Find the table name in the hash table, get the table index and return
// the table object. This method is used primarily during the initialization
// of predicates and RIs.
MVJoinTable *MVJoinGraph::getTableObjectFor(const NAString *tableName)
return tableHash_.getFirstValue(tableName);
// Add a prepared table to the graph.
void MVJoinGraph::addTable(MVJoinTable *newNode)
usedTables_[newNode->getTableIndex()] = newNode;
tableHash_.insert(newNode->getTableName(), newNode);
// Prepare a table object and add it to the graph.
void MVJoinGraph::addTable(Lng32 tableIndex,
Lng32 usedObjectsIndex,
const NATable *naTable)
MVJoinTable *newNode = new(heap_)
MVJoinTable(tableIndex, usedObjectsIndex, nofTables_, naTable, heap_);
// Given a table qualified name, returns the table's name as an Ansi string
NAString MVJoinGraph::fixName(const QualifiedName& tableName) const
// If the name already has double-quotes mark, that means it is already
// in an Ansi format. if we return it ...AsAnsiString, another set of
// double-quotes will be added, and we don't want to do that.
return tableName.getQualifiedNameAsString();
return tableName.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
// Mark an equal predicate between two tables.
void MVJoinGraph::markPredicateBetween(const QualifiedName& leftTable,
const QualifiedName& rightTable)
NAString leftTableName(fixName(leftTable));
NAString rightTableName(fixName(rightTable));
// Find the index of the left table.
MVJoinTable *leftTableObj = tableHash_.getFirstValue(&leftTableName);
Lng32 leftIndex = leftTableObj->getTableIndex();
// Find the index of the right table.
MVJoinTable *rightTableObj = tableHash_.getFirstValue(&rightTableName);
Lng32 rightIndex = rightTableObj->getTableIndex();
// Mark the predicate on both tables.
// Mark the RI constraints for all the tables.
void MVJoinGraph::markRiConstraints(BindWA *bindWA, MVInfo *mvInfo)
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables_; i++)
nofRI_ += usedTables_[i]->markRiConstraints(bindWA, mvInfo);
// The first table was chosen, now find a solution from there.
// Return TRUE if a solution was found, FALSE if not.
NABoolean MVJoinGraph::findSolutionFrom(MVJoinGraphState& state)
while (!state.isComplete())
Lng32 nextTable = state.pickNextTable(*this, FALSE);
if (nextTable == -1)
// No predicates to tables in the available set - the graph is not
// fully connected.
return FALSE;
// Can we utilize an RI for optimization on this table?
NABoolean isOnRI = usedTables_[nextTable]->isOnRI(state);
// Update the graph state with the new table.
state.nextTableIs(nextTable, isOnRI);
// Compare the solution we just found to the best solution so far.
return TRUE;
// This is the DDL version of the algorithm:
// - RIs are not used at all.
// - Only one attempt is made to reach a solution.
// - We only want to know if the graph is fully connected or not.
// - In order to support left outer joins, this is still missing:
// * Instead of one group of all tables, the tables should be divided
// to reorder groups according to the location of the left join, where
// an inner table of a left join is a group by itself.
// * The algorithm should be run for each group separatly.
// * If a group is not connected, tables in the group that are not
// mentioned in the join predicates of the left join above them, can be
// moved to the group above the inner table. Then run it again.
NABoolean MVJoinGraph::isFullyConnected()
if (nofTables_==1)
// This is a single table MV - of course its connected.
return TRUE;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if ( CmpCommon::getDefault(MV_DUMP_DEBUG_INFO) == DF_ON )
// start with one group of all tables.
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables_; i++)
notStartedSet_ = reorderGroupSet_;
MVJoinGraphState state(nofTables_, nofRI_, reorderGroupSet_, heap_);
// Choose a first table to start from (according to predicates).
Lng32 nextTable = state.pickNextTable(*this, TRUE);
CMPASSERT(nextTable != -1);
state.nextTableIs(nextTable, FALSE);
// Find a solution from this table.
NABoolean isConnected = findSolutionFrom(state);
if (isConnected)
// The state object will be gone when we exit this method, so save
// the solution for later (to order the tables).
theSolution_ = state.getCurrentRoute();
#ifndef NDEBUG
if ( CmpCommon::getDefault(MV_DUMP_DEBUG_INFO) == DF_ON )
return isConnected;
// Mark the connected order of the tables in the MVInfo used objects list.
// (used in DDL only).
void MVJoinGraph::markOrderOfUsedObjects(MVInfoForDDL *mvInfo)
const GraphRoute& finalRoute = theSolution_.getRoute();
LIST (MVUsedObjectInfo*)& usedObjects = mvInfo->getUsedObjectsList();
if (nofTables_ == 1)
// This is a single table MV, so the algorithm was not run.
// Just mark the table as table no. 0.
MVUsedObjectInfo *usedInfo = usedObjects[0];
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables_; i++)
// Get the tableIndex
Lng32 tableIndex = finalRoute[i];
// Find the index into the usedObjects list.
Lng32 usedObjectsIndex = usedTables_[tableIndex]->getUsedObjectsIndex();
// Get the usedObject from the list.
MVUsedObjectInfo *usedInfo = usedObjects[usedObjectsIndex];
// This is the MDL version of the algorithm, used during a multi-delta refresh.
// - RIs are used to determine the BEST order of the tables.
// - We compute a solution from each and every table in the graph, and use
// the number of usable RIs on the solution to determine which one wins.
void MVJoinGraph::findBestOrder()
#ifndef NDEBUG
// start with one group of all tables.
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables_; i++)
notStartedSet_ = reorderGroupSet_;
MVJoinGraphState state(nofTables_, nofRI_, reorderGroupSet_, heap_);
NABoolean done = FALSE;
while (!done && notStartedSet_.entries()>0)
// Choose a table to start from
Lng32 firstTable = state.pickNextTable(*this, TRUE);
CMPASSERT(firstTable != -1);
state.nextTableIs(firstTable, FALSE);
// Find a solution from this table.
if (findSolutionFrom(state))
if (state.getBestRoute().getScore() == nofRI_)
done = TRUE; // This is as good as it gets.
// If we get here the graph is not fully connected!
if (!done)
// The state object will be gone when we exit this method, so save
// the solution for later.
theSolution_ = state.getBestRoute();
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Return the route of the solution, translated into indices to the used
// objects array.
void MVJoinGraph::getRouteOfSolution(GraphRoute& translatedRoute) const
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables_; i++)
Lng32 usedObjectIndex = usedTables_[i]->getUsedObjectsIndex();
translatedRoute.insertAt(i, usedObjectIndex);
// Return TRUE if all the deltas are either empty or insert only.
NABoolean MVJoinGraph::isInsertOnlyRefresh() const
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables_; i++)
if (usedTables_[i]->isNonEmptyDelta())
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void MVJoinGraph::print(FILE* ofd, const char* indent, const char* title)const
fprintf(ofd, "\nMVJoinGraph:\n");
for (Lng32 i=0; i<nofTables_; i++)>print(ofd);
void MVJoinGraph::display() const