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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef COST_HDR
#define COST_HDR
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Cost.h
* Description: Cost
* Created: 11/12/96
* Language: C++
* Last Modified: May 2001
* Purpose: Simple Cost Vector Reduction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "NADefaults.h"
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "NAType.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
#include "PhyProp.h"
#include "PhyProp.h"
#include "CostScalar.h"
#include "CostVector.h"
#include "DefaultConstants.h"
#include "opt.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward references.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class NAType;
class ValueId;
class ValueIdSet;
class ValueIdList;
class ItemExpr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following classes are defined in this file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Cost;
class HashJoinCost;
class HashGroupByCost;
class CostWeight;
class ResourceConsumptionWeight;
class CostLimit;
class ElapsedTimeCostLimit;
class ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit;
class CostPrimitives;
class PerformanceGoal;
const Lng32 NORMAL_PLAN_PRIORITY = 0; // must remain zero
const Lng32 INDEX_HINT_PRIORITY = 100;
class PlanPriority
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructors (no need for a destructor, it's just a long-wrapper) xxx
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
: level_(0), demotionLevel_(0), riskPremium_(1.0)
PlanPriority(const Lng32 val, const Lng32 demotion, CostScalar premium=1.0)
: level_(val), //xxx make def value
demotionLevel_(demotion), //xxx make def value
// Copy constructor.
PlanPriority(const PlanPriority &other)
: level_(other.level_),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// overloaded operators
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// assignment
inline PlanPriority & operator = (const PlanPriority &other)
level_ = other.level_ ;
demotionLevel_ = other.demotionLevel_;
riskPremium_ = other.riskPremium_;
return *this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PlanPriority arithmetic
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// op +
inline PlanPriority operator + (const PlanPriority &other) const
PlanPriority result(level_ + other.level_,
demotionLevel_ + other.demotionLevel_);
return result;
// op +=
inline PlanPriority & operator += (const PlanPriority &other)
level_ = level_ + other.level_ ;
demotionLevel_ = demotionLevel_ + other.demotionLevel_ ;
return *this ;
// op -
inline PlanPriority operator - (const PlanPriority &other) const
PlanPriority result(level_ - other.level_,
demotionLevel_ - other.demotionLevel_);
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// comparison of PlanPriority objects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// op ==
inline NABoolean operator == (const PlanPriority &other) const
return ((level_ == other.level_) && (demotionLevel_ == other.demotionLevel_)) ;
// op !=
inline NABoolean operator != (const PlanPriority &other) const
return NOT ( *this == other ) ;
// op <
inline NABoolean operator < (const PlanPriority &other) const
if (level_ == other.level_)
return (demotionLevel_ < other.demotionLevel_);
return ( level_ < other.level_ ) ;
// op <=
inline NABoolean operator <= (const PlanPriority &other) const
if (level_ == other.level_)
return (demotionLevel_ <= other.demotionLevel_);
return ( level_ < other.level_ ) ;
// op >
inline NABoolean operator > (const PlanPriority &other) const
if (level_ == other.level_)
return (demotionLevel_ > other.demotionLevel_);
return ( level_ > other.level_ ) ;
// op >=
inline NABoolean operator >= (const PlanPriority &other) const
if (level_ == other.level_)
return (demotionLevel_ >= other.demotionLevel_);
return ( level_ > other.level_ ) ;
inline NABoolean isNormal () const
return ((level_ == NORMAL_PLAN_PRIORITY) AND
demotionLevel_ == NORMAL_PLAN_PRIORITY);
// Reset to normal priority levels
inline void resetToNormal()
demotionLevel_ = NORMAL_PLAN_PRIORITY;
// Rollup is simple now. Add priority level
inline void rollUpUnary(const PlanPriority &childPriority)
level_ += childPriority.level_;
demotionLevel_ += childPriority.demotionLevel_;
// a way of rolling up risk premiums without intruding into cost details
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_178) == DF_OFF)
riskPremium_ *= childPriority.riskPremium_;
inline void rollUpBinary(const PlanPriority &childPriority0,
const PlanPriority &childPriority1)
level_ += childPriority0.level_ + childPriority1.level_;
demotionLevel_ += childPriority0.demotionLevel_ + childPriority1.demotionLevel_;
// Combine siblings is simple now. Add priority level
inline void combine(const PlanPriority &childPriority)
level_ += childPriority.level_;
demotionLevel_ += childPriority.demotionLevel_;
// Increment the priority level by a certain value
inline void incrementLevels(Lng32 val, Lng32 dem)
level_ += val;
demotionLevel_ += dem;
// Avoid using this method as much as possible except for display purposes
inline Lng32 getLevel() const
return level_ ;
// Avoid using this method as much as possible except for display purposes
// With current exception of using it in cost based pruning
inline Lng32 getDemotionLevel() const
return demotionLevel_ ;
// risk premium accessor
CostScalar riskPremium() const { return riskPremium_; }
Lng32 level_;
Lng32 demotionLevel_; // monotonically decreasing level
// xxx for now level_ override demotionLevel_. Later on we will orthoganalize this
CostScalar riskPremium_;
// multiplicative factor used to inflate cost of risky operator.
// = 1.0 for non-risky (ie, robust) operator.
// > 1.0 for risky operator like nested join.
}; // class PlanPriority
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Cost object expresses the resource consumption characteristics of
// an operation. It is a vehicle created by the costing routines to carry
// information on the resource usage of an operation to Cascades.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Cost : public NABasicObject
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This constructor is typically used by an operator to store its local
// processing costs.
// The simple cost vectors supplied as arguments should represent the
// resource usage of an instance of the operator in one plan fragment
// on one CPU. planFragmentsPerCPU is the total no of instances of the
// operator that is executing on one CPU. countOfCPUs is the total no
// of CPUs available for all plan fragments to execute on.
// 10-16-2006: In order to integrate SCM, we are adding another member
// to Cost class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost(const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessFirstRowCost,
const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessLastRowCost,
const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessBlockingCost,
const Lng32 countOfCPUs,
const Lng32 planFragmentsPerCPU);
// Constructor for SCM.
Cost(const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessScmCost);
// Cost Constructor used in SCM code.
Cost(const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessScmCost,
const SimpleCostVector* currentOpDebugInfo);
// Constructor for an empty Cost object. Used primarily for
// initializing a resulting Cost object during a roll-up.
priority_() {}
// Copy constructor.
Cost(const Cost &other)
: cpfr_(other.cpfr_),
priority_(other.priority_) {}
// Effective virtual constructor.
virtual Cost* duplicate();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual destructor function.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~Cost ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor methods.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const SimpleCostVector& getCpfr() const { return cpfr_; }
inline const SimpleCostVector& getCplr() const { return cplr_; }
inline const SimpleCostVector& getScmCplr() const { return cpScmlr_; }
inline const SimpleCostVector& getScmDbg() const { return cpScmDbg_; }
inline const SimpleCostVector& getCpbcTotal() const { return cpbcTotal_; }
inline const SimpleCostVector& getCpbc1() const { return cpbc1_; }
//jo inline const SimpleCostVector& getOpfr() const { return opfr_; }
//jo inline const SimpleCostVector& getOplr() const { return oplr_; }
inline const SimpleCostVector& getTotalCost() const { return totalCost_; }
inline Lng32 getCountOfCPUs() const {return countOfCPUs_;}
inline Lng32 getPlanFragmentsPerCPU() const
{return planFragmentsPerCPU_;}
inline const PlanPriority& getPlanPriority() const {return priority_;}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator methods.
// The following methods provide an interface (mainly for clients who
// combine cost object in an operator-specific manner) to retrieve
// handles (through which the vectors may be modified) to the various
// cost vectors stored in the object.
// Handles retrieved by these methods should be used with care since
// any changes made to the vector of the handle are directly propagated
// to the corresponding vector stored in the Cost object itself.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline SimpleCostVector& cpfr() { return cpfr_; }
inline SimpleCostVector& cplr() { return cplr_; }
inline SimpleCostVector& cpScmlr() { return cpScmlr_; }
inline SimpleCostVector& cpScmDbg() { return cpScmDbg_; }
inline SimpleCostVector& cpbcTotal() { return cpbcTotal_; }
inline SimpleCostVector& cpbc1() { return cpbc1_; }
//jo inline SimpleCostVector& opfr() { return opfr_; }
//jo inline SimpleCostVector& oplr() { return oplr_; }
inline SimpleCostVector& totalCost() { return totalCost_; }
inline Lng32& countOfCPUs() {return countOfCPUs_; }
inline Lng32& planFragmentsPerCPU() {return planFragmentsPerCPU_; }
inline PlanPriority& planPriority() { return priority_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for accessing a cost vector as a function of the given
// performance goal.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const SimpleCostVector& getCostVector
(const PerformanceGoal* const perfGoal) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparison function, mandated by Cascades.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(const Cost & other,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for representing the cost in terms of an elapsed time.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ElapsedTime convertToElapsedTime
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) const;
// This method is to be used only for displaying total cost information
// in the context of explain, visual debugger, etc. This is NOT to be used
// for computing and/or comparing plan cost information. In the context of NCM,
// internal costs used during plan computation use very different units than
// the total cost displayed externally to the user, and so these cannot be
// used interchangably.
ElapsedTime displayTotalCost
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for returning the detailed cost components as a descriptive string
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const NAString getDetailDesc() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method returns cost information to WMS (and possibly other callers).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void getExternalCostAttr(double &cpuTime, double &ioTime,
double &msgTime, double &idleTime,
double &numSeqIOs, double &numRandIOs,
double &totalTime, Lng32 &probes) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for returning OCM cost atrributes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void getOcmCostAttr(double &cpu, double &io,
double &msg, double &idleTime,
Lng32 &probes) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for returning NCM cost atrributes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void getScmCostAttr(double &tcProc, double &tcProd,
double &tcSent, double &ioRand,
double &ioSeq, Lng32 &probes) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for returning NCM debug information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void getScmDebugAttr(double &dbg1, double &dbg2,
double &dbg3, double &dbg4) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparison function for SCM, mandated by Cascades.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPARE_RESULT scmCompareCosts
(const Cost & other,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to compute the total cost represented by the
// cpScmlr SimpleCostVector of "this" Cost object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar scmComputeTotalCost
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for converting a cost to cost limit.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostLimit* convertToCostLimit
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overloaded addition for Cost.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost& operator +=(const Cost & other);
void mergeOtherChildCost(const Cost& otherChildCost);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default implementations of plan priority computation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// For use with leaf operators
PlanPriority computePlanPriority( RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext);
// For use with unary operators
PlanPriority computePlanPriority( RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
const Cost* childCost);
// For use with binary operators
PlanPriority computePlanPriority( RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
const Cost* child0Cost,
const Cost* child1Cost,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions for debugging.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void print(FILE * f = stdout,
const char * prefix = "", const char * suffix = "") const;
void display() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// cpfr_: Current Process First Row Cost.
// This vector reflects the resource usage necessary for the current
// operator in the expression tree to produce its first row.
// Note that this is slightly inaccurate because DP2 will typically
// return a buffer full of rows in response to its first request because
// of Virtual Sequential Block Buffering (VSBB) but for all practical
// purposes we can still view this resource usage vector as pertaining
// to only the first row.
// Note also that for repeat counts greater than one, this vector
// represents the average usage per probe.
SimpleCostVector cpfr_;
// cplr_: Current Process Last Row Cost.
// This vector reflects the resource usage necessary for the current
// operator in the expression tree to produce its last row.
// Note that in the case of a nested loops join we really do mean the
// very last row (i.e. the last row of the last probe). Thus, for
// repeat counts greater than one, this vector represents the total usage
// for all probes whereas in CPFR above and CPTB and CPBlocking below
// represent average usage for one of the probes.
SimpleCostVector cplr_;
// cpScmlr_: Current Process Simple Cost Model's Last Row Cost.
// This vector reflects the resource usage necessary for the current
// operator in the expression tree to produce its last row.
// This vector contains tuples processed, produced, and sent by an operator
// in addition to IOs if any.
SimpleCostVector cpScmlr_;
// cpScmDbg_: Extra member for Simple Cost Model Debugging
// Used only for debugging internally by developers.
SimpleCostVector cpScmDbg_;
// cpbcTotal_: Current Process Total Blocking Cost.
// An operator in an expression tree is called a "blocking" operator if
// it must wait for all its children operators to fully complete before
// it can produce its first row. Examples include sort and
// sort-group-by. This vector reflects all resources used by
// descendants of the current operator executing within the current
// operatorÂ’s process while the current operator was blocked. If
// neither the current operator nor any of its descendants is a blocking
// operator, this vector will be all zeros.
// Note that for repeat counts greater than one, this vector represents
// the average usage per probe.
SimpleCostVector cpbcTotal_;
// cpbc1_: Current Process Blocking Cost for first blocking operator.
// Consider an operator which may or may not be blocking but which has
// at least one descendant which executes within this operatorÂ’s process
// and which is blocking. Choose the lowest such descendant. The
// cpbcTotal_ vector for that operator becomes cpbc1_ for all of its
// ancestors.
// Note that multiple children for an operator will complicate the
// calculation of both CPBlocking and CPTB above. We deal with this by
// combining both children to look like one child.
// Note also that for repeat counts greater than one, this vector
// represents the average usage per probe.
SimpleCostVector cpbc1_;
// **********************************************************************
// Currently opfr_ and oplr_ are not used. When CPU maps become
// available and we can determine in which CPU an operator is executing,
// we can then make use of these vectors in cost accumulation (roll-up)
// formulas.
// The descriptions below, therefore, describe intended usage not
// yet fully implemented.
// **********************************************************************
// oplr_: Overlapped Process First Row Cost.
// Analogous to _cpfr except it represents the resource usage for child
// operators executing in a different CPU. During the time the child
// operators use these resources, the current operator can not proceed
// (i.e. is idle) because it will not have received any rows from its
// children.
// Note that for repeat counts greater than one, this vector represents
// the average usage per probe.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//jo SimpleCostVector opfr_;
// oplr_: Overlapped Process Last Row Cost.
// Analogous to _cplr except it represents the resource usage for child
// operators executing in a different CPU.
// Note that for repeat counts greater than one, this vector represents
// the total usage for all probes.
//jo SimpleCostVector oplr_;
// totalCost_: the total cost for performing an operation.
// A vector of resource usage describing all resources necessary for
// the current operator and all its descendants to execute. Query
// parallelism has no effect on totalCost_ as it does on cplr_. For the
// totalCost_ vector, all parallel activity is accounted for as if it
// actually occurred serially.
// Note that for repeat counts greater than one, this vector represents
// the total usage for all probes.
SimpleCostVector totalCost_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Number of CPUs used by this operator
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 countOfCPUs_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Number of plan fragments that compete for the same CPU
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 planFragmentsPerCPU_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The plan priority is used for implementation of preferred plans such
// as plans generated for optimizer hints, interactive access, and future
// optimizer heuristics.
// Plans that have similar priority are compared as usual. Plans with
// different priorities are judged in favor of the plan with the higher
// priority regardless of the cost vector values.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PlanPriority priority_;
}; // class Cost
// Needed for passing pointers to costs as reference parameters.
typedef Cost* CostPtr;
// A HashJoinCost object contains intermediate resource usage vectors and
// variables computed during hash join preliminary costing which final
// roll-up costing will also use.
class HashJoinCost : public Cost
// Constructors.
HashJoinCost(const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessFirstRowCost,
const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessLastRowCost,
const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessBlockingCost,
const Lng32 countOfCPUs,
const Lng32 planFragmentsPerCPU,
const CostScalar & stage2WorkFractionForFR_,
const CostScalar & stage3WorkFractionForFR_,
const SimpleCostVector* stage2Cost,
const SimpleCostVector* stage3Cost,
const SimpleCostVector* stage1BkCost,
const SimpleCostVector* stage2BkCost,
const SimpleCostVector* stage3BkCost);
// Constructor for an empty HashJoinCost object.
: Cost(),
stage2WorkFractionForFR_( csOne ),
stage3WorkFractionForFR_( csZero ),
// Copy constructor.
HashJoinCost(const HashJoinCost &other)
: Cost(other),
// Effective virtual constructor.
virtual Cost* duplicate();
// Destructor.
// Accessor Functions.
inline const SimpleCostVector& getStage2Cost() const { return stage2Cost_; }
inline const SimpleCostVector& getStage3Cost() const { return stage3Cost_; }
inline const SimpleCostVector& getStage1BKCost() const {return stage1BkCost_;}
inline const SimpleCostVector& getStage2BKCost() const {return stage2BkCost_;}
inline const SimpleCostVector& getStage3BKCost() const {return stage3BkCost_;}
inline const CostScalar& getStage2WorkFractionForFR() const
{ return stage2WorkFractionForFR_; }
inline const CostScalar& getStage3WorkFractionForFR() const
{ return stage3WorkFractionForFR_; }
// -------------
// -------------
// Fraction of stage 2 work necessary to produce this hash join's first row.
// The value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1. Further,
// the value must be greater than or equal to stage3WorkFractionForFR_
// below.
CostScalar stage2WorkFractionForFR_;
// Fraction of stage 3 work necessary to produce this hash join's first row.
// The value must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to
// 1. Further, the value must be less than or equal to
// stage2WorkFractionForFR_ above.
CostScalar stage3WorkFractionForFR_;
// This vector represents resource usage for stage 2 of a hash join. Stage 2
// involves taking rows produced by the left child (outer table), computing a
// hash function for each row, probing the hash table built in stage 1 when
// the row hashes to a main memory cluster or writing the row to disk when it
// hashes to an overflow cluster.
// Note that for repeat counts greater than one, this vector represents
// the cumulative usage for all probes.
SimpleCostVector stage2Cost_;
// This vector represents resource usage for stage 3 of a hash join. Stage 3
// involves joining the rows overflowed to disk in stage 1 and stage 2.
// Note that for repeat counts greater than one, this vector represents
// the cumulative usage for all probes.
SimpleCostVector stage3Cost_;
SimpleCostVector stage1BkCost_;
SimpleCostVector stage2BkCost_;
SimpleCostVector stage3BkCost_;
}; // class HashJoinCost
// A HashGroupByCost object contains the grouping factor for this Hash GroupBy
// operator--i.e. the percentage of groups which fit in memory. Final roll-up
// costing uses this number for determining what percentage of last row activity
// below the Hash GroupBy operator becomes blocking activity as part of the
// roll-up
class HashGroupByCost : public Cost
// Constructors.
HashGroupByCost(const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessFirstRowCost,
const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessLastRowCost,
const SimpleCostVector* currentProcessBlockingCost,
const Lng32 countOfCPUs,
const Lng32 planFragmentsPerCPU,
const CostScalar & groupingFactor);
// Constructor for an empty HashGroupByCost object.
: Cost(),
groupingFactor_( csOne )
// Copy constructor.
HashGroupByCost(const HashGroupByCost &other)
: Cost(other),
// Effective virtual constructor.
virtual Cost* duplicate();
// Destructor.
// Accessor Functions.
inline CostScalar getGroupingFactor() const { return groupingFactor_; }
// -------------
// -------------
// Percentage of groups which fit in memory. Must be between 0 and 1
// inclusive.
CostScalar groupingFactor_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Specify how to weigh (and therefore, to compare) cost objects
// --- abstract base class ---
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CostWeight : public NABasicObject
virtual ~CostWeight() {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type-safe pointer casts used for run-time type identification.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ResourceConsumptionWeight* castToResourceConsumptionWeight() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method that returns the number of elements in the CostWeight.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Lng32 entries() const = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method for converting a CostVector to a floating point value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual double convertToFloatingPointValue(const CostVector& cv) const = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method for converting a CostVector to an elapsed time.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ElapsedTime convertToElapsedTime(const CostVector& cv) const = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method for converting a CostVector to a CostLimit.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CostLimit* convertToCostLimit(const CostVector& cv) const = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method for comapring two cost vectors.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareCostVectors(const CostVector& cv1,
const CostVector& cv2) const = 0;
}; // class CostWeight
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// use weighing factors to determine the scalar cost
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ResourceConsumptionWeight : public CostWeight
const CostScalar & cpuWeight = csZero,
const CostScalar & IOWeight = csZero,
const CostScalar & MSGWeight = csZero,
const CostScalar & IdleTimeWeight = csZero,
const CostScalar & numProbesWeight = csZero
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type-safe pointer casts used for run-time type identification.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ResourceConsumptionWeight* castToResourceConsumptionWeight() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method that returns the number of elements in the CostWeight.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Lng32 entries() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method for converting a CostVector to a floating point value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual double convertToFloatingPointValue(const CostVector& cv) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Convert the given CostVector to an elapsed time provided it
// has the same number of entries() as this CostWeight.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ElapsedTime convertToElapsedTime(const CostVector& scv) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method for converting a Cost to a CostLimit.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CostLimit* convertToCostLimit(const CostVector& cv) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual method for comparing two cost vectors.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareCostVectors(const CostVector& cv1,
const CostVector& cv2) const;
// A method that provides access to a specific entry.
CostScalar operator[] (Lng32 ix) const;
CostScalar weighFactors_[COUNT_OF_SIMPLE_COST_COUNTERS];
}; // class ResourceConsumptionWeight
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Specify a cost limit
// --- abstract base class ---
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CostLimit : public NABasicObject
virtual ~CostLimit() {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual copy constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CostLimit* copy() const = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type-safe pointer casts used for run-time type identification.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ElapsedTimeCostLimit* castToElapsedTimeCostLimit() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a double precision value for the limit.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual double getValue(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp) const = 0;
virtual double getCachedValue () = 0;
virtual void setCachedValue (double val) = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparison function for costs and cost limits.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareCostLimits
(CostLimit* other,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) = 0;
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareWithCost
(const Cost & other,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) = 0;
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareWithPlanCost
(CascadesPlan* plan,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) = 0;
virtual void ancestorAccum(const Cost& otherCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) = 0;
virtual void otherKinAccum(const Cost& otherCost) = 0;
virtual void tryToReduce(const Cost& otherCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL) = 0;
virtual void unilaterallyReduce(const ElapsedTime & timeReduction) = 0;
virtual const PlanPriority& priorityLimit() const = 0;
virtual void setUpperLimit(ElapsedTime ul) = 0;
}; // class CostLimit
// class ElapsedTimeCostLimit
// An elapsed time cost limit consists of three components: an initial
// elapsed time and two pointers to accumulated cost objects.
// The initial elapsed time represents the upper limit for the cumulative
// elapsed time of all physical operators in the final query tree.
// One accumulated cost object represents the resource usage of all
// operators on the path from the root to the current operator. We call
// this ancestor cost.
// The second cost object represents resource usage for all known siblings,
// cousins, uncles, etc of the current operator. We call this other kin cost.
// To find the remaining elapsed time available for descendant operators of the
// current operator, we first roll up the other kin cost with the ancestor cost
// and calculate the resulting cost's elapsed time. We then subtract this
// resulting elapsed time from the upper limit.
// We accumulate costs at each level of the query tree, and we potentially
// reduce the upper limit with the discovery of better plans.
// We can also reduce the upper limit unilaterally for some operators with
// known child costs.
class ElapsedTimeCostLimit : public CostLimit
// Constructors
ElapsedTimeCostLimit(const ElapsedTime& limit,
const PlanPriority& priorityLimit,
const Cost* ancestorCost,
const Cost* otherKinCost)
: upperLimit_(limit),cachedValue_(0.0),priorityLimit_(priorityLimit)
CMPASSERT( ancestorCost != NULL
&& otherKinCost != NULL
&& ancestorCost != otherKinCost);
ancestorCost_ = new STMTHEAP Cost(*ancestorCost);
otherKinCost_ = new STMTHEAP Cost(*otherKinCost);
ElapsedTimeCostLimit(const ElapsedTimeCostLimit& other)
: upperLimit_(other.upperLimit_),
ancestorCost_(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Cost(*other.ancestorCost_)),
otherKinCost_(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Cost(*other.otherKinCost_)),
// Destructor
virtual ~ElapsedTimeCostLimit()
{ delete ancestorCost_; delete otherKinCost_; }
virtual CostLimit* copy() const
{ return new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) ElapsedTimeCostLimit(*this); }
virtual double getValue(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp) const;
double getCachedValue (){ return cachedValue_; }
void setCachedValue (double val) { cachedValue_ = val; }
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareCostLimits
(CostLimit* other,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareWithCost
(const Cost & other,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareWithPlanCost
(CascadesPlan* plan,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual void ancestorAccum(const Cost& otherCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual void otherKinAccum(const Cost& otherCost);
virtual void tryToReduce(const Cost& otherCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual void unilaterallyReduce(const ElapsedTime & timeReduction);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type-safe pointer casts used for run-time type identification.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ElapsedTimeCostLimit* castToElapsedTimeCostLimit() const;
virtual const PlanPriority& priorityLimit() const {return priorityLimit_;}
void setUpperLimit(ElapsedTime ul) { upperLimit_ = ul; }
// Upper limit for elapsed time of all operators in final query tree.
ElapsedTime upperLimit_;
// Upper limit for plan priority of all operators in final query tree.
PlanPriority priorityLimit_;
// Accumulated cost of all operators on path from root to current operator.
Cost* ancestorCost_;
// Accumulated cost of all known siblings, cousins and uncles.
Cost* otherKinCost_;
// This is cached value of getValue() method for this costLimit.
// It is used to cpeed up compare operations.
double cachedValue_;
}; // class ElapsedTimeCostLimit
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// class ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit
// The ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit is NCM (New Cost Model) implementation
// of CostLimit abstract class. This is very similar to OCM (Old Cost Model)
// implementation ElapsedTimeCostLimit.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit : public CostLimit
// Constructors
ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit(const ElapsedTime& limit,
const PlanPriority& priorityLimit,
const Cost* ancestorCost,
const Cost* otherKinCost)
: upperLimit_(limit),cachedValue_(0.0),priorityLimit_(priorityLimit)
CMPASSERT( ancestorCost != NULL
&& otherKinCost != NULL
&& ancestorCost != otherKinCost);
ancestorCost_ = new STMTHEAP Cost(*ancestorCost);
otherKinCost_ = new STMTHEAP Cost(*otherKinCost);
ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit(const ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit& other)
: upperLimit_(other.upperLimit_),
ancestorCost_(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Cost(*other.ancestorCost_)),
otherKinCost_(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Cost(*other.otherKinCost_)),
// Destructor
virtual ~ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit()
{ delete ancestorCost_; delete otherKinCost_; }
virtual CostLimit* copy() const
{ return new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit(*this); }
virtual double getValue(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp) const;
double getCachedValue (){ return cachedValue_; }
void setCachedValue (double val) { cachedValue_ = val; }
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareCostLimits
(CostLimit* other,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareWithCost
(const Cost & other,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual COMPARE_RESULT compareWithPlanCost
(CascadesPlan* plan,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual void ancestorAccum(const Cost& otherCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual void otherKinAccum(const Cost& otherCost);
virtual void tryToReduce(const Cost& otherCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp = NULL);
virtual void unilaterallyReduce(const ElapsedTime & timeReduction);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type-safe pointer casts used for run-time type identification.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//virtual ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit* castToScmElapsedTimeCostLimit() const;
virtual const PlanPriority& priorityLimit() const {return priorityLimit_;}
void setUpperLimit(ElapsedTime ul) { upperLimit_ = ul; }
// Upper limit for elapsed time of all operators in final query tree.
ElapsedTime upperLimit_;
// Upper limit for plan priority of all operators in final query tree.
PlanPriority priorityLimit_;
// Accumulated cost of all operators on path from root to current operator.
Cost* ancestorCost_;
// Accumulated cost of all known siblings, cousins and uncles.
Cost* otherKinCost_;
// This is cached value of getValue() method for this costLimit.
// It is used to cpeed up compare operations.
double cachedValue_;
}; // class ScmElapsedTimeCostLimit
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// =========
// $$$$ Convert all of these to become CostScalars after the latter
// $$$$ is enhanced to support arithmetical operations with different
// $$$$ numeric datatypes supported in C++..
// These have all been added to the Defaults table (7/21/97)
// They are arranged in an alphabetical order to aid visual searches.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The executor in DP2 is capable of performing 56Kb transfers,
// Actually, 56k 57344 bytes, but we assume that 1344 bytes are used
// for storing data that is private to DP2/message system.
// With Guardian, the 56K limit applies to the local ESP<->DP2
// and 32K for the non-local ESP<->DP2.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define DP2_MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE (56E+3) // used for ESP<->DP2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Actually, 32k 33568 bytes, but we assume that 1568 bytes are used
// for storing data that is private to the OS/message system.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define OS_MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE (32E+3) // used for ESP<->ESP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// $$$$ Convert all of these to become CostScalars after the latter
// $$$$ is enhanced to support arithmetical operations with different
// $$$$ numeric datatypes supported in C++..
// These were all been added to the Defaults table (7/21/97)
// They are arranged in an alphabetical order to aid visual searches.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 10 instructions for copying a row.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define CPUCOST_COPY_ROW (0.01)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 100 instructions for updating/deleting a row across the DM
// interface (executor does a DM^UPDATE in DP2)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define CPUCOST_DM_UPDATE (0.1)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 2000 instructions (20ms => same elapsed time as performing
// 1 random IO) for process startup and initialization.
// This number should be reduced when persistent ESP management services
// are implemented.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 10 instructions for mapping a particular data stream to
// a particular consumer process.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 10 instructions per partitioning key column for computing the
// identifier for the hash or range partition.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 250 instructions for locking a row
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define CPUCOST_LOCK_ROW (0.25)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 100 instructions for performing a predicate comparison.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 20,000 instructions for initializing a subset.
// Includes the cost of opening a file and initializing control
// structures, but NOT positioning on the first row of the subset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define CPUCOST_SUBSET_OPEN (20)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assume 10 instructions for establishing a reference to a tuple
// in the executor's address space. This includes the copying of
// pointers to the tuple into the executor's data structures.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// declaration for class Cost Primitives
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There are currently four major types of Cost primitives.
// 1. Cost primitives for basic executor operations: they represent the costs
// of common executor operations typically performed by every operator.
// Examples include allocation of buffer pools and buffers, free tuples
// from a buffer and ATPs, etc. They are being represented as constant
// costs and can be retrieved using getBasicCostFactor(opEnum) where
// opEnum is a member of the enumeration type of operations (see
// DefaultsTable.h in sqlcomp directory).
// 2. Cost primitives for evaluation of executor expressions: each represent
// the cost of evaluating an expression or subexpression using the general
// expression evaluator. Examples are evaluations of predicates, copying
// a row, hashing a set of keys, etc. These are parameterised primitives
// which are accessed individually using different interfaces. To retrieve
// the cost of copying a set of columns for example, a call can be made to
// cpuCostForCopySet(vis) where vis is the ValueIdSet representing those
// columns. (In the long run, we might consider having these primitives
// stored under each ItemExpr.)
// 3. Cost Primitives related to specific relational operators. Different
// relational operators have different primitives operations which are not
// captured by the general framework of the executor, as defined by the
// primitives operations in (1) and (2). For example, some auxillary data
// structures may be allocated (hash table and linked list). Also, misc
// costs such as those associated with the overhead of the task scheduler,
// which may be different for different operators, are also considered as
// this type. (In the long run, we might consider having these primitives
// stored under each RelExpr.)
// 4. Basic cost factors. This is a list of fudge factors used in the formulae
// for combining costs of an operator and its children. Examples are those
// used to determine how much I/O of one operator can overlap with I/O of
// another operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CostPrimitives
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To copy one instance of vidset from one memory location to another.
// The method assumes that the values in the vidset are NOT necessarily
// stored together in a contiguous piece of memory. Thus, we need to copy
// each individual value over one after another.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForCopySet (const ValueIdSet & vidset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To copy a row from one memory location to another.
// As opposed to the above method, this method assume that the row is stored
// in a contiguous piece of memory. We could exploit the memcpy function and
// save some overhead in theory.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForCopyRow (Lng32 byteCount);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To compare two instances of vidset. Comparison operators represented
// here include: EQ, NE, GT, GE, LT, LE, but not LIKE.
// This does NOT account for the cost of evaluating the members of vidset
// which might be expressions instead of column references or scalars. The
// members are assumed to have been evaluated and their values stored in
// memory before they are compared by this operation.
// No short circuit mechanism is assumed. That is, the cost returned is one
// if the two instances are equal. If the client of this method applies this
// operation on multiple rows and has some ideas of how often it evaluates
// to TRUE and FALSE, it can adjust this to an average value assuming only
// half the cost is incurred when evaluated to FALSE.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForCompare (const ValueIdSet & vidset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To evaluate the Like comparison operation. vid must be associated with
// the Like builtin function.
// $$$ This is a tentative measure before cpuCostForEvalFunc() is in place.
// $$$ Like is a subclass of Function and we should be able to obtain its
// $$$ cost from there.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForLikeCompare (const ValueId & vid);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To evaluate an arithmetic expression specified by vid.
// This method walks the skeleton of the item expression of vid which can
// be made up of +,-,*,/,**, summing up the their costs along the way. It
// treats any nodes other than those given above as leaf nodes.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForEvalArithExpr (const ValueId & vid);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To evaluate the function specified by vid. vid must be associated with
// an object of a subclass of Function (defined in ItemFunc.h). The method
// returns the cost of evaluating the function given that all its arguments
// have already been evaluated.
// $$$ In the first release of CostPrimitives.C, the implementation of this
// $$$ method is just a stub which returns a cost of 0. The plan is to store
// $$$ the cost of evaluating a function as private members of the class of
// $$$ the function itself. Changes in ItemFunc.h need to be made.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForEvalFunc (const ValueId & vid);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To evaluate the set of predicates given as vidset and AND the results.
// This method walks the AND/OR/NOT skeleton of the item expression tree of
// each predicate in the set up to the point where comparison operators are
// located. There, it uses cpuCostForCompare() or cpuCostForLikeCompare() to
// determine the costs of the comparisons, and adds the costs to the costs
// for evaluating the AND/OR/NOT operations themselves.
// Since it calls cpuCostForCompare() or cpuCostForLikeCompare once it sees
// a comparison operator, it has the same assumption that the evaluation of
// expressions on the two sides of the comparison operator is not accounted
// for in the cost computed.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForEvalPred (const ValueIdSet & vidset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To evaluate the expression specified by vid. The method is going to walk
// the tree rooted at vid, get the costs of evaluating each node on its way
// and sum up the costs.
// $$$ In the first release of CostPrimitives.C, the implementation of this
// $$$ method is just a stub which returns a cost of 0.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForEvalExpr (const ValueId & vid);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To encode an instance of vidset.
// The encode function is mainly used in Sort to map a list of sort keys to
// single value which preserves order. The single value is used by ArkSort
// as a single key based on which the records are sorted.
// $$$ This function may be replaced by a call to costing method at the
// $$$ CompEncode node subsequently if we move costs to individual function
// $$$ subclasses. It might still be worthwhile to have an interface here
// $$$ so that we don't have to synthesize a CompEncode object just to get
// $$$ its cost.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForEncode (const ValueIdSet & vidset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To hash a set of keys stored as vidset.
// The hash function is used by all hash operators to produce a hash value
// from a set of hash keys.
// $$$ This function may be replaced by a call to costing method at the
// $$$ Hash node subsequently if we move costs to individual function
// $$$ subclasses. It might still be worthwhile to have an interface here
// $$$ so that we don't have to synthesize a Hash object just to get its
// $$$ cost.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForHash (const ValueIdSet & vidset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To aggregate a row incrementally to the set of aggregates in vidset.
// Assume we already have somewhere in memory the aggregates up to the last
// row, the method costs the incremental effort of aggregating a new row to
// that set of aggregates already stored. We also assume the aggregates are
// not nested and any arithmetic expressions within the aggregates have been
// evaluated and stored.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double cpuCostForAggrRow (const ValueIdSet & vidset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic cost factors used in the formulae to combine costs.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double getBasicCostFactor (Lng32 mscf);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class is used for storing and propagating DP2 costing
// data that is computed during synthesis of the DP2 leaf operators.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class DP2CostDataThatDependsOnSPP : public NABasicObject
: highestLeadingPartitionColumnCovered_(-1)
,repeatCountForOperatorsInDP2_( csMinusOne )
,probesAtBusiestStream_ (csOne)
enum repeatCountSTATE
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessors:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar getProbesAtBusiestStream() const
{ return probesAtBusiestStream_;}
Lng32 getHighestLeadingPartitionColumnCovered() const
{ return highestLeadingPartitionColumnCovered_; }
CostScalar getRepeatCountForOperatorsInDP2() const
{ return repeatCountForOperatorsInDP2_; }
Lng32 getCountOfCPUsExecutingDP2s() const
{ return countOfCPUsExecutingDP2s_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutators:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void setProbesAtBusiestStream(const CostScalar & rc)
{ probesAtBusiestStream_ = rc;}
void setHighestLeadingPartitionColumnCovered(Lng32 hlpcc)
{ highestLeadingPartitionColumnCovered_ = hlpcc; }
void setRepeatCountForOperatorsInDP2(const CostScalar & rc)
{ repeatCountForOperatorsInDP2_ = rc; }
void setRepeatCountState(const repeatCountSTATE rs)
{ rCountState=rs;}
repeatCountSTATE getRepeatCountState()
{ return rCountState;}
void setCountOfCPUsExecutingDP2s(Lng32 countCpus)
{ countOfCPUsExecutingDP2s_ = countCpus; }
Lng32 highestLeadingPartitionColumnCovered_;
CostScalar repeatCountForOperatorsInDP2_;
Lng32 countOfCPUsExecutingDP2s_;
CostScalar probesAtBusiestStream_;
repeatCountSTATE rCountState;
#endif /* COST_HDR */