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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: conversionHex.h
* RCS: $Id:
* Description: The header file of a set of conversion functions
* Created: 5/03
* Language: C++
#include "charinfo.h"
#include "wstr.h"
class NAString;
class NAWString;
// the result code for converting a hexadecimal string into the real strin form.
enum hex_conversion_code { NOT_SUPPORTED = 1, // conversion not supported
INVALID = 2, // invalid hexadecimal format
SINGLE_BYTE = 3, // converted, the result is single-byte
DOUBLE_BYTE = 4, // converted, the result is double-byte
INVALID_CODEPOINTS =5, // invalid code points
CONV_FAILED = 6 // conversion failed
// A function to convert a hexadecimal string into the real strin form
// Input:
// str: the source string
// len: the length of the source string
// quote: a stop character that the conversion will detect and stop conversion from
// its first occurrence and on
// cs: the character set of the string
// heap: the heap from which the result object will be allocated
// Output:
// return code (see the description for enum hex_conversion_code)
// result:
// . value unchanged if result code is not SINGLE_BYTE or DOUBLE_BYTE
// . the converted string of type NAString* if result code is SINGLE_BYTE
// . the converted string of type NAWString* if result code is DOUBLE_BYTE
// The result string should be properly deleted after use.
hex_conversion_code verifyAndConvertHex(const NAWchar *str, Int32 len, NAWchar quote,
CharInfo::CharSet cs, CollHeap* heap, void*& result);