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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: NLSConversion.h
* RCS: $Id:
* Description: The header file of a set of conversion functions
* Created: 7/8/98
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#if !defined(MODULE_DEBUG)
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "NAWinNT.h"
#include "NAHeap.h"
#include "stringBuf.h"
#include "csconvert.h"
#include "charinfo.h"
class NAString;
class NAWString;
ISO88591ToUnicode(const charBuf& iso88591String, CollHeap *heap,
NAWcharBuf*& unicodeString, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE);
unicodeToISO88591(const NAWcharBuf& unicodeString, CollHeap* heap,
charBuf*& iso88591String, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE,
NABoolean allowInvalidCodePoint = TRUE);
csetToUnicode(const charBuf& csetString, CollHeap *heap,
NAWcharBuf*& unicodeString, Int32 cset, Int32 &errorcode,
NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE, Int32 *charCount=NULL, Int32 *errorByteOff=NULL);
unicodeTocset(const NAWcharBuf& unicodeString, CollHeap* heap,
charBuf*& csetString, Int32 cset, Int32 &errorcode, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE,
NABoolean allowInvalidCodePoint = TRUE, Int32 *charCount=NULL, Int32 *errorByteOff=NULL);
sjisToUnicode(const charBuf& sjisString, CollHeap *heap,
NAWcharBuf*& unicodeString, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE);
unicodeToSjis(const NAWcharBuf& unicodeString, CollHeap *heap,
charBuf*& sjisString, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE,
NABoolean allowInvalidCodePoint = TRUE);
unicodeToUtf8(const NAWcharBuf& unicodeString, CollHeap *heap,
charBuf*& utf8String, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE,
NABoolean allowInvalidCodePoint = TRUE);
ksc5601ToUnicode(const charBuf& ksc5601String, CollHeap *heap,
NAWcharBuf*& unicodeString, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE);
unicodeToKsc5601(const NAWcharBuf& unicodeString, CollHeap *heap,
charBuf*& ksc5601String, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE,
NABoolean allowInvalidCodePoint = TRUE);
Int32 unicodeToSjisChar(char *sjis, NAWchar wc);
cnv_charset convertCharsetEnum (Int32/*i.e. enum CharInfo::CharSet*/ inset);
const char* getCharsetAsString(Int32/*i.e. enum CharInfo::CharSet*/ charset);
Lng32 UnicodeStringToLocale(Lng32/*i.e. enum CharInfo::CharSet*/ charset,
const NAWchar* wstr, Lng32 wstrLen, char* buf, Lng32 bufLen, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE,
NABoolean allowInvalidCodePoint = TRUE);
Lng32 LocaleStringToUnicode(Lng32/*i.e. enum CharInfo::CharSet*/ charset,
const char* str, Lng32 strLen, NAWchar* wstrBuf, Lng32 wstrBufLen, NABoolean addNullAtEnd = TRUE);
Int32 localeConvertToUTF8(char* source,
Lng32 sourceLen,
char* target,
Lng32 targetLen,
Lng32 charset, // enum cnv_charset type
CollHeap *heap = 0,
Lng32 *charCount = NULL,
Lng32 *errorByteOff = NULL);
Int32 UTF8ConvertToLocale(char* source,
Lng32 sourceLen,
char* target,
Lng32 targetLen,
Lng32 charset, // enum cnv_charset type
CollHeap *heap = 0,
Lng32 *charCount = NULL,
Lng32 *errorByteOff = NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ComputeWidthInBytesOfMbsForDisplay:
// Returns the display width (in bytes) that is the closest to the
// specified maximum display width (in bytes) without chopping the
// rightmost multi-byte characters into two parts so that we do not
// encounter the situation where the first part of the multi-byte
// character is in the current display line and the other part of
// the character is in the next display line.
// If encounters an error, return the error code (a negative number)
// define in w:/common/csconvert.h.
// In parameter pv_eCharSet contains the character set attribute
// of the input string passed in via the parameter pp_cMultiByteStr.
// The out parameter pr_iNumOfTranslatedChars contains the number of
// the actual (i.e., UCS4) characters translated.
// The out parameter pr_iNumOfNAWchars contains the number of UCS2
// characters (NAwchar[acters]) instead of the number of the actual
// (i.e., UCS4) characters.
// Note that classes NAMemory and CollHeap are the same except for
// the names.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 ComputeWidthInBytesOfMbsForDisplay ( const char * pp_cpMbs // in
, const Int32 pv_iMbsLenInBytes // in
, const Int32 pv_iMaxDisplayLenInBytes // in
, const CharInfo::CharSet pv_eCharSet // in
, Int32 & pr_iNumOfTranslatedChars // out - number of chars translated
, Int32 & pr_iNumOfNAWchars // out - width in NAWchar(acters)
, NAMemory * heap = NULL // in - default is process heap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ComputeStrLenInNAWchars:
// Returns the length of the input string (in the specified character set)
// in number of NAWchar(acters) - Note that a UTF16 character (i.e., a
// surrogate pair) will have a count of 2 NAWchar(acters).
// Return an error code (a negative number) if encounters an error. The
// error code values are defined in w:/common/csconvert.h.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 ComputeStrLenInNAWchars (const char * pStr,
const Int32 strLenInBytes,
const CharInfo::CharSet cs,
NAMemory * workspaceHeap);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ComputeStrLenInUCS4chars:
// Returns the actual (i.e., UCS4) character count of the input string
// (in the specified character set) in the actual (i.e., UCS4) characters.
// Return an error code (a negative number) if encounters an error. The
// error code values are defined in w:/common/csconvert.h.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 ComputeStrLenInUCS4chars (const char * pStr,
const Int32 strLenInBytes,
const CharInfo::CharSet cs);
// convert a Unicode string back to char
class NAMemory;
NAString *unicodeToChar(const NAWchar *s, Int32 len, Lng32 charset,
NAMemory *h=NULL, NABoolean allowInvalidChar = FALSE);
// convert a char string to Unicode
NAWString *charToUnicode(Lng32 charset, const char *s, Int32 len,
NAMemory *h=NULL);
NAWString *charToUnicode(Lng32 charset, const char *s, NAMemory *h=NULL);
// convert a char string to another char string (in a different character set);
// if both target and source char sets are the same, do a deep copy.
NAString *charToChar(Lng32 targetCS, const char *s, Int32 sLenInBytes, Lng32 sourceCS,
NAMemory *h=NULL, NABoolean allowInvalidChar = FALSE);
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned short NAWchar;
typedef NAWchar NAWchar;
typedef char CollHeap;
#define NABoolean Int32
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define NADELETEBASIC(buf_, heap_)
#define NADELETE(buf_, T_, heap_)
#include "stringBuf.h"
void * operator new(size_t size, CollHeap *s)
void * result = ::operator new(size);
return result;