blob: 327e840e5a3f38693a744ba6682037c0c8ce6849 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "Platform.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "fcntl.h"
#include "errno.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "ComASSERT.h"
#include "NAWinNT.h"
// Forward Declaration
class CNAProcess;
class CNAStdioFile;
// The CNADataSource class calls ctime to get time information. This
// define sets up the length returned from ctime which includes the
// null terminator
#define CTIME_LENGTH 26
// The NSK platform defines a special OSS error code ENOERR which indicates
// no error. The WINDOWS platform does not. For consistency, add the
// define for the windows platform.
// For bulk read operations on Windows NT platforms, we call the
// Microsoft function ::GetLastError to receive the Microsoft error
// code instead of using the C runtime static errno variable. The
// ::GetLastError function returns the Microsoft pre-defined literal
// ERROR_SUCCESS when a previous bulk read operation was successful.
// Since both ENOERR and ERROR_SUCCESS equal to zero, for simplicity,
// we can safely use ENOERR in place of ERROR_SUCCESS for both bulk
// read and other stdio operations.
#define ENOERR 0
class CNADataSource{
enum EOpenMode { eRead, eReadBulk, eWrite, eAppend, eReadBinary, eWriteBinary, eReadWrite };
virtual ~CNADataSource();
virtual NABoolean Open(const char *sourceName, EOpenMode mode)=0;
virtual void Close()=0;
virtual Int32 ReadString(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE)=0;
virtual Int32 Read(void *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize)=0;
virtual NABoolean ReadLine(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize)=0;
virtual Int32 ReadBlock(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE)=0;
virtual Int32 WriteString(const char *strLine)=0;
virtual Int32 Write(const char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize)=0;
virtual ULng32 CheckIOCompletion()=0;
virtual NABoolean IsEOF()=0;
void SetFileName(const char *fileName) { m_sourceName = fileName; }
// double-byte typed string related routines
NAWchar* GetNewlineStringInWchar() { return m_newlineStrWchar; }
virtual Int32 Write(const NAWchar *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE)=0;
TCHAR * GetNewlineString() { return m_newlineStr; }
NABoolean IsBulkReadOperation() const { return m_bulkRead; }
// m_lastError contains the file system error (or ENOERR) encountered
// during the last I/O call to OSS. The OSS subsystem stores the
// file system error in the errno static variable defined in the
// errno.h include file released as part of Guardian
// (see $system.system.errnoh for the lastest version).
// Note that we purposely use the same name as the Microsoft
// function ::GetLastError to prevent the methods in the derived
// classes (e.g., class CNALogfile) from inadvertently calling the
// Microsoft function GetLastError instead of the inherited
// GetLastError (i.e., CNAStdioFile::GetLastError) method. If
// those methods really want to invoke the Microsoft function
// ::GetLastError directly, they should specify the name
// ::GetLastError explicitly.
Int32 GetLastError() const { return m_lastError; }
// Since both the Microsoft pre-defined literal ERROR_SUCCESS
// and the literal ENOERR equal to zero, for simplicity,
// we can safely use the (...GetLastError() != ENOERR) check
// for both bulk read and other stdio operations. For example:
// if (this->GetLastError() != ENOERR) // an error has occurred
// {
// if (IsBulkReadOperation())
// {
// #ifdef NA_WINNT
// if (GetLastErrorAsDword() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
// /* handle error ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE */ ;
// else
// /* more error handling code ... */ ;
// #else
// throw -1;
// #endif
// }
// else
// {
// if (this->GetLastError() == EBADF)
// /* handle error EBADF */ ;
// else
// /* more error handling code ... */ ;
// }
// }
// Note that GetLastError calls in the code above invoke the
// CNAStdioFile::GetLastError method.
// flip byer order for each double byte character in the buffer. Throw
// an exception (-1) if bufferSize is not even.
void FlipByteOrder(char* buffer, Lng32 bufferSize);
void FlipByteOrder(char* buffer, TInt64 bufferSize);
// Helper methods
void GetTimeString( char *pTime, NABoolean convertSpaceColonToDash );
NABoolean m_bulkRead;
TCHAR m_newlineStr[3];
NAWchar m_newlineStrWchar[3];
const char *m_sourceName; // Process Name or File Name
Int32 m_lastError;
class CNAProcess : public CNADataSource{
typedef CNADataSource inherited;
NABoolean Open(const char *sourceName, EOpenMode mode);
void Close();
Int32 ReadString(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE);
Int32 Read(void *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize);
NABoolean ReadLine(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize);
Int32 ReadBlock(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE);
Int32 WriteString(const char *strLine);
Int32 Write(const char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize);
ULng32 CheckIOCompletion();
NABoolean IsEOF();
// double-byte typed string related routines
Int32 Write(const NAWchar *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE);
short m_fileHandle;
// Class CNAPopenProcess is only available for NSK...
class CNAStdioFile : public CNADataSource{
typedef CNADataSource inherited;
public: // functions
// constructor and destructor
NABoolean Open(const char *sourceName, EOpenMode mode);
void Close();
Int32 ReadString(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE);
Int32 Read(void *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize);
Int32 ReadBlock(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE);
NABoolean ReadLine(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize);
Int32 WriteString(const char *strLine);
Int32 Write(const char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize);
Int32 Flush ();
ULng32 CheckIOCompletion();
NABoolean IsEOF();
NABoolean IsOpen();
// double-byte typed string related routines
Int32 Write(const NAWchar *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder = FALSE);
FILE *GetFileHandle() { return m_fileHandle; }
NABoolean Initialize();
FILE *m_fileHandle;
inline NABoolean CNADataSource::Open(const char *fileName, CNADataSource::EOpenMode mode)
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline Int32 CNADataSource::ReadBlock(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder)
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline ULng32 CNADataSource::CheckIOCompletion()
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline void CNADataSource::Close()
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
inline NABoolean CNADataSource::IsEOF()
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline NABoolean CNADataSource::ReadLine(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize)
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline Int32 CNADataSource::ReadString(char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder)
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline Int32 CNADataSource::Read(void *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize)
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline Int32 CNADataSource::WriteString(const char *strLine)
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline Int32 CNADataSource::Write(const char *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize)
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline Int32 CNADataSource::Write(const NAWchar *buffer, Lng32 bufferSize, NABoolean flipByteOrder)
// Added to take care of unresolved externals in MXCMP
return 0;
inline NABoolean CNAStdioFile::IsOpen( void )
return (m_fileHandle) ? TRUE : FALSE;
inline NABoolean CNAStdioFile::Initialize( void )
if (!m_fileHandle)
// Note that both the NSK literal ENOERR and the
// Microsoft literal ERROR_SUCCESS equal to zero.
if (m_lastError == ENOERR)
if (IsBulkReadOperation())
m_lastError = (Int32)ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
m_lastError = EBADF;
return FALSE;
m_lastError = ENOERR;
return TRUE;