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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ComExeTrace.h
* Description: Common interface for all executor (run-time) traces
* Created: 10/26/2011
* Language: C++
#include "Platform.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "Collections.h"
// max of the trace name length and its field name length
// forward declaration
class ExeTrace;
class ExeTraceInfo;
// This part is online document on how to add your trace to executor
// runtime trace repository and be displayed by sqstate
// To add trace information, the trace host class has to add/do the
// the following:
// 1. include "ComExeTrace.h"
// 2. add "void *traceRef_;" to keep the reference to the trace
// registration in the repository
// 3. define a static wrapper function, e.g.
// static Int32 getALine(void * mine, Int32 lineno, char * buf)
// { return ((ExScheduler *) mine)->printALiner(lineno, buf); }
// 4. define the print method named in the wrapper function, e.g.
// Int32 printALiner(Int32 lineno, char *buf) {...};
// which prints all fields of one trace entry referenced by the lineno
// to buf and returns number of bytes added to the buffer.
// 5. use the following 3 methods in the ExeTraceInfo class to register
// and deregister the trace
// That's all.
// More about ExeTraceInfo methods used by trace host classes:
// Use this method to register trace to global trace info repository
// Int32
// ExeTraceInfo::addTrace(const char * traceName, void * traceId,
// Int32 numEntries, Int32 numFields, void *target,
// GetALineProcPtr getALineProc, void * indexLoc,
// Int32 lineWidth, const char *desc,
// void **exeTrace)
// parameters:
// TraceName(i) - trace name to be shown at output.
// traceId(i) - unique reference to the trace from outside in the
// process, normally some address value
// numEntries(i) - the number of rows in the trace (array size)
// if the number of entries is dynamic, enter -1
// numFields(i) - the number of field for each trace entry
// target(i) - normally target class "this" pointer
// getALineProc(i) - pointer to the function that can obtain one
// trace entry in string buffer
// indexLoc(i) - the address to obtain current trace index, can be NULL
// lineWidth(i) - the printed width for each trace entry in bytes
// desc(i) - the detailed information about the trace, its value
// will be copied to trace info repository
// exeTrace(o) - the reference of the trace in the repository, used
// later by caller to add trace columns and remove trace
// return value:
// 0 - trace added successfullly
// -1 - trace not added, could be deplicate or other reason
// note:
// the exeTrace will need to be save by caller for later reference
// Use this method to add trace column information,
// void
// ExeTraceInfo::addTraceField(void * exeTrace, const char * name,
// UInt32 fieldIdx, ExeTrace::FieldType fType)
// parameters:
// exeTrace(i) - the input obtained when the addTrace method was called.
// name(i) - column name.
// fieldIdx(i) - the sequence number of the column, starting from 0.
// fType(i) - one of the ExeTrace::FieldType enum values
// return value: none
// Use this method to remove the trace info when the objects contain
// the trace are to be deleted/deallocated.
// void
// ExeTraceInfo::removeTrace(void * exeTrace)
// parameters:
// exeTrace(i) - the input obtained when the addTrace method was called.
// return value: none
// note:
// to avoid invalid access to deleted trace, you must call this
// before deleting the host instance of the trace.
// types for pointers to methods
typedef Int32 (*GetALineProcPtr)(void *target, Int32 lineno, char *buf);
// The following is not used now because we assume that all trace array
// indexes are of type Int32:
// typedef Int32 (*GetIndexProcPtr) (void);
class ExeTrace
friend class ExeTraceInfo;
// typedef Int32 (ExeTrace::*GetALiner)(Int32 lineno, char *buf) const;
// typedef Int32 (ExeTrace::*GetIndex) (void) const;
enum FieldType {
TR_CHAR = 1,
struct TraceField {
char name_[MAX_FIELD_NAME_LEN];
UInt32 nameLen_;
FieldType fieldType_;
ExeTrace(char *name, void *id, void *target, GetALineProcPtr getALineProc,
void *indexLoc, Int32 numEntries, Int32 lineLen,
const char *desc);
~ExeTrace() {};
inline char * getTraceName() { return name_; };
inline void * getTraceId() { return traceId_; };
inline Int32 getNumEntries() { return numEntries_; };
inline Int32 getNumFields() { return numFields_; };
inline Int32 getLineWidth() { return lineWidth_; };
inline Int32 getIndex() { return (indexLoc_ == NULL)? -1:
*((Int32 *)indexLoc_); };
inline GetALineProcPtr getLineProc() { return getALineProc_; };
inline void * getTarget() { return target_; };
Int32 getTitleLineWidth();
char name_[MAX_TRACE_NAME_LEN]; // name of the trace
void * traceId_; // identifer
void * target_; // target this pointer
GetALineProcPtr getALineProc_; // pointer to function sending one trace
// entry to given buffer
void * indexLoc_; // pointer to the trace index area
Int32 numEntries_; // size of the trace
Int32 numFields_; // size of the trace
Int32 lineWidth_; // number of bytes to sprint one trace entry
char * describes_;
TraceField fields_[1];
class ExeTraceInfo : public NABasicObject
friend class ExeTrace;
// ctor
// used by general public
// create and add the trace info
Int32 addTrace(const char * traceName, void * traceId,
Int32 numEntries, Int32 numFields, void *target,
GetALineProcPtr getALineProc, void *indexLoc,
Int32 lineWidth, const char *desc,
void **exeTrace);
// add trace field info
void addTraceField(void *exeTrace, const char * fieldName,
UInt32 fieldIdx, ExeTrace::FieldType fType);
// unregister the given trace
void removeTrace(void * exeTrace);
// all kinds of helpers
bool isRegistered(ExeTrace *trace)
{ return exeTraces_.contains(trace) == TRUE; };
bool isValidTraceId(void *traceId) { return true; }; // tbd
Int32 getExeTraceInfoAll(char *outBuf, Int32 maxBufLen, Int32 *bufLen,
Int32 startTid=0);
Int32 getExeTraceAll(char *outBuf, Int32 maxBufLen, Int32 *bufLen,
Int32 startTid=0);
void * getExeTraceId(char *name, Int32 nameLen) const;
Int32 getExeTraceInfoById(void *traceId, char *buf, Int32 maxBufLen,
Int32 *bufLen);
Int32 getExeTraceById(void *traceId, char *buf, Int32 maxBufLen,
Int32 *bufLen);
LIST(ExeTrace *) exeTraces_;