blob: a59ab0afce2ce341c047b66c33d3684eca3abdf3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
# forwards
sub find_elfs ($$);
sub find_jars ($);
# globals
my $detail = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $res;
my $utt = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my %version_table_patch;
my %version_table_utt;
# main start
$res = GetOptions(
'd' => \$detail,
'h' => \$help,
'u' => \$utt,
'v' => \$verbose,
my $prog = $0;
$prog =~ s/^.*\///;
if (!$res) {
} else {
if ($help) {
# get TRAF_HOME/who/host
my $sq_pdsh = defined $ENV{'SQ_PDSH'} ? $ENV{'SQ_PDSH'} : '';
my $traf_home = defined $ENV{'TRAF_HOME'} ? $ENV{'TRAF_HOME'} : '';
my $java_home = defined $ENV{'JAVA_HOME'} ? $ENV{'JAVA_HOME'} : '';
my $sq_mbtype = defined $ENV{'SQ_MBTYPE'} ? $ENV{'SQ_MBTYPE'} : '';
my $host;
my $mtype;
my $btype;
if ($verbose) {
printf "v: cmd:whoami\n";
my $w = `whoami`;
$w =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($verbose) {
printf "v: cmd:uname -r\n";
my $lr = `uname -r`;
$lr =~ s/\s+$//;
my $linuxdistro = "UnknownLinuxDistro";
my $dr = "?.?";
if (-r "/etc/redhat-release") {
if ($verbose) {
printf "v: cmd:cat /etc/redhat-release\n";
$linuxdistro = "redhat";
my $linuxrel = `cat /etc/redhat-release`;
if ($linuxrel =~ /^.*release ([0-9][0-9]*)\.([0-9][0-9]*)/) {
$dr=$1 . "." . $2
} elsif (-r "/etc/SuSE-release") {
if ($verbose) {
printf "v: cmd:cat /etc/SuSE-release\n";
$linuxdistro = "SuSE";
my $susevers = `cat /etc/SuSE-release | grep VERSION | cut -f 2 -d '='`;
my $susepatch = `cat /etc/SuSE-release | grep PATCH | cut -f 2 -d '='`;
# trim white space
$susevers =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$susepatch =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$dr=$susevers . "." . $susepatch
print "TRAF_HOME=$traf_home\n";
print "who\@host=$w\@$host\n";
print "JAVA_HOME=$java_home\n";
# can't do much if these two env variables are not setup
if (!defined $ENV{'TRAF_HOME'}) {
die "TRAF_HOME is not set!";
if (!defined $ENV{'JAVA_HOME'}) {
die "JAVA_HOME is not set!";
# only print SQ_MBTYPE if NOT 64(release)
if (($mtype =~ /32/) || ($btype =~ /debug/)) {
print "SQ_MBTYPE=$sq_mbtype ($mtype-$btype)\n";
print "linux=$lr\n";
print "$linuxdistro=$dr\n";
# deal with elfs
my $dir_lib = "export/lib" . $sq_mbtype;
find_elfs($dir_lib, 0);
my $dir_bin = "export/bin" . $sq_mbtype;
find_elfs($dir_bin, 0);
# deal with jars
if ($utt) {
sub find_elfs ($$) {
my ($dir, $so) = @_;
my $chdir = "$traf_home/$dir";
chdir($chdir) or die "can't chdir to $chdir $!";
my $ls;
if ($so) {
$ls = `ls *.so`;
} else {
$ls = `ls`;
my @files = split(/\n/, $ls);
my $file;
foreach $file (@files) {
my $dochk = 1;
if ($file =~ /sqlite3/) {
$dochk = 0;
if ($file =~ / {
$dochk = 0;
if ($file =~ / {
$dochk = 0;
if ($file =~ / {
$dochk = 0;
if ($file =~ / {
$dochk = 0;
if ($file =~ / {
$dochk = 0;
if ($file =~ / {
$dochk = 0;
if ($file =~ /||libmysql|libthrift|libzookeeper|libcurl|^liblog4cxx|^libicu/) {
$dochk = 0;
if ($file =~ /mpirun|hydra_pmi_proxy/) {
$dochk = 0;
if ($dochk) {
my $chk = `file -L $file`;
if ($chk =~ /ELF/) {
version_elf($dir, $file);
sub find_jars ($) {
my ($dir) = @_;
my $chdir = "$traf_home/$dir";
chdir($chdir) or die "can't chdir to $chdir $!";
my $ls = `ls *.jar`;
my @files = split(/\n/, $ls);
my $file;
foreach $file (@files) {
my $dochk = 1;
if ($dochk) {
version_jar($dir, $file);
# gethost
# default to hostname
# search /etc/pdsh/machines | /opt/hptc/pdsh/nodes for non 'n[0-9][0-9]*'
sub gethost {
if ($verbose) {
printf "v: cmd:hostname\n";
$host = `hostname`;
$host =~ s/\s+$//;
if (-x ($sq_pdsh)) {
# find head node
if ($verbose) {
printf "v: cmd:cat /etc/pdsh/machines\n";
my $mach;
if (-r "/etc/pdsh/machines") {
$mach = `cat /etc/pdsh/machines`;
} elsif (-r "/etc/machines") {
$mach = `cat /etc/machines`;
} else {
$mach = `cat /opt/hptc/pdsh/nodes`;
my @nstrs = split(/\n/, $mach);
my $nstr;
foreach $nstr (@nstrs) {
my $hno = $nstr;
$hno =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($verbose) {
print "v: /etc/pdsh/machines, rec=$hno\n";
if ($hno !~ /^n[0-9][0-9]*/) {
$host = $hno;
if ($verbose) {
print "v: *host=$host\n";
$host =~ s/\s+$//;
sub getmbtype {
$mtype = "unknown";
$btype = "unknown";
if ($sq_mbtype =~ /^([0-9][0-9])/) {
$mtype = "$1";
if ($sq_mbtype =~ /d/) {
$btype = "debug";
} else {
$btype = "release";
# Print Patch node
sub patch_print_node ($) {
my ($vers_key) = @_;
my $node_patch = $version_table_patch{$vers_key};
my $vers = $node_patch->get_vers();
my $count = $node_patch->get_count();
my @list = $node_patch->get_list();
print "[$count]\t$vers\n";
my $list_key;
foreach $list_key (@list) {
print "\t $list_key\n";
sub print_usage {
printf "usage: $prog [-d] [-h] [-u] [-v]\n";
printf " -d: detail (used with -u)\n";
printf " -h: display help\n";
printf " -u: display UTTs\n";
printf " -v: verbose\n";
sub version_elf ($$) {
my ($dir, $elf) = @_;
if ($verbose) {
printf "v: cmd:nm $elf\n";
my $nm = `nm $elf | grep " VERS_"`;
my @strs = split(/\n/, $nm);
my $str;
my $has_version = 0;
foreach $str (@strs) {
my $ver = $str;
$ver =~ s/^.*?VERS_//;
$ver =~ s/_sl_/\//g;
$ver =~ s/_dt_/\./g;
$ver =~ s/_dh_/-/g;
if ($ver =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)_CV(\d*)_(\d*)_(\d*)_PV(\d*)_(\d*)_(\d*)_(\w*)_BV(\w*)_BR([\w\-\.\/]*)_DT(\w*)_SV(.*)/) {
$has_version = 1;
my $verstr = "$8 Release $5.$6.$7 (Build $9 [$12], branch $10, date $11)";
my $bldstr = $12;
if ($utt) {
utt_add($dir, $elf, $verstr, $bldstr);
} else {
print "$elf $1 Version $2.$3.$4 $verstr\n";
if (!$has_version) {
print "\$TRAF_HOME/$dir/$elf missing version string\n";
sub version_jar ($$) {
my ($dir, $jar) = @_;
my $cmd_vers = "$java_home/bin/java -jar $traf_home/export/lib/sqmanvers.jar $jar";
if ($verbose) {
printf "v: cmd:$cmd_vers\n";
my $vers = `$cmd_vers 2>/dev/null`;
my @strs = split(/\n/, $vers);
my $str;
my $has_version = 0;
foreach $str (@strs) {
my $ver = $str;
if ($ver =~ /^Version (\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*) (.*)/) {
$has_version = 1;
my $v1 = $1;
my $v2 = $2;
my $v3 = $3;
my $verstr = $4;
my $bldstr;
if ($verstr =~ /\(Build [a-z]+ \[([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\].*/) {
$bldstr = $1;
} else {
$bldstr = $verstr;
if ($utt) {
utt_add($dir, $jar, $verstr, $bldstr);
} else {
print "$jar Version $v1.$v2.$v3 $verstr\n";
if (!$utt && !$has_version) {
print "\$TRAF_HOME/$dir/$jar missing version string\n";
# Add utt to version_table_utt
sub utt_add ($$$$) {
my ($dir, $elf, $vers, $buildid) = @_;
if ($buildid =~ /(BUGFIX_[0-9_-]+)/) {
my $patch = $1;
my $node_patch;
if (exists $version_table_patch{$patch}) {
$node_patch = $version_table_patch{$patch};
$node_patch->add($dir, $elf);
} else {
$node_patch = new Node($dir, $elf, $vers);
$version_table_patch{$patch} = $node_patch;
} else {
my $node_utt;
if (exists $version_table_utt{$vers}) {
$node_utt = $version_table_utt{$vers};
$node_utt->add($dir, $elf);
} else {
$node_utt = new Node($dir, $elf, $vers);
$version_table_utt{$vers} = $node_utt;
# Print UTTs
sub utt_print {
my $vers_key;
my $vers_count_patch = keys %version_table_patch;
my $vers_count_utt = keys %version_table_utt;
my $vers;
if ($vers_count_patch < 1) {
printf "NO patches\n";
if ($vers_count_utt <= 1) {
if ($vers_count_patch > 0) {
printf "Patch count is $vers_count_patch\n";
foreach $vers_key (sort keys %version_table_patch) {
my @list = %version_table_utt;
printf "NO UTTs - $list[0]\n";
if ($detail) {
printf "ALL versions displayed\n";
printf "Patch count is $vers_count_patch\n";
foreach $vers_key (sort keys %version_table_patch) {
printf "UTT count is $vers_count_utt\n";
foreach $vers_key (sort keys %version_table_utt) {
} else {
if ($vers_count_patch > 0) {
printf "Patch count is $vers_count_patch\n";
foreach $vers_key (sort keys %version_table_patch) {
my $max = 0;
my $max_vers = 0;
foreach $vers_key (sort keys %version_table_utt) {
my $node_utt = $version_table_utt{$vers_key};
my $count = $node_utt->get_count();
if ($count > $max) {
$max = $count;
$max_vers = $node_utt->get_vers();
my $print_count = $vers_count_utt - 1;
printf "Most common $max_vers\n";
printf "UTT count is $print_count\n";
foreach $vers_key (sort keys %version_table_utt) {
my $node_utt = $version_table_utt{$vers_key};
$vers = $node_utt->get_vers();
if ($vers ne $max_vers) {
# Print UTT node
sub utt_print_node ($) {
my ($vers_key) = @_;
my $node_utt = $version_table_utt{$vers_key};
my $vers = $node_utt->get_vers();
my $count = $node_utt->get_count();
my @list = $node_utt->get_list();
print "[$count]\t$vers\n";
my $list_key;
foreach $list_key (@list) {
print "\t $list_key\n";
# Node object
package Node;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @list = ();
my $list_r = \@list;
my $self = {
_dir => shift,
_elf => shift,
_version => shift,
_count => 1,
_list => $list_r,
my $dir = $self->{_dir};
my $elf = $self->{_elf};
my $list = $self->{_list};
push(@{$list}, "$dir/$elf");
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub add {
my ($self, $dir, $elf) = @_;
my $list = $self->{_list};
push(@{$list}, "$dir/$elf");
sub get_count {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_count};
sub get_list {
my ($self) = @_;
my $list = $self->{_list};
return @{$list};
sub get_vers {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_version};