The Trafodion end-user environment is installed using the Trafodion Installer, which operates on Trafodion binaries only.

See release specific installation instructions in Documentation.

  • Server installation is described in the Trafodion Provisioning Guide
  • Client installation is described in the Trafodion Client Installation Guide

To build Trafodion from source code, see the Trafodion Contributor Guide.


2.3.0 (February 2019)

2.2.0 (March 2018)

2.1.0 (May 2017)

2.0.1 (June 2016)

2.0.0 (June 2016)

1.3.0 (January 2016)

Note: when downloading from a mirror please check the md5sum and verify the OpenPGP compatible signature from the main Apache site. Links are provided above (next to the release download link). This KEYS file contains the public keys used for signing release. It is recommended that (when possible) a web of trust is used to confirm the identity of these keys. For more information, please see the Apache Release FAQ.