blob: c611ad1b892665b330cea2e7d79eca527a77f1f3 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.sql.* ;
import java.math.* ;
public class Sales
// The LOWERPRICE procedure determines which items are selling poorly (that
// is, have less than 50 orders) and lowers the price of these items in the
// database by 10 percent.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void lowerPrice() throws SQLException
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
PreparedStatement getParts =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT p.partnum, "
+ "SUM(qty_ordered) AS qtyOrdered "
+ "FROM p "
+ "LEFT JOIN trafodion.sales.odetail o "
+ "ON p.partnum = o.partnum "
+ "GROUP BY p.partnum"
) ;
PreparedStatement updateParts =
conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE "
+ "SET price = price * 0.9 "
+ "WHERE partnum = ?"
) ;
ResultSet rs = getParts.executeQuery() ;
while ( )
BigDecimal qtyOrdered = rs.getBigDecimal( 2 ) ;
if (( qtyOrdered == null ) || ( qtyOrdered.intValue() < 50 ) )
BigDecimal partnum = rs.getBigDecimal( 1 ) ;
updateParts.setBigDecimal( 1, partnum ) ;
updateParts.executeUpdate() ;
rs.close() ;
conn.close() ;
// The DAILYORDERS procedure accepts a date and returns the number of
//orders on that date to an output parameter.
// See
// for additional documenation.
public static void numDailyOrders( Date date
, int[] numOrders
) throws SQLException
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
PreparedStatement getNumOrders =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT COUNT(order_date) "
+ "FROM trafodion.sales.orders "
+ "WHERE order_date = ?"
) ;
getNumOrders.setDate( 1, date ) ;
ResultSet rs = getNumOrders.executeQuery() ; ;
numOrders[0] = rs.getInt( 1 ) ;
rs.close() ;
conn.close() ;
// The MONTHLYORDERS procedure accepts an integer representing the month
// and returns the number of orders during that month to an output parameter.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void numMonthlyOrders( int month
, int[] numOrders
) throws SQLException
if ( month < 1 || month > 12 )
throw new SQLException( "Invalid value for month. "
+ "Retry the CALL statement "
+ "using a number from 1 to 12 "
+ "to represent the month."
, "38001"
) ;
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
PreparedStatement getNumOrders =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT COUNT( month( order_date ) ) "
+ "FROM trafodion.sales.orders "
+ "WHERE month( order_date ) = ?"
) ;
getNumOrders.setInt( 1, month ) ;
ResultSet rs = getNumOrders.executeQuery() ; ;
numOrders[0] = rs.getInt(1) ;
rs.close() ;
// The TOTALPRICE procedure accepts the quantity, shipping speed, and price
// of an item, calculates the total price, including tax and shipping
// charges, and returns the total price to an input/output parameter.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void totalPrice( BigDecimal qtyOrdered
, String shippingSpeed
, BigDecimal[] price
) throws SQLException
BigDecimal shipcharge = new BigDecimal( 0 ) ;
if ( shippingSpeed.equals( "economy" ) )
shipcharge = new BigDecimal( 1.95 ) ;
else if ( shippingSpeed.equals( "standard" ) )
shipcharge = new BigDecimal( 4.99 ) ;
else if ( shippingSpeed.equals( "nextday" ) )
shipcharge = new BigDecimal( 14.99 ) ;
throw new SQLException( "Invalid value for shipping speed. "
+ "Retry the CALL statement using "
+ "'economy' for 7 to 9 days, "
+ "'standard' for 3 to 5 days, or "
+ "'nextday' for one day."
, "38002"
) ;
BigDecimal subtotal = price[0].multiply( qtyOrdered ) ;
BigDecimal tax = new BigDecimal( 0.0825 ) ;
BigDecimal taxcharge = subtotal.multiply( tax ) ;
BigDecimal charges = taxcharge.add( shipcharge ) ;
BigDecimal totalprice = subtotal.add( charges ) ;
totalprice = totalprice.setScale( 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN ) ;
price[0] = totalprice ;
// The PARTDATA procedure accepts a part number and returns this
// information about the part:
// * Part description, price, and quantity available as output parameters.
// * A result set that contains rows from the ORDERS table about when this part was ordered.
// * A result set that contains rows from the PARTLOC table, listing locations that have this
// part in stock and the quantity they have on hand.
// * A result set that contains rows from the PARTSUPP table for suppliers who carry this part.
// * A result set that contains rows from the EMPLOYEE table for sales reps who have sold this part.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void partData( int partNum
, String[] partDescription
, BigDecimal[] unitPrice
, int[] qtyAvailable
, ResultSet[] orders
, ResultSet[] locations
, ResultSet[] suppliers
, ResultSet[] reps
) throws SQLException
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
// Retrieve detail about this part into the output parameters
PreparedStatement getPartInfo =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT P.partdesc, P.price, P.qty_available "
+ "FROM P "
+ "WHERE partnum = ? "
) ;
getPartInfo.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
ResultSet rs = getPartInfo.executeQuery() ; ;
partDescription[0] = rs.getString( 1 ) ;
unitPrice[0] = rs.getBigDecimal( 2 ) ;
qtyAvailable[0] = rs.getInt( 3 ) ;
// Return a result set of rows from the ORDERS table listing orders
// that included this part. Each ORDERS row is augmented with the
// quantity of this part that was ordered.
PreparedStatement getOrders =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT O.*, QTY.QTY_ORDERED "
+ "FROM trafodion.sales.orders O "
+ " , ( select ordernum, sum(qty_ordered) as QTY_ORDERED "
+ " from trafodion.sales.odetail "
+ " where partnum = ? "
+ " group by ordernum ) QTY "
+ "WHERE O.ordernum = QTY.ordernum "
+ "ORDER BY O.ordernum "
) ;
getOrders.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
orders[0] = getOrders.executeQuery() ;
// Return a result set of rows from the PARTLOC table listing
// locations that have this part in stock and the quantity they
// have on hand.
PreparedStatement getLocations =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT * "
+ "FROM trafodion.invent.partloc "
+ " WHERE partnum = ? "
) ;
getLocations.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
locations[0] = getLocations.executeQuery() ;
// Return a result set of rows from the PARTSUPP table listing
// suppliers who supply this part.
PreparedStatement getSuppliers =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT * "
+ "FROM trafodion.invent.partsupp "
+ "WHERE partnum = ? "
) ;
getSuppliers.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
suppliers[0] = getSuppliers.executeQuery() ;
// Return a result set of rows from the EMPLOYEE table listing
// sales reps that have sold this part.
PreparedStatement getReps =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT * "
+ "FROM trafodion.persnl.employee "
+ "WHERE empnum in ( SELECT O.salesrep "
+ " FROM trafodion.sales.orders O, "
+ " trafodion.sales.odetail D "
+ " WHERE D.partnum = ? "
+ " AND O.ordernum = D.ordernum ) "
+ "ORDER BY empnum "
) ;
getReps.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
reps[0] = getReps.executeQuery() ;
// The ORDERSUMMARY procedure accepts a date, which is formatted as a
// string, and returns this information about the orders on or after that
// date:
// * The number of orders as an output parameter
// * A result set that contains one row for each order. Each row contains
// fields for the order number, the number of parts ordered, total dollar
// amount, order date, and the name of the sales representative.
// * A result set that contains details about each order. Each order has
// one or more rows that provide details about the ordered parts. Each row
// contains fields for the order number, part number, unit price, quantity
// ordered, and part description.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void orderSummary( java.lang.String onOrAfter
, long[] numOrders
, java.sql.ResultSet[] orders
, java.sql.ResultSet[] detail
) throws SQLException
java.lang.String s ;
java.sql.Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
// Get the number of orders on or after this date
s = "SELECT COUNT(ordernum) FROM trafodion.sales.orders "
+ "WHERE order_date >= CAST(? AS DATE) "
java.sql.PreparedStatement ps1 = conn.prepareStatement( s ) ;
ps1.setString( 1, onOrAfter ) ;
java.sql.ResultSet rs = ps1.executeQuery() ; ;
numOrders[0] = rs.getLong( 1 ) ;
rs.close() ;
// Open a result set for order num, order info rows
s = "SELECT amounts.*, orders.order_date, emps.last_name "
+ " o.ordernum "
+ " , COUNT(d.partnum) AS num_parts "
+ " , SUM(d.unit_price * d.qty_ordered) AS amount "
+ " FROM trafodion.sales.orders o, trafodion.sales.odetail d "
+ " WHERE o.ordernum = d.ordernum "
+ " AND o.order_date >= CAST(? AS DATE) "
+ " GROUP BY o.ordernum "
+ " ) amounts "
+ " , trafodion.sales.orders orders "
+ " , trafodion.persnl.employee emps "
+ "WHERE amounts.ordernum = orders.ordernum "
+ " AND orders.salesrep = emps.empnum "
+ "ORDER BY orders.ordernum "
java.sql.PreparedStatement ps2 = conn.prepareStatement( s ) ;
ps2.setString( 1, onOrAfter ) ;
orders[0] = ps2.executeQuery() ;
// Open a result set for order detail rows
s = "SELECT d.*, p.partdesc "
+ "FROM trafodion.sales.odetail d, p, trafodion.sales.orders O "
+ "WHERE d.partnum = p.partnum AND d.ordernum = o.ordernum "
+ " AND o.order_date >= CAST(? AS DATE) "
+ "ORDER BY d.ordernum "
java.sql.PreparedStatement ps3 = conn.prepareStatement( s ) ;
ps3.setString( 1, onOrAfter ) ;
detail[0] = ps3.executeQuery() ;