blob: 13b8d1c93566c09ef4d9f2fd024ef1010ea6e303 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.sql.* ;
import java.math.* ;
public class Payroll
// The ADJUSTSALARY procedure accepts an employee number and a percentage
// value and updates the employee's salary in the database based on that
// percentage. This method also returns the updated salary to an output
// parameter.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void adjustSalary( BigDecimal empNum
, double percent
, BigDecimal[] newSalary
) throws SQLException
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
PreparedStatement setSalary =
conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE trafodion.persnl.employee "
+ "SET salary = salary * (1 + (? / 100)) "
+ "WHERE empnum = ?"
) ;
PreparedStatement getSalary =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT salary "
+ "FROM trafodion.persnl.employee "
+ "WHERE empnum = ?"
) ;
setSalary.setDouble( 1, percent ) ;
setSalary.setBigDecimal( 2, empNum ) ;
setSalary.executeUpdate() ;
getSalary.setBigDecimal( 1, empNum ) ;
ResultSet rs = getSalary.executeQuery() ; ;
newSalary[0] = rs.getBigDecimal( 1 ) ;
rs.close() ;
conn.close() ;
// The EMPLOYEEJOB procedure accepts an employee number and returns a job
// code or null value to an output parameter.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void employeeJob( int empNum
, java.lang.Integer[] jobCode
) throws SQLException
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
PreparedStatement getJobcode =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT jobcode "
+ "FROM trafodion.persnl.employee "
+ "WHERE empnum = ?"
) ;
getJobcode.setInt( 1, empNum ) ;
ResultSet rs = getJobcode.executeQuery() ; ;
int num = rs.getInt(1) ;
if ( rs.wasNull() )
jobCode[0] = null ;
jobCode[0] = new Integer(num) ;
rs.close() ;
conn.close() ;
// The PROJECTTEAM procedure accepts a project code and returns the
// employee number, first name, last name, and location of the employees
// assigned to that project.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void projectTeam( int projectCode
, ResultSet[] members
) throws SQLException
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
PreparedStatement getMembers =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT E.empnum, E.first_name, E.last_name, D.location "
+ "FROM trafodion.persnl.employee E, trafodion.persnl.dept D, trafodion.persnl.project P "
+ "WHERE P.projcode = ? "
+ " AND P.empnum = E.empnum "
+ " AND E.deptnum = D.deptnum "
) ;
getMembers.setInt( 1, projectCode ) ;
members[0] = getMembers.executeQuery() ;
// The TOPSALESREPS procedure accepts a number representing the fiscal
// quarter (1, 2, 3, and 4, with each number representing a range of
// months) and returns the employee number, first name, last name, and sale
// figures of the top five sales representatives who had the highest sales
// (unit_price * qty_ordered) that quarter.
// See
// for more documentation.
public static void topSalesReps( int whichQuarter
, ResultSet[] topReps
) throws SQLException
if ( whichQuarter < 1 || whichQuarter > 4 )
throw new SQLException ( "Invalid value for quarter. "
+ "Retry the CALL statement "
+ "using a number from 1 to 4 "
+ "to represent the quarter."
, "38001"
) ;
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
PreparedStatement getTopReps =
conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT [first 5] e.empnum, e.first_name, "
+ "e.last_name, "
+ "FROM trafodion.persnl.employee e, "
+ " ( SELECT o.salesrep, "
+ " SUM( od.unit_price * od.qty_ordered ) as total "
+ " FROM trafodion.sales.orders o, trafodion.sales.odetail od "
+ " WHERE o.ordernum = od.ordernum "
+ " AND QUARTER( o.order_date ) = ? "
+ " GROUP BY o.salesrep "
+ " ) totals "
+ "WHERE e.empnum = totals.salesrep "
) ;
getTopReps.setInt( 1, whichQuarter ) ;
topReps[0] = getTopReps.executeQuery() ;