cut tag for 3.3.0 from devrel/3.3.0 (in case we need to reroll)
TS-1414 gzip plugin enhancements

Tested: Ubuntu-12.04
Author: Otto van der Schaaf <>

- now supports gzip compression
- added an option to remove accept encoding from the origin request (for offloading/for when responses need to be parsed, and the compression/decompression that would ensue would just be wasting using cpu cycles)
- added transforming uncompressed documents from cache
- fix: do not alter weak etags
- added an option to specify if an alternate should be saved for the compressed document
- now prefers gzip over raw deflate. maybe raw deflate should just be dropped (
- most of the above is now controlled through defines
- next up will be configuration and a some cleanup/refactoring
1 file changed