tree: cbcff8763deecbf8c4bfedcfff7e294fcd6d097e [path history] [tgz]
  2. Changelog

Thousands of range requests for a very large object in the traffic server cache are likely to increase system load averages due to I/O wait as objects are stored on a single stripe or disk drive.

This plugin allows you to remap individual range requests so that they are stored as individual objects in the ATS cache when subsequent range requests are likely to use the same range. This spreads range requests over multiple stripes thereby reducing I/O wait and system load averages.

This plugin reads the range request header byte range value and then creates a new cache key url using the original request url with the range value appended to it. The range header is removed where appropriate from the requests and the origin server response code is changed from a 206 to a 200 to insure that the object is written to cache using the new cache key url. The response code sent to the client will be changed back to a 206 and all requests to the origin server will contain the range header so that the correct response is received.


Add to your remap.config rules.

Or for a global plugin where all range requests are processed,
Add to the plugin.config

Parent Selection Mode (consistent-hash only):

default: Parent selection is based solely on the hash of a URL Path
         In this mode, all partial content of a URL is requested
         from the same upstream parent cache listed in parent.config

Cache_key_url: Parent selection is based on the full cache_key_url
               which includes information about the partial content
               range.  In this mode, all requests (include partial
               content) will use consistent hashing method for
               parent selection.

To enable cache_key_url parent select mode, the following param must be set:

Global Plugin (plugin.config): -p --ps-cachekey

Remap Plugin (remap.config):

  <from-url> <to-url> @pparam=--ps-cachekey
  <from-url> <to-url> @pparam=-p

X-CRR-IMS header support

To support slice plugin self healing an option to force
revalidation after cache lookup complete was added.  This option
	is triggered by a special header:

This optional header looks like:

X-CRR-IMS: Tue, 19 Nov 2019 13:26:45 GMT

	If the cache lookup was a cache hit and the cache header date
	is *less* than this header value then the cache state is switched
	from FRESH to STALE which results in If-Modified-Since or
	If-Match request being passed to the parent.

	In order for this option to be enabled the the following parameter
	must be set:

Global Plugin (plugin.config): --consider-ims -c

Remap Plugin (remap.config):

  <from-url> <to-url> @pparam=--consider-ims
  <from-url> <to-url> @pparam=-c

Consider using the header_rewrite plugin to protect the parent
	from using this option as an attack vector against an origin.

Object Cacheability

Normally objects are forced into the cache by changing the status code in the
response from the upstream host from 206 to 200. The default behavior is to
perform this operation blindly without checking cacheability. Add the `-v`
flag to cause the plugin to ensure the object is cacheable; when it is not,
the 206 status code is restored and the object will not be cached.

Global Plugin (plugin.config): --verify-cacheability -v

Remap Plugin (remap.config):

  <from-url> <to-url> @pparam=--verify-cacheability
  <from-url> <to-url> @pparam=-v

Caching Complete Responses

To enable caching of complete responses, that is, a 200 OK instead of a 206 Partial
Content response, add the `-r` flag to the plugin parameters. By default, complete
responses are marked as uncacheable.

Global Plugin (plugin.config): --cache-complete-responses -r

Remap Plugin (remap.config):

  <from-url> <to-url> @pparam=--cache-complete-responses
  <from-url> <to-url> @pparam=-r