tree: 00810230e15ce23834e7b0ea6f11c68a28a06bbb [path history] [tgz]
  1. defaults/
  2. handlers/
  3. meta/
  4. tasks/
  5. templates/
  6. vars/


At the center of Apache Traffic Control is the database API known as Traffic Ops. The TrafficOps installation also contains relevant initialization for both the Postgresql database as well as Riak SOLR indexing; all of which are handled by this role.


  • A valid RPM in an available yum repository.
  • An internet connection to obtain external dependencies
  • A functional Postgresql 9.6 instance
  • A functional Traffic Vault (Riak) instance with SOLR

Role Variables

Refer to the defaults/main.yml for most information.

to_version: This is an optional string that can be provided to specify a particular version of Traffic Ops to install. It should be something like 3.0.0-10063.5db80eca.el7. The absense of this variable entails automatically using the latest version available to yum at the time of initial installation.

additional_yum_repos: An optional list of additional yum repositories to enable specifically when installing this component. This could be used to enable non-production ready rpms in a separate repository and not supplying the specific RPM version to automatically use the latest available.



Example Playbook

  - name: Deploy Traffic_ops
      name: traffic_ops
      install_traffic_ops: true
      to_certs_cert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt
      to_certs_key: /etc/pki/tls/private/server.key.pem
      to_certs_ca: /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/lab.rootca.crt


Apache 2.0

Author Information

Apache Traffic Control