tree: 2e77991be262e31a2ff856e87d33797c45cc5f7a [path history] [tgz]
  1. defaults/
  2. meta/
  3. tasks/
  4. templates/


Grove is an experimental caching proxy similar to Apache Traffic Server or NGINX optimized for linear video traffic. This role deploys grove and it's associated ORT alternative named grovetccfg.


A valid pair of RPMs in an available yum repository.

Role Variables

Refer to the defaults/main.yml for most information.

grove_version: This is an optional string that can be provided to specify a particular version of grove to install. It should be something like 0.2-10063.5db80eca. The absense of this variable entails automatically using the latest version available to yum at the time of initial installation.

grovetccfg_version: This is an optional string that can be provided to specify a particular version of grovetccfg to install. It should be something like 0.2-10063.5db80eca. The absense of this variable entails automatically using the latest version available to yum at the time of initial installation.

additional_yum_repos: An optional list of additional yum repositories to enable specifically when installing this component. This could be used to enable non-production ready rpms in a separate repository and not supplying the specific RPM version to automatically use the latest available.



Example Playbook

  - name: Deploy grove
      name: grove
      install_grove: true
      grovetccfg_traffic_ops_url: https://to.kabletown.invalid
      grovetccfg_traffic_ops_username: username
      grovetccfg_traffic_ops_password: "{{ grove_passwd }}"
      grove_port: 80
      grove_https_port: 443
      grove_ssl_cert_path: /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt
      grove_ssl_key_path: /etc/pki/tls/private/server.key.pem


Apache 2.0

Author Information

Apache Traffic Control