Flexible Topologies

Problem Description

Today, a Traffic Control CDN is limited to 2 tiers -- EDGE and MID -- with the option to skip the MID tier for certain Delivery Service types (e.g. HTTP_LIVE and HTTP_NO_CACHE). In addition, a CDN is limited to one global parent hierarchy, which is defined via the parent_cachegroup and secondary_parent_cachegroup fields of cachegroups. Both of these problems limit a CDN's ability to scale with increased demand and changing usage patterns, and providing the ability to add more tiers to a CDN helps it keep up with that growth. A Topology that works well for one set of Delivery Services might not be ideal for a different set of Delivery Services, and a CDN needs the flexibility to provide the best Topology for any given Delivery Service -- with any number of tiers and custom caching hierarchies.

Proposed Change

Traffic Control will provide the ability to define one or more Topologies, and a Topology can have any number of Delivery Services assigned to it. A Topology will be composed of Cachegroups along with their primary/secondary parent relationships to other Cachegroups as defined by the Topology.

If a Delivery Service is assigned to a Topology, any deliveryservice_server assignments it has to EDGE caches will be ignored, because it will be assigned to all caches in the Delivery Service‘s CDN (filtered by server capabilities) that belong to the Topology’s cachegroups. Ideally, this feature will obsolete legacy deliveryservice_server assignments, since Topologies negate the need to assign Delivery Services to individual EDGE caches. Nonetheless, legacy deliveryservice_server assignments will be supported alongside Topology-based Delivery Services for some time until all Delivery Services have been migrated to Topologies.

Traffic Portal Impact

Traffic Portal will need new pages for:

  • creating and viewing Topologies (and since TP sidebar menu currently has “Topology” as an item already, that may need to be renamed if “Topologies” is going to be a sub-menu item of that)

Existing Traffic Portal pages will need to be updated:

  • all the delivery services and delivery service requests views, to include the new topology field
  • delivery service server assignment views should prohibit assigning EDGE servers to a delivery service that has a Topology assigned already (ORIGIN servers may still need to be assignable for MSO purposes)
  • the CDN snapshot view, in order to account for a new top-level section (topologies) in the CRConfig

Since Delivery Services will no longer be constrained to one global Topology as they are today, it would be extremely useful to be able to visualize a Delivery Service's Topology like a tree, where each node in the tree is a cachegroup, and the edges between nodes are the primary/secondary parent relationships between them. Clicking on a particular node would show all the servers in that cachegroup that could serve a request for the Delivery Service. This visualization will most likely be different from the Topology form for creating a Topology and does not necessarily need to be provided by Traffic Portal.

Traffic Ops Impact

Traffic Ops will provide the ability to create Topologies, composed of cachegroups and parent relationships, which will be assignable to one or more Delivery Services.


The following is the JSON representation of a Topology object:

    "name": "foo",
    "description": "a foo topology",
    "nodes": [
            "cachegroup": "child-cachegroup",
            "parents": [1, 2]
            "cachegroup": "parent-cachegroup",
            "parents": []
            "cachegroup": "secondary-parent-cachegroup",
            "parents": []

The following table describes the top-level Topology object:

namestringrequireda unique name for identifying this Topology
descriptionstringrequiredthe description of this Topology
nodesarray of node sub-objectsrequiredthe set of nodes in this topology, similar to an adjacency list

The following table describes the node sub-object:

cachegroupstringrequiredthe name of a cachegroup this node maps to in the Topology
parentsarray of integersrequiredzero-based indexes to other nodes in the Topology's nodes array, where the 1st element is for the primary parent relationship and the 2nd element is for the secondary parent relationship, and so on

API constraints:

  • a Topology's name must consist of alphanumeric or hyphen characters
  • a Topology must have at least 1 node; otherwise, it is useless
  • there cannot be multiple nodes for the same cachegroup in a Topology
  • parents must have 0, 1 or 2 elements, cannot contain duplicates, cannot contain the index of its own node, and cannot contain the index of nodes whose cachegroup is of type EDGE_LOC
  • leaf nodes must be cachegroups of type EDGE_LOC
  • all nodes in the Topology must be reachable -- i.e. a node is either a leaf (which would be an EDGE_LOC) or is a parent of at least one other node
  • a Topology cannot contain a cycle (through any combination of primary/secondary parent relationships)
  • a Topology cannot be deleted if one or more Delivery Services are still assigned to it
  • a Cachegroup cannot be deleted if it is currently being used in a Topology
  • a Topology cannot have STEERING or CLIENT_STEERING delivery services assigned to it (because those types are not assigned to caches -- their targets are)

The following new endpoints will be required:

GET /topologies

response JSON:

{ "response": [
        "name": "foo",
        "description": "a foo topology",
        "nodes": [
                "cachegroup": "child-cachegroup",
                "parents": [1, 2]
                "cachegroup": "parent-cachegroup",
                "parents": []
                "cachegroup": "secondary-parent-cachegroup",
                "parents": []
POST /topologies

request JSON:

    "name": "foo",
    "description": "a foo topology",
    "nodes": [
            "cachegroup": "child-cachegroup",
            "parents": [1, 2]
            "cachegroup": "parent-cachegroup",
            "parents": []
            "cachegroup": "secondary-parent-cachegroup",
            "parents": []

response JSON:

    "alerts": [
            "text": "topology was created successfully",
            "level": "success"
    "response": {
        "name": "foo",
        "description": "a foo topology",
        "nodes": [
                "cachegroup": "child-cachegroup",
                "parents": [1, 2]
                "cachegroup": "parent-cachegroup",
                "parents": []
                "cachegroup": "secondary-parent-cachegroup",
                "parents": []

PUT /topologies?name=foo

request JSON:

    "name": "foo",
    "description": "a foo topology",
    "nodes": [
            "cachegroup": "child-cachegroup",
            "parents": [1, 2]
            "cachegroup": "parent-cachegroup",
            "parents": []
            "cachegroup": "secondary-parent-cachegroup",
            "parents": []

response JSON:

    "alerts": [
            "text": "topology was updated successfully",
            "level": "success"
    "response": {
        "name": "foo",
        "description": "a foo topology",
        "nodes": [
                "cachegroup": "child-cachegroup",
                "parents": [1, 2]
                "cachegroup": "parent-cachegroup",
                "parents": []
                "cachegroup": "secondary-parent-cachegroup",
                "parents": []
DELETE /topologies?name=foo

response JSON:

    "alerts": [
            "text": "topology was deleted successfully",
            "level": "success"
/deliveryservices endpoints

All relevant Delivery Service APIs will have their JSON request and response objects modified to include the following new fields:

  • topology - the name of the topology it's assigned to
  • firstHeaderRewrite - the header_rewrite ATS config that will be applied to the first tier caches in the Delivery Service's Topology
  • middleHeaderRewrite - the header_rewrite ATS config that will be applied to all middle tier caches in this Delivery Service's Topology
  • lastHeaderRewrite - the header_rewrite ATS config that will be applied to all last tier caches in this Delivery Service's Topology

Note: these three header_rewrite “buckets” were chosen because header_rewrite configs usually fall into one of three categories:

  • affects requests to/from the client (“first”)
  • affects requests to/from the origin (“last”)
  • don't affect clients or origins (“middle”)

API Constraints:

  • firstHeaderRewrite, middleHeaderRewrite, and lastHeaderRewrite can only be set if topology is not null
  • edgeHeaderRewrite and midHeaderRewrite cannot be set if topology is not null

Example JSON:

    // ...
    "topology": "foo",
    "firstHeaderRewrite": "foo",
    "middleHeaderRewrite": "foo",
    "lastHeaderRewrite": "foo"

The GET /deliveryservices endpoint should be updated to support ?topology=foo as a query parameter to retrieve all the Delivery Services that are assigned to a given Topology.

/cachegroups endpoints

GET /cachegroups should be updated to support ?topology=foo as a query parameter to retrieve all the Cachegroups that are used in a given Topology.

DELETE /cachegroups should be updated to return a useful error when trying to delete a Cachegroup that is currently used in a Topology.

PUT /cachegroups should update all foreign key references if name is updated. This should be done automatically in the database via the FK references.

The various /snapshot endpoints

The various /snapshot endpoints will need to be updated to include new Topologies data along with their associations to Delivery Services in the CRConfig.json snapshot. The data should only include the EDGE_LOC cachegroups of the Topologies, because those are all Traffic Router needs. Additionally, delivery service required capabilities and server capabilities data will need to be added in order for Traffic Router to take them into account. This is because delivery services that are assigned to Topologies will not be explicitly assigned to individual servers. Servers are transitively assigned to topology-based delivery services based on their cachegroup (server -> cachegroup -> topology), unless the server lacks the capabilities required by the delivery service. While we could continue to use traditional deliveryservice-server mappings in the CRConfig, doing away with them helps reduce the overall size of the CRConfig and prevents it from growing at the current rate of (# of delivery services x # of servers).

The following example illustrates new changes to the CRConfig snapshot:

    "topologies": {  // NEW
        "topology-1": {  // topology name
            "nodes": [
                "west-cachegroup",  // "leaf node" (edge) cachegroup names in the topology
        "topology-2": {/* ... */}  // and so on
    "contentServers": {
        "edge-1": {
            "cacheGroup": "west-cachegroup",
            "capabilities": [  // NEW: the server's capabilities
            "deliveryServices": {}  // UPDATE: topology-based DSes will not have an explicit mapping here
            // ...
    "deliveryServices": {
        "ds-1": {
            "requiredCapabilities": [  // NEW: the delivery service's required capabilities
            "topology": "topology-1",  // NEW: the topology this delivery service is assigned to
            // ...
    "edgeLocations": {  // nothing new here, included for illustrative purposes only
        "west-cachegroup": {/* ... */},
        "central-cachegroup": {/* ... */},
        "east-cachegroup": {/* ... */}
    // ...
Various endpoints that are affected by cachegroup parentage or deliveryservice-server assignment

API endpoints that do things such as the following may need to be updated to take Topology-based Delivery Service assignment and parentage into account:

  • assign a Delivery Service to a server (or vice versa). It should be prohibited to assign an EDGE server to a Delivery Service (or vice versa) that has a Topology assigned already.
  • perform an operation on “child” cachegroups -- like queueing updates on “child” caches when changing the status of a “parent” cache. Child caches via both Topologies and legacy Cachegroup parentage would all need to be updated in that case.

Client Impact

New Go client methods will be added for the /topologies endpoints in order to write TO API tests for the new endpoints. The /deliveryservices client methods won't need modified as the new Topology field will simply be added to the DeliveryService struct. New client methods for the Python client will also be added for each of the new /topologies endpoints.

Data Model Impact

Go structs

New structs will be added for the /topologies endpoints, mapping directly to the JSON request bodies in the REST API Impact section:

  • Topology: for the top-level Topology object, which includes the nodes array
  • TopologyNode: for objects in a Topology's nodes array

The DeliveryService struct will be updated with new fields, mapping directly to the new JSON fields outlined in the REST API Impact section:

  • Topology
  • FirstHeaderRewrite
  • MiddleHeaderRewrite
  • LastHeaderRewrite
Traffic Ops Database

A new topology table will be created:

nametextnot null, PK

A new topology_cachegroup table will be created to model the association of cachegroups to topologies:

idintnot null, PK
topologytextnot null, FK: references topology(name)
cachegrouptextnot null, FK: references cachegroup(name)


  • unique (topology, cachegroup) -- a cachegroup can only be in a Topology once.

A new topology_cachegroup_parents table will be created to model the parent relationships of cachegroups within a topology:

childintnot null, FK: references topology_cachegroup(id)
parentintnot null, FK: references topology_cachegroup(id)
rankintnot null


  • unique (child, rank) -- within a Topology, a cachegroup can only have one primary parent, one secondary parent, and so on.
  • unique (child, parent) -- within a Topology, a cachegroup cannot relate to another cachegroup more than once.
  • check (rank is either 1 or 2) -- a cachegroup can only have primary and secondary parents currently.

The deliveryservice table will be updated to add the following new columns:

topologytextFK: references topology(name)

ORT Impact

atstccfg will need to be updated to request the Topologies from Traffic Ops and use that data to determine the following for config generation:

  • what delivery services are assigned to a cache via Topologies -- in addition to legacy deliveryservice_server assignments used today -- still taking Server Capabilities into account
  • if a delivery service is assigned to a cache via a Topology, the parent and secondary parent cachegroups for that delivery service are determined via the Topology it‘s assigned to. Otherwise, the parents are determined by the server’s cachegroup as they are today.

Since new Topologies can be more than 2 tiers (EDGE -> MID), atstccfg may need to break some assumptions about the current 2-tier hierarchy in order to work with an arbitrary number of “forward proxy tiers” -- e.g. EDGE -> MID -> MID -> ORIGIN. Basically, MID caches need to be able to forward requests to other MID caches -- they can no longer assume that their parents are always origins.

ATS config-related fields on Delivery Services

Topology-based delivery services will use the new firstHeaderRewrite, middleHeaderRewrite, and lastHeaderRewrite fields (described in the REST API Impact section above) for adding ATS header_rewrite configs. If a cache is both a “first” and a “last” in a given Topology (for instance, in a single-tier, edge-only Topology), both the firstHeaderRewrite and lastHeaderRewrite should be considered for adding. Otherwise, a given cache will be either a “first”, “middle”, or a “last”.

Legacy delivery services (not assigned to a Topology) will continue to use the edgeHeaderRewrite and midHeaderRewrite fields as they do today.

Traffic Monitor Impact

There should be little (if any) impact to Traffic Monitor for this feature.

Traffic Router Impact

Traffic Router will need to be made aware of Topologies, their associations to Delivery Services, as well as Server Capabilities via additions to the CRConfig. No new TR profile parameters should be required to enable Topology-based routing since Topologies are configurable on a per-delivery-service basis.

TR will process the new changes to the CRConfig as outlined in the /snapshot section above, using a process along the lines of this pseudo-code:

for every DS:
    if the DS has a topology:
       look up the cachegroups in the topology
       for every cachegroup in the topology:
            look up all the servers in the cachegroup
            for every server in the cachegroup:
                if the server has the DS's required capabilities:
                    add the DS to the server
        the DS uses explicit server mappings which should already be handled by existing code

Since Topologies will be optional, new Traffic Routers should remain backwards-compatible with old CRConfigs, and old Traffic Routers should remain forwards-compatible with new CRConfigs because Traffic Router ignores unknown fields by default.

Traffic Stats Impact

There should be little (if any) impact to Traffic Stats for this feature.

Traffic Vault Impact

This feature should not require any changes to Traffic Vault or its related APIs in Traffic Ops.

Documentation Impact

The Traffic Ops API reference will be updated to include the new /topologies API endpoints as well as all of the relevant deliveryservices endpoints. It may be useful to include a new “Topologies Overview/How-To” section in the docs describing how to create and use custom Topologies.

Testing Impact

For Traffic Ops, new API tests will be written for the new /topologies API endpoints, and existing API tests for the /deliveryservices endpoints will be updated to test the Topology association.

Traffic Router unit and/or integration tests will be added to test the new functionality of Topology-based delivery services.

Unit tests for atstccfg will be added in order to validate ATS config generation for Topology-based delivery services.

Automated end-to-end environment creation (such as CDN-in-a-box) should be updated to include the creation of arbitrary Topologies that would be assigned to one or more delivery services. Those delivery services should be tested by an end user HTTP client to verify the basic functionality of their Topologies. Additionally, the request/data flows should be observed to verify that they match up with the given Topology as expected.

Performance Impact

There should be no visible impact to performance from an application perspective -- this feature does not introduce anything particularly CPU, network, or storage-intensive. However, this feature will allow the tuning of Topologies in the CDN, which will affect end-to-end performance of the CDN in terms of things like latency, cache hit ratio, cache efficiency, etc. CDN architects will be able to make certain trade-offs in their Topologies until their desired end-to-end performance characteristics are met.

Additionally, the more Delivery Services that are migrated from legacy deliveryservice_server assignments to Topologies, the smaller the size of the CRConfig will get. Currently, deliveryservice_server assignments are responsible for the most of the growth in CRConfig size due to the natural addition of both Delivery Services and Servers to a CDN over time, and migrating to Topology-based Delivery Services should noticeably reduce the size and growth of the CRConfig over time.

Security Impact

Probably the biggest impact to security will be the custom Topologies themselves, specifically in terms of breaking the assumptions of the existing 2-tier CDN architecture. There will no longer be a single, global parent hierarchy, so things like firewalls/ACLs that allow caches to communicate with each other may need to be updated to account for custom parent hierarchies.

Creating or updating Topologies should be restricted to users with the operations role or higher, and Topologies are CDN-wide -- they do not belong to a particular tenant.

Upgrade Impact

This feature will require a database migration to create new tables and add new fields to the deliveryservice table, but existing data does not need to be modified or migrated. Therefore, rolling back the database migration will not cause any data loss until Topologies are actually created and assigned. Additionally, since this feature will not remove any existing tables or columns, the new database schema should be backwards-compatible with the previous version of Traffic Ops. However, this blueprint cannot make any claim as to the backwards-compatibility of schema changes required by other features, which would affect the overall backwards-compatibility of the entire release.

This feature will not require components to be upgraded in a specific order, and no special manual steps will be required before, during, or after the upgrade is done.

Operations Impact

One of the bigger day-to-day operational impacts this feature will have is in the assignment of Delivery Services to Topologies instead of to individual EDGE caches. In theory, if the number of unique Topologies is kept as low as possible, it should be easier to choose a specific Topology for a Delivery Service than to assign it to individual caches (unless the default approach is to just assign delivery services to all caches). This could be made easier by defining a kind of default Topology which is assigned to until it is determined that the default Topology does not meet the Delivery Service's requirements.

Until legacy deliveryservice_server assignments are fully removed in favor of Topology-based assignments, there will be extra operational overhead due to having two different ways to assign Delivery Services, but this overhead should be temporary as CDN operators should migrate all Delivery Services to Topologies as soon as possible. That one-time manual migration should also be considered an operational impact and should be scheduled to take place sometime after the upgrade is completed.

Once all Delivery Services have been migrated to Topologies, CDN operators will no longer have to “clone Delivery Service assignments” from a nearby edge cache in the same cachegroup when adding a new edge cache into the CDN. Since Topologies are composed of cachegroups, simply adding a server into a particular cachegroup will give it all the Delivery Service assignments from all the Topologies the cachegroup is used in.

Troubleshooting issues with Delivery Services on the CDN may become slightly more difficult due to the fact that you will no longer be able to assume that any given Delivery Service will follow the same global hierarchy. Unique Topologies will provide unique paths through the CDN from client to origin, so an operator now needs to look up what the path should be based on the Delivery Service's Topology in order to triage issues along the delivery path. This may necessitate the development of Topology-based troubleshooting tools and visualizations.

As something to be aware of, content revalidations (via regex_revalidate.config) may take longer to propagate through a Topology the more tiers that it has, due to the nature of how ORT waits to revalidate until its cache's parents no longer have revalidations pending.

Third Party Logging/Monitoring/Analytics

Any external 3rd party logging, analytics, or monitoring tools presuming a 2-tiered CDN architecture may need to be updated to deal with more dynamic and complex N-tiered Topologies, and it may become more difficult to model them accurately. For instance, each “tier” may need to be grouped or modeled differently, and relying on the server type MID to mean “the mid tier” will no longer be accurate.

Developer Impact

Developers primarily need to be aware that they will no longer be able to make the assumption that a CDN is limited to the traditional 2 tiers (EDGE and MID). There will be any number of tiers, and cache parentage is no longer driven by just a server's cachegroup.parent_cachegroup and cachegroup.secondary_parent_cachegroup. Topologies, which are per Delivery Service, will drive the parentage when used. Additionally, both Topology-based server assignment and legacy deliveryservice_server assignment will drive what Delivery Services are “assigned” to a cache for the time being. So, once this feature has been completed, developers will need to keep these changes in mind so that these old assumptions are not mistakenly brought back into the codebase.


Some alternative designs for the API have been discussed, but they depend on whether or not we'd like to support having the same cachegroup in a Topology more than once (for example, to have an EDGE_LOC cachegroup be its own parent but using a different caching medium). That will be prohibited in the implementation of this blueprint, but the current design allows for that functionality to be added in the future without requiring further database migrations or breaking changes to the API.


This feature requires no known external dependencies at this time.

