Apache Traffic Control

Apache Traffic Control allows you to build a large scale content delivery network using open source. Built around Apache Traffic Server as the caching software, Traffic Control implements all the core functions of a modern CDN.

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Build Status

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Code Status

Weasel License Checks Go Formatting Go Vet
CodeQL - C++
CodeQL - Go
CodeQL - Java
CodeQL - Javascript
CodeQL - Python

Test Status

Go Unit Tests TO Go Client Integration Tests TP Integration Tests TM Integration Tests TR Ultimate Test Harness T3C Integration Tests TC Health Client Integration Tests

Documentation [^1]

Components [^1]

  • Traffic Ops is the RESTful API service for management and monitoring of all servers in the CDN.
  • Traffic Portal is the web GUI for managing and monitoring the CDN via the Traffic Ops API.
  • Traffic Router uses DNS and HTTP302 to redirect clients to the closest available cache on the CDN.
  • Traffic Monitor uses HTTP to poll the health of caches and provide this information to Traffic Router.
  • Traffic Stats acquires and stores real-time metrics and statistics into an InfluxDB for charting and alerting.



Questions, Comments, Bugs and More

[^1]: Documentation links point to the latest which is the unreleased master branch and are neither stable nor necessarily accurate for any given supported release.