blob: 96425fe176a15b485e5721e4458670ecc1701254 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// this is the config that is consumed by /server.js on traffic portal startup (sudo service traffic_portal start)
module.exports = {
timeout: '120s',
useSSL: true, // set to true if you plan to use https (self-signed or trusted certs).
port: 8880, // set to http port
sslPort: 8443, // set to https port
// if useSSL is true, generate ssl certs and provide the proper locations.
ssl: {
key: '../traffic_ops/traffic_ops_golang/localhost.key',
cert: '../traffic_ops/traffic_ops_golang/localhost.crt',
ca: [ '../traffic_ops/traffic_ops_golang/localhost.crt' ]
// set api 'base_url' to the traffic ops api url (all api calls made from the traffic portal will be proxied to the api base_url)
api: {
base_url: 'https://localhost:6443/api/'
// default static files location (this is where the traffic portal html, css and javascript was installed. rpm installs these files at /opt/traffic_portal/public
// change this to ./app/dist/public/ if you are running locally for development
files: {
static: './app/dist/public/'
// default log location (this is where traffic_portal logs are written)
// change this to ./server/log/access.log if you are running traffic portal locally for development
log: {
stream: './access.log'
reject_unauthorized: 0 // 0 if using self-signed certs, 1 if trusted certs