From new CentOS 7 install:

Disable selinux:

change /etc/selinux/config to SELINUX=disabled

Add access to Postgreql 9.6 yum repository

Instructions are here:

  • From this page, copy the link for CentOS 7 and install:

    $ sudo yum install

Install Postgres 9.6 server (in a container or on the host)

on the host:

$ sudo su -
# yum install postgresql96-server
$ su - postgres
$ /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/initdb -A md5 -W #-W forces the user to provide a superuser (postgres) password
$ exit
# systemctl start postgresql-9.6
# systemctl status postgresql-9.6

-or- in a container

NOTE: you do not need postgresql96-server if running postgres within a docker container.

Install docker and docker-compose using instructions here:

Install traffic_ops

$ sudo yum install traffic_ops

Install any extensions needed

  • install in /opt/traffic_ops_extensions

Install openssl certs (or use this to generate them)

$ sudo /opt/traffic_ops/install/bin/generateCert

as the root user run postinstall

$ sudo su -
# /opt/traffic_ops/install/bin/postinstall