tree: e7beb74e876c30a1e45be79c64ae8394a865d532 [path history] [tgz]
  1. config/
  2. tmagent/
  3. util/
  5. tm-health-client-logrotate
  6. tm-health-client.go
  7. tm-health-client.json
  8. tm-health-client.service


tm-health-client - Traffic Monitor Health Client service


tm-health-client [-f config-file] -h [-l logging-directory] -v


The tm-health-client command is used to manage Apache Traffic Server parents on a host running Apache Traffic Server. The command should be started by systemd and run as a service. On startup, the command reads its default configuration file /etc/trafficcontrol-cache-config/tm-health-client.json. After reading the config file it polls the configured Traffic OPs to obtain a list of Traffic Monitors for the configured CDN and begins polling the available Traffic Monitors for Traffic Server cache statuses.

On each polling cycle, defined in the configuration file, the Traffic Server parent statuses are updated from the Traffic Server parent.config, strategies.yaml files, and the Traffic Server HostStatus subsystem. If Traffic Monitor has determined that a parent utilized by the Traffic Server instance is un-healthy or otherwise unavailable, the tm-health-client will utilize the Traffic Server traffic_ctl tool to mark down the parent host. If a parent host is marked down and Traffic Monitor has determined that the marked down host is now available, the client will then utilize the Traffic Server tool to mark the host back up.

Also on each polling cycle the configuration file, tm-health-client.json is checked and a new config is reloaded if the file has changed since the last polling cycle. The Traffic Monitors list is refreshed from Traffic Ops.

If errors are encountered while polling a Traffic Monitor, the error is logged and the Traffic Monitors list is refreshed from Traffic Ops.


Requires Apache TrafficServer 8.1.0 or later.


-f, --config-file=config-file

Specify the config file to use.
Defaults to /etc/trafficcontro-cache-config/tm-health-client.json

-h, --help

Prints command line usage and exits

-l, --logging-dir=logging-directory

Specify the directory where log files are kept. The default location is /var/log/trafficcontrol-cache-config/

-v, --verbose

Logging verbosity. Errors are logged to the default log file /var/log/trafficcontrol-cache-config/tm-health-client.log To add Warnings, use -v. To add Warnings and Informational logging, use -vv. Finally you may add Debug logging using -vvv.


The configuration file is a JSON file and is looked for by default at /etc/trafficcontrol-cache-config/tm-health-client.json

Sample configuarion file:

    "cdn-name": "over-the-top",
    "enable-active-markdowns": false,
    "reason-code": "active",
    "to-credential-file": "/etc/credentials",
    "to-url": "", 
    "to-request-timeout-seconds": "5s",
    "tm-poll-interval-seconds": "60s",
    "tm-update-cycles": 5,
    "trafficserver-config-dir": "/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver",
    "trafficserver-bin-dir": "/opt/trafficserver/bin",


The name of the CDN that the Traffic Server host is a member of.


When enabled, the client will actively mark down Traffic Server parents. When disabled, the client will only log that it would have marked down Traffic Server parents. Down Parents are always marked UP if Traffic Monitor reports them available irregardless of this setting.


Use the reason code active or local when marking down Traffic Server hosts in the Traffic Server HostStatus subsystem.


The file where Traffic Ops credentials are read. The file should define the following variables:


The Traffic Ops URL


The time in seconds to wait for a query response from both Traffic Ops and the Traffic Monitors


The polling interval in seconds used to update Traffic Server parent status.


Each time a polling cycle completes a count is incremented. When the count reaches tm-update-cycles, TrafficOps is polled for a new list of available TrafficMonitors for the CDN and the poll count is reset to 0.


The location on the host where Traffic Server configuration files are located.


The location on the host where Traffic Server traffic_ctl tool may be found.


  • /etc/trafficcontrol-cache-config/tm-health-client.json
  • /etc/logrotate.d/tm-health-client-logrotate
  • /usr/bin/tm-health-client
  • /usr/lib/systemd/system/tm-health-client.service
  • /var/log/trafficcontrol-cache-config/tm-health-client.json
  • Traffic Server parent.config
  • Traffic Server strategies.yaml
  • Traffic Server traffic_ctl command