Update Go module version to v8 (#7814)

* Use :atc-godoc: role instead of pkg.go.dev URLs

* Update module path to v8 in non-golang files

git ls-files |
  grep -vE '^CHANGELOG|^vendor|\.go$' |
  xargs grep -lE '[^/]github\.com/apache/trafficcontrol/' |
  xargs sed -Ei 's|([^/]github\.com/apache/trafficcontrol/)|\1v8/|g'

* Update module path to v8 in golang sources

git ls-files '**.go' |
  grep -vE ^vendor |
  xargs grep -lE '[^/]github\.com/apache/trafficcontrol/' |
  xargs sed -Ei 's|([^/]github\.com/apache/trafficcontrol/)|\1v8/|g'

* Revert "Retract versions v1.1.0 through v1.1.5 from Go modules (#7150)"

This reverts commit 83255a7728f0a01126fa81133eb19dd04c40db24.

* Update module version to v8

(cherry picked from commit 0115c923c1632a099221a8845898bf600e15a823)
1107 files changed
tree: 0aa7234d0212289e9b3bafb74c60fdc1763a56a8
  1. .github/
  2. blueprints/
  3. build/
  4. cache-config/
  5. dev/
  6. docs/
  7. experimental/
  8. grove/
  9. infrastructure/
  10. lib/
  11. licenses/
  12. misc/
  13. tc-health-client/
  14. test/
  15. tools/
  16. traffic_control/
  17. traffic_monitor/
  18. traffic_ops/
  19. traffic_ops_db/
  20. traffic_portal/
  21. traffic_router/
  22. traffic_server/
  23. traffic_stats/
  24. vendor/
  25. .asf.yaml
  26. .codecov.yml
  27. .dependency_license
  28. .env
  29. .gitignore
  30. .golangci.yml
  31. .mailmap
  32. .readthedocs.yaml
  33. BUILD.md
  34. CHANGELOG.md
  37. doap_Traffic_Control.rdf
  38. docker-compose.yml
  39. go.mod
  40. go.sum
  43. Makefile
  44. NOTICE
  45. pkg
  46. pkg.ps1
  48. README.md
  49. SECURITY.md

Apache Traffic Control

Apache Traffic Control allows you to build a large scale content delivery network using open source. Built around Apache Traffic Server as the caching software, Traffic Control implements all the core functions of a modern CDN.

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GitHub release (latest SemVer) Github commits since release

Build Status [^1]

Build Status Documentation Status

Code Status [^1]

Weasel License Checks Go Formatting Go Vet
CodeQL - C++
CodeQL - Go
CodeQL - Java
CodeQL - Javascript
CodeQL - Python

Test Status [^1]

ComponentUnit TestsIntegration Tests
Go LibrariesGo Lib Unit Tests Codecov-
Traffic OpsTraffic Ops Unit Tests Codecov Traffic Ops API Contract TestsTO Go Client Integration Tests Codecov
Traffic RouterTraffic Router Tests CodecovTR Ultimate Test Harness
Traffic MonitorTraffic Monitor Unit Tests CodecovTM Integration Tests
T3CT3C Unit Tests CodecovT3C Integration Tests
Traffic StatsTraffic Stats Unit Tests Codecov-
GroveGrove Unit Tests Codecov-
Traffic Portal-TP Integration Tests
TCHC-TC Health Client Integration Tests

Documentation [^2]

Components [^2]

  • Traffic Ops is the RESTful API service for management and monitoring of all servers in the CDN.
  • Traffic Portal is the web GUI for managing and monitoring the CDN via the Traffic Ops API.
  • Traffic Router uses DNS and HTTP302 to redirect clients to the closest available cache on the CDN.
  • Traffic Monitor uses HTTP to poll the health of caches and provide this information to Traffic Router.
  • Traffic Stats acquires and stores real-time metrics and statistics into an InfluxDB for charting and alerting.



Questions, Comments, Bugs and More

[^1]: *Status links point to the unreleased master branch

[^2]: Documentation links point to the latest which is the unreleased master branch and are neither stable nor necessarily accurate for any given supported release.