Emulated Vault - Background

The emulated_vault module supplies a HTTP server mimicking RIAK behavior for usage as traffic-control vault. It may be used in order to replace RIAK traffic_vault, as it is much more simple to install. The server may use different type of persistent storage (e.g. file-system), using the proper adapter. The resiliency of the stored keys is derived from the resiliency of the underlying storage.


Basic requirements: Centos ver >= 7; Python >= 2.7

In order to install the module on a server please:

  1. Copy the module files to the server's root
  2. Add the certificate and key to your favorite path
  3. Adjust /opt/emulated_vault/conf/cfg.json - pointing at your certificate and key
  4. “systemctl enable” the service

Logs may be found under /opt/emulated_vault/var/log

Developer's Notes

If you just want to play around with the module, you may of course run the server script on its own. Before doing that, you would probably need to adjust the opt/emulated_vault/conf/cfg.json:

  1. Changing the db-path to one you have access to
  2. Disable ssl (just to make it easier)

Additionally, the vault-debug script is also available to work against the DB with command line. It is mostly useful when developing a new adapter.


For additional information, questions or assistance, please approach Nir B. Sopher