blob: c9d8ffb083d1a3ae8f1a9ddc2b1fc1366f631652 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
.. limitations under the License.
.. _to-api-v11-redis:
.. Note:: The redis documentation needs a thorough review!
.. _to-api-v11-redis-route:
**GET /api/1.1/traffic_monitor/stats.json**
Authentication Required: Yes
Response Content Type: application/json
**Response Messages**
HTTP Status Code: 200
Reason: Success
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``aaData`` | array | |
**Response Example**
"aaData": [
**GET /api/1.1/redis/stats.json**
Authentication Required: Yes
Response Content Type: application/json
**Response Messages**
HTTP Status Code: 200
Reason: Success
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
|``number`` | array | |
|``what`` | string | |
|``which`` | string | |
|``interval`` | string | |
|``elapsed`` | string | |
|``end`` | string | |
|``start`` | string | |
**Response Example**
"number": -1,
"what": null,
"which": null,
"interval": " 10 seconds ",
"elapsed": "0.11271 (0.112065) ",
"end": "Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970",
"start": "Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970"
**GET /api/1.1/redis/info/:host_name.json**
Authentication Required: Yes
**Request Route Parameters**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
|``host_name`` | string | |
**Request Example**
Response Content Type: application/json
**Response Messages**
HTTP Status Code: 200
Reason: Success
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``Server`` | hash | |
| ``>redis_build_id`` | string | |
| ``>config_file`` | string | |
| ``>uptime_in_seconds`` | string | |
| ``>hz`` | string | |
| ``>os`` | string | |
| ``>redis_git_sha1`` | string | |
| ``>redis_version`` | string | |
| ``>tcp_port`` | string | |
| ``>redis_git_dirty`` | string | |
| ``>redis_mode`` | string | |
| ``>run_id`` | string | |
| ``>uptime_in_days`` | string | |
| ``>gcc_version`` | string | |
| ``>arch_bits`` | string | |
| ``>lru_clock`` | string | |
| ``>multiplexing_api`` | string | |
| ``Keyspace`` | string | |
| ``>db0`` | string | |
| ``slowlog`` | array | |
| ``Persistence`` | hash | |
| ``>rdb_bgsave_in_progress`` | string | |
| ``>loading`` | string | |
| ``>rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec`` | string | |
| ``>aof_enabled`` | string | |
| ``>rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec`` | string | |
| ``>aof_last_rewrite_time_sec`` | string | |
| ``>aof_last_write_status`` | string | |
| ``>rdb_last_bgsave_status`` | string | |
| ``>aof_last_bgrewrite_status`` | string | |
| ``>aof_current_rewrite_time_sec`` | string | |
| ``>aof_rewrite_scheduled`` | string | |
| ``>aof_rewrite_in_progress`` | string | |
| ``>rdb_last_save_time`` | string | |
| ``>rdb_changes_since_last_save`` | string | |
| ``slowlen`` | int | |
| ``CPU`` | hash | |
| ``>used_cpu_user`` | string | |
| ``>used_cpu_sys`` | string | |
| ``>used_cpu_user_children`` | string | |
| ``>used_cpu_sys_children`` | string | |
| ``Memory`` | string | |
| ``>used_memory_lua`` | string | |
| ``>mem_allocator`` | string | |
| ``>used_memory_human`` | string | |
| ``>used_memory_peak_human`` | string | |
| ``>used_memory_peak`` | string | |
| ``>used_memory_rss`` | string | |
| ``>mem_fragmentation_ratio`` | string | |
| ``>used_memory`` | string | |
| ``Replication`` | hash | |
| ``>repl_backlog_first_byte_offset`` | string | |
| ``>repl_backlog_active`` | string | |
| ``>repl_backlog_histlen`` | string | |
| ``>repl_backlog_size`` | string | |
| ``>role`` | string | |
| ``>master_repl_offset`` | string | |
| ``>connected_slaves`` | string | |
| ``Clients`` | hash | |
| ``>client_biggest_input_buf`` | string | |
| ``>client_longest_output_list`` | string | |
| ``>blocked_clients`` | string | |
| ``>connected_clients`` | string | |
| ``Stats`` | hash | |
| ``>latest_fork_usec`` | string | |
| ``>rejected_connections`` | string | |
| ``>sync_partial_ok`` | string | |
| ``>pubsub_channels`` | string | |
| ``>instantaneous_ops_per_sec`` | string | |
| ``>total_connections_received`` | string | |
| ``>pubsub_patterns`` | string | |
| ``>sync_full`` | string | |
| ``>keyspace_hits`` | string | |
| ``>keyspace_misses`` | string | |
| ``>total_commands_processed`` | string | |
| ``>expired_keys`` | string | |
| ``>sync_partial_err`` | string | |
**Response Example**
"Server": {
"redis_build_id": "606641459177bc09",
"config_file": "\/etc\/redis\/redis.conf",
"uptime_in_seconds": "1113787",
"hz": "10",
"os": "Linux 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 x86_64",
"redis_git_sha1": "00000000",
"redis_version": "2.8.15",
"process_id": "14607",
"tcp_port": "6379",
"redis_git_dirty": "0",
"redis_mode": "standalone",
"run_id": "43c5d003453b96e38ad3eae54026d8e1b078a7fd",
"uptime_in_days": "12",
"gcc_version": "4.4.6",
"arch_bits": "64",
"lru_clock": "16050046",
"multiplexing_api": "epoll"
"Keyspace": {
"db0": "keys=26319,expires=0,avg_ttl=0"
"slowlog": [
"Persistence": {
"rdb_bgsave_in_progress": "0",
"loading": "0",
"rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec": "-1",
"aof_enabled": "0",
"rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec": "-1",
"aof_last_rewrite_time_sec": "-1",
"aof_last_write_status": "ok",
"rdb_last_bgsave_status": "ok",
"aof_last_bgrewrite_status": "ok",
"aof_current_rewrite_time_sec": "-1",
"aof_rewrite_scheduled": "0",
"aof_rewrite_in_progress": "0",
"rdb_last_save_time": "1424222403",
"rdb_changes_since_last_save": "2595831724"
"slowlen": 128,
"CPU": {
"used_cpu_user": "45252.98",
"used_cpu_sys": "154718.84",
"used_cpu_user_children": "0.00",
"used_cpu_sys_children": "0.00"
"Memory": {
"used_memory_lua": "33792",
"mem_allocator": "jemalloc-3.6.0",
"used_memory_human": "5.25G",
"used_memory_peak_human": "8.08G",
"used_memory_peak": "8675798632",
"used_memory_rss": "8870088704",
"mem_fragmentation_ratio": "1.57",
"used_memory": "5633381640"
"Replication": {
"repl_backlog_first_byte_offset": "0",
"repl_backlog_active": "0",
"repl_backlog_histlen": "0",
"repl_backlog_size": "1048576",
"role": "master",
"master_repl_offset": "0",
"connected_slaves": "0"
"Clients": {
"client_biggest_input_buf": "0",
"client_longest_output_list": "0",
"blocked_clients": "0",
"connected_clients": "16"
"Stats": {
"latest_fork_usec": "0",
"rejected_connections": "0",
"sync_partial_ok": "0",
"pubsub_channels": "0",
"instantaneous_ops_per_sec": "2238",
"total_connections_received": "2502657",
"evicted_keys": "0",
"pubsub_patterns": "0",
"sync_full": "0",
"keyspace_hits": "49388626",
"keyspace_misses": "780",
"total_commands_processed": "2645272238",
"expired_keys": "0",
"sync_partial_err": "0"
**GET /api/1.1/redis/match/#match/start_date/:start_date/end_date/:end_date/interval/:interval.json**
Authentication Required:
**Request Route Parameters**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
|``start_date`` | string | |
|``end_date`` | string | |
|``interval`` | string | |
**Request Example**
Response Content Type: application/json
**Response Messages**
HTTP Status Code: 200
Reason: Success
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``alerts`` | array | |
| ``>level`` | string | |
| ``>text`` | string | |
| ``version`` | string | |
**Response Example**