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| <span id="id1"></span><h1>Glossary<a class="headerlink" href="#glossary" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1> |
| <dl class="glossary docutils"> |
| <dt id="term-content-routing">302 content routing</dt> |
| <dd><a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_router.html#rl-http-cr"><span> HTTP Content Routing</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-astats-stats-over-http">astats (stats_over_http)</dt> |
| <dd>An ATS plugin that allows you to monitor vitals of the ATS server. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_monitor.html#rl-astats"><span> Cache Monitoring</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-cache">cache</dt> |
| <dd>A caching proxy server. See <a class="reference internal" href="basics/caching_proxies.html#rl-caching-proxy"><span>Caching Proxies</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-cachegroup">cachegroup</dt> |
| <dd>A group of caches that together create a combined larger cache using consistent hashing. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_server.html#rl-cachegroup"><span> Cache Group</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-consistent-hashing">consistent hashing</dt> |
| <dd>See <a class="reference external" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing">the Wikipedia article</a>; Traffic Control uses consistent hashing when using <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_router.html#rl-http-cr"><span> HTTP Content Routing</span></a> for the edge tier and when selecting parents in the mid tier.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-5">content routing</dt> |
| <dd>Directing clients (or client systems) to a particular location or device in a location for optimal delivery of content See also <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_router.html#rl-http-cr"><span> HTTP Content Routing</span></a> and <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_router.html#rl-dns-cr"><span> DNS Content Routing</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-coverage-zone-map">coverage zone map</dt> |
| <dd>The coverage zone map (czm) or coverage zone file (zcf) is a file that maps network prefixes to cachegroups. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_router.html#rl-localization"><span> Localization</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-delivery-service">delivery service</dt> |
| <dd>A grouping of content in the CDN, usually a determined by the URL hostname. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_router.html#rl-ds"><span> Delivery Service</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-edge-tier-or-cache">edge (tier or cache)</dt> |
| <dd>Closest to the client or end-user. The edge tier is the tier that serves the client, edge caches are caches in the edge tier. In a Traffic Control CDN the basic function of the edge cache is that of a <a class="reference internal" href="basics/caching_proxies.html#rl-rev-proxy"><span> Reverse Proxy</span></a>. See also <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_server.html#rl-cachegroup"><span> Cache Group</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-traffic-ops-extension">(traffic ops) extension</dt> |
| <dd>Using <em>extensions</em>, Traffic Ops be extended to use proprietary checks or monitoring sources. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_ops.html#rl-trops-ext"><span> Traffic Ops Extension</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-forward-proxy">forward proxy</dt> |
| <dd>A proxy that works that acts like it is the client to the origin. See <a class="reference internal" href="basics/caching_proxies.html#rl-fwd-proxy"><span> Forward Proxy</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-geo-localization-or-geo-routing">geo localization or geo routing</dt> |
| <dd>Localizing clients to the nearest caches using a geo database like the one from Maxmind.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-health-protocol">health protocol</dt> |
| <dd>The protocol to monitor the health of all the caches. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_monitor.html#rl-health-proto"><span> Health Protocol</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-localization">localization</dt> |
| <dd>Finding location on the network, or on planet earth. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_router.html#rl-localization"><span> Localization</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-mid-tier-or-cache">mid (tier or cache)</dt> |
| <dd>The tier above the edge tier. The mid tier does not directly serves the end-user and is used as an additional layer between the edge and the origin. In a Traffic Control CDN the basic function of the mid cache is that of a <a class="reference internal" href="basics/caching_proxies.html#rl-fwd-proxy"><span> Forward Proxy</span></a>. See also <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_server.html#rl-cachegroup"><span> Cache Group</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-origin">origin</dt> |
| <dd>The source of content for the CDN. Usually a redundant HTTP/1.1 webserver.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-parent-cache-or-cachegroup">parent (cache or cachegroup)</dt> |
| <dd>The (group of) cache(s) in the higher tier. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_server.html#rl-cachegroup"><span> Cache Group</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-profile">profile</dt> |
| <dd>A group of settings (parameters) that will be applied to a server. See <a class="reference internal" href="overview/traffic_server.html#rl-profile"><span> Profile</span></a>.</dd> |
| <dt id="term-reverse-proxy">reverse proxy</dt> |
| <dd>A proxy that acts like it is the origin to the client. See <a class="reference internal" href="basics/caching_proxies.html#rl-rev-proxy"><span> Reverse Proxy</span></a>.</dd> |
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