| { |
| "root": true, |
| "ignorePatterns": [ |
| "node_modules/**/*", |
| "dist/**/*" |
| ], |
| "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", |
| "parserOptions": { |
| "project": [ |
| "tsconfig.json" |
| ] |
| }, |
| "plugins": [ |
| "@typescript-eslint", |
| "eslint-plugin-jsdoc", |
| "eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow", |
| "eslint-plugin-import" |
| ], |
| "rules": { |
| "@typescript-eslint/array-type": "off", |
| "@typescript-eslint/await-thenable": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/ban-types": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "extendDefaults": false, |
| "types": { |
| "Object": { |
| "message": "Avoid using the `Object` type. Did you mean `object`?" |
| }, |
| "Function": { |
| "message": "Avoid using the `Function` type. Prefer a specific function type, like `() => void`." |
| }, |
| "Boolean": { |
| "message": "Avoid using the `Boolean` type. Did you mean `boolean`?" |
| }, |
| "Number": { |
| "message": "Avoid using the `Number` type. Did you mean `number`?" |
| }, |
| "String": { |
| "message": "Avoid using the `String` type. Did you mean `string`?" |
| }, |
| "Symbol": { |
| "message": "Avoid using the `Symbol` type. Did you mean `symbol`?" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/dot-notation": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "accessibility": "explicit", |
| "overrides": { |
| "constructors": "off" |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/indent": [ |
| "error", |
| "tab" |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/member-delimiter-style": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "multiline": { |
| "delimiter": "semi", |
| "requireLast": true |
| }, |
| "singleline": { |
| "delimiter": "semi", |
| "requireLast": false |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/member-ordering": "off", |
| "@typescript-eslint/naming-convention": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "selector": "enumMember", |
| "format": [ |
| ] |
| }, |
| { |
| "selector": "property", |
| "modifiers": [ |
| "static", |
| "readonly" |
| ], |
| "format": [ |
| ] |
| }, |
| { |
| "selector": "default", |
| "format": [ |
| "camelCase" |
| ], |
| "leadingUnderscore": "allow", |
| "trailingUnderscore": "allow" |
| }, |
| { |
| "selector": "variable", |
| "format": [ |
| "camelCase", |
| ], |
| "leadingUnderscore": "allow", |
| "trailingUnderscore": "allow" |
| }, |
| { |
| "selector": "typeLike", |
| "format": [ |
| "PascalCase" |
| ] |
| } |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-extraneous-class": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises": "off", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "ignoreParameters": true |
| } |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-misused-new": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-redeclare": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-require-imports": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-shadow": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-qualifier": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-arguments": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": "off", |
| "@typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/prefer-function-type": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/promise-function-async": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/quotes": [ |
| "error", |
| "double", |
| { |
| "avoidEscape": true |
| } |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/semi": [ |
| "error" |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/typedef": "off", |
| "jsdoc/no-types": "error", |
| "jsdoc/require-description": "error", |
| "jsdoc/require-jsdoc": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "contexts": [ |
| "ClassProperty", |
| "TSInterfaceDeclaration", |
| "TSTypeAliasDeclaration", |
| "TSEnumDeclaration", |
| "TSEnumMember", |
| "TSAbstractClassProperty" |
| ], |
| "require": { |
| "ClassDeclaration": true, |
| "MethodDefinition": true |
| }, |
| "checkConstructors": false, |
| "checkGetters": true, |
| "checkSetters": false |
| } |
| ], |
| "@typescript-eslint/unbound-method": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands": "error", |
| "@typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference": "error", |
| "arrow-parens": [ |
| "off", |
| "always" |
| ], |
| "brace-style": [ |
| "error", |
| "1tbs" |
| ], |
| "class-methods-use-this": "off", |
| "import/export": "error", |
| "import/first": "error", |
| "import/newline-after-import": "error", |
| "import/no-cycle": "error", |
| "import/no-self-import": "error", |
| "import/no-useless-path-segments": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "commonjs": true, |
| "noUselessIndex": true |
| } |
| ], |
| "import/order": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "alphabetize": { |
| "order": "asc" |
| }, |
| "groups": [ |
| "builtin", |
| "external", |
| "internal", |
| "parent", |
| "sibling" |
| ], |
| "newlines-between": "always", |
| "warnOnUnassignedImports": true |
| } |
| ], |
| "linebreak-style": [ |
| "error", |
| "unix" |
| ], |
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| "no-else-return": "error", |
| "no-empty": "error", |
| "no-extra-bind": "error", |
| "no-invalid-this": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "capIsConstructor": false |
| } |
| ], |
| "no-multiple-empty-lines": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
| "max": 1, |
| "maxBOF": 0, |
| "maxEOF": 0 |
| } |
| ], |
| "no-new-func": "error", |
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| "no-return-await": "error", |
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| "prefer-object-spread": "error", |
| "prefer-template": "error", |
| "sort-keys": [ |
| "error", |
| "asc", |
| { |
| "natural": true |
| } |
| ], |
| "valid-jsdoc": [ |
| "error", |
| { |
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| "requireReturn": false, |
| "requireReturnType": false, |
| "requireParamType": false, |
| "prefer": { |
| "return": "returns" |
| } |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| } |