tree: f58805611f0d3579223a7fb466f732d7e82f3365 [path history] [tgz]
  1. pyhelpers/
  2. roles/
  3. .gitignore
  4. ansible.cfg
  5. hosts
  6. init.yml

[hadoop-slaves] asf90[0:5] asf9[06:11]

[ubuntu-slaves:vars] jdk_version=7 jvm_data_model=32 ansible_ssh_user= update_etc_hosts=false

[hadoop-slaves:vars] jdk_version=6 jvm_data_model=64 ansible_ssh_user= update_etc_hosts=true

[slaves:children] ubuntu-slaves hadoop-slaves

<p>To run on specific hosts comment out other host info or other option is to commentout the label say ubuntu-slave , if only want to run the playbooks on hadoop-slaves. Also, set the <sshuser> to point to a userid that has sudo access on the slaves.</p> <hr> <b><p>step2<h5>update init.yml</h5></p></b> <p> If, execting ansible playbook for the first time you may have to enable couple to flags.</p> <b><p>To setup p/w less ssh from master to slave</p></b>

setup_master_key: true - add the path to the jenkins master pub key

<b><p>To setup jenkins user with crypted password
copy the password from one of the jenins slaves shadow file 
and paste it against </p></b>

pass_word: and also set setup_password: true

<b><p>and similary for setting up the clover license, installing jdk and copying nexus password for ci user</p></b>

<b><p>step3<h5>To execute ansible playbooks.</h5> </p> </b>

ansible-playbook -i hosts init.yml ```

ansible-playbook -i hosts init.yml -vv --tags install_libraries,update_configs