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= Validation Tool
:index-group: OpenEJB Standalone Server
:jbake-date: 2018-12-05
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
openejb validate - OpenEJB Validation Tool
openejb validate link:options.html[options] jarfiles
The OpenEJB Validation tool must be executed from the OPENEJB_HOME
directory. This is the directory where OpenEJB was installed or
unpacked. For for the remainder of this document we will assume you
unpacked OpenEJB into the directory C:.
In Windows, the validation tool can be executed as follows:
_C:> openejb validate -help_
\{warning} There is a bug in the openejb.bat script of OpenEJB 0.9.0
that doesn't allow you to execute the validate command as above. For
that release, Windows users can execute the following command: _C:>
bin.bat -help_
In UNIX, Linux, or Mac OS X, the deploy tool can be executed as follows:
`[user@host openejb](user@host-openejb.html) # ./ validate -help`
Depending on your OpenEJB version, you may need to change execution bits
to make the scripts executable. You can do this with the following
`[user@host openejb](user@host-openejb.html) # chmod 755 bin/*.sh`
From here on out, it will be assumed that you know how to execute the
right openejb script for your operating system and commands will appear
in shorthand as show below.
_openejb validate -help_
The validation tool currently checks for the following things: * Does
the Jar have all the ejb-class class files * Does the Jar have all the
home class files * Does the Jar have all the remote class files * Is the
ejb-class a sub-interface of SessionBean or EntityBean * Is the home a
sub-interface of EJBHome * Is the remote a sub-interface of EJBObject *
Are all the methods in the remote interface implemented in the ejb-class
* Are there create methods in the home interface * Are the create
methods in the home interface implemented in the ejb-class * Are the
required post create methods in the ejb-class of EntityBeans * Are there
any create methods in the ejb-class, but not in the home interface
More checks will be added in the future.
Sets the output level to 1. This will output just the minumum details on
each failure.
Default. Sets the output level to 2. Outputs one line summaries of each
failure. This is the default output level.
Sets the output level to 3. Outputs verbose details on each failure,
usually with details on how to correct the failures.
Outputs information in well-formed XML.
Suppresses warnings.
Print the version.
Print this help message.
Show examples of how to use the options.
== Misslocated class or NoClassDefFoundError
The short explanation is that the parent doesn't have all the classes it
needs as some of them are only in the child classloader, where the
parent can't see them.
This would occur, for example, if a class was loaded by the parent
classloader, but that class' superclass wasn't visible to the parent
classloader, perhaps because it is only in the child classloader.
Here is a more concrete example:
public interface Person extends EJBObject {
public interface Employee extends Person {
Ok, so when we build our ejb jar, we put both the Person and Employee
interfaces in the jar, so everything should be good (so we think). But
now let's say that for some reason the Employee interface is also in
another jar and that jar was loaded into the system classpath.
When a new classloader is create for my ejb-jar at runtime and the
system attempts to load the Employee interface, the call goes right
through that classloader and down to the system classloader. The
Employee interface is found, because it was accidentally added to that
extra jar in the system classpath. So now the system classloader goes
looking for Employee's superinterface, Person, where it immediatly blows
up and throws a NoClassDefFoundError: Person.
Most people will look at their ejb-jar and think, "But all my classes
are there!?", which is true. It really doesn't matter though, because
one of those classes is also in the parent classloader. The first call
to load that class will bypass your classloader completely and go to the
parent. Once there, it is the parent's job to find _all_ the dependent
classes. If it can't ... NoClassDefFoundError.