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:index-group: Unrevised
:jbake-date: 2018-12-05
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
== Connecting To OpenEJB or TomEE Through SSH
=== Description
It can be very useful to connect to the server to get some informations.
=== Solution
For such a case OpenEJB/TomEE proposes to start with the Java EE server
a SSH server. Currently the security is based on JAAS (see how to
configure JAAS for TomEE for more information about it).
=== Installation
Simply extract the openejb-ssh jar in the lib of tomee
(webapps/tomee/lib) or openejb libs (lib folder). Then simply connect
using your JAAS credential.
Note: you can use the provisioning features of openejb to do this job!
Then simply activate the service manage: it is done setting the system
property openejb.servicemanager.enabled to true.
Note: it can be done through the conf/ file. Note2:
please take care to not add space after true (not 'true ' for instance).
=== OpenEJB SSH Shell
Once you are connected you get some commands:
* deploy : deploy an application
* undeploy : undeploy an application
* list: list deployed EJBs
* classloader : print the classloader tree of the app specified by the
* jmx : interact with JMX ** jmx list: list mbeans ** jmx get ** jmx set
** jmx invoke ([, ...)
* properties: print server configuration as properties
* script
: execute the following script code using the following language with
the JSR 223
* script file
: execute the following script using the language (from the extension of
the file) with the JSR 223
* ls []: list the file in path is specified or in the base of the server
if not
* cat : print a file
* part - : print the part of a file
Note1: JSR 223 can need to add some jar to openejb/tomee lib folder
(groovy-all for instance to use groovy) Note2: ls, part, cat commands
have to use $home and $base properties to specified the path