Force the use of the URLConnectionHTTPConduit in CXF4 (default in 3.5.x).
 Newer CXF versions will use HttpClientHTTPConduit, which has some drawbacks regarding headers sent via jdk http client

 The following two test require a newer Java version (>11.0.14) to pass since they are using a previously forbidden header key 'date', which is enforced
 by the http client in older JDK versions.

 This test will fail, if the HttpClientHTTPConduit is used as it adds an HTTP header with content-length 0 to the request. The old  URLConnectionHTTPConduit
 doesn't add any content-length at all (returning -1), so the test just pass.

  CXF 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT introduced a system property with to force the old
  implementation. We are setting it here explicitly to pass the related JAX-RS tck tests.
1 file changed