blob: c615097645f2d9280ebac69d02f2779e717850fe [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
my $limit = $ARGV[0];
sub unique {
my @list = @_;
my %seen = ();
return grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @list;
my %exceptions = ();
local $/ = "Beginning Test: ";
foreach my $testOutput (<STDIN>) {
chomp $testOutput;
my ($test) = $testOutput =~ m/(^.*)/;
my @thrown = unique($testOutput =~ m/(Exception:.*)/g);
foreach my $t (@thrown) {
# these two will be in nearly every failed test, just skip them
next if $t =~ m/Exception: Deployment Failed./;
next if $t =~ m/Exception: Distribute to one or more targets failed Failed targets: DefaultTarget/;
# Maybe remove some details so failures can be more easily grouped
$t =~ s,(Could not load WEB-INF/classes/).*(.class),${1}.....${2},;
$t =~ s,(http://localhost:8080).*(_vehicle_[^/]+)/.*,$1/.....$2.....,;
$t =~ s,(404 Not Found for http://localhost:8080/jsf_).*,$1.....,;
$t =~ s,(Module failed validation.).*,$1.....,;
$t =~ s,(No provider available for resource-ref 'null' of type 'com.sun.ts.tests.common.connector.whitebox.TSConnectionFactory').*,$1.....,;
$t =~ s,(Table not found).*,$1.....,;
$t =~ s,(java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not fully load class: com.sun.ts.tests.jsf).*,$1.....,;
push( @{$exceptions{$t}}, $test);
my @sortedKeys = sort {$#{$exceptions{$b}} <=> $#{$exceptions{$a}}} keys %exceptions;
my $l = 0;
foreach my $exception (@sortedKeys) {
my $count = $#{$exceptions{$exception}} +1;
print "$count\t$exception\n";
last if ++$l >= $limit;
print "\n\n\n";
$l = 0;
foreach my $exception (@sortedKeys) {
my @tests = @{$exceptions{$exception}};
next if ( $#tests < 5 );
print "$exception\n";
my $i = 1;
foreach my $test (@tests) {
print " @{[$i++]}\t$test\n";
print "\n\n\n";
last if ++$l >= $limit;