blob: 3da95caec431b95ba4df798184965175b059e3a6 [file] [log] [blame]
= Process task
:jbake-date: 2018-12-10
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
=== Fork project repository
You can work on the link:../sources.html[source code of TomEE] using github. If you don't have a github account, you can link:[sign up here]. +
To create your own working area, go to the project link:[TomEE on github] and click on the link "Fork". A forked repository will be created for your account and you will be redirected to it.
=== One branch for each ticket
Although you can work on the master branch it is advisable to create a new branch for each ticket you start to work on - even if it's only one.
Use the JIRA id and title as name of the branch.
=== Get help
If you need help or want to have feedback for your ideas write to the developes mailing list.
=== Hands on
Work on the code. Use local commit as often as you want. Use push (to your own forked repository) as often as you like. +
Consider the link:contribution-tips.html[contribution tips]. +
If a task is to hard to get it done: no problem. Just ask for help. +
If you want to cancel working on a task, don't forget to unassign the JIRA ticket!
=== Comments in JIRA
Use comments for the JIRA ticket to document your work.
(link:workflow.html[back to Contribution workflow])