blob: 04327ea8d01e2b515cabca5eac57fedac690fb3d [file] [log] [blame]
= Release Notes - TomEE - Version 1.7.2
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
== Upgrades
* link:[TOMEE-1426] xbean 4.1
* link:[TOMEE-1554] Upgrade OpenJPA to 2.4.0
* link:[TOMEE-1391] Use maven-filtering:1.2 to fix MSHARED-319 when compiling under JDK8
* link:[TOMEE-1405] tomcat 7.0.62
* link:[TOMEE-1370] symbolic links not supported by tomee for @WebXXX
* link:[TOMEE-1536] xbean 4.2
* link:[TOMEE-1469] cxf 2.6.16
* link:[TOMEE-1368] upgrade arquillian-transaction-impl-base to 1.0.1.Final
* link:[TOMEE-1363] myfaces 2.1.16
== New Features
* link:[TOMEE-1552] add openejb.activemq.deploymentId-as-clientId flag to not force AMQ clientId to ejb deploymentId
* link:[TOMEE-1444] allow extensions through openejb extensions of cxf-rs
* link:[TOMEE-1440] support singleDeploymentByArchiveName in tomee arquillian adapters (remote/embedded)
* link:[TOMEE-1526] global (conf/ openejb.datasource.pool support
* link:[TOMEE-1421] support persistence of javaagent config in tomee maven plugin
* link:[TOMEE-1388] add @JaxrsProviders to ApplicationComposers to add provider classes quickly on WebApp
* link:[TOMEE-1420] tomee-maven-plugin customizers configuration to be able to call java code to customize an instance
* link:[TOMEE-1347] allow to provide a default global properties provider for resources
* link:[TOMEE-1473] @SimpleLog for ApplicationComposer
* link:[TOMEE-1472] @RandomPort for applicationComposer
* link:[TOMEE-1479] HttpRequestImpl login backed by security service by default
* link:[TOMEE-1487] CDI Event based realm
* link:[TOMEE-1483] support destinationLookup activation spec with activemq
* link:[TOMEE-1482] add ability to log all CDI beans found (OWB scanner)
* link:[TOMEE-1446] add event BeforeStartEjbs otherwise for timer beans it is surely too late if you want to modify it
* link:[TOMEE-1451] notify through BusCreated event when cxf bus is created
* link:[TOMEE-1458] provide cxf configuration support for @WebServiceRef
* link:[TOMEE-1346] support ciphered values in resources
* link:[TOMEE-1345] basic support of Tomcat embedded in tomee-embedded
== Improvements
* link:[TOMEE-1425] better JMX naming for cxf jaxrs endpoint
* link:[TOMEE-1434] wire roles/users to tomee embedded arquillian adapter
* link:[TOMEE-1430] add support for users/roles for tomee embedded
* link:[TOMEE-1392] META-INF/org.apache.openejb.extension doesn't support multiple lines
* link:[TOMEE-1439] @Context SecurityContext doesn't use SecurityService
* link:[TOMEE-1443] support cxf.jaxws.wsFeatures
* link:[TOMEE-1529] BaseEjbProxyHandler#equals is super slow when parameter is not a proxy
* link:[TOMEE-1411] allow to create an application composer webapp using all inner classes of the test
* link:[TOMEE-1530] (arquillian) OpenEJBEnricher: if app context is null try to find it from classloader
* link:[TOMEE-1374] basic detection that container loader can't create a datasource and fallback on app one
* link:[TOMEE-1373] AlternativeDriver leaks when used (by default) from applications (resources.xml)
* link:[TOMEE-1372] when trying to find persistence unit datasources ensure to try exact name first without required property constraint
* link:[TOMEE-1371] if using kahadb or leveldb or any persistence adapter force broker to be persistent
* link:[TOMEE-1418] Add Classpath discovery in REST annotations with virtual class path
* link:[TOMEE-1387] tomee embedded arquillian adapter doesn't delete temp folder as fast as it should/could
* link:[TOMEE-1386] skip org.apache.wink.common.internal.
@Provider when using CXF
* link:[TOMEE-1354] Add 'openejb.deployer.binaries.use' automatically for arquillian test on remote machine
* link:[TOMEE-1489] Allow ActiveMQ scheduler activation when using kahadb persistence
* link:[TOMEE-1367] add singleDumpByArchiveName parameter to arquillian tomee adapters
* link:[TOMEE-1486] add to jaxws events close to jaxrs ones for consistency (ServerCreated/Destroyed)
* link:[TOMEE-1567] allow to override persistence-unit properties from (as we already support system props)
* link:[TOMEE-1454] add openejb.force-unit-type property to workaround of JPA 2.0 spec
* link:[TOMEE-1500] MultiPulse bad URI event only fires once
* link:[TOMEE-1466] Apply WS-Security config (cxf interceptor) when use @WebService with
* link:[TOMEE-1463] support WebServiceFeature for @WebServiceRef as well
== Bugs
* link:[TOMEE-1433] Prevent error output on tomee:run+++<Enter>+++</li>
* link:[TOMEE-1553] EJBContainerRunner broken with junit 4.12
* link:[TOMEE-1551] URLClassLoaderFirst uses its own lock and not classloader one
* link:[TOMEE-1438] cxf classloader doesn't delegate properly in equals/hashcode (lookup are broken in tomcat)
* link:[TOMEE-1435] flushable datasources not destroyed
* link:[TOMEE-1566] [tomee-maven-plugin] Allow for name customizations for .rar apps
* link:[TOMEE-1283] old commons-lang3 dependency in lib folder
* link:[TOMEE-1409] Invalid configuration in module openejb-junit
* link:[TOMEE-1408] Incorrect assertions within the testcode
* link:[TOMEE-1528] add LogSqlPackages and openejb.log.sql.packages
* link:[TOMEE-1407] Invalid filtering configuration for assembly/openejb-standalone which causes a compile error
* link:[TOMEE-1406] Compile error in openejb-core due to an encoding issue
* link:[TOMEE-1379] TransactionSynchronizationRegistry not found in JNDI for EJB Timer started transactions
* link:[TOMEE-1499] connector modules are not destroyed properly
* link:[TOMEE-1497] NPE When deploy genericjmsra.rar
* link:[TOMEE-1495] TomEE won't load Taglibs from WEB-INF/lib/
* link:[TOMEE-1491] add a LazyValve
* link:[TOMEE-1490] Arquillian Test and Local context.xml file not loading correctly
* link:[TOMEE-1538] ProvisioningUtil#fallback has replace String in wrong location, causing invalid path on Win platforms
* link:[TOMEE-1535] JAX-RS Subresource paths are chosen incorrectly
* link:[TOMEE-1414] @Jars works only with a single jar and not all matching jars
* link:[TOMEE-1534] in JAXRS ExceptionException are not always unwrapped
* link:[TOMEE-1423] Packaging contains duplicate artifacts with snapshot timestamp
* link:[TOMEE-1389] ApplicationComposer should try all possible BeanManager for injections
* link:[TOMEE-1540] doesn't support missing JAVA_HOME var
* link:[TOMEE-1265] Can not start tomee when using conf/catalina.policy
* link:[TOMEE-1385] in embedded mode with embedded JUL logger allow to change consoleHandlerClazz
* link:[TOMEE-1384] tolerate serialization of undeployed EJB
* link:[TOMEE-1382] allow to override LoaderService of openwebbeans by app in
* link:[TOMEE-1381] wrong property passed as ValidatorFactory to JPA
* link:[TOMEE-1509] PropertyPlaceHolderHelper does not work with cipher:
* link:[TOMEE-1507] openejb-rest leaks deployed apps
* link:[TOMEE-1505] shutdown cxf bus when exiting services (rs/ws)
* link:[TOMEE-1504] undeploy doesn't always clean up correctly Deployments
* link:[TOMEE-1348] [JAXRS] ensure static resources are handled through servlet chain (jsp case for instance)
* link:[TOMEE-1468] ApplicationComposer + CDI for a WebApp breaks startup
* link:[TOMEE-1357] tomee forces new StandardManager()
* link:[TOMEE-1477] TomEE wont start if added maven-properties to+++<args>+++</li>
* link:[TOMEE-1353] [regression] jsonproviuder no more added
* link:[TOMEE-1352] can't start if there is a space in tomee folder path
* link:[TOMEE-1351] jaxws doesn't support ROOT context
* link:[TOMEE-1350] arquillian class discovering algorithm should ignore test classes which can't be EJBs
* link:[TOMEE-1071] NoClassDefFoundError - SVGDocument
* link:[TOMEE-1519] SetupCommand fails to delete file/dir on Windows
* link:[TOMEE-1513] does not quote javaagent argument correctly
* link:[TOMEE-1359] TomEEInjectionEnricher does not always return correct AppContext
* link:[TOMEE-1358] openejb.additional.include not respected
* link:[TOMEE-1521] Duplicate App Deployment when autoDeploy="true"
* link:[TOMEE-1400] Potential NPE in TomeeAnnotationProvider
* link:[TOMEE-1520] A service as a singleton is not working
* link:[TOMEE-1366] UnsupportedOperationException in CxfEndpoint.doServiceCreate
* link:[TOMEE-1364] When using the tomee-maven-plugins stop goal tomee seems to hang forever
* link:[TOMEE-1362] WsRsTest is not correct
* link:[TOMEE-1481] web-fragment.xml FacesServlet declaration not supported
* link:[TOMEE-1480] make possibility to provide conf.d-files for arquillian-tomee-remote adapter
* link:[TOMEE-1449] allow to deploy twice (several hosts) the same app
* link:[TOMEE-1569] openejb Logger (util package) should use container loader to create JUL loggers
* link:[TOMEE-1448] container CDI classes shouldn't be filtered from CDI context
* link:[TOMEE-1568] support overriding of a failed deployment in tomcat webappdeployer
* link:[TOMEE-1333] NPE in releasing deployed artifacts with ArquillianSuiteExtension
* link:[TOMEE-1452] reloading doesn't work with jaxws services for ears
* link:[TOMEE-1450] Unable to shutdown with whitespace in path because of javaagent error
* link:[TOMEE-1570] OpenEJBLogRecord misses logger name
* link:[TOMEE-1457] OpenEJBLoginValidator shouldn't associate if in tomee
* link:[TOMEE-1467] embedded http layer doesn't support repeated query parameters
* link:[TOMEE-1344] URLClassLoader are not closed during scanning and with app undeployment
* link:[TOMEE-1583] ProvisioningUtil fails to check for alternate repository location
* link:[TOMEE-1462] ApplicationComposer hides assert errors
* link:[TOMEE-1460] deploying cxf webservice in host other than localhost
* link:[TOMEE-1580] Datasource JNDI Name Context not available to eclipselink non jta data source
* link:[OPENEJB-2106] Invalid schema location in test xml
* link:[OPENEJB-2112] 'Tweaks' to a (native) query are lost when running without a tx
* link:[OPENEJB-2111] Unchecked application exceptions, thrown in asynchronous business methods, are always wrapped in EJBException
* link:[OPENEJB-2109] Call to ThreadContext.enter and ThreadContext.exit is uneven in EjbObjectProxyHandler.businessMethod </ul>
== Tasks & Sub-Tasks
* link:[TOMEE-1410] Cleanup poms to update the filtering of EXE files.
* link:[TOMEE-1356] tomcat resources are not always well created and can return a Context instead of the real instance+++</args>++++++</Enter>+++