Title: Mailing Lists

User Mailing List

Where the general TomEE community goes to ask questions, make suggestions, chat with other users and developers, and keep a finger on the pulse of the project.

Medium volume mailing list, dedicated to the TomEE community.

TomEE Users Online Archives/Forums:

Developer Mailing List

If you're a developer or contributor on TomEE, this is the place for you. Join in on the develpment and planning discussions. Get the scoop on the changes that take place in TomEE as our team is hard at work in developing and refining the TomEE container system.

TomEE Developers Online Archives/Forums:

Commit Mailing List

Keep tabs on all the changes to our svn. We have mixed a few of the popular perl scripts for cvs email notification as well as added a few features that are all new. This new list provides you with as-it-happens information regarding TomEE development.

TomEE Commits Online Archives/Forums: