Title: Validation Keys Audit Report {warning:title=Warning}This page is auto-generated. Any manual changes would be over-written the next time this page is regenerated{warning} {info:title=Audit Result}h2.Out of a total of 144 keys, 123 have been tested. Test coverage for keys is 85.41666666666666 %.{info} {table-plus:autoNumber=true}

| abstractAnnotatedAsBean | | ann.ejb.beanClass | | ann.ejb.notInterface | | ann.localRemote.generalconflict | | asynchronous.badExceptionType | | asynchronous.badReturnType | | asynchronous.methodignored | | asynchronous.missing | | callback.missing.possibleTypo | | cannot.validate | | client.missingMainClass | | ignoredClassAnnotation | | interfaceAnnotatedAsBean | | missing.dependent.class | | misslocated.class | | multiplyAnnotatedAsBean | | timeout.badReturnType | | timeout.invalidArguments | | timeout.missing.possibleTypo | | timeout.tooManyMethods | | xml.noEjbClass | {table-plus}

List of keys which have been tested.
