blob: 75715833ccca341eff1f4f77390b7cc3ceaed90e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @Author Costin, Ramesh.Mandava
package org.apache.tomcat.test.watchdog;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
// derived from Jsp
public class WatchdogTestImpl {
int failureCount = 0;
int passCount = 0;
Throwable lastError;
boolean hasFailed = false;
String prefix = "http";
String host = "localhost";
String localHost = null;
String localIP = null;
int port = 8080;
int debug = 0;
String description = "No description";
String request;
HashMap requestHeaders = new HashMap();
String content;
// true if task is nested
private boolean nested = false;
// Expected response
boolean magnitude = true;
boolean exactMatch = false;
// expect a response body
boolean expectResponseBody = true;
// Match the body against a golden file
String goldenFile;
// Match the body against a string
String responseMatch;
// the response should include the following headers
HashMap expectHeaders = new HashMap();
// Headers that should not be found in response
HashMap unexpectedHeaders = new HashMap();
// Match request line
String returnCode = "";
String returnCodeMsg = "";
// Actual response
String responseLine;
byte[] responseBody;
HashMap headers;
// For Report generation
StringBuffer resultOut = new StringBuffer();
boolean firstTask = false;
boolean lastTask = false;
String expectedString;
String actualString;
String testName;
String assertion;
String testStrategy;
// For Session Tracking
static Hashtable sessionHash;
static Hashtable cookieHash;
String testSession;
Vector cookieVector;
URL requestURL;
CookieController cookieController;
* Creates a new <code>GTest</code> instance.
public WatchdogTestImpl() {
* <code>setTestSession</code> adds a CookieController for the value of
* sessionName
* @param sessionName
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setTestSession(String sessionName) {
testSession = sessionName;
if (sessionHash == null) {
sessionHash = new Hashtable();
} else if (sessionHash.get(sessionName) == null) {
sessionHash.put(sessionName, new CookieController());
* <code>setTestName</code> sets the current test name.
* @param tn
* current testname.
public void setTestName(String tn) {
testName = tn;
* <code>setAssertion</code> sets the assertion text for the current test.
* @param assertion
* assertion text
public void setAssertion(String assertion) {
this.assertion = assertion;
* <code>setTestStrategy</code> sets the test strategy for the current test.
* @param strategy
* test strategy text
public void setTestStrategy(String strategy) {
testStrategy = strategy;
* <code>getTestName</code> returns the current test name.
* @return a <code>String</code> value
public String getTestName() {
return testName;
* <code>getAssertion</code> returns the current assertion text.
* @return a <code>String</code> value
public String getAssertion() {
return assertion;
* <code>getTestStrategy</code> returns the current test strategy test.
* @return a <code>String</code> value
public String getTestStrategy() {
return testStrategy;
* <code>setFirstTask</code> denotes that current task being executed is the
* first task within the list.
* @param a
* <code>boolean</code> value
public void setFirstTask(boolean val) {
firstTask = val;
* <code>setLastTask</code> denotes that the current task being executed is
* the last task within the list.
* @param a
* <code>boolean</code> value
public void setLastTask(boolean val) {
lastTask = val;
* <code>setPrefix</code> sets the protocol prefix. Defaults to "http"
* @param prefix
* Either http or https
public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
* <code>setHost</code> sets hostname where the target server is running.
* Defaults to "localhost"
* @param h
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setHost(String h) { = h;
* <code>setPort</code> sets the port that the target server is listening
* on. Defaults to "8080"
* @param portS
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setPort(String portS) {
this.port = Integer.valueOf(portS).intValue();
* <code>setExactMatch</code> determines if a byte-by-byte comparsion is
* made of the server's response and the test's goldenFile, or if a token
* comparison is made. By default, only a token comparison is made
* ("false").
* @param exact
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setExactMatch(String exact) {
exactMatch = Boolean.valueOf(exact).booleanValue();
* <code>setContent</code> String value upon which the request header
* Content-Length is based upon.
* @param s
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setContent(String s) {
this.content = s;
* <code>setDebug</code> enables debug output. By default, this is disabled
* ( value of "0" ).
* @param debugS
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setDebug(String debugS) {
debug = Integer.valueOf(debugS).intValue();
* <code>setMagnitude</code> Expected return value of the test execution.
* Defaults to "true"
* @param magnitudeS
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setMagnitude(String magnitudeS) {
magnitude = Boolean.valueOf(magnitudeS).booleanValue();
* <code>setGoldenFile</code> Sets the goldenfile that will be used to
* validate the server's response.
* @param s
* fully qualified path and filename
public void setGoldenFile(String s) {
this.goldenFile = s;
* <code>setExpectResponseBody</code> sets a flag to indicate if a response
* body is expected from the server or not
* @param b
* a <code>boolean</code> value
public void setExpectResponseBody(boolean b) {
this.expectResponseBody = b;
* <code>setExpectHeaders</code> Configures GTest to look for the header
* passed in the server's response.
* @param s
* a <code>String</code> value in the format of
* <header-field>:<header-value>
public void setExpectHeaders(String s) {
this.expectHeaders = new HashMap();
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(s, "|");
while (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
String header = (String) tok.nextElement();
setHeaderDetails(header, expectHeaders, false);
* <code>setUnexpectedHeaders</code> Configures GTest to look for the header
* passed to validate that it doesn't exist in the server's response.
* @param s
* a <code>String</code> value in the format of
* <header-field>:<header-value>
public void setUnexpectedHeaders(String s) {
this.unexpectedHeaders = new HashMap();
setHeaderDetails(s, unexpectedHeaders, false);
public void setNested(String s) {
nested = Boolean.valueOf(s).booleanValue();
* <code>setResponseMatch</code> Match the passed value in the server's
* response.
* @param s
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setResponseMatch(String s) {
this.responseMatch = s;
* <code>setRequest</code> Sets the HTTP/HTTPS request to be sent to the
* target server Ex. GET /servlet_path/val HTTP/1.0
* @param s
* a <code>String</code> value in the form of METHOD PATH
public void setRequest(String s) {
this.request = s;
* <code>setReturnCode</code> Sets the expected return code from the
* server's response.
* @param code
* a valid HTTP response status code
public void setReturnCode(String code) {
this.returnCode = code;
* Describe <code>setReturnCodeMsg</code> Sets the expected return message
* to be found in the server's response.
* @param code
* a valid HTTP resonse status code
* @param message
* a <code>String</code> value
public void setReturnCodeMsg(String message) {
this.returnCodeMsg = message;
* <code>setRequestHeaders</code> Configures the request headers GTest
* should send to the target server.
* @param s
* a <code>String</code> value in for format of
* <field-name>:<field-value>
public void setRequestHeaders(String s) {
requestHeaders = new HashMap();
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(s, "|");
while (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
String header = (String) tok.nextElement();
setHeaderDetails(header, requestHeaders, true);
// Inner tests are not used currently, can be reworked
// /**
// * Add a Task to this container
// *
// * @param Task to add
// */
// public void addTask(Task task) {
// children.add(task);
// }
* <code>execute</code> Executes the test.
* @exception BuildException
* if an error occurs
public void execute() {
try {
if (resultOut != null && !nested) {
resultOut.append("\ntestName: " + testName);
resultOut.append("\nreq: " + request);
resultOut.append("\nassertion: " + assertion);
resultOut.append("\ntestStrategy: " + testStrategy);
hasFailed = !checkResponse(magnitude);
// if ( !children.isEmpty() ) {
// Iterator iter = children.iterator();
// while (iter.hasNext()) {
// Task task = (Task);
// task.perform();
// }
// }
if (!hasFailed && !nested) {
if (resultOut != null) {
// System.out.println(" PASSED " + testName + " ("
// + request + ")");
} else if (hasFailed && !nested) {
if (resultOut != null) {
System.out.println(" FAILED " + testName + "\n ("
+ request + ")\n" + resultOut.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println(" FAIL " + description + " (" + request + ")");
lastError = ex;
} finally {
if (!nested) {
hasFailed = false;
* <code>checkResponse</code> Executes various response checking mechanisms
* against the server's response. Checks include:
* <ul>
* <li>expected headers
* <li>unexpected headers
* <li>return codes and messages in the Status-Line
* <li>response body comparison againt a goldenfile
* </ul>
* @param testCondition
* a <code>boolean</code> value
* @return a <code>boolean</code> value
* @exception Exception
* if an error occurs
private boolean checkResponse(boolean testCondition) throws Exception {
boolean match = false;
if (responseLine != null && !"".equals(responseLine)) {
// If returnCode doesn't match
if (responseLine.indexOf("HTTP/1.") > -1) {
if (!returnCode.equals("")) {
boolean resCode = (responseLine.indexOf(returnCode) > -1);
boolean resMsg = (responseLine.indexOf(returnCodeMsg) > -1);
if (returnCodeMsg.equals("")) {
match = resCode;
} else {
match = (resCode && resMsg);
if (match != testCondition) {
if (resultOut != null) {
String expectedStatusCode = "<expectedStatusCode>"
+ returnCode + "</expectedReturnCode>\n";
String expectedReasonPhrase = "<expectedReasonPhrase>"
+ returnCodeMsg + "</expectedReasonPhrase>";
actualString = "<actualStatusLine>" + responseLine
+ "</actualStatusLine>\n";
return false;
} else {
resultOut.append("\n<failure>No response or invalid response: "
+ responseLine + "</failure>");
return false;
} else {
resultOut.append("\n<failure>No response from server</failure>");
return false;
* Check for headers the test expects to be in the server's response
// Duplicate set of response headers
HashMap copiedHeaders = cloneHeaders(headers);
// used for error reporting
String currentHeaderField = null;
String currentHeaderValue = null;
if (!expectHeaders.isEmpty()) {
boolean found = false;
String expHeader = null;
if (!headers.isEmpty()) {
Iterator expectIterator = expectHeaders.keySet().iterator();
while (expectIterator.hasNext()) {
found = false;
String expFieldName = (String);
currentHeaderField = expFieldName;
ArrayList expectValues = (ArrayList) expectHeaders
Iterator headersIterator = copiedHeaders.keySet()
while (headersIterator.hasNext()) {
String headerFieldName = (String) headersIterator
ArrayList headerValues = (ArrayList) copiedHeaders
// compare field names and values in an HTTP 1.x
// compliant fashion
if ((headerFieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(expFieldName))) {
int hSize = headerValues.size();
int eSize = expectValues.size();
// number of expected headers found in server
// response
int numberFound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < eSize; i++) {
currentHeaderValue = (String) expectValues
* Handle the Content-Type header appropriately
* based on the the test is configured to look
* for.
if (currentHeaderField
.equalsIgnoreCase("content-type")) {
String resVal = (String) headerValues
if (currentHeaderValue.indexOf(';') > -1) {
if (currentHeaderValue.equals(resVal)) {
} else if (resVal
.indexOf(currentHeaderValue) > -1) {
} else if (currentHeaderField
.equalsIgnoreCase("location")) {
String resVal = (String) headerValues
int idx = currentHeaderValue
if (idx > -1) {
String tempValue = currentHeaderValue
.substring(0, idx)
+ currentHeaderValue
.substring(idx + 3);
if (currentHeaderValue.equals(resVal)
|| tempValue.equals(resVal)) {
} else {
if (currentHeaderValue.equals(resVal)) {
} else if (headerValues
.contains(currentHeaderValue)) {
if (numberFound == eSize) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
* Expected headers not found in server response. Break
* the processing loop.
if (!found) {
StringBuffer actualBuffer = new StringBuffer(128);
if (resultOut != null) {
expectedString = "<expectedHeaderNotFound>"
+ currentHeaderField + ": " + currentHeaderValue
+ "</expectedHeader>\n";
if (!headers.isEmpty()) {
Iterator iter = headers.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String headerName = (String);
ArrayList vals = (ArrayList) headers.get(headerName);
String[] val = (String[]) vals.toArray(new String[vals
for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
if (resultOut != null) {
+ headerName + ": " + val[i]
+ "</actualHeader>\n");
if (resultOut != null) {
return false;
* Check to see if we're looking for unexpected headers. If we are,
* compare the values in the unexectedHeaders ArrayList against the
* headers from the server response. if the unexpected header is found,
* then return false.
if (!unexpectedHeaders.isEmpty()) {
boolean found = false;
String unExpHeader = null;
// Check if we got any unexpected headers
if (!copiedHeaders.isEmpty()) {
Iterator unexpectedIterator = unexpectedHeaders.keySet()
while (unexpectedIterator.hasNext()) {
found = false;
String unexpectedFieldName = (String) unexpectedIterator
ArrayList unexpectedValues = (ArrayList) unexpectedHeaders
Iterator headersIterator = copiedHeaders.keySet()
while (headersIterator.hasNext()) {
String headerFieldName = (String) headersIterator
ArrayList headerValues = (ArrayList) copiedHeaders
// compare field names and values in an HTTP 1.x
// compliant fashion
if ((headerFieldName
.equalsIgnoreCase(unexpectedFieldName))) {
int hSize = headerValues.size();
int eSize = unexpectedValues.size();
int numberFound = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < eSize; i++) {
if (headerValues.contains(unexpectedValues
.get(i))) {
if (headerValues.indexOf(headerFieldName) >= 0) {
if (numberFound == eSize) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
* Expected headers not found in server response. Break
* the processing loop.
if (found) {
resultOut.append("\n Unexpected header received from server: "
+ unExpHeader);
return false;
if (responseMatch != null) {
// check if we got the string we wanted
if (expectResponseBody && responseBody == null) {
resultOut.append("\n ERROR: got no response, expecting "
+ responseMatch);
return false;
String responseBodyString = new String(responseBody);
if (responseBodyString.indexOf(responseMatch) < 0) {
resultOut.append("\n ERROR: expecting match on "
+ responseMatch);
resultOut.append("\n Received: \n" + responseBodyString);
if (!expectResponseBody && responseBody != null) {
.append("Received a response body from the server where none was expected");
return false;
// compare the body
if (goldenFile == null)
return true;
// Get the expected result from the "golden" file.
byte[] expResult = getExpectedResult();
String expResultS = (expResult == null) ? "" : new String(expResult);
// Compare the results and set the status
boolean cmp = true;
if (exactMatch) {
cmp = compare(responseBody, expResult);
} else {
cmp = compareWeak(responseBody, expResult);
if (cmp != testCondition) {
if (resultOut != null) {
expectedString = "<expectedBody>" + new String(expResult)
+ "</expectedBody>\n";
actualString = "<actualBody>"
+ (responseBody != null ? new String(responseBody)
: "null") + "</actualBody>\n";
return false;
return true;
* Replaces any |client.ip| and || parameter marks with the host
* and IP values of the host upon which Watchdog is running.
* @param request
* An HTTP request.
String replaceMarkers(String req, Socket socket) {
final String CLIENT_IP = "client.ip";
final String CLIENT_HOME = "";
if (localIP == null || localHost == null) {
InetAddress addr = socket.getLocalAddress();
localHost = addr.getHostName();
localIP = addr.getHostAddress();
if (req.indexOf('|') > -1) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(request, "|");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(50);
while (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
String token = tok.nextToken();
if (token.equals(CLIENT_IP)) {
} else if (token.equals(CLIENT_HOME)) {
} else {
return sb.toString();
} else {
return req;
* <code>getExpectedResult</code> returns a byte array containing the
* content of the configured goldenfile
* @return goldenfile as a byte[]
* @exception IOException
* if an error occurs
private byte[] getExpectedResult() throws IOException {
byte[] expResult = { 'N', 'O', ' ', 'G', 'O', 'L', 'D', 'E', 'N', 'F',
'I', 'L', 'E', ' ', 'F', 'O', 'U', 'N', 'D' };
try {
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(
return readBody(in);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Golden file not found: " + goldenFile);
return expResult;
* <code>compare</code> compares the two byte arrays passed in to verify
* that the lengths of the arrays are equal, and that the content of the two
* arrays, byte for byte are equal.
* @param fromServer
* a <code>byte[]</code> value
* @param fromGoldenFile
* a <code>byte[]</code> value
* @return <code>boolean</code> true if equal, otherwise false
private boolean compare(byte[] fromServer, byte[] fromGoldenFile) {
if (fromServer == null || fromGoldenFile == null) {
return false;
* Check to see that the respose and golden file lengths are equal. If
* they are not, dump the hex and don't bother comparing the bytes. If
* they are equal, iterate through the byte arrays and compare each
* byte. If the bytes don't match, dump the hex representation of the
* server response and the goldenfile and return false.
if (fromServer.length != fromGoldenFile.length) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(50);
sb.append(" Response and golden files lengths do not match!\n");
sb.append(" Server response length: ");
sb.append("\n Goldenfile length: ");
sb = null;
// dump the hex representation of the byte arrays
dumpHex(fromServer, fromGoldenFile);
return false;
} else {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while ((i < fromServer.length) && (j < fromGoldenFile.length)) {
if (fromServer[i] != fromGoldenFile[j]) {
resultOut.append("\n Error at position " + (i + 1));
// dump the hex representation of the byte arrays
dumpHex(fromServer, fromGoldenFile);
return false;
return true;
* <code>compareWeak</code> creates new Strings from the passed arrays and
* then uses a StringTokenizer to compare non-whitespace tokens.
* @param fromServer
* a <code>byte[]</code> value
* @param fromGoldenFile
* a <code>byte[]</code> value
* @return a <code>boolean</code> value
private boolean compareWeak(byte[] fromServer, byte[] fromGoldenFile) {
if (fromServer == null || fromGoldenFile == null) {
return false;
boolean status = true;
String server = new String(fromServer);
String golden = new String(fromGoldenFile);
StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(server);
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(golden);
while (st1.hasMoreTokens() && st2.hasMoreTokens()) {
String tok1 = st1.nextToken();
String tok2 = st2.nextToken();
if (!tok1.equals(tok2)) {
resultOut.append("\t FAIL*** : Rtok1 = " + tok1 + ", Etok2 = "
+ tok2);
status = false;
if (st1.hasMoreTokens() || st2.hasMoreTokens()) {
status = false;
if (!status) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(255);
.append("ERROR: Server's response and configured goldenfile do not match!\n");
sb.append("Response received from server:\n");
sb.append("\nContent of Goldenfile:\n");
return status;
* <code>readBody</code> reads the body of the response from the
* InputStream.
* @param input
* an <code>InputStream</code>
* @return a <code>byte[]</code> representation of the response
private byte[] readBody(InputStream input) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(255);
while (true) {
try {
int ch =;
if (ch < 0) {
if (sb.length() == 0) {
return (null);
} else {
sb.append((char) ch);
} catch (IOException ex) {
return null;
return sb.toString().getBytes();
* <code>setHeaderDetails</code> Wrapper method for parseHeader. Allows easy
* addition of headers to the specified HashMap
* @param line
* a <code>String</code> value
* @param headerMap
* a <code>HashMap</code> value
* @param isRequest
* a <code>boolean</code> indicating if the passed Header HashMap
* is for request headers
void setHeaderDetails(String line, HashMap headerHash, boolean isRequest) {
StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(line, "##");
while (stk.hasMoreElements()) {
String presentHeader = stk.nextToken();
parseHeader(presentHeader, headerHash, isRequest);
* <code>parseHeader</code> parses input headers in format of "key:value"
* The parsed header field-name will be used as a key in the passed HashMap
* object, and the values found will be stored in an ArrayList associated
* with the field-name key.
* @param line
* String representation of an HTTP header line.
* @param headers
* a<code>HashMap</code> to store key/value header objects.
* @param isRequest
* set to true if the headers being processed are requestHeaders.
void parseHeader(String line, HashMap headerMap, boolean isRequest) {
// Parse the header name and value
int colon = line.indexOf(":");
if (colon < 0) {
.append("\n ERROR: Header is in incorrect format: " + line);
String name = line.substring(0, colon).trim();
String value = line.substring(colon + 1).trim();
if ((cookieVector != null) && (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie"))) {
* if ( ( value.indexOf("JSESSIONID") > -1 ) ||
* (value.indexOf("jsessionid") > -1 ) ) { String sessionId=
* value.substring( value.indexOf("=")+1); if ( testSession != null
* ) { sessionHash.put( testSession, sessionId ); }
* System.out.println("Got Session-ID : " + sessionId ); }
// System.out.println("HEADER: " +name + " " + value);
ArrayList values = (ArrayList) headerMap.get(name);
if (values == null) {
values = new ArrayList();
if (value.indexOf(',') > -1 && !isRequest
&& !name.equalsIgnoreCase("Date")) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
} else {
headerMap.put(name, values);
* <code>dumpHex</code> helper method to dump formatted hex output of the
* server response and the goldenfile.
* @param serverResponse
* a <code>byte[]</code> value
* @param goldenFile
* a <code>byte[]</code> value
private void dumpHex(byte[] serverResponse, byte[] goldenFile) {
StringBuffer outBuf = new StringBuffer(
(serverResponse.length + goldenFile.length) * 2);
String fromServerString = Hex.getHexDump(serverResponse, 0,
serverResponse.length, true);
String fromGoldenFileString = Hex.getHexDump(goldenFile, 0,
goldenFile.length, true);
.append(" Hex dump of server response and goldenfile below.\n\n### RESPONSE FROM SERVER ###\n");
outBuf.append("\n\n### GOLDEN FILE ###\n");
outBuf.append("\n\n### END OF DUMP ###\n");
* <code>cloneHeaders</code> returns a "cloned" HashMap of the map passed
* in.
* @param map
* a <code>HashMap</code> value
* @return a <code>HashMap</code> value
private HashMap cloneHeaders(HashMap map) {
HashMap dupMap = new HashMap();
Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key = new String((String);
ArrayList origValues = (ArrayList) map.get(key);
ArrayList dupValues = new ArrayList();
String[] dupVal = (String[]) origValues
.toArray(new String[origValues.size()]);
for (int i = 0; i < dupVal.length; i++) {
dupValues.add(new String(dupVal[i]));
dupMap.put(key, dupValues);
return dupMap;