Gremlin-Go Design


Gremlin-Go, named gremlingo as a package, consists of two main groups of entities at a high level: Driver-related and Gremlin-related entities.


Driver-related entities are used to handle the processing, parsing, and sending of Gremlin traversal queries. They are also responsible for deserializing responses from a Gremlin Server and the API for consuming the responses.

The entities are as follows, from the highest level to the lowest:


A Client represents the entry point to interaction with a Gremlin-supported server. A URL parameter is required for construction, with additional configuration options such as HTTP headers and TLS configuration available.

The Client has two main responsibilities:

  • Handles initialization and configuration.
  • Handles creation and allocation (i.e. pooling) of connection types.
  • One connection (as of milestone 3).
    • Will own multiple connections with eventual connection pooling logic.
Lifecycle and States
  • The Client does not track or have any real state.
  • However, Close() can be invoked on a Client in order to close any instances of connection that it owns.
	class Client
	Client: connection *connection
	Client: NewClient(host, configurations) Client
	Client: Close()
	Client: Submit(traversal) ResultSet
	Client: submit(bytecode) ResultSet
	User->>gremlingo: NewClient()
	gremlingo-->>User: *Client
	User->>Client: Submit()
	Client-->>User: ResultSet


A connection represents an individual communication component with a Gremlin Server. A connection has the sole responsibility of being the representation of a communication channel to a Gremlin Server, providing the interface for sending requests to said server, as well as holding response ResultSet instances to consume responses asynchronously until they are consumed.

  • One protocol
  • Multiple temporary instances of ResultSet
Lifecycle and States
  • States
    • initialized
    • established
    • closed
    • closedDueToError
  • When close() is invoked, set the state to closed and also invoke close() on the protocol.
	class connection
	connection: protocol *protocol
	connection: results "map[string]ResultSet"
	connection: state connectionState
	connection: close()
	connection: createConnection(host)
	connection: write(request) ResultSet
	Client->>connection: write()
	connection->>protocol: write(ResultSet)
	protocol-->>connection: ResultSet
	loop Readloop
		protocol->>protocol: Async population of ResultSet
	connection-->>Client: ResultSet


The protocol entity handles invoking serialization and deserialization of data, as well as handling the lifecycle of raw data passed to and received from the transporter layer. Upon creation, an instance of protocol starts a goroutine to asynchronously read and populate data into a ResultSet that is owned by the parent connection.

  • One transporter
  • One serializer
Lifecycle and States
  • States
    • closed bool
  • When close() is invoked, set the closed boolean to true which will terminate the goroutine used for asynchronously reading, and invoke close() on the transporter.
	class protocol
	protocol: transporter *transporter
	protocol: serializer *serializer
	protocol: close()
	protocol: write(request)
	protocol: readLoop(map[string]ResultSet)
	connection->>protocol: write(request)
	protocol->>serializer: serializeMessage(request)
	serializer-->>protocol: bytes
	protocol->>transporter: Write(bytes)
	transporter-->>protocol: response
	protocol->>serializer: deserializeMessage(response)
	serializer-->>protocol: population of ResultSet
	protocol-->>connection: population of ResultSet


A serializer is responsible for translating the traversal into binary format for sending and vice versa for receiving data from a Gremlin server. It is also responsible for identifying the data types of arguments and responses to properly delegate them to the appropriate internal type serializer.

  • N/A
Lifecycle and States
  • N/A
	class serializer
	serializer: serializeMessage(request) []byte
	serializer: deserializeMessage([]byte) response


The transporter is an interface that describes the lowest-level methods that are required for sending and receiving requests, which implementing types are ones that are implementations of network protocols. The default implementation used for Gremlin-Go is Gorilla WebSocket, a Go implementation of the WebSocket protocol.

Cardinalities (Gorilla)
  • None
Lifecycle and States
  • The transporter interface requires method close(), which closes the network protocol depending on its implementation.
	class transporter
	transporter: Connect()
	transporter: Write([]byte)
	transporter: Read([]byte)
	transporter: Close()
	transporter: IsClosed() bool


A Result represents an individual output from a Gremlin traversal query. Its interface provides the ability to transform the output into Go data types for use.

  • N/A

Lifecycle and States

  • N/A
	class Result
	Result: GetString() string
	Result: GetInt() int
	Result: GetByte() byte
	Result: Get...() ...


A ResultSet is the immediate output of executing a Gremlin traversal. It contains a set of the individual Result types. ResultSet is populated asynchronously by a goroutine and thus also handles the providing of Result as they are available transparently to the user.

  • One or more Result
Lifecycle and States
  • States

    • closed bool
  • ResultSet has method Close() which can be used to stop the asynchronous generation of Result if it is no longer required. Sets closed to true.

	class ResultSet
	ResultSet: GetAggregateTo() string
	ResultSet: GetStatusAttributes() map[string]interface{}
	ResultSet: GetAggregateTo() string
	ResultSet: GetRequestID() string
	ResultSet: IsEmpty() bool
	ResultSet: Close()
	ResultSet: Channel() chan
	ResultSet: All() []Result
	ResultSet: GetError() error


Gremlin-related entities are for the purpose of enabling the Gremlin query language to be used programmatically in Go. They responsible for integration with the Driver components, as well as translating the query language to a format that can be sent and consumed by a Gremlin-supported server. Most importantly, these entities are what allow the actual writing of Gremlin traversals in Go.


A DriverRemoteConnection is an entity that represents a connection to a remote Gremlin Server, and is consumed as a parameter when creating a traversal. It wraps a Client in order to provide the proper context and interface for a traversal to communicate with the Driver-related entities. Like the Client, it can take in configuration, which is passed through to the Client it owns.

  • One Client
Lifecycle and States
  • DriverRemoteConnection does not keep track of state, but it exports method Close() which invokes Close() on the Client it owns.
	class DriverRemoteConnection
	DriverRemoteConnection: client *Client
	DriverRemoteConnection: NewDriverRemoteConnection(host, configurations) DriverRemoteConnection
	DriverRemoteConnection: Close()
	DriverRemoteConnection: Submit(traversal) ResultSet
	DriverRemoteConnection: SubmitBytecode(bytecode) ResultSet
	User->>gremlingo: NewDriverRemoteConnection()
	gremlingo-->>User: DriverRemoteConnection
	User->>Traversal_: WithRemote(DriverRemoteConnection)
	Traversal_-->>User: g GraphTraversal
	User->>GraphTraversal: g.V()...
	GraphTraversal->>DriverRemoteConnection: bytecode
	DriverRemoteConnection->>Client: SubmitBytecode(bytecode)
	Client-->>DriverRemoteConnection: ResultSet
	DriverRemoteConnection-->>GraphTraversal: ResultSet
	GraphTraversal-->>User: ResultSet


The GraphTraversal is the programmatic representation of a Gremlin traversal. It is the entity that methods are invoked and chained off of to build a traversal.

  • One bytecode
Lifecycle and States
  • As a programmatic representation of a traversal, this is not applicable.
	class GraphTraversal
	GraphTraversal: bytecode *bytecode
	GraphTraversal: V() GraphTraversal
	GraphTraversal: AddE() GraphTraversal
	GraphTraversal: AddV() GraphTraversal
	GraphTraversal: GremlinSteps...() GraphTraversal


bytecode is the byte representation of a traversal that a Gremlin Server consumes and understands. Each GraphTraversal owns one of these, and builds it up to represent the GraphTraversal.

  • N/A
Lifecycle and States
  • N/A


For a list of driver-side errors that may occur and common fixes, see: