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Migrating Tiles configuration files
{Reusing old Tiles configuration files}
With Tiles 2.1 and 2.2 it is possible to use old Struts-Tiles definition files, since
1.1 version.
To use this feature it is needed to:
* include the <<<tiles-compat-xxx.jar>>> package in the classpath;
* configure the compatibility definitions reader instance, that is able to
read old definition files.
* Configuration
Override the
method this way:
protected DefinitionsReader createDefinitionsReader(Object context,
TilesApplicationContext applicationContext,
TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory) {
return new CompatibilityDigesterDefinitionsReader();
You need to add a renderer for the "page" attribute type, that is in fact the "template" type.
So override the
protected void registerAttributeRenderers(
BasicRendererFactory rendererFactory, Object context,
TilesApplicationContext applicationContext,
TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory, TilesContainer container,
AttributeEvaluator evaluator) {
super.registerAttributeRenderers(rendererFactory, context,
applicationContext, contextFactory, container, evaluator);
TemplateAttributeRenderer templateRenderer = new TemplateAttributeRenderer();
rendererFactory.registerRenderer("page", templateRenderer);
<<WARNING!!!>> Configuration with initialization parameter has been deprecated! If you
still want to use it, please refer to the
{{{../../2.1/framework/migration/configuration.html}2.1 version of this page}}.
Tiles configuration files translation
A better, and more powerful, choice is to rewrite the definition files, to use
the new features of Tiles 2.1.
Most of XML elements and attributes can be translated one-to-one or
many-to-one without losing functionality from the 1.1-1.3 to the 2.1 DTD
* Header
The new header to be put in your Tiles definitions files is:
<!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 2.1//EN"
* Definitions attributes
| <<Struts-Tiles>> | <<Apache Tiles\u0099>> |
| <<<\<component-definitions\>>>> | <<<\<tiles-definitions\>>>> |
| <<<\<tiles-definitions\>>>> | |
| <<<page>>> | <<<template>>> |
| <<<path>>> | |
| <<<template>>> | |
| <<<controllerClass>>> | <<<preparer>>> [1] |
| <<<controllerUrl>>> | |
* \[1\] The default behaviour of <<<preparer>>> is to create and use a
single instance of the specified class. Anyway it is still possible to use a
URL as a preparer under a Struts 1 environment by using the
{{{}Struts 1 - Apache Tiles\u0099}}
integration module, still under development.
* Putting and adding attributes values
The <<<page>>> attribute type has been removed, use <<<template>>> instead.
The rest of the conversion is in the table below.
| <<Struts-Tiles>> | <<Apache Tiles\u0099>> |
| <<<\<put\>>>> | <<<\<put-attribute\>>>> |
| <<<\<putList\>>>> | <<<\<put-list-attribute\>>>> |
| <<<\<add\>>>> | <<<\<add-attribute\>>>> [2] |
| | <<<\<add-list-attribute\>>>> [3] |
| <<<content>>> | <<<value>>> |
| <<<value>>> | |
| <<<direct="true">>> | <<<type="string">>> |
* \[2\] <<<\<add-attribute\>>>> is used when it is needed to add a single
attribute to a list attribute.
* \[3\] <<<\<add-list-attribute\>>>> is used when it is needed to a list
attribute as an element of another list attribute.
* Previous Migration Pages
** {{{./index.html}Introduction }}
* Next Migration Pages
** {{{./tags.html}Tiles JSP tags}}
** {{{./apis.html}Java APIs considerations}}.
** {{{./extension.html}Tiles extensions}}.