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Creating a generic tag library with Autotag
Creating a generic tag library
A generic tag library is a jar file including the classes that implement
the tags and a library descriptor <<<META-INF/template-suite.xml>>>, that can be used by
Autotag to build specific tag libraries for Freemarker, JSP, and Velocity.
The structure of the library descriptor is rather complex; fortunately
Autotag can generate it for you by parsing the sources.
* The tag class
A tag in the library can be implemented by any java class that fits the following requirements:
* The class name ends with <<<Model>>>.
* It has a public, non-static, non-abstract method called <<<execute>>>.
* The <<<execute>>> method returns <<<void>>>.
* The parameters of the <<<execute>>> method are as follows:
** the first parameters may be anything you want; at runtime they will contain the values
assigned to the attributes of the tag in the template. Those parameters may be annotated with
<<<org.apache.tiles.autotag.core.runtime.annotation.Parameter>>> in order to specify the name of
the attribute, the default value, or to make the parameter mandatory.
** then, one parameter of type <<<org.apache.tiles.request.Request>>>.
** and finally, one optional parameter of type <<<org.apache.tiles.autotag.core.runtime.ModelBody>>>;
at runtime it will contain the contents of the tag in the template.
For instance:
public class MyTagModel {
public void execute(
@Parameter(required=true) String mandatoryParam,
String optionalParam,
Request request,
ModelBody body) {
* Generating the library descriptor
the library descriptor can be generated using the create-descriptor goal of maven-autotag-plugin.
** Configuration reference
[name] is the name of the tag library (for instance: <<<tiles>>>). It will be used for naming a
number of generated files.
[documentation] is a documentation that will be included in the library descriptor, and then
later in the appropriate artefacts when generating the taglibs.
[includes] specifies what source files should be included, defaults to <<<**/*>>>.
It follows the usual conventions in maven.
[excludes] specifies what source files should be included, defaults to nothing.
It follows the usual conventions in maven.
[outputDirectory] specifies where to put the generated files, defaults to