| # Docker Integration # |
| |
| Due to the large number of languages supported by Apache Thrift, |
| docker containers are used to build and test the project on a |
| variety of platforms to provide maximum test coverage. |
| |
| ## Appveyor Integration ## |
| |
| At this time the Appveyor scripts do not use docker containers. |
| Once Microsoft supports Visual Studio Build Tools running inside |
| nano containers (instead of Core, which is huge) then we will |
| consider using containers for the Windows builds as well. |
| |
| ## Travis CI Integration ## |
| |
| The Travis CI scripts use the following environment variables and |
| logic to determine their behavior: |
| |
| ### Environment Variables ### |
| |
| | Variable | Default | Usage | |
| | -------- | ----- | ------- | |
| | `DISTRO` | `ubuntu-bionic` | Set by various build jobs in `.travis.yml` to run builds in different containers. Not intended to be set externally.| |
| | `DOCKER_REPO` | `thrift/thrift-build` | The name of the Docker Hub repository to obtain and store docker images. | |
| | `DOCKER_USER` | `<none>` | The Docker Hub account name containing the repository. | |
| | `DOCKER_PASS` | `<none>` | The Docker Hub account password to use when pushing new tags. | |
| |
| For example, the default docker image that is used in builds if no overrides are specified would be: `thrift/thrift-build:ubuntu-bionic` |
| |
| ### Forks ### |
| |
| If you have forked the Apache Thrift repository and you would like |
| to use your own Docker Hub account to store thrift build images, |
| you can use the Travis CI web interface to set the `DOCKER_USER`, |
| `DOCKER_PASS`, and `DOCKER_REPO` variables in a secure manner. |
| Your fork builds will then pull, push, and tag the docker images |
| in your account. |
| |
| ### Logic ### |
| |
| The Travis CI build runs in two phases - first the docker images are rebuilt |
| for each of the supported containers if they do not match the Dockerfile that |
| was used to build the most recent tag. If a `DOCKER_PASS` environment |
| variable is specified, the docker stage builds will attempt to log into |
| Docker Hub and push the resulting tags. |
| |
| ## Supported Containers ## |
| |
| The Travis CI (continuous integration) builds use the Ubuntu Bionic |
| (18.04 LTS) and Xenial (16.04 LTS) images to maximize language level |
| coverage. |
| |
| ### Ubuntu ### |
| |
| * bionic (stable, current) |
| * artful (previous stable) |
| * xenial (legacy) |
| |
| ## Unsupported Containers ## |
| |
| These containers may be in various states, and may not build everything. |
| They can be found in the `old/` subdirectory. |
| |
| ### CentOS ### |
| * 7.3 |
| * make check in lib/py may hang in test_sslsocket - root cause unknown |
| |
| ### Debian ### |
| |
| * jessie |
| * stretch |
| * make check in lib/cpp fails due to https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/12507 |
| |
| ## Building like Travis CI does, locally ## |
| |
| We recommend you build locally the same way Travis CI does, so that when you |
| submit your pull request you will run into fewer surprises. To make it a |
| little easier, put the following into your `~/.bash_aliases` file: |
| |
| # Kill all running containers. |
| alias dockerkillall='docker kill $(docker ps -q)' |
| |
| # Delete all stopped containers. |
| alias dockercleanc='printf "\n>>> Deleting stopped containers\n\n" && docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)' |
| |
| # Delete all untagged images. |
| alias dockercleani='printf "\n>>> Deleting untagged images\n\n" && docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)' |
| |
| # Delete all stopped containers and untagged images. |
| alias dockerclean='dockercleanc || true && dockercleani' |
| |
| # Build a thrift docker image (run from top level of git repo): argument #1 is image type (ubuntu, centos, etc). |
| function dockerbuild |
| { |
| docker build -t $1 build/docker/$1 |
| } |
| |
| # Run a thrift docker image: argument #1 is image type (ubuntu, centos, etc). |
| function dockerrun |
| { |
| docker run -v $(pwd):/thrift/src -it $1 /bin/bash |
| } |
| |
| Then, to pull down the current image being used to build (the same way |
| Travis CI does it) - if it is out of date in any way it will build a |
| new one for you: |
| |
| thrift$ DOCKER_REPO=thrift/thrift-build DISTRO=ubuntu-bionic build/docker/refresh.sh |
| |
| To run all unit tests (just like Travis CI does): |
| |
| thrift$ dockerrun thrift/thrift-build:ubuntu-bionic |
| root@8caf56b0ce7b:/thrift/src# build/docker/scripts/autotools.sh |
| |
| To run the cross tests (just like Travis CI does): |
| |
| thrift$ dockerrun thrift/thrift-build:ubuntu-bionic |
| root@8caf56b0ce7b:/thrift/src# build/docker/scripts/cross-test.sh |
| |
| When you are done, you want to clean up occasionally so that docker isn't using lots of extra disk space: |
| |
| thrift$ dockerclean |
| |
| You need to run the docker commands from the root of the local clone of the |
| thrift git repository for them to work. |
| |
| When you are done in the root docker shell you can `exit` to go back to |
| your user host shell. Once the unit tests and cross test passes locally, |
| submit the changes, and if desired squash the pull request to one commit |
| to make it easier to merge (the committers can squash at commit time now |
| that GitHub is the master repository). Now you are building like Travis CI does! |
| |
| ## Raw Commands for Building with Docker ## |
| |
| If you do not want to use the same scripts Travis CI does, you can do it manually: |
| |
| Build the image: |
| |
| thrift$ docker build -t thrift build/docker/ubuntu-bionic |
| |
| Open a command prompt in the image: |
| |
| thrift$ docker run -v $(pwd):/thrift/src -it thrift /bin/bash |
| |
| ## Core Tool Versions per Dockerfile ## |
| |
| Last updated: October 1, 2017 |
| |
| | Tool | ubuntu-xenial | ubuntu-bionic | Notes | |
| | :-------- | :------------ | :------------ | :---- | |
| | ant | 1.9.6 | 1.10.3 | | |
| | autoconf | 2.69 | 2.69 | | |
| | automake | 1.15 | 1.15.1 | | |
| | bison | 3.0.4 | 3.0.4 | | |
| | boost | 1.58.0 | 1.65.1 | | |
| | cmake | 3.5.1 | 3.10.2 | | |
| | cppcheck | 1.72 | 1.82 | | |
| | flex | 2.6.0 | 2.6.4 | | |
| | libc6 | 2.23 | 2.27 | glibc | |
| | libevent | 2.0.21 | 2.1.8 | | |
| | libstdc++ | 5.4.0 | 7.3.0 | | |
| | make | 4.1 | 4.1 | | |
| | openssl | 1.0.2g | 1.1.0g | | |
| | qt5 | 5.5.1 | 5.9.5 | | |
| |
| ## Compiler/Language Versions per Dockerfile ## |
| |
| | Language | ubuntu-xenial | ubuntu-bionic | Notes | |
| | :-------- | :------------ | :------------ | :---- | |
| | as of | Mar 06, 2018 | Jul 1, 2019 | | |
| | as3 | | 4.6.0 | | |
| | C++ gcc | 5.4.0 | 7.4.0 | | |
| | C++ clang | 3.8 | 6.0 | | |
| | C# (mono) | | | | |
| | c_glib | 2.48.2 | 2.56.4 | | |
| | d | 2.087.0 | 2.087.0 | | |
| | dart | 2.0.0 | 2.4.0 | | |
| | delphi | | | Not in CI | |
| | erlang | OTP-18 | OTP-23 | | |
| | go | 1.15.10 | 1.16.2 | | |
| | haxe | 3.2.1 | 3.4.4 | THRIFT-4352: avoid 3.4.2 | |
| | java | 1.8.0_191 | 11.0.3 | | |
| | js | Node.js 6.17.1, V8, npm 3.10.10 | Node.js 10.18.0, V8, npm 6.13.4 | | |
| | lua | | 5.2.4 | Lua 5.3: see THRIFT-4386 | |
| | netstd | 6.0 | 6.0 | | |
| | nodejs | 6.16.0 | 10.16.0 | | |
| | ocaml | | 4.05.0 | THRIFT-4517: ocaml 4.02.3 on xenial appears broken | |
| | perl | 5.22.1 | 5.26.1 | | |
| | php | 7.0.32 | 7.2.19 | | |
| | python | 2.7.12 | 2.7.15 | | |
| | python3 | 3.5.2 | 3.6.8 | | |
| | ruby | 2.3.1p112 | 2.5.1p57 | | |
| | rust | 1.40.0 | 1.40.0 | | |
| | smalltalk | | | Not in CI | |
| | swift | | 5.1.4 | | |