| /* |
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| * distributed with this work for additional information |
| * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| * software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| * specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| * under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| typedef i8 mybyte |
| typedef string mystr |
| typedef binary mybin |
| |
| enum EnumFoo { |
| e1 |
| e2 |
| } |
| |
| struct BasicEqualsFoo { |
| 1: bool BoolFoo, |
| 2: optional bool OptBoolFoo, |
| 3: i8 I8Foo, |
| 4: optional i8 OptI8Foo, |
| 5: i16 I16Foo, |
| 6: optional i16 OptI16Foo, |
| 7: i32 I32Foo, |
| 8: optional i32 OptI32Foo, |
| 9: i64 I64Foo, |
| 10: optional i64 OptI64Foo, |
| 11: double DoubleFoo, |
| 12: optional double OptDoubleFoo, |
| 13: string StrFoo, |
| 14: optional string OptStrFoo, |
| 15: binary BinFoo, |
| 16: optional binary OptBinFoo, |
| 17: EnumFoo EnumFoo, |
| 18: optional EnumFoo OptEnumFoo, |
| 19: mybyte MyByteFoo, |
| 20: optional mybyte OptMyByteFoo, |
| 21: mystr MyStrFoo, |
| 22: optional mystr OptMyStrFoo, |
| 23: mybin MyBinFoo, |
| 24: optional mybin OptMyBinFoo, |
| } |
| |
| struct StructEqualsFoo { |
| 1: BasicEqualsFoo StructFoo, |
| 2: optional BasicEqualsFoo OptStructFoo, |
| } |
| |
| struct ListEqualsFoo { |
| 1: list<i64> I64ListFoo, |
| 2: optional list<i64> OptI64ListFoo, |
| 3: list<string> StrListFoo, |
| 4: optional list<string> OptStrListFoo, |
| 5: list<binary> BinListFoo, |
| 6: optional list<binary> OptBinListFoo, |
| 7: list<BasicEqualsFoo> StructListFoo, |
| 8: optional list<BasicEqualsFoo> OptStructListFoo, |
| 9: list<list<i64>> I64ListListFoo, |
| 10: optional list<list<i64>> OptI64ListListFoo, |
| 11: list<set<i64>> I64SetListFoo, |
| 12: optional list<set<i64>> OptI64SetListFoo, |
| 13: list<map<i64, string>> I64StringMapListFoo, |
| 14: optional list<map<i64, string>> OptI64StringMapListFoo, |
| 15: list<mybyte> MyByteListFoo, |
| 16: optional list<mybyte> OptMyByteListFoo, |
| 17: list<mystr> MyStrListFoo, |
| 18: optional list<mystr> OptMyStrListFoo, |
| 19: list<mybin> MyBinListFoo, |
| 20: optional list<mybin> OptMyBinListFoo, |
| } |
| |
| struct SetEqualsFoo { |
| 1: set<i64> I64SetFoo, |
| 2: optional set<i64> OptI64SetFoo, |
| 3: set<string> StrSetFoo, |
| 4: optional set<string> OptStrSetFoo, |
| 5: set<binary> BinSetFoo, |
| 6: optional set<binary> OptBinSetFoo, |
| 7: set<BasicEqualsFoo> StructSetFoo, |
| 8: optional set<BasicEqualsFoo> OptStructSetFoo, |
| 9: set<list<i64>> I64ListSetFoo, |
| 10: optional set<list<i64>> OptI64ListSetFoo, |
| 11: set<set<i64>> I64SetSetFoo, |
| 12: optional set<set<i64>> OptI64SetSetFoo, |
| 13: set<map<i64, string>> I64StringMapSetFoo, |
| 14: optional set<map<i64, string>> OptI64StringMapSetFoo, |
| 15: set<mybyte> MyByteSetFoo, |
| 16: optional set<mybyte> OptMyByteSetFoo, |
| 17: set<mystr> MyStrSetFoo, |
| 18: optional set<mystr> OptMyStrSetFoo, |
| 19: set<mybin> MyBinSetFoo, |
| 20: optional set<mybin> OptMyBinSetFoo, |
| } |
| |
| struct MapEqualsFoo { |
| 1: map<i64, string> I64StrMapFoo, |
| 2: optional map<i64, string> OptI64StrMapFoo, |
| 3: map<string, i64> StrI64MapFoo, |
| 4: optional map<string, i64> OptStrI64MapFoo, |
| 5: map<BasicEqualsFoo, binary> StructBinMapFoo, |
| 6: optional map<BasicEqualsFoo, binary> OptStructBinMapFoo, |
| 7: map<binary, BasicEqualsFoo> BinStructMapFoo, |
| 8: optional map<binary, BasicEqualsFoo> OptBinStructMapFoo, |
| 9: map<i64, list<i64>> I64I64ListMapFoo, |
| 10: optional map<i64, list<i64>> OptI64I64ListMapFoo, |
| 11: map<i64, set<i64>> I64I64SetMapFoo, |
| 12: optional map<i64, set<i64>> OptI64I64SetMapFoo, |
| 13: map<i64, map<i64, string>> I64I64StringMapMapFoo, |
| 14: optional map<i64, map<i64, string>> OptI64I64StringMapMapFoo, |
| 15: map<mystr, mybin> MyStrMyBinMapFoo, |
| 16: optional map<mystr, mybin> OptMyStrMyBinMapFoo, |
| 17: map<i64, mybyte> Int64MyByteMapFoo, |
| 18: optional map<i64, mybyte> OptInt64MyByteMapFoo, |
| 19: map<mybyte, i64> MyByteInt64MapFoo, |
| 20: optional map<mybyte, i64> OptMyByteInt64MapFoo, |
| } |