blob: acae1369a2f42bd413b89bb352d043aece466947 [file] [log] [blame]
var thrift = require('thrift');
var helloSvc = require('./gen-nodejs/HelloSvc');
//ServiceHandler: Implement the hello service
var helloHandler = {
hello_func: function (result) {
console.log("Received Hello call");
result(null, "Hello from Node.js");
//ServiceOptions: The I/O stack for the service
var helloSvcOpt = {
handler: helloHandler,
processor: helloSvc,
protocol: thrift.TJSONProtocol,
transport: thrift.TBufferedTransport
//ServerOptions: Define server features
var serverOpt = {
services: {
"/hello": helloSvcOpt
//Create and start the web server
var port = 9090;
console.log("Http/Thrift Server running on port: " + port);