Appveyor Build

Appveyor is capable of building MSVC 2010 through 2015 as well as having the latest MSYS2/MinGW 64-bit environment. It has many versions of boost and python installed as well. See what appveyor has installed on build workers.

We run a matrix build on Appveyor and build the following combinations:

  • MinGW x64 (gcc 6.3.0)
  • MSVC 2010 x86, an older boost, an older python
  • MSVC 2015 x86/x64, the latest boost, the latest python
  • MSYS2 x64 (gcc 6.3.0) - this is a work in progress

The Appveyor script takes the first four letters from the PROFILE specified in the environment stanza and runs these scripts in order:

????-appveyor-install.bat will install third party libraries and set up the environment ????-appveyor-build.bat will build with cmake ????-appveyor-test.bat will run ctest